This paper describes the first Spanish-Spanish Sign Language (LSE) parallel corpus for language processing research focused on specific domains. This corpus includes more than 4,000 Spanish sentences translated into LSE. For every sentence, there is a video with the sign language representation. These sentences are focused on two restricted domains (two personal services): the renewal of the Identity Document and Driver’s License. This corpus has been obtained with the collaboration of Local Government Offices where these services are provided. Over several weeks, the most frequent explanations (from the government employees) and the most frequent questions (from the user) were taken down. This corpus also contains more than 800 sign descriptions in several sign-writing specifications: in glosses, SEA (Sistema de Escritura Alfabética) (Herrero, 2004), HamNoSys (Prillwitz et al, 1989), and SIGML (Zwiterslood et al, 2004) (a link to a text file with the SIGML description necessary for representing the sign with the eSIGN avatar: These descriptions have been generated with a modified version of the eSign Editor. This new version includes a graph to phoneme system for Spanish and a SEA- HamNoSys converter. These language resources have been very important for the research project developed by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Fundación CNSE (Spanish Association of Deaf People) during the last three years ( The main target of this project has been to develop an advanced communication system for Deaf including two translation modules: The first one is a Spanish into LSE translation module. This first module is made up of a speech recognizer (for decoding the spoken utterance into a word sequence), a natural language translator (for converting a word sequence into a sequence of signs belonging to the sign language), and a 3D avatar animation module (for playing back the signs). The second module is a Spanish generator from LSE. This module consists of a visual interface (where a deaf person can specify a sequence of signs in sign-writing), a language translator (for generating the sequence of words in Spanish), and finally, a text to speech converter. The visual interface allows a sign sequence to be defined using several sign-writing alternatives. For language translation, three technological alternatives were integrated and combined: an example-based strategy, a rule-based translation method and a statistical translator.
author = {San-Segundo, Rub{\'e}n and L{\'o}pez, Ver{\'o}nica and Mart{\'i}n, Raquel and S{\'a}nchez, David and Garc{\'i}a, Adolfo},
title = {Language Resources for {Spanish} - {Spanish} {Sign} {Language} ({LSE}) Translation},
pages = {208--211},
editor = {Dreuw, Philippe and Efthimiou, Eleni and Hanke, Thomas and Johnston, Trevor and Mart{\'i}nez Ruiz, Gregorio and Schembri, Adam},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the {LREC2010} 4th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Corpora and Sign Language Technologies},
maintitle = {7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation ({LREC} 2010)},
publisher = {{European Language Resources Association (ELRA)}},
address = {Valletta, Malta},
day = {22--23},
month = may,
year = {2010},
language = {english},
url = {}