Data Collection Format “Process Description”

Describe one of the following activities to your dialogue partner by giving step-by-step instructions.

Transcripts for the Data Collection Format “Process Description”

1413623-… ber01 18-30m
4181236 ber01 18-30m
4181239 ber01 18-30m
4303462 ber01 18-30m
1418836-… ber07 31-45m
1419277 ber09 18-30f
1245154-… fra03 31-60m
1245834 fra09 31-45m
1246903 fra14 31-45f
1247331 fra16 31-60f
1249074 goe08 18-30f
1249280-… goe09 46+f
1180558-… hb02 46-60f
1181014 hb04 18-45f
1177704-… hh04 46-60m
1427737 koe03 18-30mf
1428821-… koe08 31-45m
1429044 koe09 18-30f
1429910-… koe13 61+mf
1584329-… lei10 31-45m
1290705-… mst06 18-45m
1292262 mst13 46-60mf
1292716 mst15 31-45f
1205951 mue11 31-45f
1249965-… mvp02 31-45mf
1250200 mvp03 18-30mf
1187218 nue06 31-45f
1176410 sh02 18-30f
4181243 sh02 18-30f
4181246 sh02 18-30f
1181240-… stu09 18-45m


DIYBicycle 1428821-… koe08 31-45m
Bicycle Inner Tube Repair 4303462 ber01 18-30m
Car 1584329-… lei10 31-45m
Making Jam 1418836-… ber07 31-45m
Oil Change 1290705-… mst06 18-45m
Tire Change 4181236 ber01 18-30m
Family and RelativesChildren 1181240-… stu09 18-45m
Getting Child Ready 1419277 ber09 18-30f
1245834 fra09 31-45m
Festivity, Celebration, PartyBBQ 1177704-… hh04 46-60m
Christmas 1180558-… hb02 46-60f
4181243 sh02 18-30f
Food and BeverageBBQ 1177704-… hh04 46-60m
Baking Cake 1246903 fra14 31-45f
1247331 fra16 31-60f
1181014 hb04 18-45f
1249965-… mvp02 31-45mf
1176410 sh02 18-30f
Cooking 1245154-… fra03 31-60m
1427737 koe03 18-30mf
1429044 koe09 18-30f
1292262 mst13 46-60mf
1292716 mst15 31-45f
1250200 mvp03 18-30mf
Personal Hygiene, Health, IllnessBlood Donation 1187218 nue06 31-45f
Dyeing Hair 1413623-… ber01 18-30m
1249074 goe08 18-30f
ReligionChristmas 1180558-… hb02 46-60f
4181243 sh02 18-30f
Science and TechnologyComputer Virus 4181239 ber01 18-30m
Vacation, Free Time, TravelingGardening 1249280-… goe09 46+f
Going-out 1205951 mue11 31-45f
Plane Trip 1429910-… koe13 61+mf
Work and ProfessionOrdering Goods 4181246 sh02 18-30f