This paper describes how we have made a first start with expanding the functionality of the ELAN annotation tool to create a bridge to a lexical database. A first lookup facility of an annotation in a LEXUS database is created, which generates a user-configurable selection of fields from that database, to be displayed in ELAN. In addition, an extension of the (open) controlled vocabularies that can be specified for tiers allows for the creation of very large vocabularies, such as lexical items in a language. Such an ‘external controlled vocabulary’ is an XML file that can be published on any web server and thus will be accessible to any interested party. Future development should allow for the vocabulary to be directly linked to a LEXUS database and thus also allow for access right management.
author = {Crasborn, Onno and Hulsbosch, Micha and Sloetjes, Han},
title = {Linking {Corpus} {NGT} annotations to a lexical database using open source tools {ELAN} and {LEXUS}},
pages = {19--22},
editor = {Crasborn, Onno and Efthimiou, Eleni and Fotinea, Stavroula-Evita and Hanke, Thomas and Kristoffersen, Jette and Mesch, Johanna},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the {LREC2012} 5th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Interactions between Corpus and Lexicon},
maintitle = {8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation ({LREC} 2012)},
publisher = {{European Language Resources Association (ELRA)}},
address = {Istanbul, Turkey},
day = {27},
month = may,
year = {2012},
language = {english},
url = {}