Data Collection Format “Free Conversation”

The moderator will leave the room for 15 minutes. Please feel free to chat with your dialogue partner. The cameras will continue recording.

Transcripts for the Data Collection Format “Free Conversation”

1413703 ber02 46-60m
1419610-… ber11 46+mf
2025500 ber13 31-60mf
1244796 fra02 31-45m
1212218 fra05 46-60mf
1246772 fra14 31-45f
1247205 fra16 31-60f
1248090 goe04 31-45m
1220196-… hb05 46+mf
1176566 hh01 61+m
1427158-… koe01 18-30mf
1427810 koe04 18-30mf
1428475-… koe07 61+m
1429124-… koe10 18-30m
1429781-… koe13 61+mf
1429781-… koe13 61+mf
1431277-… koe20 31-45mf
1431277-… koe20 31-45mf
1582654 lei03 18-30m
1584198 lei10 31-45m
1585089 lei14 31-45m
1289462 mst01 46-60mf
1289910 mst03 18-30f
1290581 mst06 18-45m
1291243 mst09 31-45f
1204694 mue01 61+f
1205821 mue11 31-45f
1250972 mvp07 31-45f
1184756 nue04 18-45mf
1177860 sh05 61+m
1211082-… stu01 46-60f
1204239 stu05 61+m
1211752 stu06 18-30f
1182062 stu12 46-60f


Cinema, Theatre, Museum, ArtActing Classes 1419610-… ber11 46+mf
Movie 1177860 sh05 61+m
Sign Language Theatre Festival 2010 in Berlin 1184756 nue04 18-45mf
City and Country 1212218 fra05 46-60mf
Aurich 1220196-… hb05 46+mf
Denmark 1184756 nue04 18-45mf
East Berlin and West Berlin 1205821 mue11 31-45f
Freiburg 1184756 nue04 18-45mf
Hamburg 1182062 stu12 46-60f
Heidelberg 1182062 stu12 46-60f
Osnabrück 1220196-… hb05 46+mf
USA 1212218 fra05 46-60mf
Clothing and Fashion 1184756 nue04 18-45mf
Communication 1413703 ber02 46-60m
1248090 goe04 31-45m
1431277-… koe20 31-45mf
1289910 mst03 18-30f
Assistance for the Deaf-Blind 1204694 mue01 61+f
Chat 1429781-… koe13 61+mf
1431277-… koe20 31-45mf
Communication with Hard-of-hearing People 1289462 mst01 46-60mf
Communication with Hearing People 1413703 ber02 46-60m
1220196-… hb05 46+mf
1427158-… koe01 18-30mf
1289462 mst01 46-60mf
1250972 mvp07 31-45f
1184756 nue04 18-45mf
Interpreting 1431277-… koe20 31-45mf
1289462 mst01 46-60mf
1291243 mst09 31-45f
PC 1429781-… koe13 61+mf
1211752 stu06 18-30f
Spoken Language 1248090 goe04 31-45m
1427158-… koe01 18-30mf
Written Language 1584198 lei10 31-45m
Deaf Culture 1212218 fra05 46-60mf
1184756 nue04 18-45mf
Association of the Deaf 2025500 ber13 31-60mf
Club House 1176566 hh01 61+m
Deaf Club 2025500 ber13 31-60mf
1176566 hh01 61+m
1204694 mue01 61+f
1204239 stu05 61+m
Federation of the Deaf 1204239 stu05 61+m
German Culture Days for the Deaf 2025500 ber13 31-60mf
Kofo 1211752 stu06 18-30f
Sign Language Theatre Festival 2010 in Berlin 1184756 nue04 18-45mf
Türkisparade 1184756 nue04 18-45mf
Economy 1205821 mue11 31-45f
1177860 sh05 61+m
E-Car 1585089 lei14 31-45m
Gas Price 1585089 lei14 31-45m
Energy and EnvironmentE-Car 1585089 lei14 31-45m
Environmental Policy 1585089 lei14 31-45m
1289462 mst01 46-60mf
Nuclear Energy 1428475-… koe07 61+m
1289462 mst01 46-60mf
Solar Energy 1177860 sh05 61+m
Family and Relatives 1429781-… koe13 61+mf
1204694 mue01 61+f
1204239 stu05 61+m
1182062 stu12 46-60f
Children 1248090 goe04 31-45m
1220196-… hb05 46+mf
1204694 mue01 61+f
1182062 stu12 46-60f
Education 1248090 goe04 31-45m
1584198 lei10 31-45m
Family 1248090 goe04 31-45m
1220196-… hb05 46+mf
1204694 mue01 61+f
1205821 mue11 31-45f
Inheritance 1429781-… koe13 61+mf
Siblings 1427158-… koe01 18-30mf
1429781-… koe13 61+mf
1204694 mue01 61+f
Festivity, Celebration, Party 2025500 ber13 31-60mf
1184756 nue04 18-45mf
1177860 sh05 61+m
1211752 stu06 18-30f
Birthday 1184756 nue04 18-45mf
1177860 sh05 61+m
Christmas 1211752 stu06 18-30f
Christmas Market 1211752 stu06 18-30f
Hiking 1204694 mue01 61+f
New Year's Eve 1211752 stu06 18-30f
Oktoberfest 1184756 nue04 18-45mf
Sports Gala 1176566 hh01 61+m
Wedding 1220196-… hb05 46+mf
Finances 1177860 sh05 61+m
Allowance for Deaf Persons 2025500 ber13 31-60mf
Bank 1177860 sh05 61+m
Christmas Bonus 1204239 stu05 61+m
Inheritance 1429781-… koe13 61+mf
Insurance 1247205 fra16 31-60f
Integration Office 1584198 lei10 31-45m
Integration Service 1246772 fra14 31-45f
Money 1585089 lei14 31-45m
Pension and Retirement 1220196-… hb05 46+mf
1177860 sh05 61+m
1204239 stu05 61+m
Food and Beverage 1413703 ber02 46-60m
1427810 koe04 18-30mf
1290581 mst06 18-45m
1184756 nue04 18-45mf
1211752 stu06 18-30f
Cooking 1427810 koe04 18-30mf
GDR 2025500 ber13 31-60mf
1205821 mue11 31-45f
East Berlin and West Berlin 1205821 mue11 31-45f
Escape 1205821 mue11 31-45f
Fall of the Berlin Wall (1989) 1205821 mue11 31-45f
Stasi(Secret Police) 1205821 mue11 31-45f
House and ApartmentAnimals 1427158-… koe01 18-30mf
Moving Houses 1429124-… koe10 18-30m
Renovations 1291243 mst09 31-45f
1177860 sh05 61+m
Information and Entertainment 1290581 mst06 18-45m
Law and Legislation 1176566 hh01 61+m
NatureAnimals 1427158-… koe01 18-30mf
Period of LifeAge 1289910 mst03 18-30f
Schooldays 1427158-… koe01 18-30mf
1431277-… koe20 31-45mf
1431277-… koe20 31-45mf
1582654 lei03 18-30m
Senior citizens 1220196-… hb05 46+mf
1204694 mue01 61+f
1204239 stu05 61+m
Youth 1427158-… koe01 18-30mf
1204239 stu05 61+m
Personal Hygiene, Health, Illness 1582654 lei03 18-30m
1204694 mue01 61+f
Audiogram 1413703 ber02 46-60m
Buying Glasses 1250972 mvp07 31-45f
Cochlear Implant (CI) 1413703 ber02 46-60m
1427810 koe04 18-30mf
1289462 mst01 46-60mf
Deaf-Blind 1204694 mue01 61+f
Doctor's Visit 1250972 mvp07 31-45f
Hard-of-Hearing 1413703 ber02 46-60m
Hearing Aid 1289462 mst01 46-60mf
Hearing Status 1431277-… koe20 31-45mf
1289462 mst01 46-60mf
Illness 1246772 fra14 31-45f
1290581 mst06 18-45m
1204694 mue01 61+f
Sauna 1427810 koe04 18-30mf
Stress 1289910 mst03 18-30f
Tinnitus 1289462 mst01 46-60mf
Politics 1585089 lei14 31-45m
Association of the Deaf 2025500 ber13 31-60mf
Environmental Policy 1585089 lei14 31-45m
1289462 mst01 46-60mf
Fall of the Berlin Wall (1989) 1205821 mue11 31-45f
Integration 1431277-… koe20 31-45mf
1289462 mst01 46-60mf
Türkisparade 1184756 nue04 18-45mf
USA 1212218 fra05 46-60mf
Pregnancy and BirthBirth 1182062 stu12 46-60f
C-section 1182062 stu12 46-60f
Pregnancy 1250972 mvp07 31-45f
1182062 stu12 46-60f
Relationship, Love and SexualityDivorce 1220196-… hb05 46+mf
Friendship 1184756 nue04 18-45mf
1204239 stu05 61+m
Marriage 1220196-… hb05 46+mf
1177860 sh05 61+m
Relationship 1429124-… koe10 18-30m
1250972 mvp07 31-45f
Wedding 1220196-… hb05 46+mf
ReligionChristmas 1211752 stu06 18-30f
Christmas Market 1211752 stu06 18-30f
School and Education 1431277-… koe20 31-45mf
1582654 lei03 18-30m
1584198 lei10 31-45m
Acting Classes 1419610-… ber11 46+mf
Dropping out of School 1427158-… koe01 18-30mf
Education 1248090 goe04 31-45m
1584198 lei10 31-45m
Evening Classes (VHS) 1246772 fra14 31-45f
High School Diploma 1184756 nue04 18-45mf
Inclusion 1431277-… koe20 31-45mf
1289462 mst01 46-60mf
Integration 1431277-… koe20 31-45mf
1289462 mst01 46-60mf
Oral Education 1244796 fra02 31-45m
Reading 1584198 lei10 31-45m
School for Hard-of-hearing People 1431277-… koe20 31-45mf
School for the Deaf 1431277-… koe20 31-45mf
Schooldays 1427158-… koe01 18-30mf
1431277-… koe20 31-45mf
1431277-… koe20 31-45mf
1582654 lei03 18-30m
Secondary School 1582654 lei03 18-30m
Sign Language in Education 1431277-… koe20 31-45mf
Science and TechnologyDGS-Korpus 1246772 fra14 31-45f
PC 1429781-… koe13 61+mf
1211752 stu06 18-30f
University 1289910 mst03 18-30f
Sign Language 1244796 fra02 31-45m
1248090 goe04 31-45m
1220196-… hb05 46+mf
ASL 1244796 fra02 31-45m
1248090 goe04 31-45m
1582654 lei03 18-30m
BSL 1248090 goe04 31-45m
DGS-Korpus 1246772 fra14 31-45f
Differences between Sign Languages 1244796 fra02 31-45m
Finger Alphabet 1244796 fra02 31-45m
International Sign Language 1248090 goe04 31-45m
Interpreting 1431277-… koe20 31-45mf
1289462 mst01 46-60mf
1291243 mst09 31-45f
Language Change 1244796 fra02 31-45m
Sign Name 1220196-… hb05 46+mf
SocietyCrime 1291243 mst09 31-45f
Fall of the Berlin Wall (1989) 1205821 mue11 31-45f
Federation of the Deaf 1204239 stu05 61+m
Hearing-Deaf 1289910 mst03 18-30f
Inclusion 1431277-… koe20 31-45mf
1289462 mst01 46-60mf
Prejudice 1584198 lei10 31-45m
Stress 1289910 mst03 18-30f
Türkisparade 1184756 nue04 18-45mf
UN Disability Rights Convention 1431277-… koe20 31-45mf
Unemployment 1177860 sh05 61+m
Victim of Violence 1291243 mst09 31-45f
WEISSER RING 1291243 mst09 31-45f
Sports and Games 1413703 ber02 46-60m
1248090 goe04 31-45m
1429781-… koe13 61+mf
1582654 lei03 18-30m
Bowling 1176566 hh01 61+m
Boxing 1585089 lei14 31-45m
Card Games 1429781-… koe13 61+mf
Deaf Sports Days 1176566 hh01 61+m
Deaf World Games 1248090 goe04 31-45m
Deaflympics 1413703 ber02 46-60m
1427158-… koe01 18-30mf
1582654 lei03 18-30m
1290581 mst06 18-45m
Deaflympics 1997 in Copenhagen 1582654 lei03 18-30m
Deaflympics 2001 in Rome 1290581 mst06 18-45m
Deaflympics 2005 in Melbourne 1427158-… koe01 18-30mf
Deaflympics 2009 in Taipei 1413703 ber02 46-60m
1427158-… koe01 18-30mf
1290581 mst06 18-45m
Hiking 1204694 mue01 61+f
Motorsports 1585089 lei14 31-45m
Ninepin Bowling 1220196-… hb05 46+mf
1176566 hh01 61+m
Skiing 1427810 koe04 18-30mf
Soccer 1413703 ber02 46-60m
1429124-… koe10 18-30m
1582654 lei03 18-30m
1585089 lei14 31-45m
1184756 nue04 18-45mf
Soccer Club 1429124-… koe10 18-30m
1184756 nue04 18-45mf
Sports 1248090 goe04 31-45m
1220196-… hb05 46+mf
1585089 lei14 31-45m
1204694 mue01 61+f
Sports Club 1413703 ber02 46-60m
1176566 hh01 61+m
1585089 lei14 31-45m
1204239 stu05 61+m
Sports Gala 1176566 hh01 61+m
Volleyball 1248090 goe04 31-45m
1582654 lei03 18-30m
Statute and LawCrime 1291243 mst09 31-45f
Divorce 1220196-… hb05 46+mf
Equal Rights 1176566 hh01 61+m
Integration Office 1584198 lei10 31-45m
Integration Service 1246772 fra14 31-45f
UN Disability Rights Convention 1431277-… koe20 31-45mf
Victim of Violence 1291243 mst09 31-45f
Terror, War, Catastrophes 1428475-… koe07 61+m
Earthquake 1177860 sh05 61+m
Traffic 1585089 lei14 31-45m
Accident 1247205 fra16 31-60f
Car 1247205 fra16 31-60f
1427810 koe04 18-30mf
1585089 lei14 31-45m
Driving School 1582654 lei03 18-30m
Driving Test 1582654 lei03 18-30m
Vacation, Free Time, Traveling 1413703 ber02 46-60m
1212218 fra05 46-60mf
1289910 mst03 18-30f
1290581 mst06 18-45m
Abroad 1212218 fra05 46-60mf
Africa 1212218 fra05 46-60mf
Asia 1212218 fra05 46-60mf
Australia 1427158-… koe01 18-30mf
1289910 mst03 18-30f
Canada 1582654 lei03 18-30m
Dubai 1182062 stu12 46-60f
Egypt 1212218 fra05 46-60mf
Event 1176566 hh01 61+m
1184756 nue04 18-45mf
Excursion 1204694 mue01 61+f
Free Time 1220196-… hb05 46+mf
1184756 nue04 18-45mf
Hobby 1177860 sh05 61+m
Knitting 1211082-… stu01 46-60f
London 1184756 nue04 18-45mf
Netherlands 1176566 hh01 61+m
New Zealand 1289910 mst03 18-30f
Passport 1212218 fra05 46-60mf
Photography 1427810 koe04 18-30mf
1291243 mst09 31-45f
Plane Trip 1212218 fra05 46-60mf
1582654 lei03 18-30m
1184756 nue04 18-45mf
1182062 stu12 46-60f
Planning 1211752 stu06 18-30f
Reading 1584198 lei10 31-45m
Sauna 1427810 koe04 18-30mf
Shopping 1184756 nue04 18-45mf
1182062 stu12 46-60f
Thailand 1212218 fra05 46-60mf
1290581 mst06 18-45m
Traveling 1413703 ber02 46-60m
1212218 fra05 46-60mf
1427158-… koe01 18-30mf
1582654 lei03 18-30m
1585089 lei14 31-45m
1289910 mst03 18-30f
1290581 mst06 18-45m
1204694 mue01 61+f
1184756 nue04 18-45mf
1182062 stu12 46-60f
Tunisia 1413703 ber02 46-60m
Vacation 1413703 ber02 46-60m
1212218 fra05 46-60mf
1427158-… koe01 18-30mf
1289910 mst03 18-30f
1184756 nue04 18-45mf
1211752 stu06 18-30f
1182062 stu12 46-60f
Venice 1413703 ber02 46-60m
Volunteer Work 1176566 hh01 61+m
1291243 mst09 31-45f
1204694 mue01 61+f
Weather 1289910 mst03 18-30f
1184756 nue04 18-45mf
Work and Profession 1246772 fra14 31-45f
1431277-… koe20 31-45mf
1584198 lei10 31-45m
1291243 mst09 31-45f
1204239 stu05 61+m
Apprenticeship 1246772 fra14 31-45f
1220196-… hb05 46+mf
1427158-… koe01 18-30mf
1250972 mvp07 31-45f
1184756 nue04 18-45mf
Assistance for the Deaf-Blind 1204694 mue01 61+f
Change of Jobs 1250972 mvp07 31-45f
Choice of Profession 1584198 lei10 31-45m
Christmas Bonus 1204239 stu05 61+m
Continuing Education 1246772 fra14 31-45f
1220196-… hb05 46+mf
DGS Instructor 1246772 fra14 31-45f
Job Hunt 1584198 lei10 31-45m
1250972 mvp07 31-45f
1177860 sh05 61+m
Pension and Retirement 1220196-… hb05 46+mf
1177860 sh05 61+m
1204239 stu05 61+m
Profession 1220196-… hb05 46+mf
1429124-… koe10 18-30m
Self-employment 1246772 fra14 31-45f
Unemployment 1177860 sh05 61+m
University 1289910 mst03 18-30f
University Studies 1427158-… koe01 18-30mf
1250972 mvp07 31-45f
Work 1220196-… hb05 46+mf
1250972 mvp07 31-45f
1177860 sh05 61+m