Data Collection Format “Subject Areas”

Watch the pictures and tell your dialogue partner anything which comes to your mind by looking at them.

6 pictures: international flags, Reichstag, Obama, election results as pie diagram, Helmut Kohl, Angela Merkel, ticking a box on a voting slip
  • Stimuli: various photographs and drawings representing subject areas for stimulating the informants’ associations
  • Target: terms on 25 subject areas to cover the basic vocabulary in DGS; conversation
  • Uses in other corpora: References in the Sign Language Dataset Compendium

Transcripts for the Data Collection Format “Subject Areas”

1414503 ber05 61+f
1419265 ber09 18-30f
1245356 fra04 61+m
1245820 fra09 31-45m
1247525 goe01 61+mf
1248400 goe05 31-60m
1180556 hb02 46-60f
1180097 hb07 18-30m
1176624 hh01 61+m
1177702 hh04 46-60m
1427725 koe03 18-30mf
1428805 koe08 31-45m
1583214 lei05 61+f
1583882 lei08 46-60f
1291572 mst10 46-60f
1292458 mst14 18-30m
1210763 mue04 18-30mf
1205503 mue09 46+f
1249951 mvp02 31-45mf
1250646 mvp05 61+mf
1184367 nue02 61+f
1179389 sh01 18-30m
1179390-… sh01 18-30m
1176846 sh03 46+f
1182343 stu13 31-45f
1182801 stu16 31-45mf


Cinema, Theatre, Museum, Art 1184367 nue02 61+f
Cinema 1184367 nue02 61+f
Culture 1419265 ber09 18-30f
1210763 mue04 18-30mf
1184367 nue02 61+f
Museum 1184367 nue02 61+f
Theatre 1184367 nue02 61+f
City and Country 1292458 mst14 18-30m
Baltic Sea 1249951 mvp02 31-45mf
Berlin 1292458 mst14 18-30m
Europe 1292458 mst14 18-30m
Home(land) 1292458 mst14 18-30m
Rural Exodus 1292458 mst14 18-30m
USA 1292458 mst14 18-30m
Clothing and Fashion 1292458 mst14 18-30m
Fashion 1427725 koe03 18-30mf
Communication 1245356 fra04 61+m
Communication with Hard-of-hearing People 1245356 fra04 61+m
Communication with Hearing People 1414503 ber05 61+f
1245356 fra04 61+m
1428805 koe08 31-45m
1205503 mue09 46+f
1184367 nue02 61+f
Emergency Call 1414503 ber05 61+f
Fax Machine 1414503 ber05 61+f
Interpreter Funding 1245820 fra09 31-45m
Interpreting 1414503 ber05 61+f
1245820 fra09 31-45m
Kaspar Hauser Experiment 1205503 mue09 46+f
Means of Communication 1583882 lei08 46-60f
PC 1583214 lei05 61+f
Subtitles 1184367 nue02 61+f
Deaf Culture 1184367 nue02 61+f
Association of the Deaf 1245820 fra09 31-45m
Light Alarm Clock 1180556 hb02 46-60f
Economy 1248400 goe05 31-60m
1180556 hb02 46-60f
1179390-… sh01 18-30m
Economy Crisis 1179389 sh01 18-30m
1182801 stu16 31-45mf
Energy-saving Light Bulb 1180556 hb02 46-60f
Gas Price 1180556 hb02 46-60f
Energy and EnvironmentClimate Change 1583214 lei05 61+f
1249951 mvp02 31-45mf
Energy-saving Light Bulb 1180556 hb02 46-60f
Environmental Policy 1180556 hb02 46-60f
Nuclear Energy 1248400 goe05 31-60m
Family and Relatives 1292458 mst14 18-30m
Children 1245356 fra04 61+m
Family 1245356 fra04 61+m
1205503 mue09 46+f
1176846 sh03 46+f
Festivity, Celebration, PartyBirthday 1176846 sh03 46+f
Celebration 1245356 fra04 61+m
1176846 sh03 46+f
Christmas 1176846 sh03 46+f
New Year's Eve 1176846 sh03 46+f
Wedding 1419265 ber09 18-30f
1176846 sh03 46+f
Finances 1414503 ber05 61+f
1182801 stu16 31-45mf
Bank 1414503 ber05 61+f
1179389 sh01 18-30m
D-Mark 1182801 stu16 31-45mf
Euro 1177702 hh04 46-60m
1182801 stu16 31-45mf
Hartz IV 1179390-… sh01 18-30m
1182801 stu16 31-45mf
Income 1182801 stu16 31-45mf
Insurance 1414503 ber05 61+f
Integration Office 1245820 fra09 31-45m
Interpreter Funding 1245820 fra09 31-45m
Minimum Wage 1179390-… sh01 18-30m
Money 1414503 ber05 61+f
Online Banking 1182801 stu16 31-45mf
Pension Insurance 1182801 stu16 31-45mf
Pension Plan 1182801 stu16 31-45mf
Pension and Retirement 1414503 ber05 61+f
Food and Beverage 1428805 koe08 31-45m
1210763 mue04 18-30mf
1250646 mvp05 61+mf
Beer 1250646 mvp05 61+mf
Cooking 1176624 hh01 61+m
GDR 1250646 mvp05 61+mf
Awards 1250646 mvp05 61+mf
Honecker 1250646 mvp05 61+mf
Monday Demonstration (1989) 1250646 mvp05 61+mf
Stasi(Secret Police) 1250646 mvp05 61+mf
House and ApartmentApartment 1177702 hh04 46-60m
1176846 sh03 46+f
Cats 1583214 lei05 61+f
1176846 sh03 46+f
Pets 1583214 lei05 61+f
Information and EntertainmentWeather Forecast 1249951 mvp02 31-45mf
Law and Legislation 1245820 fra09 31-45m
Nature 1428805 koe08 31-45m
Climate Change 1583214 lei05 61+f
1249951 mvp02 31-45mf
Period of Life 1292458 mst14 18-30m
Age 1292458 mst14 18-30m
Childhood 1245356 fra04 61+m
Schooldays 1182343 stu13 31-45f
Youth 1245356 fra04 61+m
Personal Hygiene, Health, Illness 1428805 koe08 31-45m
Beauty Pageant 1427725 koe03 18-30mf
Cancer 1428805 koe08 31-45m
Doctor's Visit 1414503 ber05 61+f
Illness 1414503 ber05 61+f
1428805 koe08 31-45m
Mental Disorder 1205503 mue09 46+f
Smoking 1250646 mvp05 61+mf
Surgery 1428805 koe08 31-45m
Politics 1583214 lei05 61+f
1250646 mvp05 61+mf
1179390-… sh01 18-30m
Arab Spring 1248400 goe05 31-60m
Association of the Deaf 1245820 fra09 31-45m
Deaf Politics 1248400 goe05 31-60m
Demographic Change 1292458 mst14 18-30m
Election 1248400 goe05 31-60m
1250646 mvp05 61+mf
Environmental Policy 1180556 hb02 46-60f
Honecker 1250646 mvp05 61+mf
Middle East Conflict 1583214 lei05 61+f
Monday Demonstration (1989) 1250646 mvp05 61+mf
Obama 1248400 goe05 31-60m
USA 1292458 mst14 18-30m
Relationship, Love and SexualityBaby 1205503 mue09 46+f
Emotions 1205503 mue09 46+f
Love 1205503 mue09 46+f
Marriage 1419265 ber09 18-30f
Relationship 1419265 ber09 18-30f
Sexuality 1419265 ber09 18-30f
Wedding 1419265 ber09 18-30f
1176846 sh03 46+f
Religion 1291572 mst10 46-60f
Bible 1291572 mst10 46-60f
Christmas 1176846 sh03 46+f
Judaism 1419265 ber09 18-30f
Religion in Japan 1291572 mst10 46-60f
Religious Education 1291572 mst10 46-60f
School and Education 1182343 stu13 31-45f
Schooldays 1182343 stu13 31-45f
Theatre 1184367 nue02 61+f
Science and TechnologyPC 1583214 lei05 61+f
Sign LanguageInterpreter Funding 1245820 fra09 31-45m
Interpreting 1414503 ber05 61+f
1245820 fra09 31-45m
Society 1427725 koe03 18-30mf
Beauty Pageant 1427725 koe03 18-30mf
Crime 1414503 ber05 61+f
1583214 lei05 61+f
1205503 mue09 46+f
Demographic Change 1292458 mst14 18-30m
Hartz IV 1179390-… sh01 18-30m
1182801 stu16 31-45mf
Hearing-Deaf 1184367 nue02 61+f
Kaspar Hauser Experiment 1205503 mue09 46+f
The 1920's 1427725 koe03 18-30mf
Traditions 1176846 sh03 46+f
UN Disability Rights Convention 1245820 fra09 31-45m
Unemployment 1179390-… sh01 18-30m
Sports and Games 1428805 koe08 31-45m
Card Games 1247525 goe01 61+mf
Deaflympics 2009 in Taipei 1210763 mue04 18-30mf
Doping 1247525 goe01 61+mf
Nordic Walking 1247525 goe01 61+mf
Running 1247525 goe01 61+mf
Skiing 1247525 goe01 61+mf
1249951 mvp02 31-45mf
Soccer 1247525 goe01 61+mf
Sports 1210763 mue04 18-30mf
Swimming 1247525 goe01 61+mf
Statute and LawCrime 1414503 ber05 61+f
1583214 lei05 61+f
1205503 mue09 46+f
Integration Office 1245820 fra09 31-45m
Legal Action 1245820 fra09 31-45m
Monday Demonstration (1989) 1250646 mvp05 61+mf
Police 1414503 ber05 61+f
UN Disability Rights Convention 1245820 fra09 31-45m
Terror, War, CatastrophesFire Department 1414503 ber05 61+f
Storm 1249951 mvp02 31-45mf
Traffic 1292458 mst14 18-30m
1249951 mvp02 31-45mf
Car 1180556 hb02 46-60f
1250646 mvp05 61+mf
Driving Test 1180097 hb07 18-30m
Vacation, Free Time, TravelingAbroad 1292458 mst14 18-30m
Berlin 1292458 mst14 18-30m
China 1248400 goe05 31-60m
Disneyland 1210763 mue04 18-30mf
Free Time 1210763 mue04 18-30mf
1249951 mvp02 31-45mf
Havana 1210763 mue04 18-30mf
Japan 1210763 mue04 18-30mf
Lanzarote 1210763 mue04 18-30mf
Ocean 1249951 mvp02 31-45mf
Pyramids 1184367 nue02 61+f
Tokyo 1210763 mue04 18-30mf
Traveling 1292458 mst14 18-30m
1210763 mue04 18-30mf
1249951 mvp02 31-45mf
Vacation 1210763 mue04 18-30mf
1249951 mvp02 31-45mf
Weather 1249951 mvp02 31-45mf
Blizzard 1249951 mvp02 31-45mf
Seasons 1249951 mvp02 31-45mf
Storm 1249951 mvp02 31-45mf
Weather Forecast 1249951 mvp02 31-45mf
Winter 1249951 mvp02 31-45mf
Work and ProfessionAdministration 1414503 ber05 61+f
Fire Department 1414503 ber05 61+f
Income 1182801 stu16 31-45mf
Minimum Wage 1179390-… sh01 18-30m
One-Euro Job 1179390-… sh01 18-30m
1182801 stu16 31-45mf
Pension Insurance 1182801 stu16 31-45mf
Pension and Retirement 1414503 ber05 61+f
Profession 1250646 mvp05 61+mf
Unemployment 1179390-… sh01 18-30m
Work 1179390-… sh01 18-30m