Data Collection Format “Warning and Prohibition Signs”

Try to find out with your dialogue partner what the warning and prohibition signs mean.

A warning sign: Triangular, black on yellow background, person upside down with downwards arrow A warning sign: Round, red circle and diagonal line covering a bath tube with shower

Transcripts for the Data Collection Format “Warning and Prohibition Signs”

1180318 hb01 31-45m
1180539 hb02 46-60f
1180546 hb02 46-60f
1179856 hb06 31-60mf
1179864 hb06 31-60mf
1180092 hb07 18-30m
1177054 hh02 31-45f
1177266 hh03 46-60m
1177275 hh03 46-60m
1177697 hh04 46-60m
1178754 hh06 61+mf
1178761 hh06 61+mf
1178763 hh06 61+mf
1205699 mue10 31+m
1206131 mue12 46-60f
1206143 mue12 46-60f


Caution (Biker on Indicated Bike Path) 1179864 hb06 31-60mf
Caution (Leaking Battery) 1180092 hb07 18-30m
Caution (Person falling to the Floor) 1206131 mue12 46-60f
Caution (Person on Platform falling towards Tracks) 1180318 hb01 31-45m
Caution (Radioactivity, Danger to Life, Person Moving Away) 1178763 hh06 61+mf
Caution (Rail Car-Draisine) 1177266 hh03 46-60m
Notification (Biking etc., Correct Helmet Position for Children) 1180546 hb02 46-60f
Notification (Prohibition Loudness) 1177275 hh03 46-60m
Notification (Prohibition of Warm Foods and Alcohol) 1178761 hh06 61+mf
Prohibition (Bathtub with Shower) 1206143 mue12 46-60f
Prohibition (Horse in Shower) 1205699 mue10 31+m
Prohibition (Person Walks to Car) 1180539 hb02 46-60f
Prohibition (Person in Water-filled Ditch) 1177054 hh02 31-45f
Prohibition (Person with Saw on Bench) 1179856 hb06 31-60mf
Prohibition (Person with Shoes on Opposite Bench) 1177697 hh04 46-60m
Prohibition (Woman in Bikini, Man in Swimming Trunks) 1178754 hh06 61+mf