The Sign Language Dataset Compendium


Black ASL Project Corpus

The Black ASL Project Corpus is a collection of videos of conversational Black American Sign Language in the South of the United States. The corpus was collected in the realm of a four-year project led by Carolyn McCaskill, Ceil Lucas and Robert Bayley.

The data was elicited with picture cards, cartoon stories, structured interviews and a free conversation. A black researcher was present as interviewer, except for free conversations which were without third parties present.

Signers were recorded in groups at social events such as picnics, class reunions and breaks at the Black Deaf Advocates conference. Filming took place from 2007 to 2008.

Additionally for a study on narrative styles 12 White signers were recruted for cartoon retellings.

Language Black American Sign Language
Size min. 36 hours of recording
Participants 96 signers
two age groups: 35 years and younger and 55 years and oldern (conference members exempt)
From six states: North Carolina, Texas, Arkansas, Alabama, Virginia, Louisiana
12 White signers for additional analysis
Metadata Format not available
Translation not available
Annotation not available
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Licence not available
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Institution Department of Linguistics, Department of ASL and Deaf Studies, Gallaudet University
Publications McCaskill et al. (2011)
Hill (2017)

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This entry was last modified on 6 January 2023.