HamNoSys 4.0
(course paper)
- General Structure
- Example: 'tiring'
- Handshapes: Definitions and Inventory
- Handshapes: Basic Forms
- Handshapes: Thumb Combinations
- Handshapes: Denotation of Fingers
- Handshapes: Fingerparts
- Handshapes: Denotation of
- Extended Finger Orientation
- Finger direction
- Palm Orientation
- Locations: Head and Body
- Locations: Distance from the Body
- Locations: Finger, hand, arm
- Movements
- Straight Movements
- Curved Movements
- Curved Movements: Remarks
- Movements: Wavy and ZigZag Lines
- Circular Movements
- Circular Movements: Inventory
- Circular Movements: Starting
- Elliptical Movements
- Movement Modality
- Movement: Brushing and Bouncing Movement
- Relative Orientation
- Local Movements
- Handshape change
- Two-handed Movements
- Two-handed vs one-handed Movements
- Two-handed Location
- Underspecification
- Nonmanual Components
- Sentences