Efthimiou, Eleni | Fotinea, Stavroula-Evita | Dimou, Athanasia-Lida | Kalimeris, Constandinos (2010)
@inproceedings{efthimiou:10005:sign-lang:lrec, author = {Efthimiou, Eleni and Fotinea, Stavroula-Evita and Dimou, Athanasia-Lida and Kalimeris, Constandinos}, title = {Towards decoding Classifier function in {GSL}}, pages = {76--79}, editor = {Dreuw, Philippe and Efthimiou, Eleni and Hanke, Thomas and Johnston, Trevor and Mart{\'i}nez Ruiz, Gregorio and Schembri, Adam}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {LREC2010} 4th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Corpora and Sign Language Technologies}, maintitle = {7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation ({LREC} 2010)}, publisher = {{European Language Resources Association (ELRA)}}, address = {Valletta, Malta}, day = {22--23}, month = may, year = {2010}, language = {english}, url = {https://www.sign-lang.uni-hamburg.de/lrec/pub/10005.pdf} }