The Sign Language Dataset Compendium

Lexical Resource

DGS Corpus types list

The DGS Corpus types list is a list of types extracted from the lexical database within iLex used to annotate video recordings in the DGS Corpus. The publicly available types list covers all types that occur in the public part of the DGS Corpus.

Types within the DGS Corpus project are organised hierarchical in a parent-child relationship: each parent type (or token) is specified by a citation form and every child type (subtype) stand for a conventionalised form-meaning relation. The subtypes inherit their citation form and iconic value from the parent type. The naming of type glosses gives a hint to the iconic value of the sign whereas subtype glosses, like keywords, express a core meaning aspect. The typelist is arranged on the basis of the types. The citation form of each type is provided as HamNoSys transcription and (where available) as a video recording, shown from up to four camera angles. These videos are taken from DW-DGS and the DGS specialist dictionaries (GLex, HLex, GaLex, TLex, PLex and SLex). Underneath this, all transcript occurrences of the type are shown in a keyword in context (KWIC) view, grouped by subtype.

Languages German Sign Language, German, English
Size 14064 types
Linguistic Information Citation (filmed from four angles), ID-gloss, HamNoSys transcriptions, context KWICkeyword in context view from the DGS Corpus transcripts, DOI
Licence DGS Corpus license
Access Public access via browsable homepage
Institution Universität Hamburg

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For the dataset: Konrad, R., Hanke, T., Langer, G., Blanck, D., Bleicken, J., Hofmann, I., Jeziorski, O., König, L., König, S., Nishio, R., Regen, A., Salden, U., Wagner, S., Worseck, S., Böse, O., Jahn, E., Schulder, M. 2020. MEINE DGS – annotiert. Öffentliches Korpus der Deutschen Gebärdensprache, 3. Release / MY DGS – annotated. Public Corpus of German Sign Language, 3rd release [Dataset]. Universität Hamburg.

This entry was last modified on 7 August 2023.