Research Fellows
Sam Bigeard
Sam Bigeard is a research fellow on the EU-project EASIER - Intelligent Automatic Sign Language Translation. They work on semantic and language data acquisition. They have studied linguistics with a focus on natural language processing at Sorbonne Université in Paris.
Maria Kopf
Maria Kopf is a research fellow on the EU-project EASIER - Intelligent Automatic Sign Language Translation. Her area of work includes the harmonization of language data and the approach to gender in translation.
Rosalee Wolfe
Rosalee Wolfe was a research fellow with the project from August till November 2017, where she was mainly engaged with avatar technology for sign languages.
Tsubasa Uchida
We welcome our international guest Tsubasa Uchida from Japan, who is currently visiting IDGS for 6 months, primarily to conduct research with us in collaboration with the DGS corpus project. Tsubasa works for the NHK Science and Technology Research Laboratories in Tokyo and is creating a corpus with his team, developed from motion capture data, to generate avatar-based messages in Japanese Sign Language. With standardized weather reports, among other things, various avatar formats are bringing more accessibility to Japanese media.