sign-lang@LREC Anthology

Taking non-manuality into account in collecting and analyzing Finnish Sign Language video data

Puupponen, Anna | Jantunen, Tommi | Takkinen, Ritva | Wainio, Tuija | Pippuri, Outi

Proceedings of the LREC2014 6th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Beyond the Manual Channel
Reykjavik, Iceland
31 May 2014
European Language Resources Association (ELRA)
CC BY-NC 4.0
sign-lang ID:

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CoBaSiL, ProGram, SignWiki
Finnish Sign Language


This paper describes our attention to research into non-manuals when collecting a large body of video data in Finnish Sign Language (FinSL). We will first of all give an overview of the data-collecting process and of the choices that we made in order for the data to be usable in research into non-manual activity (e.g. camera arrangement, video compression, and Kinect technology). Secondly, the paper will outline our plans for the analysis of the non-manual features of this data. We discuss the technological methods we plan to use in our investigation of non-manual features (i.e. computer-vision based methods) and give examples of the type of results that this kind of approach can provide us with.

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  author    = {Puupponen, Anna and Jantunen, Tommi and Takkinen, Ritva and Wainio, Tuija and Pippuri, Outi},
  title     = {Taking non-manuality into account in collecting and analyzing {Finnish} {Sign} {Language} video data},
  pages     = {143--148},
  editor    = {Crasborn, Onno and Efthimiou, Eleni and Fotinea, Stavroula-Evita and Hanke, Thomas and Hochgesang, Julie A. and Kristoffersen, Jette and Mesch, Johanna},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the {LREC2014} 6th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Beyond the Manual Channel},
  maintitle = {9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation ({LREC} 2014)},
  publisher = {{European Language Resources Association (ELRA)}},
  address   = {Reykjavik, Iceland},
  day       = {31},
  month     = may,
  year      = {2014},
  language  = {english},
  url       = {}
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