Arbeitspapiere / Project Notes

AP06-2020-01 Data Statement for the Public DGS Corpus version-independent DOI 10.25592/uhhfdm.1745

Authors: Schulder, Marc / Blanck, Dolly / Hanke, Thomas / Hofmann, Ilona / Hong, Sung-Eun / Jeziorski, Olga / König, Lutz / König, Susanne / Konrad, Reiner / Langer, Gabriele / Nishio, Rie / Rathmann, Christian

Abstract (en): This data statement of the Public DGS Corpus provides information relevant to judging the nature of the language content of the corpus. It covers how the corpus was curated, specifies the language varieties it covers, and provides demographic information for participants and annotators. It also describes the technical and sociological conditions under which the language data was recorded as well as its topical characteristics. The data statement provides a general overview, supported by references to a variety of publications that cover individual topics in more detail.

Current Version 3 (released 2024-02-05) version-specific DOI 10.25592/uhhfdm.14231


  title       = {Data Statement for the {Public} {DGS} {Corpus}},
  author      = {Schulder, Marc and Blanck, Dolly and Hanke, Thomas and Hofmann, Ilona and Hong, Sung-Eun and Jeziorski, Olga and K{\"o}nig, Lutz and K{\"o}nig, Susanne and Konrad, Reiner and Langer, Gabriele and Nishio, Rie and Rathmann, Christian},
  edition     = {3},
  day         = {5},
  month       = feb,
  year        = {2024},
  address     = {Hamburg, Germany},
  institution = {DGS-Korpus project, IDGS, Universität Hamburg},
  number      = {AP06-2020-01},
  doi         = {10.25592/uhhfdm.1745},
  url         = {},
  type        = {Project Note}

Superseded Version 2 (released 2021-11-11) version-specific DOI 10.25592/uhhfdm.9700

Superseded Version 1 (released 2020-06-29) version-specific DOI 10.25592/uhhfdm.1855