License Conditions for Movies, Pictures, Annotations, and Metadata on this Site
The DGS (German Sign Language) Corpus has been produced for two reasons, as a language resource for research, and as a contribution to cultural heritage of the sign language community.
Parts of this corpus are made available on this site for linguistic research. You may download and use the material for this sole purpose.
We ask you to cite corresponding DGS-Korpus publications if you publish your research based on this material.
If you want to cite the dataset itself, please find the citation data here.
For any kind of research, other applications, or the need of higher-resolution videos or birds-eye camera views, please contact us under info (at)
We would be grateful if you also use this address to report any errors you find in the annotation data. If your research creates additional annotation, we would appreciate if you could share that annotation with us. Thank you!
Finally we would be happy to receive references to publications or exam papers using our corpus data in one way or another. In order to cite individual transcripts or type data, please use the DOIs shown on the respective web pages. By clicking on any DOI, you not only get a list of all versions of that transcript or type already published, but also find a version-independent DOI always referring to the latest version published of that transcript or type.