1 00:00:00,260 --> 00:00:00,660 A: Me? 2 00:00:00,400 --> 00:00:00,520 A: ICH1 3 00:00:00,400 --> 00:00:00,520 A: ich 4 00:00:00,660 --> 00:00:02,720 A: Me? All right. 5 00:00:01,240 --> 00:00:01,340 A: ICH1 6 00:00:01,580 --> 00:00:01,760 A: SCHNELL3A* 7 00:00:01,580 --> 00:00:01,760 A: schnell 8 00:00:03,200 --> 00:00:07,820 A: The city I live in is close to a mine. 9 00:00:03,280 --> 00:00:03,360 A: ICH2 10 00:00:03,520 --> 00:00:03,640 A: WOHNUNG1A* 11 00:00:03,520 --> 00:00:03,640 A: wohn 12 00:00:03,840 --> 00:00:04,020 A: NAHE1B* 13 00:00:04,220 --> 00:00:04,400 A: ORT1B^* 14 00:00:04,220 --> 00:00:04,400 A: [MG] 15 00:00:04,620 --> 00:00:04,700 A: $INDEX1* 16 00:00:04,700 --> 00:00:05,180 A: $INDEX1* 17 00:00:05,260 --> 00:00:05,420 A: $INDEX1 18 00:00:06,060 --> 00:00:07,780 A: $ALPHA1:Z-E-C-H-E 19 00:00:06,060 --> 00:00:07,780 A: zeche 20 00:00:07,820 --> 00:00:11,120 A: These are the old coal mines. 21 00:00:07,900 --> 00:00:07,980 A: BEDEUTUNG1* 22 00:00:07,900 --> 00:00:07,980 A: bedeutet 23 00:00:08,260 --> 00:00:08,620 A: $ALPHA1:K 24 00:00:08,260 --> 00:00:08,620 A: ko{hle} ko{hle} 25 00:00:08,940 --> 00:00:09,100 A: QUELLE-STRAHLEN1^* 26 00:00:08,940 --> 00:00:09,100 A: kohle 27 00:00:09,620 --> 00:00:09,840 A: HOBEL1A^* 28 00:00:09,620 --> 00:00:09,840 A: [MG] 29 00:00:10,160 --> 00:00:10,480 A: UNTEN1^ 30 00:00:11,120 --> 00:00:15,760 A: There hasn’t been any coal for a long time now. 31 00:00:11,980 --> 00:00:12,080 A: SCHON1A 32 00:00:12,360 --> 00:00:12,680 A: VERGANGENHEIT1^* 33 00:00:12,360 --> 00:00:12,680 A: [MG] 34 00:00:13,320 --> 00:00:13,440 A: KOHLE2 35 00:00:13,320 --> 00:00:13,440 A: kohle 36 00:00:13,700 --> 00:00:13,940 A: ALLE-LEER6 37 00:00:13,700 --> 00:00:13,940 A: alle 38 00:00:14,200 --> 00:00:14,380 A: NEIN3B^* 39 00:00:14,700 --> 00:00:14,920 A: NICHTS1A^ 40 00:00:14,700 --> 00:00:14,920 A: alle 41 00:00:15,280 --> 00:00:15,460 A: NEIN3B^* 42 00:00:15,760 --> 00:00:21,840 A: Then some artists and designers had the idea to keep it as a landmark because it would be a pity to just close it. 43 00:00:16,480 --> 00:00:16,680 A: IDEE2A 44 00:00:16,480 --> 00:00:16,680 A: idee 45 00:00:17,160 --> 00:00:17,560 A: DESIGN3 46 00:00:17,160 --> 00:00:17,560 A: design 47 00:00:17,660 --> 00:00:17,920 A: $ORAL^ 48 00:00:17,660 --> 00:00:17,920 A: und 49 00:00:18,080 --> 00:00:18,760 A: künst{ler} 50 00:00:18,080 --> 00:00:18,260 A: QUELLE1C^* 51 00:00:18,460 --> 00:00:18,760 A: LEUTE2 52 00:00:19,260 --> 00:00:19,380 A: GEHÖREN1^* 53 00:00:19,480 --> 00:00:19,780 A: SCHADE1* 54 00:00:19,480 --> 00:00:19,780 A: schade 55 00:00:19,880 --> 00:00:20,300 A: NEIN1A 56 00:00:20,600 --> 00:00:20,780 A: DENKMAL1 57 00:00:20,600 --> 00:00:20,780 A: denkmal 58 00:00:21,120 --> 00:00:21,680 A: $GEST-RUHIG-BLEIBEN1^ 59 00:00:21,840 --> 00:00:30,300 A: They remodeled the mine and held some exhibitions. These showed the old mine workers with their black faces and the old houses from back then. 60 00:00:22,240 --> 00:00:22,440 A: IN1* 61 00:00:22,720 --> 00:00:22,900 A: RAUM1B* 62 00:00:22,720 --> 00:00:22,900 A: raum 63 00:00:23,140 --> 00:00:23,200 A: PUTZEN3A* 64 00:00:23,220 --> 00:00:23,320 A: BISSCHEN2A 65 00:00:23,220 --> 00:00:23,320 A: bisschen 66 00:00:23,360 --> 00:00:23,860 A: PUTZEN3A* 67 00:00:23,360 --> 00:00:23,860 A: geputzt 68 00:00:24,480 --> 00:00:24,660 A: DANN1A 69 00:00:25,220 --> 00:00:25,660 A: BILD1* 70 00:00:25,220 --> 00:00:25,660 A: bild 71 00:00:26,000 --> 00:00:26,160 A: VERGANGENHEIT1^* 72 00:00:26,460 --> 00:00:26,600 A: QUELLE-STRAHLEN1^* 73 00:00:27,000 --> 00:00:27,480 A: GESICHT1* 74 00:00:27,680 --> 00:00:27,940 A: $PROD* 75 00:00:27,680 --> 00:00:27,940 A: schwarz 76 00:00:28,160 --> 00:00:28,340 A: $PROD* 77 00:00:28,160 --> 00:00:28,340 A: [MG] 78 00:00:28,540 --> 00:00:28,780 A: $PROD* 79 00:00:28,920 --> 00:00:29,060 A: ALT5A 80 00:00:28,920 --> 00:00:29,060 A: alt 81 00:00:29,200 --> 00:00:29,380 A: HAUS1B* 82 00:00:29,200 --> 00:00:29,380 A: haus 83 00:00:29,440 --> 00:00:29,540 A: FRÜHER1* 84 00:00:29,440 --> 00:00:29,540 A: früher 85 00:00:29,780 --> 00:00:29,960 A: $PROD* 86 00:00:30,300 --> 00:00:33,960 A: You can go up there and see everything from above. 87 00:00:30,960 --> 00:00:31,080 A: DA1^||ORT1A^ 88 00:00:31,200 --> 00:00:31,300 A: ODER1* 89 00:00:31,200 --> 00:00:31,300 A: oder 90 00:00:31,560 --> 00:00:31,820 A: $INDEX1 91 00:00:32,080 --> 00:00:32,520 A: ROLLTREPPE1^ 92 00:00:32,080 --> 00:00:32,520 A: [MG] 93 00:00:32,680 --> 00:00:33,420 A: SEHEN-AUF1* 94 00:00:33,960 --> 00:00:38,500 A: This is our culture. 95 00:00:34,000 --> 00:00:34,320 A: BEREICH1A^ 96 00:00:34,600 --> 00:00:34,960 A: KULTUR1A* 97 00:00:34,600 --> 00:00:34,960 A: kultur 98 00:00:36,800 --> 00:00:36,960 A: $GEST-OFF^* 99 00:00:37,140 --> 00:00:37,240 A: KULTUR1A* 100 00:00:37,140 --> 00:00:37,240 A: kultur 101 00:00:37,440 --> 00:00:37,820 A: BEREICH1A^* 102 00:00:38,500 --> 00:00:42,480 A: There was a festival in our region in 2010. 103 00:00:38,660 --> 00:00:38,760 A: UND2A* 104 00:00:38,940 --> 00:00:39,060 A: VERGANGENHEIT1^ 105 00:00:39,520 --> 00:00:40,100 A: zweitausendzehn 106 00:00:39,520 --> 00:00:39,640 A: $NUM-TAUSENDER1:2d 107 00:00:39,880 --> 00:00:40,100 A: $NUM-EINER1A:10 108 00:00:41,680 --> 00:00:42,120 A: FESTIVAL1 109 00:00:41,680 --> 00:00:42,120 A: festival 110 00:00:42,320 --> 00:00:42,440 A: $INDEX1 111 00:00:42,480 --> 00:00:46,240 A: Different cities were elected cultural capital there. 112 00:00:42,660 --> 00:00:42,800 A: WAS1A 113 00:00:42,660 --> 00:00:42,800 A: was 114 00:00:42,940 --> 00:00:43,060 A: VERGANGENHEIT1^ 115 00:00:43,500 --> 00:00:43,620 A: MEISTENS1A 116 00:00:43,500 --> 00:00:43,620 A: meist 117 00:00:43,880 --> 00:00:44,180 A: WO3 118 00:00:43,880 --> 00:00:44,180 A: wo 119 00:00:45,060 --> 00:00:45,920 A: kulturhauptstadt 120 00:00:45,060 --> 00:00:45,180 A: KULTUR1A* 121 00:00:45,440 --> 00:00:45,540 A: $WORTTEIL-HAUPT4* 122 00:00:45,780 --> 00:00:45,920 A: STADT2 123 00:00:46,240 --> 00:00:47,920 A: The first city that was selected was one in Hungary. 124 00:00:46,360 --> 00:00:46,420 A: FRÜHER1* 125 00:00:46,360 --> 00:00:46,420 A: früher 126 00:00:46,560 --> 00:00:46,700 A: ERSTENS1A 127 00:00:46,560 --> 00:00:46,700 A: erste 128 00:00:46,780 --> 00:00:46,900 A: SCHON1A* 129 00:00:46,780 --> 00:00:46,900 A: schon 130 00:00:47,220 --> 00:00:47,560 A: UNGARN1B*||$INDEX1 131 00:00:47,220 --> 00:00:47,560 A: ungarn 132 00:00:47,920 --> 00:00:52,460 A: Then there was another poll and the Ruhr region won. 133 00:00:49,400 --> 00:00:49,660 A: WAHL1A 134 00:00:49,400 --> 00:00:49,660 A: wahl 135 00:00:49,860 --> 00:00:50,220 A: $GEST^ 136 00:00:50,480 --> 00:00:50,600 A: HAUPT1A^ 137 00:00:50,840 --> 00:00:51,040 A: $INDEX1 138 00:00:51,420 --> 00:00:52,240 A: ruhr 139 00:00:51,420 --> 00:00:51,600 A: $ALPHA1:R 140 00:00:51,780 --> 00:00:52,240 A: FLUSS1^ 141 00:00:52,460 --> 00:00:54,320 A: It is the region between Dortmund and Essen. 142 00:00:52,680 --> 00:00:52,820 A: $GEST^ 143 00:00:53,080 --> 00:00:53,240 A: DORTMUND1* 144 00:00:53,080 --> 00:00:53,240 A: dortmund 145 00:00:53,460 --> 00:00:53,620 A: ||$INDEX1* 146 00:00:53,460 --> 00:00:53,620 A: auch 147 00:00:53,700 --> 00:00:53,820 A: ESSEN-STADT1* 148 00:00:53,700 --> 00:00:53,820 A: essen 149 00:00:53,820 --> 00:00:54,160 A: ||$INDEX1* 150 00:00:54,320 --> 00:00:56,080 A: But mainly it was Essen. 151 00:00:54,460 --> 00:00:54,620 A: HAUPT1C^ 152 00:00:54,460 --> 00:00:54,620 A: auch 153 00:00:54,700 --> 00:00:54,800 A: ESSEN-STADT1* 154 00:00:54,700 --> 00:00:54,800 A: essen 155 00:00:54,900 --> 00:00:55,080 A: ZUERST1A 156 00:00:54,900 --> 00:00:55,080 A: zuerst 157 00:00:55,240 --> 00:00:55,460 A: HIER1 158 00:00:55,640 --> 00:00:55,800 A: ORT1B^* 159 00:00:56,080 --> 00:00:57,200 A: This city is close to where I live. 160 00:00:56,160 --> 00:00:56,240 A: ICH2 161 00:00:56,380 --> 00:00:56,440 A: NAHE1B* 162 00:00:56,380 --> 00:00:56,440 A: [MG] 163 00:00:56,600 --> 00:00:56,820 A: $INDEX1* 164 00:00:57,200 --> 00:01:01,360 A: This region is really beautiful. One can ride a bike around and see the hills. 165 00:00:57,580 --> 00:00:57,740 A: SCHÖN1A 166 00:00:57,580 --> 00:00:57,740 A: schön 167 00:00:57,900 --> 00:00:58,000 A: ÜBERALL1* 168 00:00:58,100 --> 00:00:58,180 A: KANN2B 169 00:00:58,100 --> 00:00:58,180 A: kann 170 00:00:58,260 --> 00:00:58,700 A: FAHRRAD1 171 00:00:58,260 --> 00:00:58,700 A: fahrrad 172 00:00:58,940 --> 00:00:59,600 A: $PROD* 173 00:00:59,680 --> 00:00:59,780 A: $INDEX1* 174 00:01:00,060 --> 00:01:00,380 A: BERG1A* 175 00:01:00,060 --> 00:01:00,380 A: berg 176 00:01:00,520 --> 00:01:00,960 A: ||$PROD* 177 00:01:01,360 --> 00:01:05,600 A: In case you want to go swimming in summer, there’s a small pool there. 178 00:01:01,900 --> 00:01:02,020 A: UND2A 179 00:01:01,900 --> 00:01:02,020 A: und 180 00:01:02,220 --> 00:01:02,300 A: DA1 181 00:01:02,220 --> 00:01:02,300 A: da 182 00:01:02,680 --> 00:01:03,080 A: SOMMER3 183 00:01:02,680 --> 00:01:03,080 A: sommer 184 00:01:03,740 --> 00:01:03,840 A: WOLLEN5* 185 00:01:03,740 --> 00:01:03,840 A: will 186 00:01:04,020 --> 00:01:04,440 A: SCHWIMMEN1* 187 00:01:04,020 --> 00:01:04,440 A: schwimmen 188 00:01:04,460 --> 00:01:04,520 A: KLEIN11 189 00:01:04,460 --> 00:01:04,520 A: klein 190 00:01:04,620 --> 00:01:04,740 A: EIN1A 191 00:01:04,620 --> 00:01:04,740 A: ein 192 00:01:05,080 --> 00:01:05,380 A: SCHMAL1C^ 193 00:01:05,600 --> 00:01:07,260 A: It was for free. 194 00:01:05,820 --> 00:01:05,980 A: KOSTEN1* 195 00:01:05,820 --> 00:01:05,980 A: kostet 196 00:01:06,100 --> 00:01:06,320 A: NICHT6 197 00:01:06,100 --> 00:01:06,320 A: nichts 198 00:01:07,260 --> 00:01:11,520 A: You were able to go swimming and look through the glass windows at the bottom. 199 00:01:07,640 --> 00:01:07,740 A: GEHÖREN1^* 200 00:01:07,640 --> 00:01:07,740 A: [MG] 201 00:01:08,220 --> 00:01:08,320 A: $GEST^ 202 00:01:08,420 --> 00:01:08,940 A: [MG] 203 00:01:08,420 --> 00:01:08,480 A: ICH2* 204 00:01:08,600 --> 00:01:08,940 A: SCHWIMMEN1* 205 00:01:09,320 --> 00:01:09,400 A: KANN1* 206 00:01:09,320 --> 00:01:09,400 A: kann 207 00:01:09,500 --> 00:01:09,540 A: SEHEN1* 208 00:01:09,780 --> 00:01:10,220 A: FENSTER6* 209 00:01:09,780 --> 00:01:10,220 A: fenster 210 00:01:10,300 --> 00:01:10,560 A: GLAS1E* 211 00:01:10,300 --> 00:01:10,560 A: glas 212 00:01:10,780 --> 00:01:10,880 A: SCHÖN1A||BEREICH1A^* 213 00:01:10,780 --> 00:01:10,880 A: schön 214 00:01:10,960 --> 00:01:11,120 A: ||BEREICH1A^* 215 00:01:11,520 --> 00:01:17,280 A: Right next to it were the old industry chimneys, which produced smoke and everything around the pool was made of metal. 216 00:01:11,620 --> 00:01:11,740 A: UND2A 217 00:01:11,620 --> 00:01:11,740 A: und 218 00:01:11,980 --> 00:01:12,100 A: ALT5B* 219 00:01:11,980 --> 00:01:12,100 A: alt 220 00:01:12,200 --> 00:01:12,480 A: TURM1* 221 00:01:12,620 --> 00:01:12,840 A: HOCH4A* 222 00:01:12,620 --> 00:01:12,840 A: hoch 223 00:01:13,260 --> 00:01:13,540 A: $PROD* 224 00:01:13,260 --> 00:01:13,540 A: [MG] 225 00:01:13,700 --> 00:01:14,100 A: RAUCH1A* 226 00:01:13,700 --> 00:01:14,100 A: rauch 227 00:01:14,100 --> 00:01:14,540 A: RAUCH2* 228 00:01:15,260 --> 00:01:15,880 A: $PROD* 229 00:01:16,120 --> 00:01:16,840 A: metall 230 00:01:16,120 --> 00:01:16,380 A: METALL1 231 00:01:16,560 --> 00:01:16,840 A: $PROD* 232 00:01:17,280 --> 00:01:20,840 A: A lot of tourists came and took pictures. 233 00:01:17,480 --> 00:01:17,560 A: VIEL1A* 234 00:01:17,480 --> 00:01:17,560 A: viel 235 00:01:17,640 --> 00:01:17,740 A: $INDEX1 236 00:01:17,820 --> 00:01:17,960 A: HAUPT1A^ 237 00:01:17,820 --> 00:01:17,960 A: [MG] 238 00:01:18,120 --> 00:01:18,420 A: TOURIST1* 239 00:01:18,120 --> 00:01:18,420 A: tour{isten} 240 00:01:18,680 --> 00:01:19,220 A: FOTO1* 241 00:01:18,680 --> 00:01:19,220 A: fotograf 242 00:01:19,460 --> 00:01:20,180 A: KONTRAST1* 243 00:01:20,840 --> 00:01:23,680 A: There were lots of contrasts. 244 00:01:21,320 --> 00:01:21,400 A: $ALPHA1:K 245 00:01:21,320 --> 00:01:21,400 A: k{astell} 246 00:01:21,440 --> 00:01:21,580 A: $GEST-OFF^ 247 00:01:21,720 --> 00:01:22,340 A: kastell 248 00:01:21,720 --> 00:01:22,120 A: $ALPHA1:K 249 00:01:22,200 --> 00:01:22,340 A: $GEST^ 250 00:01:22,740 --> 00:01:22,920 A: $PROD* 251 00:01:23,040 --> 00:01:23,220 A: VIEL1A* 252 00:01:23,040 --> 00:01:23,220 A: viel 253 00:01:23,360 --> 00:01:23,460 A: DESHALB1* 254 00:01:23,360 --> 00:01:23,460 A: deshalb 255 00:01:23,680 --> 00:01:27,180 A: A lot of people went for walks as well. 256 00:01:24,220 --> 00:01:24,300 A: UND2A 257 00:01:24,220 --> 00:01:24,300 A: und 258 00:01:24,480 --> 00:01:24,540 A: $INDEX1 259 00:01:24,820 --> 00:01:24,900 A: AUCH3A 260 00:01:24,820 --> 00:01:24,900 A: auch 261 00:01:25,060 --> 00:01:25,340 A: GASSI-GEHEN1^* 262 00:01:25,060 --> 00:01:25,340 A: spazieren 263 00:01:25,440 --> 00:01:25,860 A: BEREICH1A^* 264 00:01:26,340 --> 00:01:26,500 A: ZEIT5A* 265 00:01:26,340 --> 00:01:26,500 A: viel zeit 266 00:01:26,620 --> 00:01:26,680 A: VIEL1A* 267 00:01:26,780 --> 00:01:26,860 A: $INDEX1 268 00:01:27,180 --> 00:01:29,180 A: I live very close by and it was really beautiful. 269 00:01:27,360 --> 00:01:27,440 A: ICH2* 270 00:01:27,600 --> 00:01:27,680 A: SCHÖN1A 271 00:01:27,600 --> 00:01:27,680 A: schön 272 00:01:27,740 --> 00:01:27,860 A: ICH1* 273 00:01:28,000 --> 00:01:28,080 A: NAHE1B* 274 00:01:28,000 --> 00:01:28,080 A: [MG] 275 00:01:28,200 --> 00:01:28,360 A: $INDEX1* 276 00:01:28,400 --> 00:01:28,720 A: ORT1A^* 277 00:01:28,400 --> 00:01:28,720 A: [MG] 278 00:01:29,260 --> 00:01:29,680 A: $ORAL^ 279 00:01:29,260 --> 00:01:29,680 A: And/ 279 00:01:29,260 --> 00:01:29,680 A: und 281 00:01:30,460 --> 00:01:38,100 B: The landscape around the place I live is stunning, very green and hilly. 282 00:01:31,180 --> 00:01:31,520 B: ICH1* 283 00:01:31,740 --> 00:01:31,860 B: WOHNUNG5* 284 00:01:31,740 --> 00:01:31,860 B: wohn 285 00:01:32,060 --> 00:01:32,200 B: STIMMT1^ 286 00:01:32,420 --> 00:01:32,800 B: SEHR6* 287 00:01:32,420 --> 00:01:32,800 B: [MG] 288 00:01:32,920 --> 00:01:33,740 B: $PROD* 289 00:01:32,920 --> 00:01:33,740 B: landschaft 290 00:01:34,340 --> 00:01:34,480 B: STARK1B 291 00:01:34,340 --> 00:01:34,480 B: stark 292 00:01:34,540 --> 00:01:35,300 B: grün 293 00:01:34,540 --> 00:01:34,660 B: GRÜN2* 294 00:01:34,800 --> 00:01:35,300 B: $PROD* 295 00:01:35,880 --> 00:01:35,980 B: VIEL5 296 00:01:35,880 --> 00:01:35,980 B: viel 297 00:01:36,160 --> 00:01:37,560 B: BERG1A* 298 00:01:36,160 --> 00:01:37,560 B: berg berg berg 299 00:01:37,860 --> 00:01:37,980 B: VIEL5 300 00:01:37,860 --> 00:01:37,980 B: viel 301 00:01:38,100 --> 00:01:41,580 B: Where I live, most of the streets go uphill and downhill. 302 00:01:38,920 --> 00:01:39,020 B: ICH2 303 00:01:39,160 --> 00:01:39,240 B: WOHNUNG1A* 304 00:01:39,160 --> 00:01:39,240 B: wohne 305 00:01:39,520 --> 00:01:39,680 B: HAUPTSÄCHLICH1* 306 00:01:39,520 --> 00:01:39,680 B: [MG] 307 00:01:40,020 --> 00:01:41,240 B: $PROD* 308 00:01:40,020 --> 00:01:41,240 B: hoch runter hoch 309 00:01:41,360 --> 00:01:41,540 B: ICH1 310 00:01:41,580 --> 00:01:46,680 B: If I have to go grocery shopping, it's a very easy drive there because it's all downhill. 311 00:01:41,960 --> 00:01:42,620 B: EINKAUFEN1* 312 00:01:41,960 --> 00:01:42,620 B: einkaufen 313 00:01:42,820 --> 00:01:43,360 B: mama 314 00:01:42,820 --> 00:01:42,900 B: ||MAMA6 315 00:01:43,080 --> 00:01:43,360 B: ||BESCHEID1A* 316 00:01:43,660 --> 00:01:43,780 B: BITTE1B 317 00:01:43,660 --> 00:01:43,780 B: [MG] 318 00:01:43,920 --> 00:01:44,020 B: ||HOLEN1A 319 00:01:43,920 --> 00:01:44,020 B: holen 320 00:01:44,220 --> 00:01:44,360 B: KAUFEN1A 321 00:01:44,220 --> 00:01:44,360 B: kaufen 322 00:01:45,060 --> 00:01:45,940 B: ||BERGAB-SICH-VERSCHLECHTERN1* 323 00:01:45,060 --> 00:01:45,940 B: ru{nter} 324 00:01:46,020 --> 00:01:46,220 B: EINFACH3* 325 00:01:46,020 --> 00:01:46,220 B: einf{ach} 326 00:01:46,340 --> 00:01:46,680 B: ||BERGAB-SICH-VERSCHLECHTERN1* 327 00:01:46,340 --> 00:01:46,680 B: [MG] 328 00:01:46,680 --> 00:01:50,920 B: But my way back is really exhausting because everything is uphill. 329 00:01:46,940 --> 00:01:47,140 B: KAUFEN1A* 330 00:01:46,940 --> 00:01:47,140 B: kaufen 331 00:01:47,340 --> 00:01:47,580 B: ZURÜCK1A 332 00:01:47,340 --> 00:01:47,580 B: zurück 333 00:01:47,840 --> 00:01:48,060 B: ANSTRENGEND5 334 00:01:48,420 --> 00:01:49,280 B: $PROD* 335 00:01:48,420 --> 00:01:49,280 B: [MG] 336 00:01:49,560 --> 00:01:50,440 B: BERGAUF-SICH-VERBESSERN1 337 00:01:49,560 --> 00:01:50,440 B: [MG] 338 00:01:51,580 --> 00:01:55,980 B: It's very beautiful here. We have a forest with a sports ground. 339 00:01:52,480 --> 00:01:52,640 B: SCHÖN1A 340 00:01:52,480 --> 00:01:52,640 B: schön 341 00:01:53,860 --> 00:01:54,280 B: HABEN-EXISTIEREN1* 342 00:01:53,860 --> 00:01:54,280 B: [MG] 343 00:01:54,680 --> 00:01:54,860 B: WALD9 344 00:01:54,680 --> 00:01:54,860 B: wald 345 00:01:55,020 --> 00:01:55,160 B: IN1 346 00:01:55,020 --> 00:01:55,160 B: in 347 00:01:55,560 --> 00:01:55,900 B: VIERECK2^* 348 00:01:55,560 --> 00:01:55,900 B: sportplatz 349 00:01:55,980 --> 00:01:58,340 B: The forest surrounds the sports ground. 350 00:01:56,280 --> 00:01:56,840 B: $PROD* 351 00:01:56,280 --> 00:01:56,840 B: wald 352 00:01:57,120 --> 00:01:57,200 B: $INDEX1 353 00:01:57,380 --> 00:01:58,340 B: sportplatz 354 00:01:57,380 --> 00:01:57,620 B: VIERECK2^* 355 00:01:57,720 --> 00:01:58,340 B: WIMMELN1^ 356 00:01:58,340 --> 00:01:58,860 B: It's really beautiful. 357 00:01:58,520 --> 00:01:58,660 B: SCHÖN4* 358 00:01:58,520 --> 00:01:58,660 B: schön 359 00:01:58,860 --> 00:02:02,280 B: The floodlights weren't that great, but that didn't matter. We had fun playing there anyways. 360 00:01:59,300 --> 00:01:59,600 B: QUELLE-STRAHLEN1^* 361 00:01:59,300 --> 00:01:59,600 B: flutlicht 362 00:01:59,880 --> 00:02:00,260 B: SCHWACH4 363 00:01:59,880 --> 00:02:00,260 B: [MG] 364 00:02:00,500 --> 00:02:00,680 B: QUELLE-STRAHLEN1^* 365 00:02:00,500 --> 00:02:00,680 B: flut{licht} 366 00:02:00,840 --> 00:02:01,140 B: EGAL3* 367 00:02:00,840 --> 00:02:01,140 B: egal 368 00:02:01,220 --> 00:02:01,680 B: spaß 369 00:02:01,220 --> 00:02:01,380 B: SPIELEN2* 370 00:02:01,520 --> 00:02:01,680 B: SPASS1 371 00:02:01,840 --> 00:02:02,220 B: BEREICH1A^ 372 00:02:02,280 --> 00:02:04,340 B: In the past we played soccer with hearing people there. 373 00:02:02,360 --> 00:02:02,460 B: FRÜHER1* 374 00:02:02,360 --> 00:02:02,460 B: früher 375 00:02:02,640 --> 00:02:02,760 B: HÖREND1B* 376 00:02:02,640 --> 00:02:02,760 B: hörend 377 00:02:02,960 --> 00:02:03,060 B: FUSSBALL2 378 00:02:02,960 --> 00:02:03,060 B: fußball 379 00:02:03,180 --> 00:02:04,160 B: BEREICH1A^* 380 00:02:04,340 --> 00:02:07,640 B: Every year there is the “Schützenfest” [marksmen‘s festival]. 381 00:02:04,880 --> 00:02:05,020 B: $INDEX1* 382 00:02:05,300 --> 00:02:05,460 B: REGELMÄSSIG2* 383 00:02:05,300 --> 00:02:05,460 B: [MG] 384 00:02:05,740 --> 00:02:05,900 B: JEDE1B* 385 00:02:05,740 --> 00:02:05,900 B: jedes 386 00:02:06,060 --> 00:02:06,580 B: JAHR1B* 387 00:02:06,060 --> 00:02:06,580 B: jahr jahr 388 00:02:06,660 --> 00:02:07,220 B: schützenfest 389 00:02:06,660 --> 00:02:06,860 B: SCHIESSEN1B^* 390 00:02:07,020 --> 00:02:07,220 B: FEST-FEIER1A 391 00:02:07,640 --> 00:02:11,300 B: At this festival the hearing people get drunk. 392 00:02:08,180 --> 00:02:08,540 B: schützenfest 393 00:02:08,180 --> 00:02:08,360 B: SCHIESSEN1B^ 394 00:02:08,420 --> 00:02:08,540 B: FEST-FEIER3A* 395 00:02:09,840 --> 00:02:09,940 B: MEISTENS1A 396 00:02:09,840 --> 00:02:09,940 B: meist 397 00:02:10,120 --> 00:02:10,380 B: HÖREND1B 398 00:02:10,120 --> 00:02:10,380 B: hörend 399 00:02:10,600 --> 00:02:10,900 B: BESOFFEN3* 400 00:02:11,060 --> 00:02:11,140 B: GEHÖREN1^* 401 00:02:11,300 --> 00:02:12,920 B: But I still like to go there. 402 00:02:11,400 --> 00:02:11,580 B: ICH1^ 403 00:02:11,400 --> 00:02:11,580 B: aber 404 00:02:12,080 --> 00:02:12,200 B: DABEI1A* 405 00:02:12,080 --> 00:02:12,200 B: dabei 406 00:02:12,420 --> 00:02:12,740 B: GERN1 407 00:02:12,420 --> 00:02:12,740 B: gern 408 00:02:12,920 --> 00:02:17,960 B: It is basically a fair. 409 00:02:13,140 --> 00:02:13,280 B: TYPISCH1* 410 00:02:13,140 --> 00:02:13,280 B: ty{pisch} 411 00:02:14,500 --> 00:02:14,840 B: schützenfest 412 00:02:14,500 --> 00:02:14,620 B: SCHÜTZE3 413 00:02:14,700 --> 00:02:14,840 B: FEST-FEIER3A 414 00:02:15,060 --> 00:02:15,160 B: MIT1A 415 00:02:15,060 --> 00:02:15,160 B: mit 416 00:02:15,580 --> 00:02:15,640 B: KIRMES2* 417 00:02:15,760 --> 00:02:16,020 B: WIE3A* 418 00:02:15,760 --> 00:02:16,020 B: wie 419 00:02:16,020 --> 00:02:16,380 B: WIE3A 420 00:02:16,020 --> 00:02:16,380 B: wie 421 00:02:16,600 --> 00:02:17,460 B: rummelplatz 422 00:02:16,600 --> 00:02:16,780 B: FORM1A^* 423 00:02:16,900 --> 00:02:17,460 B: KIRMES2* 424 00:02:17,580 --> 00:02:17,780 B: $GEST^ 425 00:02:17,960 --> 00:02:23,580 B: There are bumper cars and shooting games. 426 00:02:18,200 --> 00:02:18,320 B: AUTO1* 427 00:02:18,200 --> 00:02:18,320 B: auto 428 00:02:18,560 --> 00:02:19,560 B: $PROD* 429 00:02:18,560 --> 00:02:19,560 B: [MG] 430 00:02:19,680 --> 00:02:20,060 B: $GEST^ 431 00:02:20,320 --> 00:02:20,480 B: UND-DANN1 432 00:02:20,320 --> 00:02:20,480 B: und 433 00:02:20,960 --> 00:02:21,120 B: SPIELEN2* 434 00:02:20,960 --> 00:02:21,120 B: spiel 435 00:02:21,380 --> 00:02:21,820 B: SCHIESSEN1B^* 436 00:02:22,220 --> 00:02:22,600 B: $PROD* 437 00:02:22,220 --> 00:02:22,600 B: [MG] 438 00:02:22,320 --> 00:02:24,300 A: Are you a member of the marksmen club? 439 00:02:22,540 --> 00:02:22,940 A: du 440 00:02:22,540 --> 00:02:22,620 A: DU1* 441 00:02:22,680 --> 00:02:22,940 A: EINTRETEN1A^* 442 00:02:22,820 --> 00:02:23,020 B: SCHIESSEN1B^* 443 00:02:23,180 --> 00:02:23,400 A: VEREIN2A 444 00:02:23,180 --> 00:02:23,400 A: verein 445 00:02:23,540 --> 00:02:23,720 A: SCHIESSEN1B^ 446 00:02:23,540 --> 00:02:23,720 A: schütze 447 00:02:23,860 --> 00:02:23,900 A: DU1* 448 00:02:24,300 --> 00:02:26,360 B: No, I am not a member of a club. 449 00:02:24,460 --> 00:02:24,780 B: KEIN2^* 450 00:02:25,000 --> 00:02:25,140 B: VEREIN2A* 451 00:02:25,000 --> 00:02:25,140 B: verein 452 00:02:25,280 --> 00:02:25,380 B: EINTRETEN1A* 453 00:02:25,480 --> 00:02:25,800 B: NEIN1A* 454 00:02:25,900 --> 00:02:26,100 B: ICH1 455 00:02:26,360 --> 00:02:30,080 B: But at the festival everybody can join. 456 00:02:27,020 --> 00:02:27,560 B: mitmachen 457 00:02:27,020 --> 00:02:27,080 B: MIT1A 458 00:02:27,160 --> 00:02:27,260 B: MACHEN1* 459 00:02:27,420 --> 00:02:27,560 B: EINTRETEN1A^ 460 00:02:28,580 --> 00:02:28,760 B: DORTHIN-GEHEN1* 461 00:02:28,920 --> 00:02:29,140 B: $GEST-OFF^* 462 00:02:29,260 --> 00:02:29,380 B: UND-DANN2 463 00:02:29,260 --> 00:02:29,380 B: und 464 00:02:29,640 --> 00:02:30,080 B: $GEST^ 465 00:02:31,180 --> 00:02:34,960 B: Living in a village is also a little to extreme for me. 466 00:02:31,380 --> 00:02:31,500 B: AUCH3A 467 00:02:31,380 --> 00:02:31,500 B: auch 468 00:02:32,720 --> 00:02:32,900 B: DORF3 469 00:02:32,720 --> 00:02:32,900 B: dorf 470 00:02:33,660 --> 00:02:33,820 B: BISSCHEN2A* 471 00:02:33,660 --> 00:02:33,820 B: bisschen 472 00:02:34,100 --> 00:02:34,200 B: FÜR1* 473 00:02:34,100 --> 00:02:34,200 B: für 474 00:02:34,420 --> 00:02:34,960 B: SEHR-VIEL2* 475 00:02:34,420 --> 00:02:34,960 B: [MG] 476 00:02:34,960 --> 00:02:37,000 B: In a village the neighbors know everything. 477 00:02:35,080 --> 00:02:35,260 B: DORF3 478 00:02:35,080 --> 00:02:35,260 B: dorf 479 00:02:35,720 --> 00:02:36,320 B: NACHBAR2B* 480 00:02:35,720 --> 00:02:36,320 B: nachbar nachbar 481 00:02:36,480 --> 00:02:36,600 B: WISSEN2B 482 00:02:36,480 --> 00:02:36,600 B: weiß 483 00:02:36,760 --> 00:02:36,960 B: ALLES1C 484 00:02:36,760 --> 00:02:36,960 B: alles 485 00:02:37,000 --> 00:02:38,580 B: Who visits me or where the neighbors go to. 486 00:02:37,180 --> 00:02:37,740 B: KOMMEN1* 487 00:02:37,180 --> 00:02:37,740 B: komm komm 488 00:02:37,860 --> 00:02:37,920 B: ICH1 489 00:02:38,100 --> 00:02:38,580 B: DORTHIN-GEHEN1* 490 00:02:38,100 --> 00:02:38,580 B: komm komm 491 00:02:38,580 --> 00:02:39,620 B: You know everything. 492 00:02:38,680 --> 00:02:38,800 B: WISSEN2B* 493 00:02:38,680 --> 00:02:38,800 B: weiß 494 00:02:38,940 --> 00:02:39,240 B: ALLES1C 495 00:02:38,940 --> 00:02:39,240 B: alles 496 00:02:39,620 --> 00:02:42,260 B: If something happens, everyone in the village knows about it. 497 00:02:40,280 --> 00:02:40,420 B: WAS1B* 498 00:02:40,280 --> 00:02:40,420 B: was 499 00:02:40,600 --> 00:02:40,740 B: PASSIERT3 500 00:02:40,600 --> 00:02:40,740 B: pa{ssiert} 501 00:02:41,240 --> 00:02:42,100 B: SPRECHEN2* 502 00:02:42,260 --> 00:02:44,780 B: There is always gossip. 503 00:02:42,500 --> 00:02:42,660 B: SEHR7* 504 00:02:42,500 --> 00:02:42,660 B: [MG] 505 00:02:42,780 --> 00:02:42,860 B: DORF3 506 00:02:42,780 --> 00:02:42,860 B: dorf 507 00:02:43,040 --> 00:02:43,120 B: STIMMT1^* 508 00:02:43,280 --> 00:02:43,440 B: VOLL2A^ 509 00:02:43,720 --> 00:02:44,640 B: klatsch 510 00:02:43,720 --> 00:02:44,360 B: KLATSCH1* 511 00:02:44,460 --> 00:02:44,640 B: $GEST-OFF^ 512 00:02:44,780 --> 00:02:46,120 B: Everyone knows everything. What, where and when something happens. 513 00:02:45,100 --> 00:02:45,420 B: ALLES1C 514 00:02:45,100 --> 00:02:45,420 B: alles 515 00:02:45,420 --> 00:02:45,540 B: $ORAL^ 516 00:02:45,420 --> 00:02:45,540 B: was 517 00:02:45,580 --> 00:02:45,780 B: PASSIERT3 518 00:02:45,580 --> 00:02:45,780 B: passiert 519 00:02:45,920 --> 00:02:46,080 B: PASSIERT3* 520 00:02:45,920 --> 00:02:46,080 B: passiert 521 00:02:46,120 --> 00:02:49,880 B: It was really different for me when I moved away. 522 00:02:46,200 --> 00:02:46,280 B: ICH2 523 00:02:46,200 --> 00:02:46,280 B: ich 524 00:02:46,540 --> 00:02:46,920 B: UMZIEHEN1* 525 00:02:46,540 --> 00:02:46,920 B: umziehen 526 00:02:47,160 --> 00:02:47,420 B: VERWIRRT-SEIN1 527 00:02:47,160 --> 00:02:47,420 B: [MG] 528 00:02:47,840 --> 00:02:48,820 B: still 529 00:02:47,840 --> 00:02:48,140 B: STILL3 530 00:02:48,400 --> 00:02:48,820 B: $GEST^ 531 00:02:49,020 --> 00:02:49,560 B: anders 532 00:02:49,020 --> 00:02:49,260 B: ANDERS1 533 00:02:49,440 --> 00:02:49,560 B: $GEST-OFF^* 534 00:02:50,420 --> 00:02:50,540 B: UND2A* 535 00:02:50,420 --> 00:02:50,540 B: und 535 00:02:50,420 --> 00:02:50,540 B: And/ 537 00:02:50,860 --> 00:02:56,080 A: When the city was made cultural capital there were a lot of events for a whole year. 538 00:02:51,060 --> 00:02:51,140 A: ICH2* 539 00:02:52,400 --> 00:02:52,520 A: ICH2* 540 00:02:52,660 --> 00:02:52,760 A: STADT2 541 00:02:52,660 --> 00:02:52,760 A: stadt 542 00:02:52,980 --> 00:02:53,260 A: $INDEX1* 543 00:02:52,980 --> 00:02:53,260 A: auch 544 00:02:53,520 --> 00:02:53,620 A: KULTUR1A* 545 00:02:53,520 --> 00:02:53,620 A: kultur 546 00:02:53,760 --> 00:02:53,860 A: $INDEX1 547 00:02:54,420 --> 00:02:54,560 A: IMMER4A* 548 00:02:54,420 --> 00:02:54,560 A: i{mmer} 549 00:02:54,700 --> 00:02:55,060 A: JEDER1A 550 00:02:54,700 --> 00:02:55,060 A: jede{s} 551 00:02:55,320 --> 00:02:55,560 A: JAHR2A* 552 00:02:55,320 --> 00:02:55,560 A: jahr 553 00:02:55,860 --> 00:02:56,000 A: FACH2A^* 554 00:02:56,080 --> 00:03:00,840 A: During spring there were a lot of exhibitions. 555 00:02:56,880 --> 00:02:57,360 A: frühling 556 00:02:56,880 --> 00:02:57,060 A: PHASE1A^* 557 00:02:57,200 --> 00:02:57,360 A: $INDEX2 558 00:02:57,540 --> 00:02:57,660 A: $INDEX1 559 00:02:58,340 --> 00:02:58,900 A: FOTO1^* 560 00:02:58,340 --> 00:02:58,900 A: performance 561 00:02:59,380 --> 00:02:59,820 A: BILD1* 562 00:02:59,380 --> 00:02:59,820 A: bild 563 00:03:00,140 --> 00:03:00,240 A: SEHEN-AUF4^* 564 00:03:00,500 --> 00:03:00,720 A: PHASE1A^* 565 00:03:00,840 --> 00:03:05,240 A: These exhibitions were very interesting and you could vote for the best picture. 566 00:03:01,720 --> 00:03:01,820 A: AUCH3A 567 00:03:01,720 --> 00:03:01,820 A: auch 568 00:03:01,980 --> 00:03:02,240 A: AUSSTELLUNG1* 569 00:03:02,240 --> 00:03:03,040 A: AUSSTELLUNG1* 570 00:03:02,240 --> 00:03:03,040 A: ausstellung 571 00:03:03,240 --> 00:03:03,400 A: GUT1 572 00:03:03,240 --> 00:03:03,400 A: [MG] 573 00:03:03,520 --> 00:03:03,760 A: INTERESSE1A 574 00:03:03,940 --> 00:03:04,240 A: WAHL1A 575 00:03:03,940 --> 00:03:04,240 A: wahl 576 00:03:04,400 --> 00:03:04,580 A: BESTE1 577 00:03:04,400 --> 00:03:04,580 A: beste 578 00:03:04,780 --> 00:03:05,000 A: STIMME1* 579 00:03:05,100 --> 00:03:05,240 A: $GEST^ 580 00:03:05,240 --> 00:03:08,540 A: The festivals took place during summer. 581 00:03:05,580 --> 00:03:05,940 A: ||AUSSEN1A^* 582 00:03:06,140 --> 00:03:06,380 A: SOMMER3* 583 00:03:06,140 --> 00:03:06,380 A: sommer 584 00:03:07,420 --> 00:03:07,740 A: FESTIVAL1* 585 00:03:07,420 --> 00:03:07,740 A: festival 586 00:03:07,860 --> 00:03:08,440 A: BEREICH1A^* 587 00:03:08,540 --> 00:03:11,520 A: There was this one event with all those tents everywhere and a children's program. 588 00:03:09,020 --> 00:03:09,220 A: ZELT1 589 00:03:09,020 --> 00:03:09,220 A: zelt 590 00:03:09,400 --> 00:03:09,700 A: $PROD* 591 00:03:10,080 --> 00:03:10,880 A: kinderspielprogramm 592 00:03:10,080 --> 00:03:10,240 A: KIND2* 593 00:03:10,380 --> 00:03:10,520 A: SPIELEN1* 594 00:03:10,680 --> 00:03:10,880 A: PROGRAMM1B 595 00:03:11,000 --> 00:03:11,260 A: ALLE1A^ 596 00:03:11,520 --> 00:03:14,300 A: And in the evening were some fireworks. 597 00:03:12,440 --> 00:03:12,720 A: ABEND2 598 00:03:12,440 --> 00:03:12,720 A: abend 599 00:03:13,160 --> 00:03:14,080 A: EXPLOSION3^* 600 00:03:13,160 --> 00:03:14,080 A: feuerwerk 601 00:03:14,300 --> 00:03:18,820 A: In fall was also an event where there were little trailers displayed. 602 00:03:14,840 --> 00:03:15,100 A: PHASE1A^ 603 00:03:15,380 --> 00:03:16,020 A: herbst 604 00:03:15,380 --> 00:03:15,520 A: HERBST3* 605 00:03:15,720 --> 00:03:16,020 A: ZWISCHEN1B* 606 00:03:16,220 --> 00:03:16,360 A: $INDEX1 607 00:03:17,480 --> 00:03:17,620 A: KLEIN11 608 00:03:17,480 --> 00:03:17,620 A: klein 609 00:03:17,800 --> 00:03:17,980 A: WOHNWAGEN1* 610 00:03:17,800 --> 00:03:17,980 A: wohnwagen 611 00:03:18,280 --> 00:03:18,480 A: $PROD* 612 00:03:18,280 --> 00:03:18,480 A: [MG] 613 00:03:18,820 --> 00:03:23,260 A: And at every single one you could try different specialties. 614 00:03:19,000 --> 00:03:19,320 A: KOCHEN1* 615 00:03:19,000 --> 00:03:19,320 A: kochen 616 00:03:19,760 --> 00:03:19,940 A: MERKWÜRDIG1 617 00:03:19,760 --> 00:03:19,940 A: [MG] 618 00:03:19,980 --> 00:03:20,260 A: PROBE2 619 00:03:20,340 --> 00:03:20,460 A: ABSCHMECKEN1^ 620 00:03:20,340 --> 00:03:20,460 A: [MG] 621 00:03:20,880 --> 00:03:21,120 A: SCHMECKEN1A* 622 00:03:21,140 --> 00:03:21,300 A: UNTERSCHIED1B* 623 00:03:21,440 --> 00:03:21,640 A: GEBEN1* 624 00:03:21,740 --> 00:03:21,860 A: PROBE2* 625 00:03:22,080 --> 00:03:22,340 A: $PROD* 626 00:03:22,080 --> 00:03:22,340 A: [MG] 627 00:03:22,620 --> 00:03:23,140 A: BESUCHEN1B* 628 00:03:23,260 --> 00:03:31,440 A: During that year there were a lot of events at the “Zeche Zollverein.” 629 00:03:23,600 --> 00:03:23,800 A: PROGRAMM1B 630 00:03:23,600 --> 00:03:23,800 A: programm 631 00:03:23,900 --> 00:03:24,000 A: VIEL1A* 632 00:03:23,900 --> 00:03:24,000 A: viel 633 00:03:24,020 --> 00:03:24,200 A: PROGRAMM1B 634 00:03:24,020 --> 00:03:24,200 A: programm 635 00:03:24,380 --> 00:03:24,920 A: ||VORBEI2A* 636 00:03:25,100 --> 00:03:25,200 A: KULTUR1A* 637 00:03:25,100 --> 00:03:25,200 A: kultur 638 00:03:25,380 --> 00:03:25,540 A: $INDEX1 639 00:03:25,800 --> 00:03:25,960 A: STADT2 640 00:03:26,260 --> 00:03:26,580 A: BEREICH1A^* 641 00:03:26,680 --> 00:03:27,140 A: $ALPHA1:Z 642 00:03:26,680 --> 00:03:27,140 A: zollverein 643 00:03:28,000 --> 00:03:28,080 A: HEISSEN4* 644 00:03:28,000 --> 00:03:28,080 A: heißt 645 00:03:28,220 --> 00:03:30,660 A: $ALPHA1:Z-O-L-L-V-E-R-I-E-N 646 00:03:28,220 --> 00:03:30,660 A: zollverein 647 00:03:31,000 --> 00:03:31,100 A: $INDEX1 648 00:03:31,440 --> 00:03:36,220 A: I also live near Gelsenkirchen. 649 00:03:32,140 --> 00:03:32,220 A: KULTUR1A* 650 00:03:32,140 --> 00:03:32,220 A: kultur 651 00:03:32,360 --> 00:03:32,460 A: DA1* 652 00:03:33,160 --> 00:03:33,300 A: UND2A 653 00:03:33,160 --> 00:03:33,300 A: und 654 00:03:33,540 --> 00:03:33,840 A: VORHER4* 655 00:03:33,540 --> 00:03:33,840 A: vorher 656 00:03:33,900 --> 00:03:33,980 A: $NUM-EINER1A:1d 657 00:03:33,900 --> 00:03:33,980 A: ein 658 00:03:34,200 --> 00:03:34,320 A: NAHE1B* 659 00:03:34,200 --> 00:03:34,320 A: [MG] 660 00:03:34,520 --> 00:03:34,680 A: ||$INDEX1 661 00:03:34,900 --> 00:03:35,020 A: AUCH3A 662 00:03:34,900 --> 00:03:35,020 A: auch 663 00:03:35,400 --> 00:03:35,640 A: GELSENKIRCHEN1B 664 00:03:35,400 --> 00:03:35,640 A: gelsenkirchen 665 00:03:35,760 --> 00:03:35,940 A: GRENZE1A 666 00:03:35,760 --> 00:03:35,940 A: grenze 667 00:03:36,020 --> 00:03:36,140 A: ICH1* 668 00:03:36,020 --> 00:03:36,140 A: ich 669 00:03:36,220 --> 00:03:42,860 A: Gelsenkirchen has a park, the “Revierpark,” with a lot of activities for your free time. 670 00:03:36,460 --> 00:03:36,780 A: GELSENKIRCHEN1B 671 00:03:36,460 --> 00:03:36,780 A: gelsenkirchen 672 00:03:36,940 --> 00:03:37,100 A: GRENZE1A 673 00:03:37,420 --> 00:03:37,540 A: $INDEX1 674 00:03:37,700 --> 00:03:37,820 A: $INDEX1 675 00:03:37,700 --> 00:03:37,820 A: da 676 00:03:37,920 --> 00:03:38,060 A: AUCH3A 677 00:03:37,920 --> 00:03:38,060 A: auch 678 00:03:38,940 --> 00:03:39,060 A: $GEST^ 679 00:03:39,340 --> 00:03:40,620 A: $ALPHA1:R-I-E* 680 00:03:39,340 --> 00:03:40,620 A: r-i-e 681 00:03:40,780 --> 00:03:42,860 A: ri-e-verpark 682 00:03:40,780 --> 00:03:42,080 A: $ALPHA1:R-I-E-V-E-R 683 00:03:42,200 --> 00:03:42,860 A: PARK1A* 684 00:03:42,860 --> 00:03:45,400 A: There are a lot of activities for you to do in your free time. 685 00:03:43,320 --> 00:03:43,660 A: ZEIT5A^ 686 00:03:43,320 --> 00:03:43,660 A: freizeit 687 00:03:44,360 --> 00:03:45,040 A: SCHAUKEL1* 688 00:03:44,360 --> 00:03:45,040 A: [MG] 689 00:03:45,400 --> 00:03:52,260 A: You can row, play tennis or use a soccer field and everything is for free. 690 00:03:46,720 --> 00:03:46,860 A: $GEST^ 691 00:03:47,040 --> 00:03:47,460 A: RUDERN1* 692 00:03:47,600 --> 00:03:47,760 A: ||GEHÖREN1^* 693 00:03:47,920 --> 00:03:48,060 A: UND2A* 694 00:03:47,920 --> 00:03:48,060 A: und 695 00:03:48,060 --> 00:03:48,340 A: ||AUSSEN1A^* 696 00:03:48,580 --> 00:03:49,080 A: TENNIS1* 697 00:03:48,580 --> 00:03:49,080 A: tennis 698 00:03:49,140 --> 00:03:49,260 A: KOSTEN1* 699 00:03:49,140 --> 00:03:49,260 A: kosten 700 00:03:49,400 --> 00:03:49,620 A: NICHTS1B 701 00:03:49,400 --> 00:03:49,620 A: nichts 702 00:03:50,100 --> 00:03:50,580 A: TENNIS1* 703 00:03:50,100 --> 00:03:50,580 A: tennis 704 00:03:50,620 --> 00:03:50,740 A: ||GEHÖREN1^* 705 00:03:51,060 --> 00:03:51,620 A: fußballplatz 706 00:03:51,060 --> 00:03:51,200 A: FUSSBALL1B 707 00:03:51,420 --> 00:03:51,620 A: PLATZ3* 708 00:03:51,820 --> 00:03:51,960 A: GEHÖREN1^* 709 00:03:52,260 --> 00:03:54,740 A: There are a lot of meadows. 710 00:03:52,440 --> 00:03:52,560 A: ||VIEL1A* 711 00:03:52,440 --> 00:03:52,560 A: viel 712 00:03:53,040 --> 00:03:53,380 A: GROSS3A* 713 00:03:53,040 --> 00:03:53,380 A: groß 714 00:03:53,740 --> 00:03:53,860 A: WIESE1A 715 00:03:53,740 --> 00:03:53,860 A: wiese 716 00:03:54,000 --> 00:03:54,240 A: $PROD* 717 00:03:55,180 --> 00:03:57,680 A: I used to go there a lot because it was close by. 718 00:03:55,420 --> 00:03:55,580 A: ||AUFWACHSEN1A 719 00:03:55,420 --> 00:03:55,580 A: auf{ge}wachsen 720 00:03:55,760 --> 00:03:55,820 A: ||BIN1 721 00:03:55,760 --> 00:03:55,820 A: bin 722 00:03:56,020 --> 00:03:57,080 A: ||HIN-UND-HER1* 723 00:03:57,320 --> 00:03:57,400 A: NAHE1B* 724 00:03:57,320 --> 00:03:57,400 A: nähe 725 00:03:57,680 --> 00:04:01,300 A: There were a lot of big playgrounds that I used to go to. 726 00:03:57,780 --> 00:03:57,880 A: VIEL1B* 727 00:03:57,780 --> 00:03:57,880 A: viel 728 00:03:58,160 --> 00:03:58,340 A: MEHR1 729 00:03:58,160 --> 00:03:58,340 A: mehr 730 00:03:58,700 --> 00:03:59,200 A: spielplatz 731 00:03:58,700 --> 00:03:58,820 A: SPIELEN2* 732 00:03:58,820 --> 00:03:59,200 A: PLATZ6A* 733 00:03:59,500 --> 00:03:59,720 A: ||GROSS3A* 734 00:03:59,500 --> 00:03:59,720 A: groß 735 00:03:59,920 --> 00:04:00,020 A: ||$INDEX1 736 00:04:00,520 --> 00:04:00,720 A: ||HIN1* 737 00:04:01,300 --> 00:04:07,580 A: I also went swimming there a lot and later on I played basketball there. 738 00:04:01,400 --> 00:04:01,880 A: DAUMEN-DRÜCKEN1^ 739 00:04:02,280 --> 00:04:02,340 A: VIEL1B* 740 00:04:02,280 --> 00:04:02,340 A: viel 741 00:04:02,460 --> 00:04:02,920 A: SCHWIMMEN1* 742 00:04:02,460 --> 00:04:02,920 A: schwimmen 743 00:04:02,980 --> 00:04:03,060 A: $INDEX1 744 00:04:03,340 --> 00:04:03,540 A: DORTHIN-GEHEN1* 745 00:04:03,340 --> 00:04:03,540 A: [MG] 746 00:04:03,860 --> 00:04:03,980 A: ||$INDEX1 747 00:04:04,280 --> 00:04:04,540 A: ||ZURÜCK1A 748 00:04:04,280 --> 00:04:04,540 A: zurück 749 00:04:04,800 --> 00:04:04,960 A: SPÄTER9A 750 00:04:05,120 --> 00:04:05,380 A: GROSS5A 751 00:04:05,120 --> 00:04:05,380 A: groß 752 00:04:05,500 --> 00:04:05,580 A: ||ICH1 753 00:04:05,620 --> 00:04:05,820 A: ||DORTHIN-GEHEN1 754 00:04:05,960 --> 00:04:06,580 A: BASKETBALL1* 755 00:04:05,960 --> 00:04:06,580 A: basketball 756 00:04:07,160 --> 00:04:07,260 A: ||GUT1 757 00:04:07,160 --> 00:04:07,260 A: [MG] 758 00:04:07,580 --> 00:04:09,360 A: They have a gigantic amount of activities for your free time. 759 00:04:07,900 --> 00:04:08,140 A: ZEIT5B^* 760 00:04:07,900 --> 00:04:08,140 A: freizeit 761 00:04:08,220 --> 00:04:08,340 A: VIEL1A* 762 00:04:08,220 --> 00:04:08,340 A: viel 763 00:04:08,460 --> 00:04:08,580 A: ||GEHÖREN1^* 764 00:04:08,820 --> 00:04:08,940 A: ||GUT1 765 00:04:09,360 --> 00:04:11,040 A: They offer not only leisure activities but also cultural activities. 766 00:04:09,500 --> 00:04:09,620 A: KULTUR1A* 767 00:04:09,500 --> 00:04:09,620 A: kultur 768 00:04:09,720 --> 00:04:09,860 A: THEATER6* 769 00:04:09,720 --> 00:04:09,860 A: theater 770 00:04:10,020 --> 00:04:10,160 A: GEHÖREN1^* 771 00:04:10,260 --> 00:04:10,380 A: ||GEHÖREN1^* 772 00:04:10,480 --> 00:04:10,560 A: GUT1 773 00:04:10,780 --> 00:04:15,740 B: I took the bus to the lake to go swimming many times. 774 00:04:11,040 --> 00:04:11,300 B: SELBST1A 775 00:04:11,400 --> 00:04:11,480 B: AUCH1A 776 00:04:11,400 --> 00:04:11,480 B: auch 777 00:04:11,560 --> 00:04:11,660 B: ICH1* 778 00:04:11,840 --> 00:04:12,180 B: OFT1B* 779 00:04:11,840 --> 00:04:12,180 B: oft oft 780 00:04:12,280 --> 00:04:12,600 B: $INDEX1 781 00:04:13,060 --> 00:04:13,240 B: BUS1A 782 00:04:13,060 --> 00:04:13,240 B: bus 783 00:04:13,420 --> 00:04:13,700 B: $PROD* 784 00:04:13,880 --> 00:04:14,020 B: DORTHIN-GEHEN1 785 00:04:14,480 --> 00:04:14,740 B: SEE4 786 00:04:14,480 --> 00:04:14,740 B: see 787 00:04:14,900 --> 00:04:15,520 B: schwimmen 788 00:04:14,900 --> 00:04:15,120 B: SCHWIMMEN1* 789 00:04:15,300 --> 00:04:15,520 B: DORTHIN-GEHEN1 790 00:04:15,740 --> 00:04:17,480 B: I used to love to go swimming. 791 00:04:15,780 --> 00:04:15,920 B: ICH1* 792 00:04:16,080 --> 00:04:16,240 B: SCHWIMMEN1* 793 00:04:16,080 --> 00:04:16,240 B: schwimmen 794 00:04:16,460 --> 00:04:16,640 B: FAN2* 795 00:04:16,460 --> 00:04:16,640 B: [MG] 796 00:04:16,920 --> 00:04:17,160 B: MASSE-PERSON-AKTIV1 797 00:04:17,480 --> 00:04:20,460 B: There was always a lot going on. 798 00:04:17,820 --> 00:04:18,320 B: VIEL5 799 00:04:17,820 --> 00:04:18,320 B: viel 800 00:04:18,700 --> 00:04:18,960 B: MASSE-PERSON-AKTIV1^* 801 00:04:19,180 --> 00:04:19,900 B: $PROD* 802 00:04:19,180 --> 00:04:19,900 B: [MG] 803 00:04:20,460 --> 00:04:25,980 B: There is no ocean close by, only this one lake. 804 00:04:20,460 --> 00:04:20,640 B: $INDEX1* 805 00:04:20,860 --> 00:04:21,460 B: WIE3A 806 00:04:20,860 --> 00:04:21,460 B: wie 807 00:04:22,600 --> 00:04:23,100 B: meer 808 00:04:22,600 --> 00:04:22,800 B: ALLE1A^* 809 00:04:22,980 --> 00:04:23,100 B: MEER1B* 810 00:04:23,180 --> 00:04:23,460 B: KEIN1* 811 00:04:23,180 --> 00:04:23,460 B: kein 812 00:04:23,480 --> 00:04:23,640 B: $GEST-OFF^ 813 00:04:24,200 --> 00:04:24,320 B: NUR2A* 814 00:04:24,200 --> 00:04:24,320 B: nur 815 00:04:24,420 --> 00:04:24,800 B: einzig 816 00:04:24,420 --> 00:04:24,520 B: $NUM-EINER1A:1d 817 00:04:24,660 --> 00:04:24,800 B: EINZIG1* 818 00:04:24,980 --> 00:04:25,160 B: SEE4* 819 00:04:24,980 --> 00:04:25,160 B: see 820 00:04:25,580 --> 00:04:25,780 B: MASSE-PERSON-AKTIV2* 821 00:04:25,980 --> 00:04:28,900 B: We also have an outdoor swimming pool, but not a lot of people went there. 822 00:04:26,460 --> 00:04:27,060 B: freibad 823 00:04:26,460 --> 00:04:26,580 B: FREI1 824 00:04:26,680 --> 00:04:27,060 B: BADEN1A* 825 00:04:27,100 --> 00:04:27,500 B: ||DA1* 826 00:04:27,100 --> 00:04:27,500 B: da 827 00:04:27,740 --> 00:04:27,920 B: $GEST-NM-KOPFSCHÜTTELN1^ 828 00:04:27,740 --> 00:04:27,920 B: aber 829 00:04:27,980 --> 00:04:28,900 B: viel 830 00:04:27,980 --> 00:04:28,080 B: VIEL5* 831 00:04:28,160 --> 00:04:28,340 B: MASSE-PERSON-AKTIV2* 832 00:04:28,440 --> 00:04:28,900 B: $GEST^ 833 00:04:28,900 --> 00:04:29,940 B: Most people went to the lake. 834 00:04:29,080 --> 00:04:29,140 B: MEISTENS1B* 835 00:04:29,080 --> 00:04:29,140 B: meist 836 00:04:29,320 --> 00:04:29,400 B: $INDEX1 837 00:04:29,560 --> 00:04:29,720 B: SEE4 838 00:04:29,560 --> 00:04:29,720 B: see 839 00:04:29,940 --> 00:04:32,820 B: We barbecued there even though it wasn't allowed. 840 00:04:30,500 --> 00:04:30,640 B: SEE4 841 00:04:30,500 --> 00:04:30,640 B: see 842 00:04:30,740 --> 00:04:30,840 B: AUCH3A* 843 00:04:30,740 --> 00:04:30,840 B: auch 844 00:04:31,040 --> 00:04:31,180 B: DAZU1* 845 00:04:31,040 --> 00:04:31,180 B: dazu 846 00:04:31,400 --> 00:04:31,640 B: GRILLEN1A 847 00:04:31,400 --> 00:04:31,640 B: grill 848 00:04:31,780 --> 00:04:31,840 B: ABER1* 849 00:04:31,780 --> 00:04:31,840 B: aber 850 00:04:31,900 --> 00:04:32,040 B: GRILLEN1A* 851 00:04:31,900 --> 00:04:32,040 B: grill 852 00:04:32,140 --> 00:04:32,340 B: VERBOTEN1* 853 00:04:32,140 --> 00:04:32,340 B: verboten 854 00:04:32,440 --> 00:04:32,820 B: $GEST^ 855 00:04:32,820 --> 00:04:35,240 B: But everyone did it anyways. 856 00:04:33,360 --> 00:04:33,560 B: GRILLEN1A 857 00:04:33,360 --> 00:04:33,560 B: grill 858 00:04:33,700 --> 00:04:33,840 B: $GEST-ABWINKEN1^ 859 00:04:33,960 --> 00:04:34,560 B: GRILLEN1A* 860 00:04:33,960 --> 00:04:34,560 B: [MG] 861 00:04:34,760 --> 00:04:35,080 B: ESSEN2 862 00:04:34,760 --> 00:04:35,080 B: essen 863 00:04:35,240 --> 00:04:38,120 B: You just put up a small barbecue. 864 00:04:35,380 --> 00:04:35,700 B: VIERECK5^ 865 00:04:35,380 --> 00:04:35,700 B: [MG] 866 00:04:35,860 --> 00:04:36,040 B: GRILLEN1A* 867 00:04:35,860 --> 00:04:36,040 B: grill 868 00:04:36,140 --> 00:04:36,380 B: $PROD* 869 00:04:36,140 --> 00:04:36,380 B: [MG] 870 00:04:36,760 --> 00:04:36,980 B: $PROD* 871 00:04:37,180 --> 00:04:37,560 B: GRILLEN1A* 872 00:04:37,180 --> 00:04:37,560 B: grill 873 00:04:37,840 --> 00:04:37,960 B: ESSEN2* 874 00:04:37,840 --> 00:04:37,960 B: essen 875 00:04:38,120 --> 00:04:39,840 B: We brought some food from home. 876 00:04:38,240 --> 00:04:38,360 B: ESSEN2* 877 00:04:38,240 --> 00:04:38,360 B: essen 878 00:04:38,520 --> 00:04:38,760 B: MITBRINGEN1* 879 00:04:38,520 --> 00:04:38,760 B: mitbringen 880 00:04:39,180 --> 00:04:39,660 B: BEHÄLTER2^ 881 00:04:39,180 --> 00:04:39,660 B: salat 882 00:04:39,840 --> 00:04:41,860 B: Children were able to play there too. 883 00:04:40,160 --> 00:04:40,300 B: KIND2 884 00:04:40,160 --> 00:04:40,300 B: kind 885 00:04:40,520 --> 00:04:40,740 B: SPIELEN2* 886 00:04:40,520 --> 00:04:40,740 B: spiel 887 00:04:40,860 --> 00:04:41,760 B: WIMMELN1^* 888 00:04:40,860 --> 00:04:41,760 B: [MG] 889 00:04:41,860 --> 00:04:43,380 B: It was always an incredible time. 890 00:04:42,180 --> 00:04:42,420 B: SCHÖN1A 891 00:04:42,180 --> 00:04:42,420 B: schön 892 00:04:42,640 --> 00:04:42,940 B: ZEIT1 893 00:04:42,640 --> 00:04:42,940 B: zeit 894 00:04:43,380 --> 00:04:45,960 B: Unfortunately I always had to take the bus home. 895 00:04:44,160 --> 00:04:44,300 B: BUS1A 896 00:04:44,160 --> 00:04:44,300 B: bus 897 00:04:44,440 --> 00:04:44,640 B: ZURÜCK1A* 898 00:04:44,440 --> 00:04:44,640 B: zurück 899 00:04:44,840 --> 00:04:45,080 B: SICH-MIT-ETWAS-ABFINDEN3B 900 00:04:44,840 --> 00:04:45,080 B: [MG] 901 00:04:45,220 --> 00:04:45,360 B: BUS1A* 902 00:04:45,220 --> 00:04:45,360 B: bus 903 00:04:45,520 --> 00:04:45,760 B: ZURÜCK1A 904 00:04:45,520 --> 00:04:45,760 B: zu{rück} 905 00:04:45,960 --> 00:04:48,380 B: My parents didn't own a car back then. 906 00:04:46,060 --> 00:04:46,140 B: MEIN1* 907 00:04:46,380 --> 00:04:46,460 B: ELTERN7 908 00:04:46,380 --> 00:04:46,460 B: el{tern} 909 00:04:46,580 --> 00:04:46,700 B: FRÜHER1* 910 00:04:46,580 --> 00:04:46,700 B: früher 911 00:04:46,780 --> 00:04:46,960 B: KEIN1 912 00:04:46,780 --> 00:04:46,960 B: kei{n} 913 00:04:47,040 --> 00:04:47,500 B: AUTO1 914 00:04:47,040 --> 00:04:47,500 B: auto 915 00:04:47,820 --> 00:04:48,180 B: kein 916 00:04:47,820 --> 00:04:47,920 B: KEIN1 917 00:04:48,020 --> 00:04:48,180 B: $GEST^ 918 00:04:48,380 --> 00:04:49,840 B: I always had to take the bus. 919 00:04:48,600 --> 00:04:49,520 B: bus bus bus 920 00:04:48,600 --> 00:04:48,720 B: BUS1A* 921 00:04:48,840 --> 00:04:49,520 B: HIN-UND-HER1* 922 00:04:49,840 --> 00:04:54,880 B: If I wanted to go to the deaf association, I always had to take the bus and also transfer to another one. 923 00:04:50,500 --> 00:04:50,720 B: TAUB-GEHÖRLOS1A 924 00:04:50,900 --> 00:04:51,140 B: VERBAND2A^* 925 00:04:50,900 --> 00:04:51,140 B: verbund 926 00:04:51,360 --> 00:04:51,520 B: BESUCHEN1B 927 00:04:51,360 --> 00:04:51,520 B: be{suchen} 928 00:04:51,960 --> 00:04:52,620 B: SICH-MIT-ETWAS-ABFINDEN3A* 929 00:04:51,960 --> 00:04:52,620 B: [MG] 930 00:04:52,760 --> 00:04:52,840 B: ICH1* 931 00:04:53,020 --> 00:04:53,140 B: MUSS1 932 00:04:53,020 --> 00:04:53,140 B: muss 933 00:04:53,420 --> 00:04:53,580 B: BUS1A 934 00:04:53,420 --> 00:04:53,580 B: bus 935 00:04:53,680 --> 00:04:53,840 B: $PROD* 936 00:04:53,900 --> 00:04:54,060 B: UMSTEIGEN1* 937 00:04:54,240 --> 00:04:54,340 B: $PROD* 938 00:04:54,420 --> 00:04:54,580 B: UMSTEIGEN1* 939 00:04:54,880 --> 00:04:56,840 B: Then I had to leave early as well. 940 00:04:55,160 --> 00:04:55,440 B: NACH-HAUSE1 941 00:04:55,160 --> 00:04:55,440 B: heim 942 00:04:55,540 --> 00:04:55,660 B: ICH1 943 00:04:56,120 --> 00:04:56,300 B: FRÜH2 944 00:04:56,120 --> 00:04:56,300 B: früh 945 00:04:56,560 --> 00:04:56,780 B: NACH-HAUSE1 946 00:04:56,560 --> 00:04:56,780 B: heim 947 00:04:56,840 --> 00:05:00,960 B: But other deaf people would offer to drive me home. I liked that. 948 00:04:57,180 --> 00:04:57,460 B: NEIN1B 949 00:04:57,920 --> 00:04:58,080 B: TAUB-GEHÖRLOS1A 950 00:04:58,240 --> 00:04:58,460 B: FÜR1* 951 00:04:58,240 --> 00:04:58,460 B: für 952 00:04:58,780 --> 00:04:59,020 B: BRINGEN1B* 953 00:04:58,780 --> 00:04:59,020 B: bring 954 00:04:59,300 --> 00:04:59,500 B: WOHL1 955 00:04:59,300 --> 00:04:59,500 B: [MG] 956 00:04:59,780 --> 00:04:59,960 B: BEIDE2A* 957 00:04:59,780 --> 00:04:59,960 B: bei{de} 958 00:05:00,080 --> 00:05:00,300 B: NACH-HAUSE1 959 00:05:00,080 --> 00:05:00,300 B: heim 960 00:05:00,960 --> 00:05:02,040 B: Back then that's how it was. 961 00:05:01,320 --> 00:05:01,480 B: ICH2^* 962 00:05:01,320 --> 00:05:01,480 B: früher 963 00:05:02,680 --> 00:05:05,260 A: I always rode my bike because everything was close by. 964 00:05:03,080 --> 00:05:03,240 A: ||HIN1* 965 00:05:03,080 --> 00:05:03,240 A: [MG] 966 00:05:03,440 --> 00:05:03,520 A: ICH1 967 00:05:03,640 --> 00:05:03,960 A: FAHRRAD1* 968 00:05:03,640 --> 00:05:03,960 A: fahrrad 969 00:05:04,140 --> 00:05:04,580 A: ||HIN-UND-HER1* 970 00:05:04,780 --> 00:05:04,980 A: NAHE1B* 971 00:05:04,780 --> 00:05:04,980 A: [MG] 972 00:05:05,040 --> 00:05:05,260 A: $GEST^ 973 00:05:05,260 --> 00:05:07,700 A: I live directly in the city but also close to the city boundary. 974 00:05:05,700 --> 00:05:05,800 A: STADT2 975 00:05:06,020 --> 00:05:06,340 A: BEREICH1A^* 976 00:05:06,500 --> 00:05:09,840 B: Everything is really far away from where I live. 977 00:05:06,700 --> 00:05:06,840 A: GRENZE1A 978 00:05:06,700 --> 00:05:06,840 A: grenze 979 00:05:06,740 --> 00:05:06,820 B: ICH1 980 00:05:06,740 --> 00:05:06,820 B: [MG] 981 00:05:06,940 --> 00:05:07,020 A: AUCH3A 982 00:05:06,940 --> 00:05:07,020 A: auch 983 00:05:07,000 --> 00:05:07,820 B: WEIT-SEHR1* 984 00:05:07,000 --> 00:05:07,820 B: [MG] 985 00:05:07,100 --> 00:05:07,300 A: NAHE1A* 986 00:05:07,100 --> 00:05:07,300 A: [MG] 987 00:05:07,700 --> 00:05:09,400 A: In your case it is totally different because you live in a village. 988 00:05:08,000 --> 00:05:08,120 A: DU1* 989 00:05:08,120 --> 00:05:08,540 B: ||WEIT-SEHR1 990 00:05:08,120 --> 00:05:08,540 B: [MG] 991 00:05:08,240 --> 00:05:08,420 A: DORF3* 992 00:05:08,240 --> 00:05:08,420 A: dorf 993 00:05:08,600 --> 00:05:08,780 A: $GEST^ 994 00:05:08,720 --> 00:05:09,200 B: WEIT-SEHR1 995 00:05:08,720 --> 00:05:09,200 B: [MG] 996 00:05:09,360 --> 00:05:09,620 B: SEHR6* 997 00:05:09,360 --> 00:05:09,620 B: [MG] 998 00:05:10,440 --> 00:05:12,120 A: I was able to reach everything by bike in my free time. 999 00:05:10,740 --> 00:05:10,900 A: ||$GEST^ 1000 00:05:11,080 --> 00:05:11,240 A: ZEIT5B^* 1001 00:05:11,080 --> 00:05:11,240 A: freizeit 1002 00:05:11,420 --> 00:05:11,780 A: ||HIN-UND-HER1* 1003 00:05:11,920 --> 00:05:12,000 A: GUT1* 1004 00:05:12,120 --> 00:05:16,980 A: In 2010, when we were made cultural capital, we had a huge cultural program. 1005 00:05:12,120 --> 00:05:12,340 A: HIN1^* 1006 00:05:12,920 --> 00:05:13,240 A: EBEN-ZEIT2* 1007 00:05:12,920 --> 00:05:13,240 A: [MG] 1008 00:05:13,460 --> 00:05:13,900 A: zweitausendzehn 1009 00:05:13,460 --> 00:05:13,580 A: $NUM-TAUSENDER1:2d 1010 00:05:13,720 --> 00:05:13,900 A: $NUM-EINER1D:10 1011 00:05:14,140 --> 00:05:14,340 A: ERSTENS1B 1012 00:05:14,140 --> 00:05:14,340 A: erste 1013 00:05:14,880 --> 00:05:15,240 A: KULTUR1A* 1014 00:05:14,880 --> 00:05:15,240 A: kultur 1015 00:05:15,620 --> 00:05:15,840 A: VIEL4 1016 00:05:15,620 --> 00:05:15,840 A: [MG] 1017 00:05:16,180 --> 00:05:16,660 A: PROGRAMM1B* 1018 00:05:16,180 --> 00:05:16,660 A: programm 1019 00:05:16,780 --> 00:05:16,980 A: $GEST^ 1020 00:05:16,980 --> 00:05:17,700 A: It was really nice. 1021 00:05:17,140 --> 00:05:17,260 A: SCHÖN1A* 1022 00:05:17,700 --> 00:05:19,800 A: The city in itself is really beautiful. 1023 00:05:18,020 --> 00:05:18,120 A: UND2A 1024 00:05:18,020 --> 00:05:18,120 A: und 1025 00:05:18,300 --> 00:05:18,460 A: STADT2 1026 00:05:18,300 --> 00:05:18,460 A: stadt 1027 00:05:18,620 --> 00:05:18,820 A: BEREICH1A^* 1028 00:05:18,940 --> 00:05:19,120 A: GUT1^* 1029 00:05:19,380 --> 00:05:19,500 A: ORT1B 1030 00:05:19,380 --> 00:05:19,500 A: ort 1031 00:05:19,660 --> 00:05:19,800 A: GROSS3A 1032 00:05:19,660 --> 00:05:19,800 A: groß 1033 00:05:19,800 --> 00:05:21,400 A: Living in a village would not be for me. 1034 00:05:20,240 --> 00:05:20,320 A: VORHER2* 1035 00:05:20,240 --> 00:05:20,320 A: vorher 1036 00:05:20,480 --> 00:05:20,660 A: DORF3* 1037 00:05:20,480 --> 00:05:20,660 A: dorf 1038 00:05:20,840 --> 00:05:20,940 A: ICH2 1039 00:05:21,000 --> 00:05:21,240 A: $GEST^ 1040 00:05:21,000 --> 00:05:21,240 A: [MG] 1041 00:05:21,400 --> 00:05:23,280 A: I love living in the city. 1042 00:05:21,480 --> 00:05:21,540 A: ICH1 1043 00:05:21,680 --> 00:05:21,760 A: $INDEX1 1044 00:05:21,880 --> 00:05:21,920 A: GUT1 1045 00:05:21,880 --> 00:05:21,920 A: [MG] 1046 00:05:22,040 --> 00:05:22,440 A: LEIDENSCHAFT1 1047 00:05:22,040 --> 00:05:22,440 A: leidenschaft 1048 00:05:22,480 --> 00:05:22,540 A: ICH1* 1049 00:05:22,760 --> 00:05:22,900 A: STADT2 1050 00:05:22,760 --> 00:05:22,900 A: stadt 1051 00:05:23,280 --> 00:05:26,540 A: The standard of life is great and there are great cultural offers. 1052 00:05:23,720 --> 00:05:23,960 A: NIVEAU1 1053 00:05:24,740 --> 00:05:24,880 A: KULTUR1A* 1054 00:05:24,740 --> 00:05:24,880 A: kultur 1055 00:05:25,120 --> 00:05:25,260 A: DA1* 1056 00:05:25,420 --> 00:05:25,780 A: NAHE2B* 1057 00:05:25,880 --> 00:05:26,000 A: $GEST^ 1058 00:05:29,180 --> 00:05:41,520 C: Imagine I was Italian and would visit you for a week. What would you show me? Where would we go? 1059 00:05:41,520 --> 00:05:46,020 B: Well, I would show you everything from the village to the big city. 1060 00:05:42,220 --> 00:05:42,360 B: JA2* 1061 00:05:42,440 --> 00:05:42,560 B: ICH2* 1062 00:05:42,440 --> 00:05:42,560 B: ich 1063 00:05:42,620 --> 00:05:42,800 B: WIE4A* 1064 00:05:42,620 --> 00:05:42,800 B: wie 1065 00:05:43,020 --> 00:05:43,700 B: FÜHREN1A* 1066 00:05:43,020 --> 00:05:43,700 B: [MG] 1067 00:05:43,960 --> 00:05:44,260 B: DORF3 1068 00:05:43,960 --> 00:05:44,260 B: dorf 1069 00:05:44,740 --> 00:05:44,940 B: BIS1 1070 00:05:44,740 --> 00:05:44,940 B: bis 1071 00:05:45,180 --> 00:05:45,620 B: großstadt 1072 00:05:45,180 --> 00:05:45,340 B: GROSS3C* 1073 00:05:45,500 --> 00:05:45,620 B: STADT2 1074 00:05:45,680 --> 00:05:46,020 B: $GEST-OFF^* 1075 00:05:46,020 --> 00:05:48,460 B: Really everything that is close by. I wouldn't drive far away. 1076 00:05:46,560 --> 00:05:46,880 B: NAHE1B* 1077 00:05:46,560 --> 00:05:46,880 B: nah 1078 00:05:47,080 --> 00:05:47,220 B: KLAR1B* 1079 00:05:47,080 --> 00:05:47,220 B: klar 1080 00:05:47,480 --> 00:05:48,160 B: WEIT-SEHR1* 1081 00:05:47,480 --> 00:05:48,160 B: [MG] 1082 00:05:48,460 --> 00:05:53,160 B: But I would show you things that are close by. 1083 00:05:48,840 --> 00:05:49,540 B: ORT3^* 1084 00:05:48,840 --> 00:05:49,540 B: [MG] 1085 00:05:49,860 --> 00:05:49,960 B: STADT2* 1086 00:05:49,860 --> 00:05:49,960 B: stadt 1087 00:05:50,100 --> 00:05:50,360 B: MITNEHMEN1* 1088 00:05:50,100 --> 00:05:50,360 B: mitnehmen 1089 00:05:50,640 --> 00:05:51,000 B: ||KOMMEN-AUFFORDERN1* 1090 00:05:50,640 --> 00:05:51,000 B: komm komm 1091 00:05:51,280 --> 00:05:51,620 B: FÜHREN1A* 1092 00:05:51,280 --> 00:05:51,620 B: [MG] 1093 00:05:51,940 --> 00:05:52,140 B: JA2 1094 00:05:51,940 --> 00:05:52,140 B: [MG] 1095 00:05:52,180 --> 00:05:54,440 C: But what would you show me? 1096 00:05:52,360 --> 00:05:52,760 B: vorstellen 1097 00:05:52,360 --> 00:05:52,560 B: VORSTELLUNG1A* 1098 00:05:52,660 --> 00:05:52,760 B: ICH2* 1099 00:05:54,700 --> 00:06:00,780 B: Well, I would show you the Cologne Cathedral. 1100 00:05:54,900 --> 00:05:55,880 B: $GEST^ 1101 00:05:54,900 --> 00:05:55,880 B: köln 1102 00:05:56,240 --> 00:05:57,460 B: sehenswürdigkeiten 1103 00:05:56,240 --> 00:05:56,740 B: SEHENSWÜRDIGKEIT1* 1104 00:05:56,840 --> 00:05:57,460 B: $GEST-OFF^* 1105 00:05:57,960 --> 00:05:58,120 B: $INDEX1 1106 00:05:58,260 --> 00:05:58,520 B: KÖLN2* 1107 00:05:58,260 --> 00:05:58,520 B: köln 1108 00:05:58,840 --> 00:05:59,480 B: dom 1109 00:05:58,840 --> 00:05:59,140 B: DOM1 1110 00:05:59,320 --> 00:05:59,480 B: DOM4 1111 00:05:59,700 --> 00:05:59,900 B: DOM1 1112 00:05:59,700 --> 00:05:59,900 B: dom 1113 00:05:59,960 --> 00:06:00,240 B: $INDEX2* 1114 00:06:00,440 --> 00:06:00,780 B: $GEST-OFF^* 1115 00:06:00,780 --> 00:06:03,140 B: I would tell you the history of Cologne. 1116 00:06:01,260 --> 00:06:01,340 B: $LIST1:2of2d 1117 00:06:01,260 --> 00:06:01,340 B: da 1118 00:06:01,500 --> 00:06:01,600 B: BISSCHEN2A* 1119 00:06:01,500 --> 00:06:01,600 B: bis{schen} 1120 00:06:01,800 --> 00:06:02,120 B: GESCHICHTE3* 1121 00:06:01,800 --> 00:06:02,120 B: gesch{ichte} 1122 00:06:02,340 --> 00:06:02,780 B: köln 1123 00:06:02,340 --> 00:06:02,520 B: KÖLN2* 1124 00:06:02,700 --> 00:06:02,780 B: GEHÖREN1^* 1125 00:06:02,960 --> 00:06:03,140 B: $GEST-OFF^* 1126 00:06:03,140 --> 00:06:07,760 B: For example, the history of the perfumery 4711 that is a Cologne brand and how it was established. 1127 00:06:03,560 --> 00:06:04,040 B: siebenundvierzig elf 1128 00:06:03,560 --> 00:06:03,620 B: $NUM-EINER1D:7d 1129 00:06:03,740 --> 00:06:03,820 B: $NUM-ZEHNER1:4 1130 00:06:03,920 --> 00:06:04,040 B: $NUM-TEEN2B:1d 1131 00:06:04,360 --> 00:06:04,760 B: BEISPIEL1 1132 00:06:04,360 --> 00:06:04,760 B: beispiel 1133 00:06:05,020 --> 00:06:05,280 B: PARFÜM3* 1134 00:06:05,020 --> 00:06:05,280 B: parfüm 1135 00:06:05,460 --> 00:06:05,860 B: siebenundvierzig elf 1136 00:06:05,460 --> 00:06:05,520 B: $NUM-EINER1B:7d* 1137 00:06:05,620 --> 00:06:05,680 B: $NUM-ZEHNER1:4* 1138 00:06:05,780 --> 00:06:05,860 B: $NUM-TEEN2B:1d 1139 00:06:06,160 --> 00:06:06,360 B: KÖLN2* 1140 00:06:06,160 --> 00:06:06,360 B: köln 1141 00:06:06,480 --> 00:06:06,600 B: WIE-FRAGE-VERGLEICH1 1142 00:06:06,480 --> 00:06:06,600 B: wie 1143 00:06:06,720 --> 00:06:06,980 B: GESCHICHTE3* 1144 00:06:06,720 --> 00:06:06,980 B: gesch{ichte} 1145 00:06:07,160 --> 00:06:07,580 B: BIS-HEUTE1A^ 1146 00:06:07,160 --> 00:06:07,580 B: [MG] 1147 00:06:07,760 --> 00:06:10,460 B: Then I would show you Dortmund. 1148 00:06:07,920 --> 00:06:08,000 B: $LIST1:2of2d 1149 00:06:08,260 --> 00:06:08,400 B: $LIST1:3of3d 1150 00:06:08,620 --> 00:06:08,820 B: $GEST-OFF^* 1151 00:06:09,520 --> 00:06:10,020 B: dortmund 1152 00:06:09,520 --> 00:06:09,800 B: DORTMUND1 1153 00:06:09,880 --> 00:06:10,020 B: $INDEX1* 1154 00:06:10,460 --> 00:06:13,780 B: The city used to offer a lot of different types of beers. 1155 00:06:10,740 --> 00:06:10,960 B: DORTMUND1* 1156 00:06:10,740 --> 00:06:10,960 B: dortmund 1157 00:06:11,040 --> 00:06:11,320 B: FRÜHER1* 1158 00:06:11,040 --> 00:06:11,320 B: früher 1159 00:06:11,540 --> 00:06:11,720 B: BIER3 1160 00:06:11,540 --> 00:06:11,720 B: bier 1161 00:06:11,840 --> 00:06:12,320 B: VERSCHIEDEN1 1162 00:06:11,840 --> 00:06:12,320 B: versch{ieden} 1163 00:06:12,660 --> 00:06:13,080 B: VERSCHIEDENES2^* 1164 00:06:13,780 --> 00:06:16,200 B: Now there are a lot less. 1165 00:06:14,260 --> 00:06:14,380 B: JETZT1 1166 00:06:14,260 --> 00:06:14,380 B: jetzt 1167 00:06:14,600 --> 00:06:14,880 B: VERRINGERN1B 1168 00:06:14,600 --> 00:06:14,880 B: [MG] 1169 00:06:15,040 --> 00:06:15,260 B: $GEST-OFF^ 1170 00:06:15,420 --> 00:06:15,560 B: AUS-ZU1^* 1171 00:06:16,200 --> 00:06:17,140 B: This is what I would show you. 1172 00:06:16,680 --> 00:06:16,840 B: $LIST1:3of3d 1173 00:06:17,500 --> 00:06:17,760 B: $LIST1:4of4d* 1174 00:06:17,500 --> 00:06:17,760 B: [MG] 1174 00:06:17,500 --> 00:06:17,760 B: Uhm. 1176 00:06:19,740 --> 00:06:26,320 B: To the south I would show you the Taunus mountain range. It's close to Frankfurt. 1177 00:06:20,400 --> 00:06:20,720 B: $INDEX2* 1178 00:06:21,760 --> 00:06:22,080 B: $INDEX2* 1179 00:06:22,940 --> 00:06:23,180 B: $INDEX2* 1180 00:06:23,760 --> 00:06:24,080 B: $ALPHA1:T 1181 00:06:24,180 --> 00:06:24,780 B: frankfurt 1182 00:06:24,180 --> 00:06:24,380 B: ||FRANKFURT1* 1183 00:06:24,600 --> 00:06:24,780 B: BEREICH1A^* 1184 00:06:25,040 --> 00:06:25,960 B: $ALPHA1:T-A-N-U-S 1185 00:06:25,040 --> 00:06:25,960 B: taunus 1186 00:06:26,320 --> 00:06:30,080 B: They have different types of springs. 1187 00:06:26,560 --> 00:06:26,780 B: HAUPTSÄCHLICH1 1188 00:06:26,560 --> 00:06:26,780 B: [MG] 1189 00:06:26,920 --> 00:06:27,040 B: GEHÖREN1^* 1190 00:06:27,700 --> 00:06:27,800 B: ANDERS1 1191 00:06:27,700 --> 00:06:27,800 B: an{ders} 1192 00:06:28,060 --> 00:06:28,320 B: QUELLE1A* 1193 00:06:28,920 --> 00:06:29,800 B: wasserquellen 1194 00:06:28,920 --> 00:06:29,220 B: WASSER5 1195 00:06:29,580 --> 00:06:29,800 B: QUELLE1A* 1196 00:06:30,080 --> 00:06:32,060 B: In that region the water doesn't come out of the soil. 1197 00:06:30,220 --> 00:06:30,440 B: WASSER7B^* 1198 00:06:30,220 --> 00:06:30,440 B: aber wasser 1199 00:06:30,780 --> 00:06:30,940 B: QUELLE1A^* 1200 00:06:30,780 --> 00:06:30,940 B: [MG] 1201 00:06:31,220 --> 00:06:32,940 A: But they do have normal springs. 1202 00:06:31,440 --> 00:06:31,980 B: NEIN1A 1203 00:06:31,520 --> 00:06:31,740 A: NATUR3* 1204 00:06:31,520 --> 00:06:31,740 A: natürliche 1205 00:06:31,920 --> 00:06:32,240 A: QUELLE1A* 1206 00:06:32,060 --> 00:06:40,300 B: They collected the rainwater with wooden walls and then they had drinking water. 1207 00:06:32,160 --> 00:06:32,280 B: QUELLE1A 1208 00:06:32,160 --> 00:06:32,280 B: qu{elle} 1209 00:06:32,400 --> 00:06:32,560 B: WASSER5* 1210 00:06:32,400 --> 00:06:32,560 B: wasser 1211 00:06:32,460 --> 00:06:32,940 A: $GEST-NM-KOPFNICKEN1^ 1212 00:06:32,460 --> 00:06:32,940 A: gut 1213 00:06:32,980 --> 00:06:33,300 B: REGEN1A 1214 00:06:32,980 --> 00:06:33,300 B: regen regen 1215 00:06:33,480 --> 00:06:33,720 B: $INDEX1 1216 00:06:33,980 --> 00:06:35,160 B: holz 1217 00:06:33,980 --> 00:06:34,220 B: HOLZ6 1218 00:06:34,520 --> 00:06:35,160 B: $PROD* 1219 00:06:35,380 --> 00:06:35,780 B: holz 1220 00:06:35,380 --> 00:06:35,460 B: HOLZ6* 1221 00:06:35,600 --> 00:06:35,780 B: FLACH2A^* 1222 00:06:35,780 --> 00:06:36,280 B: $PROD* 1223 00:06:36,720 --> 00:06:37,940 B: $PROD* 1224 00:06:36,720 --> 00:06:37,940 B: wasser läuft läuft läuft 1225 00:06:38,020 --> 00:06:38,560 B: $PROD* 1226 00:06:38,800 --> 00:06:38,940 B: FRISCH1 1227 00:06:38,800 --> 00:06:38,940 B: frisch 1228 00:06:39,080 --> 00:06:39,320 B: WASSER5 1229 00:06:39,080 --> 00:06:39,320 B: wasser 1230 00:06:39,520 --> 00:06:39,800 B: TRINKEN1 1231 00:06:39,520 --> 00:06:39,800 B: trink 1232 00:06:39,980 --> 00:06:40,160 B: SO1A* 1233 00:06:39,980 --> 00:06:40,160 B: so 1234 00:06:40,300 --> 00:06:42,940 B: I would show you their culture, I imagine. 1235 00:06:40,580 --> 00:06:40,760 B: KULTUR1A* 1236 00:06:40,580 --> 00:06:40,760 B: kultur 1237 00:06:41,060 --> 00:06:41,600 B: ZEIGEN1A* 1238 00:06:41,880 --> 00:06:42,040 B: VORSTELLUNG1A 1239 00:06:41,880 --> 00:06:42,040 B: vorstellen 1240 00:06:42,100 --> 00:06:42,220 B: ICH2* 1241 00:06:42,340 --> 00:06:42,560 B: SO1A* 1242 00:06:42,340 --> 00:06:42,560 B: so 1243 00:06:42,940 --> 00:06:49,160 C: 4711? What can you tell us about it? What's with this perfumery? 1244 00:06:47,420 --> 00:06:55,000 B: It all started with Napoleon, who during the war occupied Cologne/ 1245 00:06:48,520 --> 00:06:48,920 B: siebenundvier{zig} 1246 00:06:48,520 --> 00:06:48,620 B: $NUM-EINER1C:7d 1247 00:06:48,840 --> 00:06:48,920 B: $NUM-ZEHNER1:4* 1248 00:06:49,060 --> 00:06:49,160 B: HAUPT1A^* 1249 00:06:49,060 --> 00:06:49,160 B: elf 1250 00:06:49,440 --> 00:06:49,640 B: GESCHICHTE3* 1251 00:06:49,440 --> 00:06:49,640 B: geschichte 1252 00:06:49,940 --> 00:06:50,260 B: ANFANG1A 1253 00:06:49,940 --> 00:06:50,260 B: anfang 1254 00:06:50,740 --> 00:06:50,840 B: $GEST-OFF^* 1255 00:06:51,560 --> 00:06:52,060 B: FRÜHER1* 1256 00:06:51,560 --> 00:06:52,060 B: früher 1257 00:06:52,240 --> 00:06:52,600 B: $NAME-NAPOLEON1 1258 00:06:52,240 --> 00:06:52,600 B: napoleon 1259 00:06:53,540 --> 00:06:53,800 B: BESETZT1A 1260 00:06:53,540 --> 00:06:53,800 B: [MG] 1261 00:06:54,780 --> 00:06:55,000 B: KÖLN2 1262 00:06:54,780 --> 00:06:55,000 B: köln 1263 00:06:55,000 --> 00:06:55,940 B: No, Germany/ 1264 00:06:55,160 --> 00:06:55,380 B: $GEST-NM-KOPFSCHÜTTELN1^ 1265 00:06:55,500 --> 00:06:55,680 B: DEUTSCH1* 1266 00:06:55,500 --> 00:06:55,680 B: deutsch{land} 1267 00:06:55,840 --> 00:06:55,940 B: BEREICH1A^* 1268 00:06:55,940 --> 00:06:59,300 B: He occupied the west part of Germany. 1269 00:06:56,060 --> 00:06:56,840 B: westdeutschland 1270 00:06:56,060 --> 00:06:56,220 B: WESTEN1A 1271 00:06:56,320 --> 00:06:56,420 B: DEUTSCH1 1272 00:06:56,500 --> 00:06:56,840 B: LAND1A* 1273 00:06:57,080 --> 00:06:57,400 B: KRIEG1A 1274 00:06:57,080 --> 00:06:57,400 B: krieg 1275 00:06:57,520 --> 00:06:57,680 B: $NAME-NAPOLEON1 1276 00:06:57,520 --> 00:06:57,680 B: nap{oleon} 1277 00:06:57,940 --> 00:06:58,220 B: BESETZT1A 1278 00:06:57,940 --> 00:06:58,220 B: [MG] 1279 00:06:58,500 --> 00:06:59,200 B: BEREICH1A^* 1280 00:06:59,300 --> 00:07:06,360 B: And then he saw that the people of this region were really religious. 1281 00:06:59,440 --> 00:06:59,580 B: DANN1A 1282 00:06:59,440 --> 00:06:59,580 B: dann 1283 00:07:00,240 --> 00:07:00,500 B: SEHEN1 1284 00:07:00,640 --> 00:07:00,740 B: MUSS1 1285 00:07:00,840 --> 00:07:01,160 B: WAR1* 1286 00:07:00,840 --> 00:07:01,160 B: war 1287 00:07:01,340 --> 00:07:01,540 B: HAUPTSÄCHLICH1* 1288 00:07:01,340 --> 00:07:01,540 B: [MG] 1289 00:07:01,760 --> 00:07:02,320 B: BEREICH1A^ 1290 00:07:02,880 --> 00:07:04,260 B: fromm 1291 00:07:02,880 --> 00:07:03,940 B: FROMM1 1292 00:07:03,940 --> 00:07:04,260 B: FROMM1* 1293 00:07:04,600 --> 00:07:04,860 B: FROMM1 1294 00:07:04,600 --> 00:07:04,860 B: fromm 1295 00:07:05,100 --> 00:07:05,240 B: HAUPTSÄCHLICH1 1296 00:07:05,100 --> 00:07:05,240 B: [MG] 1297 00:07:05,420 --> 00:07:05,740 B: BEREICH1A^ 1298 00:07:05,980 --> 00:07:06,140 B: FROMM1* 1299 00:07:05,980 --> 00:07:06,140 B: fromm 1300 00:07:06,360 --> 00:07:14,280 B: It was typical for Cologne that important church dignitaries were buried right next to the cathedral. 1301 00:07:06,780 --> 00:07:07,360 B: $INDEX1* 1302 00:07:07,560 --> 00:07:08,120 B: NEIN1A 1303 00:07:08,380 --> 00:07:08,500 B: BETEN1A^* 1304 00:07:08,740 --> 00:07:09,000 B: FRÜHER1* 1305 00:07:08,740 --> 00:07:09,000 B: früher 1306 00:07:09,100 --> 00:07:09,240 B: SO1A 1307 00:07:09,100 --> 00:07:09,240 B: so 1308 00:07:09,460 --> 00:07:09,680 B: KÖLN2 1309 00:07:09,460 --> 00:07:09,680 B: köln 1310 00:07:10,600 --> 00:07:10,780 B: TOD2* 1311 00:07:10,600 --> 00:07:10,780 B: tod 1312 00:07:11,000 --> 00:07:11,240 B: WICHTIG1 1313 00:07:11,000 --> 00:07:11,240 B: wichtig 1314 00:07:11,540 --> 00:07:12,360 B: kirche 1315 00:07:11,540 --> 00:07:11,760 B: KIRCHE2B 1316 00:07:12,020 --> 00:07:12,360 B: DOM1^* 1317 00:07:12,700 --> 00:07:12,920 B: NEBEN1B* 1318 00:07:12,700 --> 00:07:12,920 B: neben 1319 00:07:13,160 --> 00:07:13,620 B: BEERDIGUNG1 1320 00:07:13,160 --> 00:07:13,620 B: beerdigung 1321 00:07:14,140 --> 00:07:14,260 B: NEBEN1B* 1322 00:07:14,140 --> 00:07:14,260 B: neben 1323 00:07:14,280 --> 00:07:18,580 B: When the French came, they got rid of this custom. 1324 00:07:14,440 --> 00:07:14,560 B: FRANKREICH3A 1325 00:07:14,440 --> 00:07:14,560 B: franz{osen} 1326 00:07:14,620 --> 00:07:14,680 B: $INDEX1 1327 00:07:14,820 --> 00:07:15,300 B: NEIN1A 1328 00:07:15,300 --> 00:07:15,640 B: ABSCHAFFEN1* 1329 00:07:15,300 --> 00:07:15,640 B: ab ab 1330 00:07:15,840 --> 00:07:16,200 B: GESCHICHTE3 1331 00:07:15,840 --> 00:07:16,200 B: gesch{ichte} 1332 00:07:16,380 --> 00:07:16,680 B: GRUND4B 1333 00:07:16,380 --> 00:07:16,680 B: grund 1334 00:07:16,840 --> 00:07:17,040 B: ZUSAMMENHANG1B* 1335 00:07:17,160 --> 00:07:17,620 B: GESCHICHTE3 1336 00:07:17,160 --> 00:07:17,620 B: geschi{chte} geschi{chte} 1337 00:07:17,780 --> 00:07:18,420 B: ABSCHAFFEN1* 1338 00:07:17,780 --> 00:07:18,420 B: ab ab ab 1339 00:07:18,580 --> 00:07:23,640 B: But there was another problem in Cologne. They didn't know how many houses there where. 1340 00:07:18,740 --> 00:07:18,840 B: ABER1* 1341 00:07:18,740 --> 00:07:18,840 B: aber 1342 00:07:18,960 --> 00:07:19,040 B: HAUPT1A^ 1343 00:07:18,960 --> 00:07:19,040 B: auch 1344 00:07:19,220 --> 00:07:19,380 B: DAZU1* 1345 00:07:19,220 --> 00:07:19,380 B: dazu 1346 00:07:19,680 --> 00:07:20,020 B: PROBLEM1* 1347 00:07:19,680 --> 00:07:20,020 B: problem 1348 00:07:20,100 --> 00:07:20,200 B: AUCH3A* 1349 00:07:20,100 --> 00:07:20,200 B: auch 1350 00:07:20,460 --> 00:07:20,680 B: HAUS1A* 1351 00:07:20,460 --> 00:07:20,680 B: haus 1352 00:07:20,840 --> 00:07:21,020 B: WIE-VIEL5* 1353 00:07:20,840 --> 00:07:21,020 B: wie viele 1354 00:07:21,180 --> 00:07:22,100 B: stück 1355 00:07:21,180 --> 00:07:21,220 B: STÜCK3 1356 00:07:21,360 --> 00:07:22,100 B: $INDEX1* 1357 00:07:22,480 --> 00:07:22,700 B: HAUS1B* 1358 00:07:22,480 --> 00:07:22,700 B: haus 1359 00:07:22,900 --> 00:07:23,640 B: $GEST-OFF^ 1360 00:07:23,640 --> 00:07:25,340 B: You couldn't count them all. 1361 00:07:23,980 --> 00:07:24,360 B: KANN2A* 1362 00:07:23,980 --> 00:07:24,360 B: kann nicht 1363 00:07:24,420 --> 00:07:25,320 B: zählen 1364 00:07:24,420 --> 00:07:24,760 B: ZAHL2A* 1365 00:07:24,860 --> 00:07:25,320 B: $INDEX1* 1366 00:07:25,340 --> 00:07:29,140 B: Therefore, each house was marked with a number, beginning with one. 1367 00:07:25,580 --> 00:07:25,700 B: EINFACH1* 1368 00:07:25,580 --> 00:07:25,700 B: einfach 1369 00:07:25,940 --> 00:07:26,040 B: JETZT3* 1370 00:07:25,940 --> 00:07:26,040 B: jetzt 1371 00:07:26,420 --> 00:07:26,740 B: SCHREIBEN1D* 1372 00:07:26,420 --> 00:07:26,740 B: schreiben 1373 00:07:26,960 --> 00:07:27,160 B: $NUM-EINER1A:1d* 1374 00:07:26,960 --> 00:07:27,160 B: eine 1375 00:07:27,400 --> 00:07:27,760 B: hausnummer 1376 00:07:27,400 --> 00:07:27,520 B: HAUS1A* 1377 00:07:27,600 --> 00:07:27,760 B: NUMMER2A* 1378 00:07:27,880 --> 00:07:28,120 B: $NUM-EINER1A:1d* 1379 00:07:27,880 --> 00:07:28,120 B: eins 1380 00:07:28,320 --> 00:07:28,500 B: SPÄTER6* 1381 00:07:28,320 --> 00:07:28,500 B: spä{ter} 1382 00:07:28,620 --> 00:07:29,140 B: $PROD* 1383 00:07:28,620 --> 00:07:29,140 B: [MG] 1384 00:07:29,140 --> 00:07:31,100 B: Then there was the house with the number 4711. 1385 00:07:29,280 --> 00:07:29,420 B: PLÖTZLICH4* 1386 00:07:29,280 --> 00:07:29,420 B: [MG] 1387 00:07:29,700 --> 00:07:30,920 B: viertausendsiebenhundertelf 1388 00:07:29,700 --> 00:07:30,000 B: $NUM-TAUSENDER1:4 1389 00:07:30,300 --> 00:07:30,560 B: $NUM-HUNDERTER1:7d 1390 00:07:30,800 --> 00:07:30,920 B: $NUM-TEEN2A:1d 1391 00:07:31,100 --> 00:07:33,160 B: This number was written onto the house as a house number. 1392 00:07:31,320 --> 00:07:31,460 B: $INDEX1 1393 00:07:31,660 --> 00:07:31,820 B: IN-LUFT-SCHREIBEN1^* 1394 00:07:32,000 --> 00:07:32,360 B: hausnummer 1395 00:07:32,000 --> 00:07:32,160 B: HAUS1A* 1396 00:07:32,260 --> 00:07:32,360 B: NUMMER2A* 1397 00:07:32,540 --> 00:07:33,160 B: IN-LUFT-SCHREIBEN1^* 1398 00:07:32,540 --> 00:07:33,160 B: [MG] 1399 00:07:33,160 --> 00:07:39,620 B: The owner of house number 4711 thought about it: “Well, I live in house 4711.” 1400 00:07:33,460 --> 00:07:33,780 B: $INDEX1* 1401 00:07:33,460 --> 00:07:33,780 B: [MG] 1402 00:07:34,280 --> 00:07:34,580 B: WOHNUNG1A* 1403 00:07:34,280 --> 00:07:34,580 B: wohnen 1404 00:07:34,780 --> 00:07:35,020 B: BESETZT1A* 1405 00:07:34,780 --> 00:07:35,020 B: besitzer 1406 00:07:35,300 --> 00:07:35,560 B: ICH1* 1407 00:07:35,720 --> 00:07:35,860 B: HAUS3* 1408 00:07:35,720 --> 00:07:35,860 B: haus 1409 00:07:35,900 --> 00:07:36,040 B: WOHNUNG1A* 1410 00:07:35,900 --> 00:07:36,040 B: wohn 1411 00:07:36,160 --> 00:07:36,400 B: MEIN1* 1412 00:07:36,160 --> 00:07:36,400 B: mein 1413 00:07:36,500 --> 00:07:36,640 B: HAUS1A* 1414 00:07:36,500 --> 00:07:36,640 B: haus 1415 00:07:36,860 --> 00:07:37,120 B: $NUM-EINER1D:7d* 1416 00:07:36,860 --> 00:07:37,120 B: s{ieben} 1417 00:07:37,240 --> 00:07:37,420 B: $NUM-EINER1A:4 1418 00:07:37,240 --> 00:07:37,420 B: vier 1419 00:07:37,640 --> 00:07:37,720 B: $NUM-EINER1D:7d 1420 00:07:37,640 --> 00:07:37,720 B: sieben 1421 00:07:37,860 --> 00:07:37,940 B: $NUM-EINER1A:1d 1422 00:07:37,860 --> 00:07:37,940 B: eins 1423 00:07:38,020 --> 00:07:38,160 B: $NUM-EINER1A:1d 1424 00:07:38,020 --> 00:07:38,160 B: eins 1425 00:07:38,320 --> 00:07:38,580 B: $GEST-OFF^* 1426 00:07:38,900 --> 00:07:39,600 B: $GEST-ÜBERLEGEN2^* 1427 00:07:39,620 --> 00:07:44,240 B: The owner had always really liked fragrances. 1428 00:07:39,620 --> 00:07:39,720 B: $ORAL^ 1429 00:07:39,620 --> 00:07:39,720 B: aber 1430 00:07:39,760 --> 00:07:39,940 B: SELBST1A* 1431 00:07:39,760 --> 00:07:39,940 B: selbst 1432 00:07:40,180 --> 00:07:40,380 B: KANN1 1433 00:07:40,180 --> 00:07:40,380 B: kann 1434 00:07:41,080 --> 00:07:41,280 B: DURCH2A* 1435 00:07:41,080 --> 00:07:41,280 B: durch 1436 00:07:41,320 --> 00:07:41,440 B: SELBST1A* 1437 00:07:41,320 --> 00:07:41,440 B: selber 1438 00:07:41,880 --> 00:07:42,020 B: BESETZT1A 1439 00:07:41,880 --> 00:07:42,020 B: besitz 1440 00:07:42,180 --> 00:07:42,300 B: SELBST1A* 1441 00:07:42,180 --> 00:07:42,300 B: selber 1442 00:07:42,740 --> 00:07:42,920 B: ETWAS-LIEBEN1 1443 00:07:43,060 --> 00:07:43,160 B: AUCH3A 1444 00:07:43,060 --> 00:07:43,160 B: auch 1445 00:07:43,280 --> 00:07:43,640 B: PARFÜM3* 1446 00:07:43,280 --> 00:07:43,640 B: parfüm 1447 00:07:43,820 --> 00:07:44,020 B: ETWAS-LIEBEN1 1448 00:07:44,240 --> 00:07:52,300 B: He didn't invent the Eau de Cologne because the French brought fragrances with them when they came to Germany. 1449 00:07:44,240 --> 00:07:44,560 B: $ORAL^ 1450 00:07:44,240 --> 00:07:44,560 B: aber 1451 00:07:45,000 --> 00:07:45,280 B: GRÜNDEN2 1452 00:07:45,000 --> 00:07:45,280 B: gründung 1453 00:07:45,680 --> 00:07:46,240 B: kölnisch wasser 1454 00:07:45,680 --> 00:07:45,820 B: KÖLN2* 1455 00:07:46,020 --> 00:07:46,240 B: WASSER5 1456 00:07:46,400 --> 00:07:46,580 B: GRÜNDEN2 1457 00:07:46,400 --> 00:07:46,580 B: {ge}gründet 1458 00:07:46,980 --> 00:07:47,180 B: WIRKLICH2 1459 00:07:47,240 --> 00:07:47,360 B: WAHR1* 1460 00:07:47,240 --> 00:07:47,360 B: wahr 1461 00:07:47,580 --> 00:07:47,940 B: franzosen 1462 00:07:47,580 --> 00:07:47,780 B: FRANKREICH3A 1463 00:07:47,800 --> 00:07:47,940 B: GEHÖREN1^* 1464 00:07:48,160 --> 00:07:48,440 B: PARFÜM3 1465 00:07:48,160 --> 00:07:48,440 B: parfüm 1466 00:07:48,620 --> 00:07:48,760 B: $INDEX1* 1467 00:07:48,620 --> 00:07:48,760 B: aber 1468 00:07:48,920 --> 00:07:49,260 B: MITBRINGEN1* 1469 00:07:48,920 --> 00:07:49,260 B: bringen 1470 00:07:49,540 --> 00:07:49,780 B: franzosen 1471 00:07:49,540 --> 00:07:49,620 B: FRANKREICH3A 1472 00:07:49,660 --> 00:07:49,780 B: $INDEX1 1473 00:07:50,000 --> 00:07:50,140 B: BESITZEN1* 1474 00:07:50,000 --> 00:07:50,140 B: [MG] 1475 00:07:50,620 --> 00:07:50,940 B: PARFÜM3 1476 00:07:50,620 --> 00:07:50,940 B: parfüm 1477 00:07:51,360 --> 00:07:51,580 B: ZEIGEN1A* 1478 00:07:51,880 --> 00:07:52,300 B: $GEST-OFF^* 1479 00:07:52,300 --> 00:07:58,720 B: But that person wanted to create something like a perfume. 1480 00:07:52,420 --> 00:07:52,580 B: KÖLN2* 1481 00:07:52,420 --> 00:07:52,580 B: köln 1482 00:07:52,880 --> 00:07:53,000 B: WOLLEN6* 1483 00:07:52,880 --> 00:07:53,000 B: will 1484 00:07:53,160 --> 00:07:53,220 B: AUCH3A* 1485 00:07:53,160 --> 00:07:53,220 B: auch 1486 00:07:53,360 --> 00:07:53,620 B: PARFÜM3* 1487 00:07:53,360 --> 00:07:53,620 B: parfüm 1488 00:07:54,000 --> 00:07:54,140 B: ERFOLG1 1489 00:07:54,000 --> 00:07:54,140 B: [MG] 1490 00:07:54,560 --> 00:07:54,780 B: FINDEN1A^* 1491 00:07:54,560 --> 00:07:54,780 B: erfunden 1492 00:07:55,040 --> 00:07:55,320 B: PARFÜM3* 1493 00:07:55,040 --> 00:07:55,320 B: parfüm 1494 00:07:56,320 --> 00:07:56,520 B: KANN1* 1495 00:07:56,320 --> 00:07:56,520 B: kann 1496 00:07:56,840 --> 00:07:57,160 B: PARFÜM3 1497 00:07:56,840 --> 00:07:57,160 B: parfüm 1498 00:07:57,340 --> 00:07:57,500 B: KANN1* 1499 00:07:57,340 --> 00:07:57,500 B: kann 1500 00:07:58,280 --> 00:07:58,720 B: MACHEN4 1501 00:07:58,280 --> 00:07:58,720 B: machen 1502 00:07:58,720 --> 00:08:05,460 B: Back then the city had a big problem: There was a lot of sewage on the street, as well as garbage, therefore the city smelled a lot of urine and feces. 1503 00:07:58,920 --> 00:07:59,100 B: UND2A 1504 00:07:58,920 --> 00:07:59,100 B: und 1505 00:07:59,320 --> 00:07:59,620 B: ZU-TUN-HABEN-MIT1 1506 00:07:59,320 --> 00:07:59,620 B: auch zu tun 1507 00:07:59,820 --> 00:08:00,280 B: ABFALL2* 1508 00:07:59,820 --> 00:08:00,280 B: abfall 1509 00:08:00,940 --> 00:08:01,140 B: ABFALL2 1510 00:08:00,940 --> 00:08:01,140 B: abfall 1511 00:08:01,440 --> 00:08:02,220 B: wasser 1512 00:08:01,440 --> 00:08:01,680 B: WASSER5 1513 00:08:01,880 --> 00:08:02,220 B: $PROD* 1514 00:08:02,500 --> 00:08:02,640 B: ||STINKEN1 1515 00:08:02,920 --> 00:08:03,180 B: KOT1H* 1516 00:08:02,920 --> 00:08:03,180 B: [MG] 1517 00:08:03,640 --> 00:08:03,780 B: URIN1* 1518 00:08:03,640 --> 00:08:03,780 B: urin 1519 00:08:04,100 --> 00:08:04,140 B: $INDEX1* 1520 00:08:04,360 --> 00:08:04,500 B: WELLE3^* 1521 00:08:04,700 --> 00:08:04,820 B: STINKEN1 1522 00:08:05,000 --> 00:08:05,200 B: $INDEX1* 1523 00:08:05,460 --> 00:08:12,300 B: So, they used to pour perfume into the streets so it wouldn't smell awful. 1524 00:08:05,780 --> 00:08:05,980 B: $GEST-OFF^* 1525 00:08:06,480 --> 00:08:06,680 B: BESSER1* 1526 00:08:06,480 --> 00:08:06,680 B: besser 1527 00:08:07,080 --> 00:08:07,280 B: ||$INDEX1 1528 00:08:08,740 --> 00:08:09,060 B: PARFÜM3* 1529 00:08:08,740 --> 00:08:09,060 B: parfüm 1530 00:08:09,300 --> 00:08:09,500 B: $PROD* 1531 00:08:09,700 --> 00:08:10,200 B: $PROD* 1532 00:08:10,400 --> 00:08:10,640 B: FRÜHER1* 1533 00:08:10,400 --> 00:08:10,640 B: früher 1534 00:08:10,840 --> 00:08:11,400 B: $PROD* 1535 00:08:11,640 --> 00:08:11,780 B: FRISCH1 1536 00:08:11,640 --> 00:08:11,780 B: frisch 1537 00:08:11,840 --> 00:08:12,020 B: RIECHEN2* 1538 00:08:11,840 --> 00:08:12,020 B: riechen 1539 00:08:12,300 --> 00:08:14,200 B: There were different perfumes. 1540 00:08:12,640 --> 00:08:13,240 B: [MG] 1541 00:08:12,640 --> 00:08:12,740 B: WISSEN2A^ 1542 00:08:12,840 --> 00:08:13,240 B: SCHLAGEN1^||AUFZÄHLEN1B* 1543 00:08:13,380 --> 00:08:13,680 B: PARFÜM3 1544 00:08:13,380 --> 00:08:13,680 B: parfüm 1545 00:08:14,200 --> 00:08:22,300 B: The owner wrote onto the product the house number 4711 for marketing reasons and the name is still the same today. 1546 00:08:14,360 --> 00:08:14,640 B: hausnummer 1547 00:08:14,360 --> 00:08:14,500 B: HAUS3* 1548 00:08:14,560 --> 00:08:14,640 B: NUMMER2A* 1549 00:08:14,840 --> 00:08:14,960 B: DURCH2A* 1550 00:08:14,840 --> 00:08:14,960 B: durch 1551 00:08:15,160 --> 00:08:15,360 B: siebenundvierzig 1552 00:08:15,160 --> 00:08:15,200 B: $NUM-EINER1A:7d 1553 00:08:15,260 --> 00:08:15,360 B: $NUM-ZEHNER1:4 1554 00:08:16,160 --> 00:08:16,560 B: siebenundvierzig 1555 00:08:16,160 --> 00:08:16,300 B: $NUM-EINER1D:7d 1556 00:08:16,420 --> 00:08:16,560 B: $NUM-ZEHNER2A:4 1557 00:08:16,800 --> 00:08:16,900 B: $NUM-TEEN2B:1d 1558 00:08:16,800 --> 00:08:16,900 B: elf 1559 00:08:17,020 --> 00:08:17,100 B: $INDEX1 1560 00:08:17,280 --> 00:08:17,820 B: DESHALB1* 1561 00:08:17,280 --> 00:08:17,820 B: [MG] 1562 00:08:18,440 --> 00:08:18,560 B: EINFACH1 1563 00:08:18,440 --> 00:08:18,560 B: einfach 1564 00:08:18,740 --> 00:08:18,900 B: DAZU1^* 1565 00:08:19,100 --> 00:08:19,460 B: werbung 1566 00:08:19,100 --> 00:08:19,160 B: WERBUNG1* 1567 00:08:19,300 --> 00:08:19,460 B: DAZU1^* 1568 00:08:19,760 --> 00:08:19,980 B: siebenundvier{zig} 1569 00:08:19,760 --> 00:08:19,800 B: $NUM-EINER1D:7d 1570 00:08:19,920 --> 00:08:19,980 B: $NUM-ZEHNER1:4* 1571 00:08:20,040 --> 00:08:20,100 B: $NUM-TEEN2B:1d 1572 00:08:20,040 --> 00:08:20,100 B: elf 1573 00:08:20,180 --> 00:08:20,260 B: DAZU1^* 1574 00:08:20,600 --> 00:08:20,780 B: BIS-JETZT3A* 1575 00:08:20,600 --> 00:08:20,780 B: bis 1576 00:08:20,820 --> 00:08:21,220 B: JETZT3* 1577 00:08:20,820 --> 00:08:21,220 B: jetzt 1578 00:08:21,580 --> 00:08:21,700 B: NOCH4A* 1579 00:08:21,580 --> 00:08:21,700 B: noch 1580 00:08:21,780 --> 00:08:21,940 B: WIE-IMMER1* 1581 00:08:21,780 --> 00:08:21,940 B: [MG] 1582 00:08:22,100 --> 00:08:22,300 B: DURCH1B 1583 00:08:22,100 --> 00:08:22,300 B: durch 1584 00:08:22,300 --> 00:08:25,580 B: It is actually called Eau de Cologne. 1585 00:08:22,460 --> 00:08:22,660 B: TREU3* 1586 00:08:22,460 --> 00:08:22,660 B: treu 1587 00:08:22,700 --> 00:08:22,900 B: $ORAL^ 1588 00:08:22,700 --> 00:08:22,900 B: aber 1589 00:08:22,920 --> 00:08:23,600 B: wirklich 1590 00:08:22,920 --> 00:08:22,960 B: WIRKLICH2* 1591 00:08:23,020 --> 00:08:23,280 B: WIRKLICH3* 1592 00:08:23,440 --> 00:08:23,600 B: WIRKLICH2 1593 00:08:23,920 --> 00:08:24,760 B: kölnisch wasser 1594 00:08:23,920 --> 00:08:24,140 B: KÖLN2 1595 00:08:24,460 --> 00:08:24,760 B: WASSER1 1596 00:08:24,920 --> 00:08:25,140 B: SO1A* 1597 00:08:26,820 --> 00:08:32,420 A: Is it really perfume or just some sort of refreshment for the face? 1598 00:08:27,060 --> 00:08:27,260 A: $INDEX1 1599 00:08:27,660 --> 00:08:27,740 A: $NUM-EINER1A:1d 1600 00:08:27,840 --> 00:08:27,920 A: FRAGE1* 1601 00:08:28,080 --> 00:08:28,180 A: $INDEX1 1602 00:08:28,720 --> 00:08:28,840 A: PARFÜM-$KANDIDAT-KOE11^* 1603 00:08:28,720 --> 00:08:28,840 A: parfüm 1604 00:08:29,020 --> 00:08:29,140 A: ODER1* 1605 00:08:29,020 --> 00:08:29,140 A: oder 1606 00:08:29,920 --> 00:08:30,100 A: SCHWITZEN1C* 1607 00:08:29,920 --> 00:08:30,100 A: schwitzen 1608 00:08:30,320 --> 00:08:30,480 A: HELFEN1* 1609 00:08:30,320 --> 00:08:30,480 A: helfen 1610 00:08:30,600 --> 00:08:31,020 A: KÜHL2 1611 00:08:30,600 --> 00:08:31,020 A: kühl 1612 00:08:31,140 --> 00:08:33,700 B: No, it really is a perfume. 1613 00:08:31,200 --> 00:08:31,900 B: $GEST-NM-KOPFSCHÜTTELN1^ 1614 00:08:31,380 --> 00:08:31,840 A: $PROD* 1615 00:08:32,120 --> 00:08:32,780 B: PARFÜM3* 1616 00:08:32,120 --> 00:08:32,780 B: parfüm parfüm 1617 00:08:32,920 --> 00:08:33,220 B: PARFÜM3* 1618 00:08:32,920 --> 00:08:33,220 B: parfüm 1619 00:08:35,060 --> 00:08:39,020 B: They really do have such a refreshment water in monasteries, however. 1620 00:08:35,440 --> 00:08:35,800 B: BETEN1B^ 1621 00:08:35,440 --> 00:08:35,800 B: kloster 1622 00:08:36,300 --> 00:08:36,460 B: ANDERS1 1623 00:08:36,300 --> 00:08:36,460 B: anders 1624 00:08:37,040 --> 00:08:37,580 B: $PROD* 1625 00:08:37,040 --> 00:08:37,580 B: kühl 1626 00:08:37,720 --> 00:08:37,860 B: KÜHL2* 1627 00:08:37,720 --> 00:08:37,860 B: kühl 1628 00:08:38,200 --> 00:08:38,720 B: kloster 1629 00:08:38,200 --> 00:08:38,340 B: BETEN1B^ 1630 00:08:38,540 --> 00:08:38,720 B: GEHÖREN1^* 1631 00:08:39,020 --> 00:08:40,160 B: But I don't know anything about its origin. 1632 00:08:39,240 --> 00:08:39,380 B: WOHER1* 1633 00:08:39,240 --> 00:08:39,380 B: woher 1634 00:08:39,560 --> 00:08:39,760 B: KOMMEN2 1635 00:08:39,560 --> 00:08:39,760 B: kommen 1636 00:08:39,800 --> 00:08:39,960 B: ICH1^ 1637 00:08:39,800 --> 00:08:39,960 B: weiß 1638 00:08:40,160 --> 00:08:42,800 B: I think it has its origin somewhere in Baden-Württemberg or Bavaria. 1639 00:08:40,300 --> 00:08:40,420 B: GLAUBEN2B* 1640 00:08:40,300 --> 00:08:40,420 B: glaube 1641 00:08:40,720 --> 00:08:41,280 B: baden-württemberg 1642 00:08:40,720 --> 00:08:40,960 B: BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG1* 1643 00:08:41,120 --> 00:08:41,280 B: $INIT-GERADE1^* 1644 00:08:41,340 --> 00:08:41,440 B: $ORAL^ 1645 00:08:41,340 --> 00:08:41,440 B: oder 1646 00:08:41,440 --> 00:08:42,420 B: bayern 1647 00:08:41,440 --> 00:08:41,640 B: BAYERN1* 1648 00:08:41,760 --> 00:08:42,080 B: EINS-VON-BEIDEM1A 1649 00:08:42,140 --> 00:08:42,420 B: UNGEFÄHR1^ 1650 00:08:42,580 --> 00:08:42,800 B: KOMMEN2 1651 00:08:42,580 --> 00:08:42,800 B: kommen 1652 00:08:42,800 --> 00:08:44,140 B: But I don't know for sure. 1653 00:08:42,880 --> 00:08:43,080 B: ICH1^ 1654 00:08:42,880 --> 00:08:43,080 B: aber 1655 00:08:43,220 --> 00:08:43,320 B: GENAU4* 1656 00:08:43,220 --> 00:08:43,320 B: genau 1657 00:08:43,460 --> 00:08:43,560 B: WISSEN2B* 1658 00:08:43,460 --> 00:08:43,560 B: weiß 1659 00:08:43,640 --> 00:08:43,760 B: NICHT3B* 1660 00:08:43,640 --> 00:08:43,760 B: nicht 1661 00:08:45,560 --> 00:08:52,100 C: Do you know any special dishes? Maybe something from your region? 1662 00:08:50,840 --> 00:08:52,100 B: $GEST-NM-KOPFSCHÜTTELN1^ 1663 00:08:50,840 --> 00:08:52,100 B: No. 1664 00:08:52,100 --> 00:08:56,220 B: We don't have a specialty in our village. 1665 00:08:52,840 --> 00:08:52,940 B: ICH1^ 1666 00:08:53,180 --> 00:08:53,300 B: DORF3* 1667 00:08:53,180 --> 00:08:53,300 B: dorf 1668 00:08:54,160 --> 00:08:56,220 B: $GEST-NM-KOPFSCHÜTTELN1^ 1669 00:08:54,440 --> 00:08:56,220 C: Maybe a beverage? 1670 00:08:56,220 --> 00:08:57,560 B: No, not either. 1671 00:08:56,220 --> 00:08:57,540 B: $GEST-NM-KOPFSCHÜTTELN1^ 1672 00:08:56,220 --> 00:08:57,540 B: [MG] auch nicht 1673 00:08:57,560 --> 00:09:01,200 B: We have beer, but you can get that anywhere in Germany. 1674 00:08:57,820 --> 00:08:58,000 B: BIER3 1675 00:08:57,820 --> 00:08:58,000 B: bier 1676 00:08:58,440 --> 00:09:01,700 A: Don't you have a certain “mettwurst” [kind of sausage]? 1677 00:08:58,660 --> 00:08:58,840 B: BIER3 1678 00:08:58,660 --> 00:08:58,840 B: bier 1679 00:08:58,960 --> 00:08:59,840 B: $GEST-OFF^* 1680 00:08:58,960 --> 00:08:59,840 B: aber 1681 00:08:58,980 --> 00:09:00,680 A: WURST1A* 1682 00:09:00,320 --> 00:09:00,860 B: BEREICH1A^* 1683 00:09:00,320 --> 00:09:00,860 B: überall 1684 00:09:00,860 --> 00:09:01,400 A: mettwurst 1685 00:09:00,860 --> 00:09:01,000 A: ZUSAMMEN3A^* 1686 00:09:01,180 --> 00:09:01,400 A: WURST1A 1687 00:09:01,700 --> 00:09:07,880 A: Maybe made from a sheep or a cow which has a certain taste? 1688 00:09:01,700 --> 00:09:02,320 A: VERSCHIEDENES1^* 1689 00:09:02,360 --> 00:09:02,460 A: DA1 1690 00:09:02,360 --> 00:09:02,460 A: da 1691 00:09:03,100 --> 00:09:03,260 A: HAUPTSÄCHLICH1 1692 00:09:04,160 --> 00:09:04,420 A: TIER1A* 1693 00:09:04,160 --> 00:09:04,420 A: tier 1694 00:09:04,480 --> 00:09:04,540 A: $INDEX1* 1695 00:09:04,900 --> 00:09:05,180 A: SCHAF1* 1696 00:09:04,900 --> 00:09:05,180 A: schaf 1697 00:09:05,380 --> 00:09:05,480 A: KUH1* 1698 00:09:05,380 --> 00:09:05,480 A: kuh 1699 00:09:05,740 --> 00:09:05,960 A: SCHNEIDEN-SCHLAGEN1^* 1700 00:09:06,080 --> 00:09:06,220 A: WISSEN2B^ 1701 00:09:06,380 --> 00:09:06,460 A: SCHMECKEN3 1702 00:09:06,560 --> 00:09:06,820 A: $PROD* 1703 00:09:07,260 --> 00:09:07,480 A: SCHMECKEN1A 1704 00:09:07,260 --> 00:09:07,480 A: [MG] 1705 00:09:07,640 --> 00:09:07,760 A: $INDEX1* 1706 00:09:07,880 --> 00:09:09,380 A: Or maybe a bratwurst? 1707 00:09:08,120 --> 00:09:08,420 A: WURST1A 1708 00:09:08,120 --> 00:09:08,420 A: bratwurst 1709 00:09:08,760 --> 00:09:09,380 A: $GEST^ 1710 00:09:09,380 --> 00:09:14,000 B: No, the Nuremberg Bratwurst is really special. 1711 00:09:09,480 --> 00:09:10,060 B: $GEST-NM-KOPFSCHÜTTELN1^ 1712 00:09:10,400 --> 00:09:10,540 B: HAUPTSÄCHLICH1* 1713 00:09:10,400 --> 00:09:10,540 B: [MG] 1714 00:09:10,620 --> 00:09:10,700 B: $INDEX1 1715 00:09:10,980 --> 00:09:11,280 B: BEISPIEL1 1716 00:09:10,980 --> 00:09:11,280 B: beispiel 1717 00:09:11,580 --> 00:09:13,780 B: nürnberger bratwurst 1718 00:09:11,580 --> 00:09:11,660 B: NÜRNBERG2 1719 00:09:13,100 --> 00:09:13,780 B: WURST1A* 1720 00:09:14,000 --> 00:09:15,640 B: You can also eat it where I live. 1721 00:09:14,240 --> 00:09:14,400 B: $INDEX1 1722 00:09:14,620 --> 00:09:15,260 B: auch 1723 00:09:14,620 --> 00:09:14,760 B: AUCH3A* 1724 00:09:14,860 --> 00:09:14,960 B: ICH1^ 1725 00:09:15,120 --> 00:09:15,260 B: $GEST-OFF^* 1726 00:09:15,640 --> 00:09:19,900 B: Or maybe a specialty from the Cologne-Bonn region that is famous for its “Sauerbraten”. 1727 00:09:16,120 --> 00:09:16,300 B: $INDEX2 1728 00:09:16,120 --> 00:09:16,300 B: oder 1729 00:09:16,920 --> 00:09:17,100 B: KÖLN2* 1730 00:09:16,920 --> 00:09:17,100 B: köln 1731 00:09:17,360 --> 00:09:17,560 B: GEHÖREN1^* 1732 00:09:17,880 --> 00:09:17,980 B: BONN2* 1733 00:09:17,880 --> 00:09:17,980 B: bonn 1734 00:09:18,180 --> 00:09:18,680 B: köln 1735 00:09:18,180 --> 00:09:18,300 B: KÖLN2* 1736 00:09:18,520 --> 00:09:18,680 B: BEREICH1A* 1737 00:09:18,800 --> 00:09:18,960 B: STIMMT1^ 1738 00:09:19,180 --> 00:09:19,760 B: sauerbraten 1739 00:09:19,180 --> 00:09:19,380 B: SAUER1 1740 00:09:19,500 --> 00:09:19,760 B: BRATEN1* 1741 00:09:19,900 --> 00:09:21,880 B: We also have that. 1742 00:09:19,940 --> 00:09:20,960 B: auch 1743 00:09:19,940 --> 00:09:20,240 B: ICH1^* 1744 00:09:20,420 --> 00:09:20,620 B: AUCH3A* 1745 00:09:20,800 --> 00:09:20,960 B: $INDEX2 1746 00:09:21,880 --> 00:09:30,880 B: But if I have to tell a visitor about some specialties, I would tell them about the Sauerbraten or the Nuremberg Bratwurst. 1747 00:09:22,340 --> 00:09:22,480 B: WENN1A 1748 00:09:22,340 --> 00:09:22,480 B: aber wenn 1749 00:09:22,700 --> 00:09:22,880 B: KOMMEN-AUFFORDERN1* 1750 00:09:22,700 --> 00:09:22,880 B: kommen 1751 00:09:23,060 --> 00:09:23,580 B: FÜHREN1A* 1752 00:09:23,060 --> 00:09:23,580 B: führen 1753 00:09:24,020 --> 00:09:24,240 B: BEREICH1A^* 1754 00:09:24,440 --> 00:09:24,620 B: SO1A* 1755 00:09:24,440 --> 00:09:24,620 B: so 1756 00:09:24,960 --> 00:09:25,480 B: sauerbrat 1757 00:09:24,960 --> 00:09:25,080 B: SAUER1 1758 00:09:25,220 --> 00:09:25,480 B: BRATEN1* 1759 00:09:25,660 --> 00:09:25,900 B: ZEIGEN1A* 1760 00:09:26,020 --> 00:09:26,280 B: ESSEN2 1761 00:09:26,440 --> 00:09:26,560 B: SO1A* 1762 00:09:26,440 --> 00:09:26,560 B: so 1763 00:09:26,760 --> 00:09:27,200 B: nürnberg 1764 00:09:26,760 --> 00:09:26,860 B: NÜRNBERG2 1765 00:09:27,080 --> 00:09:27,200 B: SO1A* 1766 00:09:28,620 --> 00:09:28,820 B: GRILLEN1^ 1767 00:09:28,980 --> 00:09:29,200 B: WURST1A 1768 00:09:28,980 --> 00:09:29,200 B: bratwurst 1769 00:09:29,380 --> 00:09:29,580 B: KLEIN2 1770 00:09:29,380 --> 00:09:29,580 B: [MG] 1771 00:09:29,880 --> 00:09:30,000 B: ESSEN2* 1772 00:09:30,220 --> 00:09:30,360 B: ZEIGEN1B 1773 00:09:30,460 --> 00:09:30,680 B: $GEST-OFF^* 1774 00:09:30,880 --> 00:09:34,780 B: But maybe another typical regional dish. 1775 00:09:31,140 --> 00:09:31,520 B: ODER1* 1776 00:09:31,140 --> 00:09:31,520 B: oder 1777 00:09:31,640 --> 00:09:31,820 B: $GEST^ 1778 00:09:31,640 --> 00:09:31,820 B: [MG] 1779 00:09:32,460 --> 00:09:32,940 B: ORT1A^* 1780 00:09:32,460 --> 00:09:32,940 B: [MG] 1781 00:09:33,020 --> 00:09:33,540 B: VERSCHIEDEN1 1782 00:09:33,020 --> 00:09:33,540 B: versch{ieden} 1783 00:09:33,680 --> 00:09:34,100 B: ZEIGEN1B* 1784 00:09:34,340 --> 00:09:34,560 B: $GEST-OFF^ 1785 00:09:34,780 --> 00:09:37,120 B: But there aren't really typical dishes that originated in the region where I live now. 1786 00:09:34,980 --> 00:09:35,200 B: HABEN-BESITZEN1 1787 00:09:34,980 --> 00:09:35,200 B: haben 1788 00:09:35,400 --> 00:09:35,600 B: WIRKLICH2 1789 00:09:36,080 --> 00:09:36,280 B: URSPRUNG1 1790 00:09:36,560 --> 00:09:36,760 B: $GEST-NM-KOPFSCHÜTTELN1^ 1791 00:09:36,760 --> 00:09:36,900 B: NICHT6* 1792 00:09:37,120 --> 00:09:39,380 B: I used to live in Siegen and moved into this region later on. 1793 00:09:37,240 --> 00:09:37,380 B: NUR2A* 1794 00:09:37,240 --> 00:09:37,380 B: nur 1795 00:09:37,640 --> 00:09:37,820 B: SIEGEN-STADT1* 1796 00:09:37,640 --> 00:09:37,820 B: siegen 1797 00:09:38,040 --> 00:09:38,280 B: WOHNUNG1A 1798 00:09:38,040 --> 00:09:38,280 B: wohnen 1799 00:09:38,320 --> 00:09:38,400 B: ICH2* 1800 00:09:38,500 --> 00:09:38,620 B: SPÄTER9A* 1801 00:09:38,500 --> 00:09:38,620 B: spä{ter} 1802 00:09:38,840 --> 00:09:39,220 B: UMZIEHEN1* 1803 00:09:38,840 --> 00:09:39,220 B: umziehen 1804 00:09:39,380 --> 00:09:40,100 B: I previously lived in Siegen. 1805 00:09:39,600 --> 00:09:39,740 B: WOHNUNG1A* 1806 00:09:39,600 --> 00:09:39,740 B: wohnen 1807 00:09:39,960 --> 00:09:40,100 B: SIEGEN-STADT1* 1808 00:09:39,960 --> 00:09:40,100 B: siegen 1809 00:09:40,100 --> 00:09:45,160 B: Very typical for Siegen are “Küsteln.” 1810 00:09:40,260 --> 00:09:40,440 B: SIEGEN-STADT1* 1811 00:09:40,260 --> 00:09:40,440 B: siegen 1812 00:09:41,080 --> 00:09:41,280 B: STIMMT1^* 1813 00:09:42,000 --> 00:09:42,280 B: SIEGEN-STADT1* 1814 00:09:42,000 --> 00:09:42,280 B: siegen 1815 00:09:42,760 --> 00:09:44,720 B: $ALPHA1:K-Ü-S-T-E-L 1816 00:09:42,760 --> 00:09:44,720 B: küstel 1817 00:09:45,160 --> 00:09:45,920 B: It's really typical for my region. 1818 00:09:45,380 --> 00:09:45,640 B: TYPISCH1* 1819 00:09:45,380 --> 00:09:45,640 B: typisch 1820 00:09:45,920 --> 00:09:51,420 B: It is similar to a “Strammer Max” from Bavaria. 1821 00:09:46,120 --> 00:09:46,380 B: WIE3B 1822 00:09:46,120 --> 00:09:46,380 B: wie 1823 00:09:46,720 --> 00:09:47,100 B: BAYERN1*||$INDEX1 1824 00:09:46,720 --> 00:09:47,100 B: bay{ern} 1825 00:09:47,360 --> 00:09:47,560 B: FAST4 1826 00:09:47,360 --> 00:09:47,560 B: fast 1827 00:09:47,660 --> 00:09:47,920 B: GLEICH8* 1828 00:09:47,660 --> 00:09:47,920 B: [MG] 1829 00:09:48,140 --> 00:09:48,200 B: $INDEX1 1830 00:09:48,880 --> 00:09:50,300 B: $ALPHA1:S-T-R-A-M-E-R 1831 00:09:48,880 --> 00:09:50,300 B: strammer 1832 00:09:50,520 --> 00:09:50,800 B: KREUZ1A^ 1833 00:09:50,520 --> 00:09:50,800 B: max 1834 00:09:50,940 --> 00:09:51,220 B: ||$INDEX1 1835 00:09:51,420 --> 00:09:59,280 B: In Bavaria it is typical to put a slice of ham on top of a slice of bread and cover it with a fried egg. 1836 00:09:51,780 --> 00:09:51,920 B: $INDEX1 1837 00:09:52,120 --> 00:09:52,260 B: RUND12^* 1838 00:09:52,760 --> 00:09:52,960 B: BAYERN1* 1839 00:09:52,760 --> 00:09:52,960 B: bayerisch 1840 00:09:52,960 --> 00:09:53,080 B: ||TYPISCH1* 1841 00:09:52,960 --> 00:09:53,080 B: typisch 1842 00:09:53,660 --> 00:09:53,900 B: RUND12^ 1843 00:09:54,120 --> 00:09:54,720 B: brot 1844 00:09:54,120 --> 00:09:54,220 B: BROT7* 1845 00:09:54,420 --> 00:09:54,720 B: RUND12^ 1846 00:09:55,060 --> 00:09:55,900 B: kochschinken 1847 00:09:55,060 --> 00:09:55,220 B: KOCHEN2C* 1848 00:09:55,700 --> 00:09:55,900 B: SCHINKEN1* 1849 00:09:56,400 --> 00:09:56,560 B: $PROD* 1850 00:09:57,280 --> 00:09:57,340 B: EI6A* 1851 00:09:57,460 --> 00:09:58,060 B: spiegelei 1852 00:09:57,460 --> 00:09:57,540 B: SPIEGEL1* 1853 00:09:57,840 --> 00:09:58,060 B: EI3C* 1854 00:09:58,740 --> 00:09:59,020 B: $PROD* 1855 00:09:59,280 --> 00:10:06,140 B: In Siegen it is very typical to put a Schnitzel on top of the bread and cover it with a fried egg. 1856 00:09:59,620 --> 00:09:59,880 B: ICH2^* 1857 00:10:00,020 --> 00:10:00,200 B: SIEGEN-STADT1* 1858 00:10:00,020 --> 00:10:00,200 B: siegen 1859 00:10:00,280 --> 00:10:00,420 B: BEREICH1D^* 1860 00:10:00,520 --> 00:10:00,660 B: TYPISCH1* 1861 00:10:00,520 --> 00:10:00,660 B: typ{isch} 1862 00:10:00,840 --> 00:10:01,680 B: brot 1863 00:10:00,840 --> 00:10:01,080 B: BROT7* 1864 00:10:01,400 --> 00:10:01,680 B: RUND12^ 1865 00:10:02,280 --> 00:10:03,220 B: schnitzel 1866 00:10:02,280 --> 00:10:02,480 B: SCHNITZEL2* 1867 00:10:02,920 --> 00:10:03,220 B: RUND12^ 1868 00:10:03,640 --> 00:10:04,760 B: spiegelei 1869 00:10:03,640 --> 00:10:03,760 B: SPIEGEL1 1870 00:10:04,620 --> 00:10:04,760 B: EI6A* 1871 00:10:05,040 --> 00:10:05,200 B: $PROD* 1872 00:10:06,140 --> 00:10:08,120 B: The Schnitzel makes the difference. 1873 00:10:06,460 --> 00:10:06,640 B: SCHNITZEL2* 1874 00:10:06,460 --> 00:10:06,640 B: schnitzel 1875 00:10:07,040 --> 00:10:07,280 B: ANDERS1 1876 00:10:07,040 --> 00:10:07,280 B: anders 1877 00:10:08,120 --> 00:10:12,200 B: That's the only specialty that Siegen has to offer. 1878 00:10:08,640 --> 00:10:08,740 B: NUR2A* 1879 00:10:08,640 --> 00:10:08,740 B: nur 1880 00:10:08,920 --> 00:10:09,040 B: ||$NUM-EINER1A:1 1881 00:10:08,920 --> 00:10:09,040 B: ein 1882 00:10:09,040 --> 00:10:09,240 B: SIEGEN-STADT1* 1883 00:10:09,040 --> 00:10:09,240 B: siegen 1884 00:10:09,380 --> 00:10:09,500 B: ENDE1^ 1885 00:10:09,780 --> 00:10:10,400 B: $GEST-NM-KOPFSCHÜTTELN1^ 1886 00:10:10,420 --> 00:10:10,600 B: $GEST^ 1887 00:10:10,840 --> 00:10:11,020 B: MERKWÜRDIG1 1888 00:10:10,840 --> 00:10:11,020 B: [MG] 1889 00:10:11,160 --> 00:10:11,440 B: $GEST^ 1890 00:10:12,200 --> 00:10:15,820 C: Are there certain restaurants that you would recommend in your region? 1891 00:10:15,820 --> 00:10:17,920 B: There are a lot. 1892 00:10:16,280 --> 00:10:16,460 B: VIEL1A* 1893 00:10:16,600 --> 00:10:17,420 B: $INDEX2* 1894 00:10:19,200 --> 00:10:23,480 B: First off the “Bim Käs,” next up the restaurant “Schwarzes Schaf” (lit.: black sheep). 1895 00:10:19,440 --> 00:10:19,640 B: $LIST1:1of1d* 1896 00:10:20,040 --> 00:10:21,260 B: bim käs 1897 00:10:20,040 --> 00:10:20,640 B: $ALPHA1:B-I-M 1898 00:10:20,840 --> 00:10:21,260 B: KÄSE2 1899 00:10:21,340 --> 00:10:21,480 B: $LIST1:1of1d* 1900 00:10:21,780 --> 00:10:21,920 B: $LIST1:2of2d 1901 00:10:22,340 --> 00:10:23,060 B: schwarzes schaf 1902 00:10:22,340 --> 00:10:22,500 B: SCHWARZ3 1903 00:10:22,740 --> 00:10:23,060 B: SCHAF2* 1904 00:10:23,200 --> 00:10:23,360 B: $LIST1:2of2d* 1905 00:10:23,480 --> 00:10:27,300 B: As well as, oh what's its name? 1906 00:10:24,680 --> 00:10:24,780 B: $LIST1:3of3d* 1907 00:10:26,440 --> 00:10:27,300 B: $GEST^ 1908 00:10:27,300 --> 00:10:33,080 B: It is a famous restaurant, but well. The other two are great too. 1909 00:10:27,700 --> 00:10:27,860 B: BEKANNT1A 1910 00:10:27,700 --> 00:10:27,860 B: bekannt 1911 00:10:28,020 --> 00:10:28,160 B: RESTAURANT1* 1912 00:10:28,020 --> 00:10:28,160 B: restaurant 1913 00:10:28,360 --> 00:10:28,460 B: ICH1 1914 00:10:28,520 --> 00:10:28,920 B: $GEST-NM-KOPFSCHÜTTELN1^ 1915 00:10:28,920 --> 00:10:29,100 B: ||$GEST-ABWINKEN1^* 1916 00:10:29,300 --> 00:10:29,500 B: $ORAL^ 1917 00:10:29,300 --> 00:10:29,500 B: aber 1918 00:10:29,600 --> 00:10:29,720 B: MERKWÜRDIG1 1919 00:10:29,600 --> 00:10:29,720 B: [MG] 1920 00:10:29,940 --> 00:10:30,520 B: siegen 1921 00:10:29,940 --> 00:10:30,060 B: SIEGEN-STADT1* 1922 00:10:30,180 --> 00:10:30,520 B: BEREICH1A^* 1923 00:10:30,740 --> 00:10:30,920 B: RESTAURANT1* 1924 00:10:30,740 --> 00:10:30,920 B: restau{rant} 1925 00:10:31,020 --> 00:10:31,120 B: NUR2A* 1926 00:10:31,220 --> 00:10:32,420 B: $LIST1:2of2d* 1927 00:10:31,220 --> 00:10:32,420 B: zwei 1928 00:10:33,080 --> 00:10:35,540 B: I remember the third one. It's the “Haus Platte.” 1929 00:10:33,200 --> 00:10:33,300 B: $LIST1:3of3d* 1930 00:10:33,560 --> 00:10:33,760 B: HAUS1B* 1931 00:10:33,560 --> 00:10:33,760 B: haus 1932 00:10:34,060 --> 00:10:34,820 B: $ALPHA1:P-L-A-T-T-E 1933 00:10:34,060 --> 00:10:34,820 B: platte 1934 00:10:34,980 --> 00:10:35,100 B: $LIST1:3of3d 1935 00:10:35,540 --> 00:10:38,860 B: A very famous starred chef works there. 1936 00:10:35,740 --> 00:10:35,880 B: ESSEN2* 1937 00:10:35,740 --> 00:10:35,880 B: essen 1938 00:10:36,320 --> 00:10:36,660 B: KOCHEN1 1939 00:10:36,320 --> 00:10:36,660 B: koch 1940 00:10:37,200 --> 00:10:37,900 B: starkoch 1941 00:10:37,200 --> 00:10:37,360 B: STAR1 1942 00:10:37,460 --> 00:10:37,620 B: KOCHEN1* 1943 00:10:37,760 --> 00:10:37,900 B: PERSON1* 1944 00:10:38,080 --> 00:10:38,580 B: SEHR-VIEL2* 1945 00:10:38,080 --> 00:10:38,580 B: [MG] 1946 00:10:38,680 --> 00:10:38,760 B: $LIST1:3of3d 1947 00:10:38,860 --> 00:10:45,700 B: There is also another starred chef at the restaurant “Schloss.” 1948 00:10:39,040 --> 00:10:39,180 B: $LIST1:4of4d 1949 00:10:40,460 --> 00:10:41,320 B: $GEST^ 1950 00:10:42,180 --> 00:10:42,680 B: VIERECK3B^* 1951 00:10:42,180 --> 00:10:42,680 B: schloss 1952 00:10:43,840 --> 00:10:44,100 B: $INDEX1 1953 00:10:44,220 --> 00:10:44,320 B: AUCH3A* 1954 00:10:44,220 --> 00:10:44,320 B: auch 1955 00:10:44,460 --> 00:10:44,560 B: KOCHEN1* 1956 00:10:44,700 --> 00:10:45,080 B: starkoch 1957 00:10:44,700 --> 00:10:44,820 B: STAR1 1958 00:10:44,960 --> 00:10:45,080 B: KOCHEN1* 1959 00:10:45,240 --> 00:10:45,640 B: auch 1960 00:10:45,240 --> 00:10:45,360 B: AUCH3A 1961 00:10:45,500 --> 00:10:45,640 B: DA1 1962 00:10:45,700 --> 00:10:49,640 B: At the “Schloss” you can find very elegant food. 1963 00:10:45,900 --> 00:10:46,120 B: VIERECK3B^* 1964 00:10:45,900 --> 00:10:46,120 B: schloss 1965 00:10:46,460 --> 00:10:46,940 B: $ORAL^ 1966 00:10:46,460 --> 00:10:46,940 B: kann man 1967 00:10:47,060 --> 00:10:47,520 B: SEHR7* 1968 00:10:47,060 --> 00:10:47,520 B: [MG] 1969 00:10:47,700 --> 00:10:48,260 B: ELEGANT1B 1970 00:10:47,700 --> 00:10:48,260 B: elegant 1971 00:10:48,440 --> 00:10:48,580 B: ESSEN2* 1972 00:10:48,440 --> 00:10:48,580 B: essen 1973 00:10:48,740 --> 00:10:49,020 B: SEHR7 1974 00:10:48,740 --> 00:10:49,020 B: [MG] 1975 00:10:49,080 --> 00:10:49,320 B: $INDEX1* 1976 00:10:49,640 --> 00:10:52,180 B: Well, that's it. 1977 00:10:49,680 --> 00:10:50,560 B: $GEST^ 1978 00:10:49,680 --> 00:10:50,560 B: und 1979 00:10:50,760 --> 00:10:53,520 C: And what is so special about them? 1980 00:10:53,520 --> 00:10:55,580 B: It's nothing special, it’s always very tasty. 1981 00:10:53,700 --> 00:10:53,980 B: $ORAL^ 1982 00:10:53,700 --> 00:10:53,980 B: normal 1983 00:10:54,260 --> 00:10:54,320 B: WEIL1 1984 00:10:54,260 --> 00:10:54,320 B: weil 1985 00:10:54,420 --> 00:10:54,840 B: lecker 1986 00:10:54,420 --> 00:10:54,640 B: LECKER3 1987 00:10:54,720 --> 00:10:54,840 B: $GEST-OFF^* 1988 00:10:55,580 --> 00:10:59,380 C: Okay, it's very tasty, but what makes it special? 1989 00:10:58,140 --> 00:11:01,820 B: Many people go there. 1990 00:10:58,440 --> 00:10:58,560 B: AUCH3A 1991 00:10:58,440 --> 00:10:58,560 B: auch 1992 00:10:58,900 --> 00:10:59,380 B: ZUSAMMENHANG1B^ 1993 00:10:59,580 --> 00:10:59,700 B: $INDEX1 1994 00:11:00,220 --> 00:11:00,360 B: VIEL5 1995 00:11:00,220 --> 00:11:00,360 B: viel 1996 00:11:00,420 --> 00:11:01,580 B: leute 1997 00:11:00,420 --> 00:11:00,540 B: LEUTE2* 1998 00:11:00,740 --> 00:11:01,580 B: MASSE-PERSON-AKTIV2* 1999 00:11:01,660 --> 00:11:01,780 B: $INDEX1 2000 00:11:01,820 --> 00:11:05,620 B: I think if a lot of people go to these restaurants it automatically will be very tasty. 2001 00:11:02,300 --> 00:11:02,400 B: VIEL5 2002 00:11:02,300 --> 00:11:02,400 B: viel 2003 00:11:02,460 --> 00:11:02,600 B: MASSE-PERSON-AKTIV1^* 2004 00:11:02,460 --> 00:11:02,600 B: leute 2005 00:11:02,880 --> 00:11:03,360 B: AUTOMATISCH2C* 2006 00:11:02,880 --> 00:11:03,360 B: automat{isch} 2007 00:11:03,600 --> 00:11:03,680 B: $INDEX1 2008 00:11:03,900 --> 00:11:04,200 B: SCHMECKEN1A 2009 00:11:04,380 --> 00:11:04,600 B: $INDEX1* 2010 00:11:04,660 --> 00:11:04,860 B: $GEST-OFF^ 2011 00:11:05,620 --> 00:11:09,360 B: I believe they play music which the hearing people like. 2012 00:11:05,840 --> 00:11:05,900 B: AUCH3A 2013 00:11:05,840 --> 00:11:05,900 B: auch 2014 00:11:06,800 --> 00:11:07,020 B: VIELLEICHT1* 2015 00:11:06,800 --> 00:11:07,020 B: viellei{cht} 2016 00:11:07,220 --> 00:11:07,520 B: HÖREND1B 2017 00:11:07,220 --> 00:11:07,520 B: hörend 2018 00:11:07,660 --> 00:11:07,800 B: ||GEHÖREN1^ 2019 00:11:07,960 --> 00:11:08,180 B: MUSIK1* 2020 00:11:07,960 --> 00:11:08,180 B: musik 2021 00:11:08,280 --> 00:11:08,420 B: ETWAS-LIEBEN1 2022 00:11:08,580 --> 00:11:09,080 B: MASSE-PERSON-AKTIV2* 2023 00:11:08,580 --> 00:11:09,080 B: [MG] 2024 00:11:09,360 --> 00:11:11,300 B: I go because of the food. 2025 00:11:09,480 --> 00:11:09,620 B: ICH1 2026 00:11:09,860 --> 00:11:09,960 B: ESSEN2* 2027 00:11:09,860 --> 00:11:09,960 B: essen 2028 00:11:10,120 --> 00:11:10,360 B: MASSE-PERSON-AKTIV2* 2029 00:11:10,460 --> 00:11:10,620 B: $GEST-OFF^* 2030 00:11:11,300 --> 00:11:14,280 B: It is not really expensive which can also be a reason for many people. 2031 00:11:11,300 --> 00:11:13,400 A: Do they cook differently? 2032 00:11:11,660 --> 00:11:11,840 B: GRUND4B* 2033 00:11:11,660 --> 00:11:11,840 B: gru{nd} 2034 00:11:11,740 --> 00:11:11,880 A: SCHMECKEN3 2035 00:11:12,060 --> 00:11:12,300 B: MANCHMAL1 2036 00:11:12,060 --> 00:11:12,300 B: manchm{al} 2037 00:11:12,100 --> 00:11:12,240 A: ANDERS1 2038 00:11:12,100 --> 00:11:12,240 A: anders 2039 00:11:12,360 --> 00:11:12,460 B: AUCH3A* 2040 00:11:12,360 --> 00:11:12,460 B: auch 2041 00:11:12,440 --> 00:11:13,080 A: KOCHEN1* 2042 00:11:12,440 --> 00:11:13,080 A: kochen 2043 00:11:12,600 --> 00:11:12,880 B: PREIS1 2044 00:11:12,600 --> 00:11:12,880 B: preis 2045 00:11:12,980 --> 00:11:13,460 B: günstig 2046 00:11:12,980 --> 00:11:13,160 B: GÜNSTIG1 2047 00:11:13,260 --> 00:11:13,460 B: $GEST-OFF^* 2048 00:11:13,260 --> 00:11:13,380 A: ANDERS2 2049 00:11:13,260 --> 00:11:13,380 A: anders 2050 00:11:13,400 --> 00:11:14,280 A: That's true. 2051 00:11:13,600 --> 00:11:14,020 A: STIMMT1A* 2052 00:11:14,280 --> 00:11:16,740 A: People cook differently. 2053 00:11:14,460 --> 00:11:14,760 A: ESSEN1^* 2054 00:11:14,460 --> 00:11:14,760 A: schmeckt 2055 00:11:15,060 --> 00:11:15,660 A: anders 2056 00:11:15,060 --> 00:11:15,160 A: ANDERS2* 2057 00:11:15,280 --> 00:11:15,660 A: ||HAND1^* 2058 00:11:15,800 --> 00:11:15,880 A: $INDEX1 2059 00:11:16,000 --> 00:11:16,320 A: ||HAND1^* 2060 00:11:16,480 --> 00:11:16,600 A: ANDERS1 2061 00:11:16,480 --> 00:11:16,600 A: anders 2062 00:11:16,740 --> 00:11:23,560 A: In some restaurants they cook a little bit better because they have the right amount of flavor which the other ones lack of and therefore you go to these places. 2063 00:11:17,000 --> 00:11:18,380 A: [MG] 2064 00:11:17,000 --> 00:11:17,260 A: SCHMECKEN3 2065 00:11:17,420 --> 00:11:17,460 A: $INDEX1 2066 00:11:17,640 --> 00:11:17,800 A: BESSER1* 2067 00:11:18,100 --> 00:11:18,220 A: ||$INDEX1 2068 00:11:18,280 --> 00:11:18,380 A: SCHMECKEN3* 2069 00:11:18,520 --> 00:11:18,580 A: BISSCHEN2A* 2070 00:11:18,600 --> 00:11:18,860 A: FEHLEN1A* 2071 00:11:18,600 --> 00:11:18,860 A: fehlen 2072 00:11:19,000 --> 00:11:19,080 A: NEIN2B 2073 00:11:19,000 --> 00:11:19,080 A: [MG] 2074 00:11:19,180 --> 00:11:19,320 A: $GEST^ 2075 00:11:19,440 --> 00:11:19,540 A: GEFÜHL3^ 2076 00:11:19,440 --> 00:11:19,540 A: mehr 2077 00:11:19,640 --> 00:11:19,920 A: GEWÜRZ1A 2078 00:11:19,640 --> 00:11:19,920 A: gewürz 2079 00:11:20,020 --> 00:11:20,400 A: $GEST-OFF^ 2080 00:11:20,680 --> 00:11:20,780 A: $INDEX1 2081 00:11:20,980 --> 00:11:21,080 A: BESSER1* 2082 00:11:20,980 --> 00:11:21,080 A: [MG] 2083 00:11:21,200 --> 00:11:21,340 A: $INDEX1 2084 00:11:21,500 --> 00:11:21,620 A: GUT1 2085 00:11:21,500 --> 00:11:21,620 A: [MG] 2086 00:11:21,800 --> 00:11:21,920 A: STAMM4B 2087 00:11:21,800 --> 00:11:21,920 A: stamm 2088 00:11:22,100 --> 00:11:22,320 A: $GEST^ 2089 00:11:22,100 --> 00:11:22,320 A: ja 2090 00:11:24,760 --> 00:11:27,660 C: When I visit for a week you will only show me the perfumery 4711 and nothing else? 2091 00:11:27,660 --> 00:11:29,180 B: One week for the perfumery? 2092 00:11:27,980 --> 00:11:29,160 B: $ORAL^ 2093 00:11:27,980 --> 00:11:29,160 B: eine woche parfüm 2094 00:11:29,180 --> 00:11:30,180 B: For one week? 2095 00:11:29,540 --> 00:11:29,800 B: WOCHE1B* 2096 00:11:29,540 --> 00:11:29,800 B: eine woche 2097 00:11:29,740 --> 00:11:35,660 C: I will visit you for one week and the only thing we will see is this perfumery? 2098 00:11:30,400 --> 00:11:30,620 B: UNABHÄNGIG1^* 2099 00:11:30,400 --> 00:11:30,620 B: What does that have to do with it? 2100 00:11:33,440 --> 00:11:37,500 B: Well, in Cologne, yes, because I don't know many places here. 2101 00:11:33,620 --> 00:11:34,420 B: köln 2102 00:11:33,620 --> 00:11:33,760 B: KÖLN2* 2103 00:11:33,880 --> 00:11:34,420 B: HIER1* 2104 00:11:34,540 --> 00:11:34,700 B: KÖLN2* 2105 00:11:34,540 --> 00:11:34,700 B: köln 2106 00:11:34,820 --> 00:11:35,520 B: HIER1* 2107 00:11:35,800 --> 00:11:35,880 B: $INDEX2* 2108 00:11:36,260 --> 00:11:36,640 B: $GEST^ 2109 00:11:36,740 --> 00:11:40,660 C: But are there other things you can show me? Maybe something to do with sports or activities for your free time for example? 2110 00:11:42,100 --> 00:11:49,180 A: You just said you would visit Cologne as well as Dortmund. Would you also go to Frankfurt and visit some sights? 2111 00:11:42,360 --> 00:11:42,440 A: EBEN-ZEIT2* 2112 00:11:42,540 --> 00:11:42,860 A: sagt 2113 00:11:42,540 --> 00:11:42,680 A: SAGEN2B* 2114 00:11:42,720 --> 00:11:42,860 A: DU1 2115 00:11:42,940 --> 00:11:43,040 A: VOR2 2116 00:11:42,940 --> 00:11:43,040 A: vor 2117 00:11:43,260 --> 00:11:43,500 A: DU1* 2118 00:11:43,940 --> 00:11:44,100 A: KÖLN2 2119 00:11:43,940 --> 00:11:44,100 A: köln 2120 00:11:44,260 --> 00:11:44,780 A: [MG] 2121 00:11:44,260 --> 00:11:44,340 A: $INDEX1 2122 00:11:44,340 --> 00:11:44,520 A: SPAZIEREN1* 2123 00:11:44,600 --> 00:11:44,780 A: BESICHTIGEN1* 2124 00:11:44,880 --> 00:11:44,980 A: AUCH3A* 2125 00:11:44,880 --> 00:11:44,980 A: auch 2126 00:11:45,140 --> 00:11:45,300 A: DORTMUND1* 2127 00:11:45,140 --> 00:11:45,300 A: dortmund 2128 00:11:45,480 --> 00:11:45,720 A: DORTHIN-GEHEN2* 2129 00:11:46,100 --> 00:11:46,420 A: FAHREN3* 2130 00:11:46,680 --> 00:11:47,000 A: BRINGEN2B^* 2131 00:11:47,060 --> 00:11:47,480 A: BESICHTIGEN1* 2132 00:11:47,060 --> 00:11:47,480 A: [MG] 2133 00:11:47,680 --> 00:11:47,880 A: DANN1A 2134 00:11:47,980 --> 00:11:48,220 A: FRANKFURT1* 2135 00:11:47,980 --> 00:11:48,220 A: frankfurt 2136 00:11:48,340 --> 00:11:48,440 A: AUCH3A 2137 00:11:48,340 --> 00:11:48,440 A: auch 2138 00:11:48,500 --> 00:11:48,920 A: FAHREN3 2139 00:11:49,000 --> 00:11:49,180 A: $INDEX1* 2140 00:11:49,180 --> 00:11:50,720 A: So, do you go on those guided tours at times? 2140 00:11:49,180 --> 00:11:50,720 B: I would show that person these cities. 2142 00:11:49,360 --> 00:11:49,820 A: AB-UND-ZU1* 2143 00:11:49,360 --> 00:11:49,820 A: [MG] 2144 00:11:49,420 --> 00:11:50,720 B: FÜHREN1A* 2145 00:11:50,720 --> 00:11:52,720 B: But we could also go to Dresden. 2146 00:11:50,980 --> 00:11:51,300 B: DRESDEN1 2147 00:11:50,980 --> 00:11:51,300 B: dresden 2148 00:11:51,540 --> 00:11:51,660 B: DORTHIN-GEHEN2 2149 00:11:51,800 --> 00:11:51,980 B: KANN1* 2150 00:11:51,800 --> 00:11:51,980 B: kann 2151 00:11:52,180 --> 00:11:52,520 B: DRESDEN1* 2152 00:11:52,180 --> 00:11:52,520 B: dresden 2153 00:11:52,600 --> 00:11:52,720 B: ICH1 2154 00:11:52,720 --> 00:11:54,780 B: I have an uncle who lives near Dresden. 2155 00:11:52,860 --> 00:11:52,960 B: ONKEL9* 2156 00:11:52,860 --> 00:11:52,960 B: onkel 2157 00:11:53,280 --> 00:11:53,440 B: WOHNUNG5* 2158 00:11:53,280 --> 00:11:53,440 B: wohn 2159 00:11:53,580 --> 00:11:53,760 B: NAHE1B* 2160 00:11:53,580 --> 00:11:53,760 B: [MG] 2161 00:11:53,940 --> 00:11:54,200 B: DRESDEN1 2162 00:11:53,940 --> 00:11:54,200 B: dresden 2163 00:11:54,280 --> 00:11:54,460 B: $GEST-OFF^* 2164 00:11:54,780 --> 00:11:55,580 B: I could drive there with you. 2165 00:11:54,840 --> 00:11:54,960 B: ICH2 2166 00:11:55,040 --> 00:11:55,120 B: KANN1* 2167 00:11:55,040 --> 00:11:55,120 B: kann 2168 00:11:55,240 --> 00:11:55,440 B: BESUCHEN1B* 2169 00:11:55,580 --> 00:12:02,440 B: Dresden has an underground museum. It goes along the old town walls and you could do a guided tour there. 2170 00:11:55,720 --> 00:11:55,860 B: ICH2* 2171 00:11:56,000 --> 00:11:56,100 B: WISSEN2B 2172 00:11:56,000 --> 00:11:56,100 B: weiß 2173 00:11:56,380 --> 00:11:56,640 B: UNTER1A^ 2174 00:11:56,860 --> 00:11:57,080 B: HABEN-EXISTIEREN1* 2175 00:11:58,840 --> 00:11:58,960 B: $NUM-EINER1A:2d* 2176 00:11:59,180 --> 00:11:59,540 B: ALT5A 2177 00:11:59,180 --> 00:11:59,540 B: alt 2178 00:11:59,640 --> 00:12:00,580 B: stadtmauer 2179 00:11:59,640 --> 00:11:59,860 B: STADT2 2180 00:12:00,160 --> 00:12:00,580 B: MAUER3 2181 00:12:00,860 --> 00:12:01,240 B: UNTER1A^ 2182 00:12:00,860 --> 00:12:01,240 B: im 2183 00:12:01,500 --> 00:12:01,720 B: MUSEUM1* 2184 00:12:01,980 --> 00:12:02,420 B: FÜHREN1A* 2185 00:12:01,980 --> 00:12:02,420 B: [MG] 2186 00:12:02,440 --> 00:12:04,280 B: And one can visit the Frauenkirche for example. 2187 00:12:02,620 --> 00:12:03,320 B: frauenkirche 2188 00:12:02,620 --> 00:12:02,840 B: FRAU1A 2189 00:12:03,040 --> 00:12:03,320 B: KIRCHE2A 2190 00:12:03,560 --> 00:12:04,220 B: beispiel 2191 00:12:03,560 --> 00:12:03,920 B: BEISPIEL1 2192 00:12:04,020 --> 00:12:04,220 B: $GEST-OFF^ 2193 00:12:04,280 --> 00:12:07,120 B: You have a lot of possibilities to go to in Dresden. 2194 00:12:04,480 --> 00:12:05,020 B: AUFZÄHLEN1A* 2195 00:12:04,480 --> 00:12:05,020 B: [MG] 2196 00:12:05,360 --> 00:12:05,500 B: KANN2B 2197 00:12:05,360 --> 00:12:05,500 B: kann 2198 00:12:05,700 --> 00:12:06,040 B: FÜHREN1A* 2199 00:12:05,700 --> 00:12:06,040 B: [MG] 2200 00:12:06,280 --> 00:12:06,980 B: BESUCHEN1B* 2201 00:12:06,280 --> 00:12:06,980 B: [MG] 2202 00:12:07,120 --> 00:12:09,520 B: I would take that person everywhere with me of course. 2203 00:12:07,720 --> 00:12:07,920 B: ALLES2* 2204 00:12:07,720 --> 00:12:07,920 B: alles 2205 00:12:08,060 --> 00:12:08,540 B: SELBSTVERSTÄNDLICH1B* 2206 00:12:08,060 --> 00:12:08,540 B: selbstverständlich 2207 00:12:08,860 --> 00:12:09,520 B: ||HERKOMMEN1* 2208 00:12:09,520 --> 00:12:13,760 B: If I were a professional guide, I could manage all this stuff a little bit better. 2209 00:12:09,600 --> 00:12:09,720 B: ICH1 2210 00:12:09,960 --> 00:12:10,420 B: beruf 2211 00:12:09,960 --> 00:12:10,140 B: BERUF1A 2212 00:12:10,300 --> 00:12:10,420 B: ZUSAMMENHANG1A* 2213 00:12:10,540 --> 00:12:10,720 B: DA1* 2214 00:12:10,540 --> 00:12:10,720 B: da 2215 00:12:11,220 --> 00:12:11,380 B: PASSEN1 2216 00:12:11,220 --> 00:12:11,380 B: pa{sst} 2217 00:12:11,680 --> 00:12:12,140 B: ZÜGEL1^ 2218 00:12:11,680 --> 00:12:12,140 B: muss 2219 00:12:12,280 --> 00:12:13,100 B: pass pass pass pass 2220 00:12:12,280 --> 00:12:12,760 B: PASSEN1* 2221 00:12:12,940 --> 00:12:13,100 B: $GEST-OFF^ 2222 00:12:15,060 --> 00:12:17,200 C: And what would you show me? 2223 00:12:15,480 --> 00:12:20,380 A: First of all, I would show you the “Zeche Zollverein” [Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex]. 2224 00:12:15,700 --> 00:12:15,780 A: ICH1 2225 00:12:17,280 --> 00:12:17,460 A: ICH1 2226 00:12:17,760 --> 00:12:18,100 A: sowieso 2227 00:12:17,760 --> 00:12:17,900 A: SOWIESO1* 2228 00:12:18,040 --> 00:12:18,100 A: ICH1 2229 00:12:18,320 --> 00:12:18,460 A: $INDEX1 2230 00:12:18,320 --> 00:12:18,460 A: dort 2231 00:12:18,940 --> 00:12:19,520 A: $ALPHA1:Z-E 2232 00:12:18,940 --> 00:12:19,520 A: zeche 2233 00:12:19,640 --> 00:12:20,100 A: zollverein 2234 00:12:19,640 --> 00:12:19,920 A: $ALPHA1:Z 2235 00:12:20,040 --> 00:12:20,100 A: BEISPIEL1^* 2236 00:12:20,220 --> 00:12:20,340 A: $INDEX1 2237 00:12:20,380 --> 00:12:24,060 A: Because it was voted cultural capitol they offered so much that I really want to show all this. 2238 00:12:20,820 --> 00:12:20,940 A: ALT5A 2239 00:12:20,820 --> 00:12:20,940 A: alt 2240 00:12:21,040 --> 00:12:21,900 A: kulturhauptstadt 2241 00:12:21,040 --> 00:12:21,320 A: KULTUR1A* 2242 00:12:21,560 --> 00:12:21,640 A: $WORTTEIL-HAUPT4* 2243 00:12:21,760 --> 00:12:21,900 A: STADT2 2244 00:12:22,060 --> 00:12:22,140 A: $INDEX1 2245 00:12:22,280 --> 00:12:22,520 A: BEREICH1A^* 2246 00:12:22,640 --> 00:12:22,720 A: ICH1 2247 00:12:22,960 --> 00:12:23,540 A: FÜHREN1A* 2248 00:12:23,620 --> 00:12:23,900 A: BESICHTIGEN1* 2249 00:12:24,060 --> 00:12:26,800 A: But I would also want to show other parts of our culture and how it developed. 2250 00:12:24,060 --> 00:12:24,200 A: $GEST-OFF^* 2251 00:12:24,060 --> 00:12:24,200 A: wie 2252 00:12:24,340 --> 00:12:24,600 A: KULTUR1A* 2253 00:12:24,340 --> 00:12:24,600 A: kultur 2254 00:12:24,700 --> 00:12:24,820 A: AUCH3A 2255 00:12:24,700 --> 00:12:24,820 A: auch 2256 00:12:24,920 --> 00:12:25,040 A: ICH1 2257 00:12:25,140 --> 00:12:25,280 A: $GEST-OFF^ 2258 00:12:25,140 --> 00:12:25,280 A: wie 2259 00:12:25,600 --> 00:12:25,800 A: VERGANGENHEIT1^ 2260 00:12:26,020 --> 00:12:26,160 A: WIE-FRAGE-VERGLEICH1 2261 00:12:26,020 --> 00:12:26,160 A: wie 2262 00:12:26,360 --> 00:12:26,720 A: ENTWICKELN1A* 2263 00:12:26,800 --> 00:12:28,160 A: Tell you a little bit about the history. 2264 00:12:26,800 --> 00:12:26,860 A: ICH1^* 2265 00:12:26,800 --> 00:12:26,860 A: auch 2266 00:12:26,960 --> 00:12:27,260 A: GESCHICHTE9 2267 00:12:26,960 --> 00:12:27,260 A: geschichte 2268 00:12:27,360 --> 00:12:28,000 A: [MG] 2269 00:12:27,360 --> 00:12:27,460 A: BISSCHEN2A* 2270 00:12:27,600 --> 00:12:28,000 A: GESCHICHTE9* 2271 00:12:28,160 --> 00:12:30,340 A: Not everything, but a little bit. 2272 00:12:28,300 --> 00:12:28,360 A: NICHT3A* 2273 00:12:28,520 --> 00:12:28,760 A: ALLES1A 2274 00:12:28,520 --> 00:12:28,760 A: alles 2275 00:12:29,020 --> 00:12:29,100 A: ICH2* 2276 00:12:29,220 --> 00:12:29,520 A: HALB1B* 2277 00:12:29,220 --> 00:12:29,520 A: halb halb 2278 00:12:29,620 --> 00:12:29,900 A: GESCHICHTE9 2279 00:12:29,620 --> 00:12:29,900 A: geschichte 2280 00:12:30,340 --> 00:12:33,220 A: Then I would show you the city. 2281 00:12:30,680 --> 00:12:30,780 A: UND2A 2282 00:12:30,680 --> 00:12:30,780 A: und 2283 00:12:31,100 --> 00:12:31,440 A: AUSSEN1A^* 2284 00:12:32,080 --> 00:12:32,180 A: STADT2 2285 00:12:32,080 --> 00:12:32,180 A: stadt 2286 00:12:32,360 --> 00:12:32,460 A: $GEST-OFF^* 2287 00:12:32,360 --> 00:12:32,460 A: wie 2288 00:12:32,580 --> 00:12:32,700 A: STADT2 2289 00:12:32,580 --> 00:12:32,700 A: stadt 2290 00:12:32,920 --> 00:12:33,200 A: $PROD* 2291 00:12:33,220 --> 00:12:36,060 A: Visit the area of the train station. 2292 00:12:33,300 --> 00:12:33,500 A: NAHE1A* 2293 00:12:33,300 --> 00:12:33,500 A: nahe 2294 00:12:33,640 --> 00:12:34,460 A: bahnhof 2295 00:12:33,640 --> 00:12:34,120 A: BAHNHOF5* 2296 00:12:34,360 --> 00:12:34,460 A: $INDEX2 2297 00:12:34,620 --> 00:12:35,000 A: NAHE1A 2298 00:12:35,120 --> 00:12:35,660 A: BESICHTIGEN1* 2299 00:12:35,120 --> 00:12:35,660 A: [MG] 2300 00:12:36,060 --> 00:12:38,780 A: That's about it in my city. 2301 00:12:36,500 --> 00:12:36,640 A: FERTIG2* 2302 00:12:36,500 --> 00:12:36,640 A: fertig 2303 00:12:36,740 --> 00:12:36,880 A: $GEST-OFF^ 2304 00:12:37,460 --> 00:12:37,660 A: DANN1A* 2305 00:12:37,460 --> 00:12:37,660 A: dann 2306 00:12:38,040 --> 00:12:38,180 A: IRGENDWO1^* 2307 00:12:38,220 --> 00:12:38,260 A: NICHT3A* 2308 00:12:38,220 --> 00:12:38,260 A: nicht 2309 00:12:38,360 --> 00:12:38,680 A: besonders 2310 00:12:38,360 --> 00:12:38,480 A: BESONDERS5* 2311 00:12:38,540 --> 00:12:38,680 A: ||$GEST-OFF^ 2312 00:12:38,780 --> 00:12:40,600 A: But I would also visit another city. 2313 00:12:39,020 --> 00:12:39,440 A: ||DORTHIN-GEHEN1^ 2314 00:12:39,020 --> 00:12:39,440 A: woanders 2315 00:12:39,640 --> 00:12:39,880 A: sowieso 2316 00:12:39,640 --> 00:12:39,720 A: ||SOWIESO1* 2317 00:12:39,800 --> 00:12:39,880 A: ||ICH1 2318 00:12:40,100 --> 00:12:40,200 A: ANDERS2* 2319 00:12:40,100 --> 00:12:40,200 A: andere 2320 00:12:40,320 --> 00:12:40,480 A: STADT2 2321 00:12:40,320 --> 00:12:40,480 A: stadt 2322 00:12:40,600 --> 00:12:43,120 A: Dortmund for example. It's a pretty city. 2323 00:12:40,760 --> 00:12:40,860 A: BEISPIEL1* 2324 00:12:40,760 --> 00:12:40,860 A: zu{m} bei{spiel} 2325 00:12:42,320 --> 00:12:42,480 A: DORTMUND1* 2326 00:12:42,320 --> 00:12:42,480 A: dortmund 2327 00:12:42,640 --> 00:12:42,680 A: DU1* 2328 00:12:42,760 --> 00:12:42,900 A: GUT1^ 2329 00:12:42,760 --> 00:12:42,900 A: [MG] 2330 00:12:43,120 --> 00:12:44,360 A: Dortmund has a lot to offer, even cultural things. 2331 00:12:43,140 --> 00:12:43,340 A: DORTMUND1* 2332 00:12:43,140 --> 00:12:43,340 A: dortmund 2333 00:12:43,400 --> 00:12:43,520 A: VIEL1A* 2334 00:12:43,400 --> 00:12:43,520 A: viel 2335 00:12:43,620 --> 00:12:43,760 A: DA1 2336 00:12:43,620 --> 00:12:43,760 A: da 2337 00:12:44,060 --> 00:12:44,360 A: KULTUR1A* 2338 00:12:44,060 --> 00:12:44,360 A: kultur 2339 00:12:44,360 --> 00:12:46,520 A: There are also the breweries that you already talked about. 2340 00:12:44,540 --> 00:12:44,680 A: AUCH1A* 2341 00:12:44,540 --> 00:12:44,680 A: auch 2342 00:12:44,780 --> 00:12:45,000 A: $INDEX1 2343 00:12:45,440 --> 00:12:45,620 A: BIER3* 2344 00:12:45,440 --> 00:12:45,620 A: bierbrau{er}ei 2345 00:12:45,900 --> 00:12:45,980 A: DU1* 2346 00:12:46,520 --> 00:12:47,560 A: I would go there. 2347 00:12:46,660 --> 00:12:46,800 A: GUT1^ 2348 00:12:46,660 --> 00:12:46,800 A: gut 2349 00:12:47,000 --> 00:12:47,560 A: [MG] 2350 00:12:47,000 --> 00:12:47,120 A: ||$INDEX1 2351 00:12:47,420 --> 00:12:47,560 A: $GEST^ 2352 00:12:47,560 --> 00:12:49,160 A: Something really special is Cologne of course. 2353 00:12:47,840 --> 00:12:47,980 A: KÖLN2 2354 00:12:47,840 --> 00:12:47,980 A: köln 2355 00:12:48,180 --> 00:12:48,280 A: BESONDERS1A 2356 00:12:48,560 --> 00:12:48,720 A: KÖLN2 2357 00:12:48,560 --> 00:12:48,720 A: köln 2358 00:12:48,940 --> 00:12:49,140 A: [MG] 2359 00:12:48,940 --> 00:12:48,980 A: GUT1^* 2360 00:12:49,100 --> 00:12:49,140 A: $INDEX1 2361 00:12:49,160 --> 00:12:53,440 A: We can go into the cathedral and climb up the stairs to the top. From there you have a great view across the city. 2362 00:12:49,580 --> 00:12:49,820 A: DOM1* 2363 00:12:49,580 --> 00:12:49,820 A: dom 2364 00:12:49,920 --> 00:12:50,020 A: STIMMT1^ 2365 00:12:50,120 --> 00:12:50,300 A: REIN-HINEIN2* 2366 00:12:50,420 --> 00:12:50,540 A: KANN2B 2367 00:12:50,420 --> 00:12:50,540 A: kann 2368 00:12:50,680 --> 00:12:52,300 A: $PROD* 2369 00:12:52,440 --> 00:12:53,120 A: SEHEN-AUF1* 2370 00:12:52,440 --> 00:12:53,120 A: sehen 2371 00:12:53,440 --> 00:12:54,560 A: That is very cultural. 2372 00:12:53,640 --> 00:12:53,680 A: AUCH3A* 2373 00:12:53,640 --> 00:12:53,680 A: auch 2374 00:12:53,820 --> 00:12:53,900 A: KULTUR1A* 2375 00:12:53,820 --> 00:12:53,900 A: kultur 2376 00:12:53,960 --> 00:12:54,220 A: BEISPIEL1^ 2377 00:12:54,560 --> 00:12:57,260 A: And then there is the chocolate museum. 2378 00:12:54,680 --> 00:12:54,860 A: UND2A* 2379 00:12:54,680 --> 00:12:54,860 A: und 2380 00:12:55,060 --> 00:12:55,300 A: DANN1A 2381 00:12:55,640 --> 00:12:56,200 A: SCHOKOLADE2* 2382 00:12:55,640 --> 00:12:56,200 A: schokolade 2383 00:12:56,320 --> 00:12:56,440 A: $ALPHA1:# 2384 00:12:56,320 --> 00:12:56,440 A: lindt 2385 00:12:56,740 --> 00:12:56,940 A: $INDEX1 2386 00:12:58,760 --> 00:13:01,060 A: You can also try the chocolate and see how the chocolate is made. 2387 00:12:58,860 --> 00:12:59,040 A: SCHMECKEN3 2388 00:12:59,080 --> 00:13:02,280 B: There is also a sports museum. 2389 00:12:59,200 --> 00:12:59,300 A: WIE-FRAGE-VERGLEICH1 2390 00:12:59,200 --> 00:12:59,300 A: wie 2391 00:12:59,320 --> 00:12:59,400 B: AUCH3A* 2392 00:12:59,320 --> 00:12:59,400 B: auch 2393 00:12:59,480 --> 00:13:00,000 A: ENTWICKELN1A 2394 00:12:59,520 --> 00:12:59,940 B: dazu 2395 00:12:59,520 --> 00:12:59,660 B: DAZU1* 2396 00:12:59,840 --> 00:12:59,940 B: $INDEX1 2397 00:13:00,220 --> 00:13:00,700 A: MAHLEN1^* 2398 00:13:00,580 --> 00:13:01,440 B: sportmuseum 2399 00:13:00,580 --> 00:13:00,900 B: SPORT1 2400 00:13:01,080 --> 00:13:01,440 B: MUSEUM1* 2401 00:13:01,560 --> 00:13:01,680 B: AUCH3A 2402 00:13:01,560 --> 00:13:01,680 B: auch 2403 00:13:01,860 --> 00:13:02,280 B: $GEST^ 2404 00:13:02,760 --> 00:13:05,520 B: Well yeah, Cologne has a sports museum. 2405 00:13:02,760 --> 00:13:04,060 A: A sports museum? 2406 00:13:02,760 --> 00:13:03,260 B: köln 2407 00:13:02,760 --> 00:13:02,980 B: KÖLN2* 2408 00:13:02,960 --> 00:13:03,500 A: sportmuseum 2409 00:13:02,960 --> 00:13:03,120 A: SPORT1* 2410 00:13:03,140 --> 00:13:03,260 B: HIER1 2411 00:13:03,380 --> 00:13:03,500 A: MUSEUM1* 2412 00:13:03,540 --> 00:13:04,060 B: sportmuseum 2413 00:13:03,540 --> 00:13:03,700 B: SPORT1* 2414 00:13:03,820 --> 00:13:04,060 B: MUSEUM1* 2415 00:13:04,120 --> 00:13:04,520 B: köln 2416 00:13:04,120 --> 00:13:04,300 B: KÖLN2* 2417 00:13:04,440 --> 00:13:04,520 B: HABEN-BESITZEN1* 2418 00:13:04,680 --> 00:13:05,040 B: DA1* 2419 00:13:04,680 --> 00:13:05,040 B: da 2420 00:13:05,880 --> 00:13:09,340 B: It's located right next to the chocolate museum, on the right-hand side. 2421 00:13:05,880 --> 00:13:07,140 A: Well, I didn't know that. 2422 00:13:06,060 --> 00:13:06,860 B: schokoladenmuseum 2423 00:13:06,060 --> 00:13:06,180 B: SCHOKOLADE1* 2424 00:13:06,080 --> 00:13:06,260 A: fehlt 2425 00:13:06,080 --> 00:13:06,140 A: ICH1 2426 00:13:06,180 --> 00:13:06,260 A: FEHLER4* 2427 00:13:06,380 --> 00:13:06,500 A: ÄRGERN-SICH1^ 2428 00:13:06,380 --> 00:13:06,500 A: [MG] 2429 00:13:06,420 --> 00:13:06,860 B: MUSEUM1* 2430 00:13:07,060 --> 00:13:07,180 B: SCHOKOLADE1* 2431 00:13:07,060 --> 00:13:07,180 B: schokol{ade} 2432 00:13:07,440 --> 00:13:07,800 B: NEBEN1A* 2433 00:13:07,440 --> 00:13:07,800 B: [MG] 2434 00:13:08,120 --> 00:13:08,580 B: sportmuseum 2435 00:13:08,120 --> 00:13:08,260 B: SPORT1* 2436 00:13:08,440 --> 00:13:08,580 B: MUSEUM1* 2437 00:13:09,080 --> 00:13:09,340 B: ORT1A^* 2438 00:13:09,340 --> 00:13:11,160 B: They are right next to each other. 2439 00:13:09,540 --> 00:13:09,780 B: NAHE1B* 2440 00:13:09,540 --> 00:13:09,780 B: nah 2441 00:13:10,040 --> 00:13:10,280 B: $INDEX1* 2442 00:13:10,040 --> 00:13:10,280 B: beide 2443 00:13:10,480 --> 00:13:10,640 B: ORT1A^* 2444 00:13:11,160 --> 00:13:13,020 A: I have to look that up again. 2445 00:13:11,380 --> 00:13:11,700 A: nicht schlecht 2446 00:13:11,380 --> 00:13:11,600 A: SCHLECHT1* 2447 00:13:11,600 --> 00:13:11,700 A: ICH1 2448 00:13:11,780 --> 00:13:11,900 A: DANN1A* 2449 00:13:11,780 --> 00:13:11,900 A: dann 2450 00:13:11,980 --> 00:13:12,100 A: ICH1 2451 00:13:11,980 --> 00:13:12,100 A: mal 2452 00:13:12,260 --> 00:13:12,380 A: SOLL1* 2453 00:13:12,260 --> 00:13:12,380 A: soll 2454 00:13:13,520 --> 00:13:14,580 A: Well, as I said, I would visit these sights. 2455 00:13:13,600 --> 00:13:13,660 A: $INDEX1* 2456 00:13:13,820 --> 00:13:14,060 A: BESICHTIGEN1* 2457 00:13:14,240 --> 00:13:14,400 A: $GEST^ 2458 00:13:14,580 --> 00:13:18,380 A: The historic part of Cologne has these small winding alleys. 2459 00:13:14,660 --> 00:13:14,800 A: UND2A 2460 00:13:15,000 --> 00:13:15,320 A: $GEST^ 2461 00:13:15,740 --> 00:13:16,440 A: WEG1* 2462 00:13:15,740 --> 00:13:16,440 A: klein weg 2463 00:13:16,700 --> 00:13:16,760 A: TYPISCH1* 2464 00:13:16,700 --> 00:13:16,760 A: typisch 2465 00:13:16,920 --> 00:13:17,540 A: altstadt 2466 00:13:16,920 --> 00:13:17,160 A: ALT5A 2467 00:13:17,360 --> 00:13:17,540 A: STADT2 2468 00:13:17,800 --> 00:13:17,940 A: WORT2 2469 00:13:17,800 --> 00:13:17,940 A: wort 2470 00:13:18,060 --> 00:13:18,380 A: $GEST^ 2471 00:13:18,380 --> 00:13:21,660 A: They are not spacious and open but rather small winding roads. 2472 00:13:18,940 --> 00:13:19,160 A: ÖFFENTLICH1 2473 00:13:18,940 --> 00:13:19,160 A: offen 2474 00:13:19,380 --> 00:13:19,620 A: WOHNUNG1A 2475 00:13:19,380 --> 00:13:19,620 A: wohnung 2476 00:13:19,820 --> 00:13:19,940 A: NICHT3B* 2477 00:13:20,220 --> 00:13:20,480 A: KLEIN6* 2478 00:13:20,220 --> 00:13:20,480 A: klein 2479 00:13:20,880 --> 00:13:21,420 A: WEG1* 2480 00:13:21,660 --> 00:13:23,420 A: These streets are typical for Cologne as well as for Düsseldorf. 2481 00:13:21,800 --> 00:13:21,900 A: TYPISCH1* 2482 00:13:21,800 --> 00:13:21,900 A: typ{isch} 2483 00:13:21,980 --> 00:13:22,020 A: $INDEX1 2484 00:13:22,120 --> 00:13:22,300 A: KÖLN2 2485 00:13:22,120 --> 00:13:22,300 A: köln 2486 00:13:22,480 --> 00:13:22,600 A: AUCH3A 2487 00:13:22,480 --> 00:13:22,600 A: auch 2488 00:13:22,740 --> 00:13:22,880 A: DÜSSELDORF1* 2489 00:13:22,740 --> 00:13:22,880 A: {düssel}dorf 2490 00:13:23,040 --> 00:13:23,360 A: BEIDE2A 2491 00:13:23,420 --> 00:13:24,760 A: I would also travel to Düsseldorf. 2492 00:13:23,820 --> 00:13:23,920 A: AUCH3A 2493 00:13:23,820 --> 00:13:23,920 A: auch 2494 00:13:24,100 --> 00:13:24,280 A: DÜSSELDORF1* 2495 00:13:24,100 --> 00:13:24,280 A: düsseldorf 2496 00:13:24,380 --> 00:13:24,540 A: $INDEX1 2497 00:13:24,760 --> 00:13:25,940 A: Many rich people live there. 2498 00:13:25,200 --> 00:13:25,320 A: BESONDERS1A 2499 00:13:25,200 --> 00:13:25,320 A: besonders 2500 00:13:25,800 --> 00:13:25,940 A: REICH3* 2501 00:13:25,800 --> 00:13:25,940 A: reich 2502 00:13:25,940 --> 00:13:27,980 A: You will see expensive cars as well as the rich people strolling along. 2503 00:13:26,080 --> 00:13:26,300 A: TYPISCH1* 2504 00:13:26,080 --> 00:13:26,300 A: typisch 2505 00:13:26,600 --> 00:13:26,700 A: AUTO1* 2506 00:13:26,600 --> 00:13:26,700 A: auto 2507 00:13:26,780 --> 00:13:26,960 A: $PROD* 2508 00:13:27,380 --> 00:13:27,980 A: SEHEN-AUF1* 2509 00:13:27,980 --> 00:13:30,520 A: In Düsseldorf the historical part is right next to the Rhine. 2510 00:13:28,160 --> 00:13:28,540 A: altstadt 2511 00:13:28,160 --> 00:13:28,240 A: ALT8B 2512 00:13:28,380 --> 00:13:28,540 A: STADT2 2513 00:13:28,660 --> 00:13:28,720 A: AUCH3A* 2514 00:13:28,660 --> 00:13:28,720 A: auch 2515 00:13:28,860 --> 00:13:29,140 A: RHEIN1* 2516 00:13:28,860 --> 00:13:29,140 A: rhein 2517 00:13:29,240 --> 00:13:29,420 A: NAHE1B* 2518 00:13:29,480 --> 00:13:29,900 A: BEREICH1A^* 2519 00:13:30,860 --> 00:13:37,480 A: I think if the visitor stays for a week you have to see what the visitor wants to do and then decide. 2520 00:13:31,000 --> 00:13:31,140 A: $GEST^ 2521 00:13:31,220 --> 00:13:31,300 A: ICH1* 2522 00:13:31,460 --> 00:13:31,560 A: PASSEN1 2523 00:13:31,460 --> 00:13:31,560 A: pass 2524 00:13:31,980 --> 00:13:32,140 A: DU1 2525 00:13:31,980 --> 00:13:32,140 A: du 2526 00:13:33,000 --> 00:13:33,240 A: WOCHE2 2527 00:13:33,000 --> 00:13:33,240 A: woche 2528 00:13:33,440 --> 00:13:33,780 A: FAHREN1* 2529 00:13:33,440 --> 00:13:33,780 A: fahren 2530 00:13:33,940 --> 00:13:34,100 A: BEREICH1B^* 2531 00:13:34,160 --> 00:13:34,280 A: $GEST^ 2532 00:13:34,480 --> 00:13:34,920 A: abhängig 2533 00:13:34,480 --> 00:13:34,600 A: GLEICH1A^* 2534 00:13:34,740 --> 00:13:34,920 A: ABHÄNGIG3 2535 00:13:35,060 --> 00:13:35,180 A: AUCH3A 2536 00:13:35,060 --> 00:13:35,180 A: auch 2537 00:13:35,260 --> 00:13:35,700 A: $GEST-OFF^ 2538 00:13:35,920 --> 00:13:36,060 A: WIE3A* 2539 00:13:35,920 --> 00:13:36,060 A: [MG] 2540 00:13:36,140 --> 00:13:36,280 A: DORTHIN-GEHEN1* 2541 00:13:36,140 --> 00:13:36,280 A: [MG] 2542 00:13:36,420 --> 00:13:36,540 A: MÖGEN4 2543 00:13:36,420 --> 00:13:36,540 A: was möchtest 2544 00:13:36,660 --> 00:13:36,700 A: DU1* 2545 00:13:36,660 --> 00:13:36,700 A: du 2546 00:13:37,480 --> 00:13:40,300 A: If the visitor doesn't want to drive far, then we wont do that. 2547 00:13:37,600 --> 00:13:37,680 A: DU1* 2548 00:13:37,800 --> 00:13:37,900 A: WOLLEN5* 2549 00:13:37,800 --> 00:13:37,900 A: wollst 2550 00:13:38,300 --> 00:13:38,500 A: WEIT1* 2551 00:13:38,300 --> 00:13:38,500 A: [MG] 2552 00:13:38,580 --> 00:13:38,660 A: ICH1 2553 00:13:38,860 --> 00:13:39,920 A: [MG] 2554 00:13:38,860 --> 00:13:39,360 A: $GEST-NM-KOPFSCHÜTTELN1^* 2555 00:13:39,520 --> 00:13:39,660 A: ABHÄNGIG3* 2556 00:13:39,760 --> 00:13:39,920 A: $GEST^ 2557 00:13:40,300 --> 00:13:45,300 A: Sometimes that person doesn't want to look at art, but rather some sports. 2558 00:13:40,660 --> 00:13:40,740 A: $INDEX1 2559 00:13:40,920 --> 00:13:41,060 A: ICH2^* 2560 00:13:41,140 --> 00:13:41,280 A: $GEST^ 2561 00:13:41,140 --> 00:13:41,280 A: wie 2562 00:13:41,460 --> 00:13:41,560 A: BEISPIEL1* 2563 00:13:41,460 --> 00:13:41,560 A: z{um} beispiel 2564 00:13:41,940 --> 00:13:42,080 A: $INDEX1* 2565 00:13:42,400 --> 00:13:42,480 A: ICH2 2566 00:13:42,560 --> 00:13:42,680 A: KONTRAST1^* 2567 00:13:42,560 --> 00:13:42,680 A: ku{nst} 2568 00:13:42,760 --> 00:13:43,440 A: ICH1^ 2569 00:13:42,760 --> 00:13:43,440 A: [MG] 2570 00:13:43,900 --> 00:13:43,960 A: ICH1 2571 00:13:44,200 --> 00:13:44,680 A: SPORT1 2572 00:13:44,200 --> 00:13:44,680 A: sport 2573 00:13:44,860 --> 00:13:45,040 A: $GEST-OFF^ 2574 00:13:45,300 --> 00:13:48,880 A: Or the visitor likes to see arts anyhow. 2575 00:13:45,340 --> 00:13:45,480 A: ODER1* 2576 00:13:45,340 --> 00:13:45,480 A: oder 2577 00:13:45,740 --> 00:13:45,960 A: ICH1 2578 00:13:46,100 --> 00:13:46,220 A: ETWAS-LIEBEN1 2579 00:13:46,320 --> 00:13:46,380 A: ICH2* 2580 00:13:46,540 --> 00:13:47,380 A: kunst 2581 00:13:46,540 --> 00:13:46,800 A: KONTRAST1^* 2582 00:13:47,120 --> 00:13:47,380 A: SEHEN-AUF4^* 2583 00:13:47,520 --> 00:13:47,620 A: ICH1 2584 00:13:47,520 --> 00:13:47,620 A: ich 2585 00:13:47,780 --> 00:13:48,140 A: AUFZÄHLEN1B* 2586 00:13:48,240 --> 00:13:48,520 A: WOLLEN2* 2587 00:13:48,240 --> 00:13:48,520 A: will 2588 00:13:48,880 --> 00:13:52,400 A: Maybe the visitor would like to see something that he or she looked up online beforehand. 2589 00:13:48,900 --> 00:13:48,980 A: $INDEX1 2590 00:13:49,080 --> 00:13:49,160 A: SCHON1A 2591 00:13:49,080 --> 00:13:49,160 A: schon 2592 00:13:49,400 --> 00:13:49,540 A: WISSEN2A 2593 00:13:49,400 --> 00:13:49,540 A: weiß 2594 00:13:49,680 --> 00:13:49,800 A: ZUHAUSE3 2595 00:13:49,680 --> 00:13:49,800 A: zu {hause} 2596 00:13:50,020 --> 00:13:50,120 A: INTERNET1A* 2597 00:13:50,280 --> 00:13:50,480 A: $INDEX1* 2598 00:13:50,480 --> 00:13:51,100 A: will 2599 00:13:50,480 --> 00:13:50,800 A: $INDEX1* 2600 00:13:50,960 --> 00:13:51,100 A: ICH1* 2601 00:13:51,300 --> 00:13:51,440 A: BESUCHEN1B* 2602 00:13:51,580 --> 00:13:51,720 A: SCHLAFEN1A* 2603 00:13:51,900 --> 00:13:51,960 A: GUT1 2604 00:13:52,100 --> 00:13:52,400 A: $GEST^ 2605 00:13:52,100 --> 00:13:52,400 A: [MG] 2606 00:13:52,400 --> 00:13:54,780 A: I could show that and would go there with the visitor. 2607 00:13:52,520 --> 00:13:53,120 A: [MG] 2608 00:13:52,520 --> 00:13:52,600 A: ICH1 2609 00:13:52,700 --> 00:13:52,780 A: $INDEX1 2610 00:13:52,860 --> 00:13:52,920 A: ICH1 2611 00:13:53,060 --> 00:13:53,120 A: DORTHIN-GEHEN2* 2612 00:13:53,340 --> 00:13:53,940 A: führen führen 2613 00:13:53,340 --> 00:13:53,760 A: FÜHREN1A* 2614 00:13:53,880 --> 00:13:53,940 A: WIE4A^* 2615 00:13:55,160 --> 00:13:55,320 A: SO1A* 2616 00:13:55,160 --> 00:13:55,320 A: That's the way it is. 2616 00:13:55,160 --> 00:13:55,320 A: so 2618 00:13:56,180 --> 00:14:00,900 A: Concerning the food: There is a great pizza restaurant around the corner that is really great. 2619 00:13:56,400 --> 00:13:56,680 A: ESSEN1 2620 00:13:56,400 --> 00:13:56,680 A: essen 2621 00:13:56,760 --> 00:13:56,940 A: $GEST-OFF^* 2622 00:13:57,160 --> 00:13:57,440 A: ESSEN1 2623 00:13:57,160 --> 00:13:57,440 A: [MG] 2624 00:13:57,500 --> 00:13:57,660 A: $GEST-OFF^* 2625 00:13:57,780 --> 00:13:57,880 A: ICH1 2626 00:13:58,040 --> 00:13:58,160 A: BESONDERS1A 2627 00:13:58,040 --> 00:13:58,160 A: bes{onders} 2628 00:13:58,320 --> 00:13:58,440 A: GUT1 2629 00:13:58,620 --> 00:13:58,700 A: ICH2 2630 00:13:58,900 --> 00:13:58,960 A: NAHE1B* 2631 00:13:58,900 --> 00:13:58,960 A: [MG] 2632 00:13:59,060 --> 00:13:59,140 A: $INDEX1* 2633 00:13:59,140 --> 00:13:59,440 A: UM-DIE-ECKE1^* 2634 00:13:59,700 --> 00:13:59,820 A: PIZZA1* 2635 00:13:59,700 --> 00:13:59,820 A: pizza 2636 00:13:59,900 --> 00:13:59,980 A: $INDEX1 2637 00:14:00,200 --> 00:14:00,800 A: SCHMECKEN1A 2638 00:14:00,200 --> 00:14:00,800 A: [MG] 2639 00:14:00,900 --> 00:14:02,140 A: It is really tasty there. 2640 00:14:01,060 --> 00:14:01,660 A: GEFÜHL3^ 2641 00:14:01,060 --> 00:14:01,660 A: [MG] 2642 00:14:01,800 --> 00:14:01,940 A: GUT1 2643 00:14:01,800 --> 00:14:01,940 A: gut 2644 00:14:02,140 --> 00:14:05,860 A: They bake the pizza just about right, not too dark or too light. 2645 00:14:02,360 --> 00:14:02,680 A: BACKEN3A 2646 00:14:02,360 --> 00:14:02,680 A: backen 2647 00:14:02,860 --> 00:14:03,000 A: NICHT3A 2648 00:14:02,860 --> 00:14:03,000 A: nicht 2649 00:14:04,460 --> 00:14:04,700 A: DUNKEL2 2650 00:14:04,460 --> 00:14:04,700 A: dunkel 2651 00:14:04,880 --> 00:14:05,020 A: ODER1* 2652 00:14:04,880 --> 00:14:05,020 A: oder 2653 00:14:05,440 --> 00:14:05,640 A: HELL2 2654 00:14:05,440 --> 00:14:05,640 A: hell 2655 00:14:05,860 --> 00:14:07,640 A: These pizzas are really amazing. 2656 00:14:06,060 --> 00:14:06,320 A: WEICH1B^* 2657 00:14:06,360 --> 00:14:06,700 A: $PROD* 2658 00:14:06,360 --> 00:14:06,700 A: [MG] 2659 00:14:07,060 --> 00:14:07,400 A: SPEICHELN1^ 2660 00:14:07,540 --> 00:14:07,620 A: GUT1* 2661 00:14:07,640 --> 00:14:09,180 A: We’d really have to go there. 2662 00:14:07,740 --> 00:14:07,840 A: SELBSTVERSTÄNDLICH1A* 2663 00:14:07,740 --> 00:14:07,840 A: selbstverständlich 2664 00:14:07,860 --> 00:14:07,920 A: ICH1* 2665 00:14:08,040 --> 00:14:08,100 A: $INDEX1 2666 00:14:08,280 --> 00:14:08,420 A: FÜHREN1A* 2667 00:14:08,580 --> 00:14:08,700 A: MUSS1 2668 00:14:08,580 --> 00:14:08,700 A: muss 2669 00:14:09,180 --> 00:14:11,280 A: People's tastes are different however. 2670 00:14:09,380 --> 00:14:09,660 A: ESSEN1^* 2671 00:14:09,800 --> 00:14:09,860 A: ACHTUNG1A^* 2672 00:14:09,880 --> 00:14:09,960 A: STIMMT1^* 2673 00:14:10,040 --> 00:14:10,420 A: UNTERSCHIED1B 2674 00:14:10,040 --> 00:14:10,420 A: untersch{iedlich} 2675 00:14:10,580 --> 00:14:10,880 A: ALLE2A 2676 00:14:10,580 --> 00:14:10,880 A: alle 2677 00:14:11,040 --> 00:14:11,280 A: $GEST^ 2678 00:14:11,280 --> 00:14:12,180 A: But I especially like that. 2679 00:14:11,440 --> 00:14:11,520 A: ICH1 2680 00:14:11,680 --> 00:14:11,780 A: BESONDERS1A 2681 00:14:11,680 --> 00:14:11,780 A: beson{ders} 2682 00:14:11,960 --> 00:14:12,120 A: GUT1 2683 00:14:12,180 --> 00:14:14,420 A: We also have a Chinese restaurant that is really tasty. 2684 00:14:12,340 --> 00:14:12,420 A: $LIST1:2of2d 2685 00:14:12,620 --> 00:14:12,680 A: AUCH3A 2686 00:14:12,620 --> 00:14:12,680 A: au{ch} 2687 00:14:13,020 --> 00:14:13,320 A: CHINA2 2688 00:14:13,020 --> 00:14:13,320 A: chin{esen} 2689 00:14:13,580 --> 00:14:13,660 A: $INDEX1 2690 00:14:13,860 --> 00:14:14,300 A: LECKER4 2691 00:14:14,420 --> 00:14:18,840 A: If the visitor doesn't know a Chinese restaurant from their home country then we’d definitely have to go there. 2692 00:14:14,780 --> 00:14:15,000 A: $INDEX1 2693 00:14:15,260 --> 00:14:15,440 A: $GEST^ 2694 00:14:15,640 --> 00:14:15,740 A: ANDERS2* 2695 00:14:15,640 --> 00:14:15,740 A: an{deres} 2696 00:14:15,880 --> 00:14:16,180 A: LAND1B* 2697 00:14:15,880 --> 00:14:16,180 A: land 2698 00:14:16,360 --> 00:14:16,500 A: $INDEX1 2699 00:14:16,920 --> 00:14:16,980 A: KEIN1* 2700 00:14:16,920 --> 00:14:16,980 A: kein 2701 00:14:17,180 --> 00:14:17,440 A: CHINA2 2702 00:14:17,180 --> 00:14:17,440 A: chinesisch 2703 00:14:17,760 --> 00:14:17,860 A: ICH1 2704 00:14:17,760 --> 00:14:17,860 A: ich 2705 00:14:18,020 --> 00:14:18,140 A: MUSS1 2706 00:14:18,020 --> 00:14:18,140 A: muss 2707 00:14:18,240 --> 00:14:18,300 A: $INDEX1 2708 00:14:18,360 --> 00:14:18,580 A: HERKOMMEN1 2709 00:14:18,840 --> 00:14:20,160 A: The visitor needs to try these things to know how they taste. 2710 00:14:18,920 --> 00:14:18,980 A: $INDEX1 2711 00:14:19,100 --> 00:14:19,340 A: PROBE2* 2712 00:14:19,100 --> 00:14:19,340 A: prob{ieren} 2713 00:14:19,980 --> 00:14:20,120 A: WIE-FRAGE-VERGLEICH1* 2714 00:14:19,980 --> 00:14:20,120 A: wie 2715 00:14:20,160 --> 00:14:23,100 A: I would show the easy things first. 2716 00:14:20,300 --> 00:14:20,480 A: ANFANG1A* 2717 00:14:20,300 --> 00:14:20,480 A: anf{ang} 2718 00:14:20,640 --> 00:14:20,760 A: EINFACH1 2719 00:14:20,640 --> 00:14:20,760 A: einfach 2720 00:14:20,900 --> 00:14:21,000 A: ZU9 2721 00:14:20,900 --> 00:14:21,000 A: zum 2722 00:14:21,080 --> 00:14:21,160 A: WIE-FRAGE-VERGLEICH1* 2723 00:14:21,080 --> 00:14:21,160 A: wie 2724 00:14:21,440 --> 00:14:21,720 A: ZEIGEN1A* 2725 00:14:21,440 --> 00:14:21,720 A: [MG] 2726 00:14:21,900 --> 00:14:21,980 A: SOWIESO1* 2727 00:14:21,900 --> 00:14:21,980 A: sowieso 2728 00:14:22,080 --> 00:14:22,140 A: ICH1 2729 00:14:22,300 --> 00:14:22,460 A: FÜR1* 2730 00:14:22,300 --> 00:14:22,460 A: für 2731 00:14:23,100 --> 00:14:26,760 A: And some typical German dishes. 2732 00:14:23,600 --> 00:14:23,720 A: MERKWÜRDIG1^* 2733 00:14:23,600 --> 00:14:23,720 A: [MG] 2734 00:14:23,740 --> 00:14:24,460 A: so 2735 00:14:23,740 --> 00:14:23,840 A: SACHE2 2736 00:14:24,100 --> 00:14:24,460 A: SO4*||AUFZÄHLEN1C* 2737 00:14:24,600 --> 00:14:24,680 A: ICH1 2738 00:14:24,840 --> 00:14:24,920 A: MUSS1 2739 00:14:24,840 --> 00:14:24,920 A: muss 2740 00:14:25,120 --> 00:14:25,300 A: LAND1A* 2741 00:14:25,120 --> 00:14:25,300 A: land 2742 00:14:25,400 --> 00:14:25,460 A: WAS1A 2743 00:14:25,400 --> 00:14:25,460 A: was 2744 00:14:25,560 --> 00:14:25,700 A: ESSEN1* 2745 00:14:25,860 --> 00:14:26,000 A: GEBEN1A^* 2746 00:14:26,760 --> 00:14:34,520 A: We don't have any famous specialties, such as the currywurst. 2747 00:14:27,500 --> 00:14:27,860 A: $GEST^ 2748 00:14:28,020 --> 00:14:28,080 A: MEIN1* 2749 00:14:28,360 --> 00:14:28,700 A: BEREICH1A^* 2750 00:14:28,980 --> 00:14:29,140 A: SO1A* 2751 00:14:28,980 --> 00:14:29,140 A: so 2752 00:14:30,260 --> 00:14:30,320 A: BEISPIEL1* 2753 00:14:30,260 --> 00:14:30,320 A: zum {beispiel} 2754 00:14:30,620 --> 00:14:30,780 A: BERÜHMT1A 2755 00:14:30,620 --> 00:14:30,780 A: berühmt 2756 00:14:31,300 --> 00:14:31,740 A: currywurst 2757 00:14:31,300 --> 00:14:31,420 A: $ALPHA1:C 2758 00:14:31,580 --> 00:14:31,740 A: WURST1A* 2759 00:14:31,860 --> 00:14:31,980 A: $GEST-OFF^ 2760 00:14:32,080 --> 00:14:32,180 A: ICH1 2761 00:14:32,260 --> 00:14:32,460 A: $GEST^ 2762 00:14:33,020 --> 00:14:33,580 A: essen 2763 00:14:33,020 --> 00:14:33,160 A: ESSEN2* 2764 00:14:33,380 --> 00:14:33,580 A: BEREICH1A^ 2765 00:14:33,840 --> 00:14:34,080 A: noch nicht 2766 00:14:33,840 --> 00:14:33,960 A: NOCH-NICHT2* 2767 00:14:33,980 --> 00:14:34,080 A: $GEST^ 2768 00:14:34,520 --> 00:14:36,960 A: Our food is very similar to other cities. 2769 00:14:34,720 --> 00:14:34,800 A: WIE3A* 2770 00:14:35,100 --> 00:14:35,320 A: GLEICH8* 2771 00:14:35,100 --> 00:14:35,320 A: [MG] 2772 00:14:35,480 --> 00:14:36,340 A: HANDLUNG3^* 2773 00:14:35,480 --> 00:14:36,340 A: {ausge}tausch 2774 00:14:36,340 --> 00:14:36,480 A: $GEST^ 2775 00:14:36,960 --> 00:14:41,160 A: It's basically the same. 2776 00:14:38,860 --> 00:14:39,060 A: $GEST^ 2777 00:14:40,300 --> 00:14:40,540 A: GLEICH1A 2778 00:14:40,300 --> 00:14:40,540 A: gleich 2779 00:14:40,640 --> 00:14:40,720 A: $GEST^ 2780 00:14:41,160 --> 00:14:48,780 C: Well, let’s say I am an Italian guy visiting you. I wouldn’t want to eat a pizza because I would already know that the one from back home would taste much better. I would really appreciate getting a traditional dish served. 2781 00:14:48,780 --> 00:14:50,340 A: Should I cook something? 2782 00:14:48,860 --> 00:14:48,980 A: MEIN1 2783 00:14:48,860 --> 00:14:48,980 A: mein 2784 00:14:49,100 --> 00:14:49,320 A: KOCHEN1 2785 00:14:49,100 --> 00:14:49,320 A: kochen 2786 00:14:49,420 --> 00:14:49,640 A: $GEST^ 2787 00:14:49,520 --> 00:14:52,520 C: No, but what is a typical dish from your region? 2788 00:14:51,260 --> 00:14:52,760 A: Okay, a traditional German dish. 2789 00:14:51,480 --> 00:14:51,560 A: STIMMT1^ 2790 00:14:51,720 --> 00:14:52,200 A: deutsch 2791 00:14:51,720 --> 00:14:51,860 A: DEUTSCH1* 2792 00:14:51,980 --> 00:14:52,200 A: GEHÖREN1* 2793 00:14:52,360 --> 00:14:52,760 A: STIMMT1B 2794 00:14:52,360 --> 00:14:52,760 A: stimmt stimmt stimmt 2795 00:14:52,760 --> 00:14:55,060 A: A traditional German dish. 2796 00:14:53,120 --> 00:14:53,300 A: LAND1A 2797 00:14:53,120 --> 00:14:53,300 A: land 2798 00:14:53,580 --> 00:14:53,720 A: STIMMT1A 2799 00:14:53,580 --> 00:14:53,720 A: stimmt 2800 00:14:53,840 --> 00:14:53,980 A: DEUTSCH1* 2801 00:14:53,840 --> 00:14:53,980 A: deutsch 2802 00:14:55,060 --> 00:14:57,260 A: Of course there is the currywurst. 2803 00:14:55,260 --> 00:14:55,320 A: $INDEX1 2804 00:14:55,440 --> 00:14:55,520 A: FÜR1^ 2805 00:14:55,700 --> 00:14:55,820 A: SOWIESO1* 2806 00:14:55,700 --> 00:14:55,820 A: sowieso 2807 00:14:55,880 --> 00:14:55,920 A: ICH2* 2808 00:14:56,040 --> 00:14:56,100 A: ZUSAMMENHANG1A^* 2809 00:14:56,260 --> 00:14:56,400 A: $INDEX1 2810 00:14:56,720 --> 00:14:57,200 A: $INIT-GERADE1^* 2811 00:14:56,720 --> 00:14:57,200 A: currywurst 2812 00:14:57,260 --> 00:15:00,580 A: It is a certain bratwurst. 2813 00:14:57,560 --> 00:14:57,960 A: BERÜHMT1B 2814 00:14:57,560 --> 00:14:57,960 A: berühmt 2815 00:14:58,020 --> 00:14:58,160 A: SCHMECKEN3^ 2816 00:14:58,020 --> 00:14:58,160 A: [MG] 2817 00:14:58,220 --> 00:14:58,540 A: $NUM-EINER1A:1 2818 00:14:58,220 --> 00:14:58,540 A: einmal 2819 00:14:58,760 --> 00:14:58,900 A: SCHMECKEN3^ 2820 00:14:58,760 --> 00:14:58,900 A: [MG] 2821 00:14:59,060 --> 00:14:59,700 A: bratwurst 2822 00:14:59,060 --> 00:14:59,160 A: BRATEN1* 2823 00:14:59,440 --> 00:14:59,700 A: WURST1A 2824 00:15:00,580 --> 00:15:02,200 A: Other countries don't have bratwurst. 2825 00:15:00,960 --> 00:15:01,060 A: ANDERS2 2826 00:15:00,960 --> 00:15:01,060 A: an{dere} 2827 00:15:01,100 --> 00:15:01,260 A: LAND1A 2828 00:15:01,100 --> 00:15:01,260 A: land 2829 00:15:01,380 --> 00:15:01,600 A: KEIN2 2830 00:15:01,380 --> 00:15:01,600 A: keine 2831 00:15:01,740 --> 00:15:02,180 A: bratwurst 2832 00:15:01,740 --> 00:15:01,840 A: BRATEN1* 2833 00:15:01,960 --> 00:15:02,180 A: WURST1A 2834 00:15:02,200 --> 00:15:04,300 A: We would definitely have to try one of these then. 2835 00:15:02,360 --> 00:15:02,480 A: DESHALB1* 2836 00:15:02,580 --> 00:15:02,660 A: ICH1 2837 00:15:02,780 --> 00:15:03,000 A: muss 2838 00:15:02,780 --> 00:15:02,840 A: MUSS1 2839 00:15:02,860 --> 00:15:03,000 A: IHR-PLURAL1A 2840 00:15:03,120 --> 00:15:03,340 A: PROBE2* 2841 00:15:03,120 --> 00:15:03,340 A: pro{bieren} 2842 00:15:03,640 --> 00:15:03,840 A: WURST1A 2843 00:15:03,640 --> 00:15:03,840 A: bratwurst 2844 00:15:03,980 --> 00:15:04,180 A: $GEST^ 2845 00:15:04,300 --> 00:15:06,740 A: If you like, you can try it with curry sauce. 2846 00:15:04,560 --> 00:15:04,720 A: WÜNSCHEN1A* 2847 00:15:04,560 --> 00:15:04,720 A: wünschen 2848 00:15:04,880 --> 00:15:04,960 A: MIT1A 2849 00:15:04,880 --> 00:15:04,960 A: mit 2850 00:15:05,100 --> 00:15:05,720 A: currysauce 2851 00:15:05,100 --> 00:15:05,260 A: $ALPHA1:C 2852 00:15:05,440 --> 00:15:05,720 A: SOSSE5 2853 00:15:05,840 --> 00:15:05,900 A: $GEST^ 2854 00:15:06,060 --> 00:15:06,300 A: WÜNSCHEN1A 2855 00:15:06,060 --> 00:15:06,300 A: wünschen 2856 00:15:06,400 --> 00:15:06,560 A: $GEST^ 2857 00:15:06,740 --> 00:15:07,980 A: You got to try it. It tastes really good. 2858 00:15:06,880 --> 00:15:06,960 A: PROBE2* 2859 00:15:06,880 --> 00:15:06,960 A: prob{ieren} 2860 00:15:07,220 --> 00:15:07,980 A: [MG] 2861 00:15:07,220 --> 00:15:07,320 A: SCHMECKEN1A^* 2862 00:15:07,360 --> 00:15:07,440 A: $GEST^ 2863 00:15:07,620 --> 00:15:07,840 A: SCHMECKEN1A 2864 00:15:07,880 --> 00:15:07,980 A: $GEST^ 2865 00:15:07,980 --> 00:15:09,680 A: But you don't have to go to a restaurant for that. 2866 00:15:08,260 --> 00:15:08,360 A: UND2A 2867 00:15:08,260 --> 00:15:08,360 A: und 2868 00:15:08,800 --> 00:15:08,960 A: RESTAURANT1* 2869 00:15:08,800 --> 00:15:08,960 A: restaurant 2870 00:15:09,020 --> 00:15:09,120 A: DASSELBE2A* 2871 00:15:09,020 --> 00:15:09,120 A: selbe 2872 00:15:09,280 --> 00:15:09,380 A: NICHT3B* 2873 00:15:09,580 --> 00:15:09,680 A: $GEST^ 2874 00:15:09,680 --> 00:15:12,300 A: You could eat the currywurst somewhere else. 2875 00:15:09,880 --> 00:15:10,000 A: $LIST1:2of2d 2876 00:15:10,180 --> 00:15:10,280 A: AUCH3A 2877 00:15:10,180 --> 00:15:10,280 A: auch 2878 00:15:10,820 --> 00:15:10,980 A: WARM2C 2879 00:15:10,820 --> 00:15:10,980 A: warm 2880 00:15:11,020 --> 00:15:11,140 A: ESSEN1* 2881 00:15:11,020 --> 00:15:11,140 A: essen 2882 00:15:11,320 --> 00:15:11,420 A: $GEST^ 2883 00:15:14,120 --> 00:15:18,740 A: There are German soups, but I eat them very rarely and so I can't say something about them. 2884 00:15:14,320 --> 00:15:14,420 A: DEUTSCH1* 2885 00:15:14,320 --> 00:15:14,420 A: deutsche 2886 00:15:14,520 --> 00:15:14,680 A: SUPPE1 2887 00:15:14,520 --> 00:15:14,680 A: suppe 2888 00:15:14,700 --> 00:15:14,760 A: ICH1 2889 00:15:14,900 --> 00:15:15,660 A: selten 2890 00:15:14,900 --> 00:15:15,040 A: SELTEN2 2891 00:15:15,220 --> 00:15:15,660 A: ENTSCHULDIGUNG1 2892 00:15:15,780 --> 00:15:15,860 A: $GEST^ 2893 00:15:16,000 --> 00:15:18,020 C: Maybe a beverage? 2894 00:15:16,800 --> 00:15:17,060 A: [MG] 2895 00:15:16,800 --> 00:15:16,840 A: ICH2* 2896 00:15:16,940 --> 00:15:17,060 A: MÖGEN-NICHT1^ 2897 00:15:18,740 --> 00:15:19,960 A: Just the ones we already talked about. 2898 00:15:18,960 --> 00:15:19,060 A: TRINKEN1* 2899 00:15:19,200 --> 00:15:19,460 A: $NUM-PERSONENZAHL2:2* 2900 00:15:19,480 --> 00:15:19,600 A: $GEST^ 2901 00:15:24,180 --> 00:15:28,280 B: There is one in Berlin: they have this special beer with woodruff. 2902 00:15:24,560 --> 00:15:24,680 B: NUR2A* 2903 00:15:24,560 --> 00:15:24,680 B: nur 2904 00:15:25,120 --> 00:15:25,440 B: BERLIN1A* 2905 00:15:25,120 --> 00:15:25,440 B: berl{in} 2906 00:15:25,700 --> 00:15:25,900 B: MERKWÜRDIG1* 2907 00:15:25,700 --> 00:15:25,900 B: [MG] 2908 00:15:26,180 --> 00:15:26,420 B: BIER3 2909 00:15:26,180 --> 00:15:26,420 B: bier 2910 00:15:26,520 --> 00:15:26,640 B: MIT1A 2911 00:15:26,520 --> 00:15:26,640 B: mit 2912 00:15:26,980 --> 00:15:27,980 B: waldmeister 2913 00:15:26,980 --> 00:15:27,140 B: $ALPHA1:W 2914 00:15:27,340 --> 00:15:27,540 B: MEISTER1 2915 00:15:27,640 --> 00:15:30,060 A: True, I/ 2916 00:15:27,640 --> 00:15:27,980 B: $GEST^ 2917 00:15:28,000 --> 00:15:28,920 A: STIMMT1B 2918 00:15:28,000 --> 00:15:28,920 A: [MG] 2919 00:15:28,280 --> 00:15:30,640 B: They only have that in Berlin, but not here. 2920 00:15:28,520 --> 00:15:28,700 B: BERLIN1A* 2921 00:15:28,520 --> 00:15:28,700 B: berlin 2922 00:15:28,840 --> 00:15:29,000 B: MERKWÜRDIG1* 2923 00:15:28,840 --> 00:15:29,000 B: [MG] 2924 00:15:29,140 --> 00:15:29,200 A: ICH1 2925 00:15:29,280 --> 00:15:29,440 B: HIER1 2926 00:15:29,280 --> 00:15:29,440 B: aber 2927 00:15:29,320 --> 00:15:29,420 A: SELBST1A* 2928 00:15:29,320 --> 00:15:29,420 A: sel{bst} 2929 00:15:29,660 --> 00:15:30,060 B: $GEST^ 2930 00:15:30,640 --> 00:15:33,500 A: I don't drink any beer because I don't like it. 2931 00:15:30,780 --> 00:15:30,920 A: ENTSCHULDIGUNG1* 2932 00:15:31,040 --> 00:15:31,140 A: SELBST1A* 2933 00:15:31,040 --> 00:15:31,140 A: selber 2934 00:15:31,160 --> 00:15:31,320 A: NICHT3A 2935 00:15:31,160 --> 00:15:31,320 A: nicht 2936 00:15:31,320 --> 00:15:32,380 B: In Düsseldorf/ 2937 00:15:31,480 --> 00:15:31,700 A: KEIN2 2938 00:15:31,480 --> 00:15:31,700 A: kein 2939 00:15:31,780 --> 00:15:31,940 A: BIER1* 2940 00:15:31,780 --> 00:15:31,940 A: bier 2941 00:15:31,880 --> 00:15:32,380 B: düsseldorf 2942 00:15:31,880 --> 00:15:32,080 B: DÜSSELDORF1 2943 00:15:32,080 --> 00:15:32,160 A: ICH1 2944 00:15:32,080 --> 00:15:32,160 A: ich 2945 00:15:32,180 --> 00:15:32,380 B: $GEST-OFF^ 2946 00:15:32,320 --> 00:15:32,400 A: KEIN2* 2947 00:15:32,320 --> 00:15:32,400 A: kein 2948 00:15:32,640 --> 00:15:32,940 A: MÖGEN-NICHT1* 2949 00:15:32,640 --> 00:15:32,940 A: [MG] 2950 00:15:33,000 --> 00:15:33,060 A: ICH2 2951 00:15:33,500 --> 00:15:35,680 B: A special beverage in Düsseldorf is Altbier [ale]. 2952 00:15:33,720 --> 00:15:33,820 B: BEISPIEL1* 2953 00:15:33,720 --> 00:15:33,820 B: beispiel 2954 00:15:34,120 --> 00:15:34,280 B: DÜSSELDORF1 2955 00:15:34,120 --> 00:15:34,280 B: düssel{dorf} 2956 00:15:34,540 --> 00:15:34,960 B: altbier 2957 00:15:34,540 --> 00:15:34,660 B: ALT5A 2958 00:15:34,780 --> 00:15:34,960 B: BIER3 2959 00:15:35,220 --> 00:15:35,360 B: MERKWÜRDIG1* 2960 00:15:35,220 --> 00:15:35,360 B: [MG] 2961 00:15:35,420 --> 00:15:35,680 B: $INDEX2 2962 00:15:35,680 --> 00:15:37,880 B: And there is also Kölsch, which is served in really slim glasses. 2963 00:15:35,860 --> 00:15:36,020 B: UND1* 2964 00:15:35,860 --> 00:15:36,020 B: und 2965 00:15:36,200 --> 00:15:36,400 B: KÖLN2* 2966 00:15:36,200 --> 00:15:36,400 B: kölsch 2967 00:15:36,840 --> 00:15:37,100 B: RUND-LANG3^* 2968 00:15:36,840 --> 00:15:37,100 B: schmal 2969 00:15:37,880 --> 00:15:39,500 B: Some say it tastes like water, but it is beer. 2970 00:15:37,960 --> 00:15:38,220 B: WIE3A* 2971 00:15:37,960 --> 00:15:38,220 B: wie 2972 00:15:38,580 --> 00:15:38,760 B: WASSER1* 2973 00:15:38,580 --> 00:15:38,760 B: wasser 2974 00:15:38,760 --> 00:15:39,140 B: $ORAL^ 2975 00:15:38,760 --> 00:15:39,140 B: und 2976 00:15:39,140 --> 00:15:39,460 B: bier 2977 00:15:39,140 --> 00:15:39,300 B: TRINKEN1 2978 00:15:39,300 --> 00:15:39,460 B: BIER3 2979 00:15:39,500 --> 00:15:40,780 B: It tastes good. 2980 00:15:39,660 --> 00:15:39,900 B: $INDEX1 2981 00:15:39,660 --> 00:15:39,900 B: aber 2982 00:15:40,060 --> 00:15:40,240 B: SCHMECKEN1A 2983 00:15:40,320 --> 00:15:40,400 B: GUT1* 2984 00:15:40,780 --> 00:15:43,720 B: In the region of the Sauerland there is also a different type of beer: Bitterbier. But other than that I don't know any. 2985 00:15:40,780 --> 00:15:40,960 B: $INDEX1 2986 00:15:41,160 --> 00:15:41,260 B: $INDEX1 2987 00:15:41,460 --> 00:15:41,800 B: SAUERLAND1 2988 00:15:41,460 --> 00:15:41,800 B: sauerland 2989 00:15:42,280 --> 00:15:42,900 B: bitterbier 2990 00:15:42,280 --> 00:15:42,580 B: BITTER2 2991 00:15:42,720 --> 00:15:42,900 B: BIER3 2992 00:15:43,060 --> 00:15:43,720 B: $GEST-NM-SCHULTERZUCKEN1^ 2993 00:15:43,060 --> 00:15:43,720 B: aber 2994 00:15:44,220 --> 00:15:44,520 B: $GEST-OFF^ 2995 00:15:44,220 --> 00:15:44,520 B: I don’t know. 2996 00:15:46,020 --> 00:15:48,460 A: Were I asked about beer, I would have to say that I don't know anything about it. 2997 00:15:46,260 --> 00:15:46,300 A: WENN1A* 2998 00:15:46,260 --> 00:15:46,300 A: wenn 2999 00:15:46,380 --> 00:15:46,560 A: FRAGE1* 3000 00:15:46,380 --> 00:15:46,560 A: fra{gen} 3001 00:15:46,700 --> 00:15:46,840 A: GERN1 3002 00:15:46,700 --> 00:15:46,840 A: gern 3003 00:15:46,960 --> 00:15:47,060 A: BIER4 3004 00:15:46,960 --> 00:15:47,060 A: bier 3005 00:15:47,220 --> 00:15:47,300 A: ICH1 3006 00:15:47,580 --> 00:15:47,700 A: KEINE-AHNUNG1 3007 00:15:47,580 --> 00:15:47,700 A: keine ahnung 3008 00:15:47,900 --> 00:15:47,980 A: ICH2* 3009 00:15:48,060 --> 00:15:48,180 A: $GEST^ 3010 00:15:49,340 --> 00:15:51,640 B: Well, then you just open a can of beer and hand it to that person and let them try. 3011 00:15:49,560 --> 00:15:49,680 B: EINFACH1* 3012 00:15:49,560 --> 00:15:49,680 B: einfach 3013 00:15:49,960 --> 00:15:50,100 B: ÖFFNEN-DOSE1 3014 00:15:49,960 --> 00:15:50,100 B: [MG] 3015 00:15:50,280 --> 00:15:50,500 B: ||GEBEN-FESTHALTEN-FLASCHE1 3016 00:15:50,980 --> 00:15:53,020 A: True, just give that person a beer. 3017 00:15:50,980 --> 00:15:51,520 A: STIMMT1A* 3018 00:15:50,980 --> 00:15:51,080 B: FERTIG1A 3019 00:15:50,980 --> 00:15:51,080 B: fertig 3020 00:15:51,800 --> 00:15:51,920 A: WIE-FRAGE-VERGLEICH1* 3021 00:15:51,800 --> 00:15:51,920 A: wie 3022 00:15:52,040 --> 00:15:52,160 A: SOFORT6* 3023 00:15:52,040 --> 00:15:52,160 A: gleich 3024 00:15:52,280 --> 00:15:52,500 A: GEBEN1 3025 00:15:52,600 --> 00:15:52,680 A: STIMMT1A* 3026 00:15:52,600 --> 00:15:52,680 A: stimmt 3027 00:15:53,020 --> 00:15:56,880 A: I recently visited my cousin. 3028 00:15:53,400 --> 00:15:53,520 A: VERGANGENHEIT1^* 3029 00:15:53,640 --> 00:15:53,720 A: ICH1 3030 00:15:55,320 --> 00:15:55,700 A: monat 3031 00:15:55,320 --> 00:15:55,440 A: MONAT1* 3032 00:15:55,540 --> 00:15:55,700 A: VOR1G 3033 00:15:55,960 --> 00:15:56,040 A: ICH1 3034 00:15:56,280 --> 00:15:56,680 A: COUSINE1 3035 00:15:56,280 --> 00:15:56,680 A: cousine 3036 00:15:56,880 --> 00:15:58,400 A: My mother is Hungarian. 3037 00:15:57,080 --> 00:15:57,120 A: MEIN1 3038 00:15:57,140 --> 00:15:57,240 A: BEISPIEL1^* 3039 00:15:57,140 --> 00:15:57,240 A: [MG] 3040 00:15:57,260 --> 00:15:57,360 A: MEIN1 3041 00:15:57,540 --> 00:15:57,740 A: MUTTER5 3042 00:15:57,540 --> 00:15:57,740 A: mutter 3043 00:15:57,840 --> 00:15:57,900 A: $INDEX1 3044 00:15:58,240 --> 00:15:58,400 A: UNGARN1B* 3045 00:15:58,240 --> 00:15:58,400 A: ungarn 3046 00:15:58,400 --> 00:16:01,080 A: She has a brother, who has a daughter – my cousin. 3047 00:15:58,460 --> 00:15:58,560 A: $INDEX1 3048 00:15:58,900 --> 00:15:59,140 A: BRUDER1A 3049 00:15:58,900 --> 00:15:59,140 A: bruder 3050 00:16:00,040 --> 00:16:00,360 A: cousine 3051 00:16:00,040 --> 00:16:00,120 A: ICH1^* 3052 00:16:00,260 --> 00:16:00,360 A: COUSINE1* 3053 00:16:00,460 --> 00:16:00,580 A: $INDEX2 3054 00:16:00,680 --> 00:16:00,760 A: ICH1 3055 00:16:00,860 --> 00:16:00,960 A: $INDEX1 3056 00:16:01,080 --> 00:16:03,680 A: She asked me if she could visit me in August. 3057 00:16:01,320 --> 00:16:01,420 A: VERGANGENHEIT1^* 3058 00:16:01,660 --> 00:16:01,760 A: BITTE4* 3059 00:16:01,660 --> 00:16:01,760 A: [MG] 3060 00:16:02,000 --> 00:16:02,060 A: ||WOLLEN2* 3061 00:16:02,000 --> 00:16:02,060 A: will 3062 00:16:02,440 --> 00:16:02,580 A: AUGUST4B* 3063 00:16:02,440 --> 00:16:02,580 A: august 3064 00:16:02,700 --> 00:16:02,780 A: VERGANGENHEIT1^* 3065 00:16:03,160 --> 00:16:03,440 A: ||BESUCHEN1B* 3066 00:16:03,680 --> 00:16:05,920 A: So she came for a one-week visit with her boyfriend. 3067 00:16:03,820 --> 00:16:03,980 A: $GEST^ 3068 00:16:04,140 --> 00:16:04,220 A: $INDEX1 3069 00:16:04,340 --> 00:16:04,460 A: FREUND-FEST1 3070 00:16:04,340 --> 00:16:04,460 A: freund 3071 00:16:04,640 --> 00:16:04,740 A: MIT1A 3072 00:16:05,180 --> 00:16:05,400 A: WOCHE1B* 3073 00:16:05,180 --> 00:16:05,400 A: eine woche 3074 00:16:05,620 --> 00:16:05,820 A: ||BESUCHEN1B* 3075 00:16:05,920 --> 00:16:07,720 A: I showed them around a little. 3076 00:16:05,920 --> 00:16:06,000 A: ||ICH2 3077 00:16:06,100 --> 00:16:06,280 A: ||JA1A* 3078 00:16:06,460 --> 00:16:06,520 A: ICH2* 3079 00:16:06,720 --> 00:16:06,980 A: FÜHREN1A* 3080 00:16:06,720 --> 00:16:06,980 A: führen 3081 00:16:07,240 --> 00:16:07,360 A: ERFOLG1^ 3082 00:16:07,720 --> 00:16:10,740 A: They stayed at my mothers. 3083 00:16:08,020 --> 00:16:08,180 A: ||ZUERST1A 3084 00:16:08,020 --> 00:16:08,180 A: zuerst 3085 00:16:08,940 --> 00:16:09,080 A: SCHLAFEN1A 3086 00:16:09,360 --> 00:16:09,540 A: ||$INDEX1 3087 00:16:09,360 --> 00:16:09,540 A: meine 3088 00:16:09,580 --> 00:16:09,840 A: MUTTER5* 3089 00:16:09,580 --> 00:16:09,840 A: mutter 3090 00:16:09,900 --> 00:16:10,040 A: ||BESUCHEN1B 3091 00:16:10,220 --> 00:16:10,300 A: ||SCHLAFEN2A* 3092 00:16:10,220 --> 00:16:10,300 A: schlafen 3093 00:16:10,460 --> 00:16:10,580 A: ||$GEST-ABWINKEN1^* 3094 00:16:11,880 --> 00:16:13,900 A: Just because my flat is too small. It wouldn't have worked. 3095 00:16:12,100 --> 00:16:12,220 A: $INDEX1* 3096 00:16:12,620 --> 00:16:12,720 A: ICH2* 3097 00:16:12,620 --> 00:16:12,720 A: m{eine} 3098 00:16:12,880 --> 00:16:13,120 A: wohnung 3099 00:16:12,880 --> 00:16:12,980 A: WOHNUNG1A* 3100 00:16:13,040 --> 00:16:13,120 A: ICH2^ 3101 00:16:13,260 --> 00:16:13,380 A: KLEIN11 3102 00:16:13,260 --> 00:16:13,380 A: zu klein 3103 00:16:13,600 --> 00:16:13,900 A: passt 3104 00:16:13,600 --> 00:16:13,720 A: PASSEN3 3105 00:16:13,820 --> 00:16:13,900 A: NICHT1* 3106 00:16:13,900 --> 00:16:16,080 A: There was a free bed at my mothers flat however. 3107 00:16:14,100 --> 00:16:14,280 A: $INDEX1 3108 00:16:14,360 --> 00:16:14,500 A: FREI1* 3109 00:16:14,360 --> 00:16:14,500 A: frei 3110 00:16:14,580 --> 00:16:14,680 A: $NUM-EINER1A:1d 3111 00:16:14,580 --> 00:16:14,680 A: ein 3112 00:16:14,900 --> 00:16:15,040 A: $PROD* 3113 00:16:14,900 --> 00:16:15,040 A: bett 3114 00:16:15,400 --> 00:16:15,520 A: ||$GEST-ABWINKEN1^* 3115 00:16:16,080 --> 00:16:17,940 A: On Monday they took a break from their journey here. 3116 00:16:16,340 --> 00:16:16,440 A: $INDEX1 3117 00:16:16,880 --> 00:16:17,120 A: MONTAG13A 3118 00:16:16,880 --> 00:16:17,120 A: montag 3119 00:16:17,440 --> 00:16:17,580 A: PAUSE1* 3120 00:16:17,440 --> 00:16:17,580 A: pau{se} 3121 00:16:17,740 --> 00:16:17,880 A: ||$GEST-ABWINKEN1^ 3122 00:16:17,940 --> 00:16:20,000 A: On Tuesday they came to my place and I was supposed to show them around a little. 3123 00:16:18,180 --> 00:16:18,360 A: DIENSTAG10A 3124 00:16:18,180 --> 00:16:18,360 A: dienstag 3125 00:16:18,500 --> 00:16:18,560 A: ||ICH1* 3126 00:16:18,960 --> 00:16:19,140 A: FÜHREN1A* 3127 00:16:18,960 --> 00:16:19,140 A: führen 3128 00:16:19,380 --> 00:16:19,520 A: ||RICHTUNG3^* 3129 00:16:20,780 --> 00:16:25,040 A: We went to Cologne. 3130 00:16:20,820 --> 00:16:21,200 A: KÖLN2* 3131 00:16:21,380 --> 00:16:22,560 A: $GEST^ 3132 00:16:22,700 --> 00:16:22,780 A: ICH2* 3133 00:16:22,920 --> 00:16:23,040 A: KÖLN2 3134 00:16:22,920 --> 00:16:23,040 A: köln 3135 00:16:23,300 --> 00:16:23,400 A: ICH2* 3136 00:16:23,720 --> 00:16:24,080 A: FÜHREN1A* 3137 00:16:24,300 --> 00:16:24,700 A: FAHREN3 3138 00:16:24,300 --> 00:16:24,700 A: [MG] 3139 00:16:25,040 --> 00:16:29,160 A: The Cologne Cathedral is closed on one day of the week and of course we were there at exactly that day. 3140 00:16:25,300 --> 00:16:25,520 A: DOM1 3141 00:16:25,300 --> 00:16:25,520 A: dom 3142 00:16:25,660 --> 00:16:25,720 A: GENAU-DAS1* 3143 00:16:26,060 --> 00:16:26,140 A: $INDEX1 3144 00:16:26,300 --> 00:16:26,440 A: $ALPHA1:B 3145 00:16:26,300 --> 00:16:26,440 A: dom 3146 00:16:26,560 --> 00:16:26,660 A: SCHON1A 3147 00:16:26,560 --> 00:16:26,660 A: schon 3148 00:16:26,860 --> 00:16:27,040 A: ZU1B* 3149 00:16:26,860 --> 00:16:27,040 A: zu 3150 00:16:27,720 --> 00:16:27,820 A: IN1 3151 00:16:27,720 --> 00:16:27,820 A: in 3152 00:16:28,000 --> 00:16:28,160 A: WOCHE2 3153 00:16:28,000 --> 00:16:28,160 A: woche 3154 00:16:28,260 --> 00:16:28,440 A: GENAU1 3155 00:16:28,600 --> 00:16:28,800 A: $NUM-EINER1A:1d 3156 00:16:28,600 --> 00:16:28,800 A: ein 3157 00:16:28,980 --> 00:16:29,160 A: FEHLEN2 3158 00:16:28,980 --> 00:16:29,160 A: fehlen 3159 00:16:29,160 --> 00:16:31,260 A: But that was ok. We then just walked around. 3160 00:16:29,580 --> 00:16:29,720 A: ||$GEST-ABWINKEN1^* 3161 00:16:29,820 --> 00:16:29,960 A: ||SCHLIMM3B* 3162 00:16:29,820 --> 00:16:29,960 A: schlimm 3163 00:16:29,960 --> 00:16:30,120 A: ||NICHT3B* 3164 00:16:30,400 --> 00:16:30,500 A: STADT2 3165 00:16:30,400 --> 00:16:30,500 A: [MG] 3166 00:16:30,640 --> 00:16:30,700 A: ICH2* 3167 00:16:30,840 --> 00:16:31,140 A: SPAZIEREN1* 3168 00:16:31,260 --> 00:16:33,660 A: And towards the Rhine where it was really windy. 3169 00:16:31,260 --> 00:16:31,340 A: NAHE1A* 3170 00:16:31,260 --> 00:16:31,340 A: nah 3171 00:16:31,440 --> 00:16:31,840 A: wasser 3172 00:16:31,440 --> 00:16:31,560 A: WASSER1* 3173 00:16:31,620 --> 00:16:31,840 A: ||FLUSS1^ 3174 00:16:32,060 --> 00:16:33,040 A: $PROD* 3175 00:16:32,060 --> 00:16:33,040 A: [MG] 3176 00:16:33,160 --> 00:16:33,220 A: $INDEX1 3177 00:16:33,240 --> 00:16:33,660 A: INTERESSE1B 3178 00:16:33,660 --> 00:16:37,200 A: Both are hearing, sign rather well and talk Hungarian with each other. 3179 00:16:33,840 --> 00:16:33,900 A: $INDEX1 3180 00:16:34,020 --> 00:16:34,240 A: HÖREND1A 3181 00:16:34,020 --> 00:16:34,240 A: höre{nd} 3182 00:16:34,520 --> 00:16:34,820 A: GEBÄRDEN1A* 3183 00:16:34,520 --> 00:16:34,820 A: [MG] 3184 00:16:34,840 --> 00:16:34,980 A: $GEST^ 3185 00:16:35,220 --> 00:16:35,460 A: GUT1* 3186 00:16:35,220 --> 00:16:35,460 A: gut 3187 00:16:35,800 --> 00:16:35,920 A: UNGARN1B* 3188 00:16:35,800 --> 00:16:35,920 A: ungarisch 3189 00:16:36,000 --> 00:16:36,220 A: SPRECHEN4 3190 00:16:36,000 --> 00:16:36,220 A: sprechen 3191 00:16:36,280 --> 00:16:36,360 A: ICH1 3192 00:16:36,500 --> 00:16:36,800 A: BEIDE2A* 3193 00:16:37,200 --> 00:16:37,920 A: It was really interesting. 3194 00:16:37,320 --> 00:16:37,360 A: $INDEX1 3195 00:16:37,420 --> 00:16:37,700 A: INTERESSE1B* 3196 00:16:37,420 --> 00:16:37,700 A: inter{esse} 3197 00:16:37,920 --> 00:16:40,600 A: Last time we saw each other was five years ago and we haven't been in contact since then. 3198 00:16:38,080 --> 00:16:38,200 A: ENDE1^ 3199 00:16:38,400 --> 00:16:38,600 A: LETZTE1A 3200 00:16:38,400 --> 00:16:38,600 A: letzt 3201 00:16:39,560 --> 00:16:39,860 A: JAHR1B* 3202 00:16:39,560 --> 00:16:39,860 A: fünf jahren 3203 00:16:40,160 --> 00:16:40,380 A: STILL3 3204 00:16:40,160 --> 00:16:40,380 A: still 3205 00:16:40,600 --> 00:16:42,760 A: It was hard at first to communicate because we had to get used to one another. 3206 00:16:40,800 --> 00:16:40,860 A: ICH1 3207 00:16:40,800 --> 00:16:40,860 A: ich 3208 00:16:40,980 --> 00:16:41,060 A: ICH1* 3209 00:16:41,240 --> 00:16:41,900 A: SICH-VERSTEHEN-NICHT1* 3210 00:16:42,020 --> 00:16:42,120 A: $GEST-RUHIG-BLEIBEN1^* 3211 00:16:42,020 --> 00:16:42,120 A: normal 3212 00:16:42,280 --> 00:16:42,560 A: LANGSAM2 3213 00:16:42,280 --> 00:16:42,560 A: langsam 3214 00:16:42,760 --> 00:16:44,320 A: I showed them some sights in Cologne. 3215 00:16:42,860 --> 00:16:42,940 A: ICH1 3216 00:16:43,120 --> 00:16:44,160 A: FÜHREN1A* 3217 00:16:43,120 --> 00:16:44,160 A: [MG] 3218 00:16:44,320 --> 00:16:46,280 A: We also went to Herne. 3219 00:16:44,500 --> 00:16:44,600 A: ANDERS2 3220 00:16:44,500 --> 00:16:44,600 A: and{ere} 3221 00:16:44,860 --> 00:16:45,020 A: STADT2 3222 00:16:44,860 --> 00:16:45,020 A: stadt 3223 00:16:45,180 --> 00:16:45,280 A: AUCH3A 3224 00:16:45,180 --> 00:16:45,280 A: auch 3225 00:16:45,800 --> 00:16:45,940 A: HERNE2 3226 00:16:45,800 --> 00:16:45,940 A: herne 3227 00:16:46,280 --> 00:16:49,640 A: There is a special and famous fun fair; it is really big. 3228 00:16:46,580 --> 00:16:46,760 A: BERÜHMT1B 3229 00:16:46,580 --> 00:16:46,760 A: berühmt 3230 00:16:47,000 --> 00:16:47,520 A: KIRMES2* 3231 00:16:47,000 --> 00:16:47,520 A: kirmes 3232 00:16:47,740 --> 00:16:47,920 A: GROSS3A* 3233 00:16:47,740 --> 00:16:47,920 A: groß 3234 00:16:48,140 --> 00:16:48,300 A: AN-DER-SPITZE1* 3235 00:16:48,140 --> 00:16:48,300 A: [MG] 3236 00:16:48,520 --> 00:16:48,660 A: SPITZ1A 3237 00:16:48,520 --> 00:16:48,660 A: spitze 3238 00:16:48,760 --> 00:16:48,920 A: $INDEX1 3239 00:16:49,080 --> 00:16:49,260 A: $GEST^ 3240 00:16:49,640 --> 00:16:53,460 A: Is there also one in Leverkusen, no, in Düsseldorf? 3241 00:16:50,280 --> 00:16:50,580 A: LEVERKUSEN1 3242 00:16:50,280 --> 00:16:50,580 A: lever{kusen} 3243 00:16:50,900 --> 00:16:51,740 A: $GEST^ 3244 00:16:51,840 --> 00:16:52,280 A: düsseldorf 3245 00:16:51,840 --> 00:16:51,960 A: $INDEX1* 3246 00:16:52,120 --> 00:16:52,280 A: DÜSSELDORF1 3247 00:16:52,440 --> 00:16:52,580 A: BESONDERS1A 3248 00:16:52,440 --> 00:16:52,580 A: besonders 3249 00:16:52,740 --> 00:16:53,000 A: KIRMES2* 3250 00:16:52,740 --> 00:16:53,000 A: kirmes 3251 00:16:53,320 --> 00:16:53,460 A: $GEST^ 3252 00:16:53,460 --> 00:16:54,620 A: Yeah, it is in Düsseldorf, that one is okay as well. 3253 00:16:53,660 --> 00:16:54,080 A: DÜSSELDORF1* 3254 00:16:53,660 --> 00:16:54,080 A: {düssel}dorf {düssel}dorf 3255 00:16:54,180 --> 00:16:54,260 A: $INDEX1 3256 00:16:54,360 --> 00:16:54,620 A: UNGEFÄHR1^ 3257 00:16:54,360 --> 00:16:54,620 A: [MG] 3258 00:16:54,620 --> 00:16:56,040 A: But the best funfair is in Herne. 3259 00:16:54,980 --> 00:16:55,060 A: HERNE2* 3260 00:16:54,980 --> 00:16:55,060 A: herne 3261 00:16:55,180 --> 00:16:55,300 A: HAUPT1A^ 3262 00:16:55,180 --> 00:16:55,300 A: beste 3263 00:16:55,480 --> 00:16:55,720 A: MASSE-PERSON-AKTIV2* 3264 00:16:55,860 --> 00:16:56,020 A: $INDEX1 3265 00:16:56,040 --> 00:16:58,000 A: Therefore we went there and they looked around. 3266 00:16:56,160 --> 00:16:56,240 A: DESHALB1* 3267 00:16:56,440 --> 00:16:56,500 A: ICH1 3268 00:16:56,620 --> 00:16:56,740 A: KOMMEN1* 3269 00:16:56,800 --> 00:16:57,840 A: [MG] 3270 00:16:56,800 --> 00:16:57,060 A: FÜHREN1^* 3271 00:16:57,240 --> 00:16:57,840 A: SEHEN-AUF4^* 3272 00:16:58,000 --> 00:17:02,980 A: I wanted them to try a German bratwurst. 3273 00:16:58,060 --> 00:16:58,200 A: ICH1 3274 00:16:58,400 --> 00:16:58,520 A: DENKEN1B 3275 00:16:58,400 --> 00:16:58,520 A: [MG] 3276 00:16:58,680 --> 00:16:58,740 A: ICH1* 3277 00:16:58,880 --> 00:16:59,000 A: ZIEL4 3278 00:16:58,880 --> 00:16:59,000 A: ziel 3279 00:16:59,160 --> 00:16:59,360 A: $INDEX1* 3280 00:16:59,640 --> 00:16:59,800 A: MUSS1 3281 00:16:59,640 --> 00:16:59,800 A: muss 3282 00:16:59,920 --> 00:17:00,180 A: WAS1B 3283 00:16:59,920 --> 00:17:00,180 A: was 3284 00:17:00,500 --> 00:17:00,620 A: DEUTSCH1* 3285 00:17:00,500 --> 00:17:00,620 A: deutsch 3286 00:17:00,780 --> 00:17:01,020 A: [MG] 3287 00:17:00,780 --> 00:17:00,900 A: KEIN7 3288 00:17:01,000 --> 00:17:01,020 A: $INDEX1 3289 00:17:01,280 --> 00:17:01,520 A: WURST1A 3290 00:17:01,280 --> 00:17:01,520 A: bratwurst 3291 00:17:01,760 --> 00:17:01,860 A: BEISPIEL1^* 3292 00:17:01,760 --> 00:17:01,860 A: [MG] 3293 00:17:02,000 --> 00:17:02,100 A: ICH2 3294 00:17:02,360 --> 00:17:02,620 A: BESCHEID1A 3295 00:17:02,980 --> 00:17:05,660 A: But they said they were full and wouldn't want try it. 3296 00:17:03,760 --> 00:17:04,140 A: SATT1* 3297 00:17:04,360 --> 00:17:04,460 A: ICH2* 3298 00:17:04,620 --> 00:17:04,740 A: $INDEX1* 3299 00:17:05,400 --> 00:17:05,580 A: $GEST-ABWINKEN1^* 3300 00:17:05,660 --> 00:17:07,480 A: Three Days later we went to Essen together. 3301 00:17:06,060 --> 00:17:06,280 A: TAG2* 3302 00:17:06,060 --> 00:17:06,280 A: drei ta{ge} 3303 00:17:06,440 --> 00:17:06,620 A: ESSEN-STADT1* 3304 00:17:06,440 --> 00:17:06,620 A: es{sen} 3305 00:17:06,900 --> 00:17:07,080 A: STADT2 3306 00:17:06,900 --> 00:17:07,080 A: s{tadt} 3307 00:17:07,480 --> 00:17:10,500 A: On their last day, they wanted to go shopping before they went back home. 3308 00:17:07,720 --> 00:17:07,900 A: LETZTE1A 3309 00:17:07,720 --> 00:17:07,900 A: letzte 3310 00:17:07,960 --> 00:17:08,040 A: $GEST^ 3311 00:17:08,180 --> 00:17:08,320 A: WOLLEN5* 3312 00:17:08,180 --> 00:17:08,320 A: will 3313 00:17:08,400 --> 00:17:08,720 A: KLEIDUNG2 3314 00:17:09,040 --> 00:17:09,360 A: KAUFEN1A* 3315 00:17:09,040 --> 00:17:09,360 A: kaufen 3316 00:17:09,560 --> 00:17:10,280 A: heim 3317 00:17:09,560 --> 00:17:09,720 A: LOS-FAHRT1 3318 00:17:10,040 --> 00:17:10,280 A: ||NACH-HAUSE1* 3319 00:17:10,500 --> 00:17:15,800 A: They tried a bratwurst there and said they liked it. 3320 00:17:10,700 --> 00:17:10,800 A: ICH2 3321 00:17:11,160 --> 00:17:11,380 A: HERKOMMEN1 3322 00:17:11,820 --> 00:17:11,980 A: WURST1A* 3323 00:17:11,820 --> 00:17:11,980 A: bratwurst 3324 00:17:12,020 --> 00:17:12,040 A: $INDEX1 3325 00:17:12,860 --> 00:17:13,360 A: SCHMECKEN1A 3326 00:17:13,420 --> 00:17:13,500 A: ICH1 3327 00:17:13,720 --> 00:17:13,860 A: PRIMA1* 3328 00:17:14,300 --> 00:17:14,460 A: SCHMECKEN1A* 3329 00:17:14,300 --> 00:17:14,460 A: [MG] 3330 00:17:14,560 --> 00:17:14,820 A: ESSEN1 3331 00:17:14,560 --> 00:17:14,820 A: [MG] 3332 00:17:14,920 --> 00:17:15,000 A: ICH2* 3333 00:17:15,240 --> 00:17:15,420 A: GUT1 3334 00:17:15,800 --> 00:17:19,280 A: Afterwards we went to my place and they were hungry again. They didn't have to go to my mothers again. 3335 00:17:15,820 --> 00:17:16,060 A: DANN1A* 3336 00:17:16,480 --> 00:17:16,680 A: ABEND2* 3337 00:17:16,860 --> 00:17:17,080 A: BESUCHEN1B* 3338 00:17:16,860 --> 00:17:17,080 A: besuch 3339 00:17:17,480 --> 00:17:17,720 A: HUNGER3 3340 00:17:17,480 --> 00:17:17,720 A: hunger 3341 00:17:17,840 --> 00:17:18,020 A: NACH-HAUSE1 3342 00:17:17,840 --> 00:17:18,020 A: {nach} haus 3343 00:17:18,160 --> 00:17:18,240 A: MUTTER1* 3344 00:17:18,160 --> 00:17:18,240 A: mutter 3345 00:17:18,360 --> 00:17:18,540 A: BRAUCHEN1* 3346 00:17:18,360 --> 00:17:18,540 A: braucht nicht 3347 00:17:18,680 --> 00:17:18,860 A: BESUCHEN1B* 3348 00:17:19,280 --> 00:17:22,680 A: I looked trough the menus from different delivery services because they wanted to eat pizza. 3349 00:17:19,440 --> 00:17:19,580 A: HUNGER3 3350 00:17:19,440 --> 00:17:19,580 A: hunger 3351 00:17:19,600 --> 00:17:19,740 A: $GEST^ 3352 00:17:19,880 --> 00:17:19,960 A: ICH1 3353 00:17:20,240 --> 00:17:20,320 A: PIZZA1 3354 00:17:20,240 --> 00:17:20,320 A: pizza 3355 00:17:20,400 --> 00:17:20,480 A: ICH1 3356 00:17:20,720 --> 00:17:20,820 A: BLÄTTERN1* 3357 00:17:20,900 --> 00:17:21,280 A: BLÄTTERN3 3358 00:17:21,560 --> 00:17:21,840 A: $INDEX1* 3359 00:17:21,960 --> 00:17:22,040 A: BEISPIEL1^* 3360 00:17:21,960 --> 00:17:22,040 A: [MG] 3361 00:17:22,320 --> 00:17:22,680 A: VERSCHIEDEN1 3362 00:17:22,320 --> 00:17:22,680 A: verschiedene 3363 00:17:22,680 --> 00:17:26,200 A: We decided on pizza and I asked them if they needed me to translate the menu. 3364 00:17:22,720 --> 00:17:22,840 A: ICH1 3365 00:17:23,400 --> 00:17:23,780 A: [MG] 3366 00:17:23,400 --> 00:17:23,440 A: FINDEN1A^* 3367 00:17:23,600 --> 00:17:23,780 A: $INDEX1* 3368 00:17:24,000 --> 00:17:24,140 A: $GEST^ 3369 00:17:24,260 --> 00:17:24,360 A: WOLLEN5* 3370 00:17:24,260 --> 00:17:24,360 A: will 3371 00:17:24,500 --> 00:17:24,540 A: PIZZA1* 3372 00:17:24,500 --> 00:17:24,540 A: p{izza} 3373 00:17:24,660 --> 00:17:24,780 A: JA1A^ 3374 00:17:24,660 --> 00:17:24,780 A: pizza 3375 00:17:25,020 --> 00:17:25,160 A: ICH1 3376 00:17:25,240 --> 00:17:25,380 A: $GEST^ 3377 00:17:25,580 --> 00:17:25,700 A: $INDEX1* 3378 00:17:25,580 --> 00:17:25,700 A: [MG] 3379 00:17:25,740 --> 00:17:25,800 A: ICH1 3380 00:17:25,940 --> 00:17:26,140 A: ÜBERSETZEN3 3381 00:17:25,940 --> 00:17:26,140 A: über{setzen} 3382 00:17:26,200 --> 00:17:29,460 A: They said: “No, we just choose something and it will be alright.” 3383 00:17:26,320 --> 00:17:26,340 A: $INDEX1 3384 00:17:26,480 --> 00:17:26,720 A: NEIN1B 3385 00:17:26,480 --> 00:17:26,720 A: [MG] 3386 00:17:26,840 --> 00:17:27,340 A: $INDEX1* 3387 00:17:26,840 --> 00:17:27,340 A: [MG] 3388 00:17:27,700 --> 00:17:28,040 A: $PROD* 3389 00:17:28,200 --> 00:17:28,320 A: $GEST-RUHIG-BLEIBEN1^* 3390 00:17:28,500 --> 00:17:28,800 A: LESEN-BUCH1A 3391 00:17:28,960 --> 00:17:29,100 A: $INDEX1* 3392 00:17:29,460 --> 00:17:30,940 A: We ordered pizza and got a very special one. 3393 00:17:29,660 --> 00:17:29,840 A: BRINGEN1B^* 3394 00:17:29,940 --> 00:17:30,080 A: MERKWÜRDIG1* 3395 00:17:29,940 --> 00:17:30,080 A: [MG] 3396 00:17:30,160 --> 00:17:30,200 A: $INDEX1* 3397 00:17:30,420 --> 00:17:30,680 A: OBJEKT1^ 3398 00:17:30,420 --> 00:17:30,680 A: [MG] 3399 00:17:30,940 --> 00:17:37,500 A: What was the topping? Pineapple? No, it was banana. 3400 00:17:31,040 --> 00:17:31,280 A: $INDEX1 3401 00:17:31,700 --> 00:17:31,840 A: $LIST1:1of1d 3402 00:17:33,560 --> 00:17:33,620 A: FÜR1 3403 00:17:33,560 --> 00:17:33,620 A: für 3404 00:17:33,780 --> 00:17:33,880 A: PIZZA1 3405 00:17:33,780 --> 00:17:33,880 A: pizza 3406 00:17:34,060 --> 00:17:34,200 A: MIT1A 3407 00:17:34,060 --> 00:17:34,200 A: mit 3408 00:17:34,240 --> 00:17:34,340 A: $LIST1:1of1d* 3409 00:17:35,280 --> 00:17:35,880 A: $ALPHA1:A 3410 00:17:35,280 --> 00:17:35,880 A: anan{as} 3411 00:17:36,140 --> 00:17:36,480 A: NEIN1A* 3412 00:17:36,880 --> 00:17:37,220 A: BANANE1A 3413 00:17:36,880 --> 00:17:37,220 A: banane 3414 00:17:37,500 --> 00:17:39,960 A: And salami. 3415 00:17:37,540 --> 00:17:37,920 A: und 3416 00:17:37,540 --> 00:17:37,680 A: UND4 3417 00:17:37,800 --> 00:17:37,920 A: $LIST1:2of2d 3418 00:17:39,180 --> 00:17:39,700 A: salami 3419 00:17:39,180 --> 00:17:39,320 A: $PROD* 3420 00:17:39,380 --> 00:17:39,700 A: DA1* 3421 00:17:39,800 --> 00:17:39,940 A: $GEST^ 3422 00:17:39,960 --> 00:17:41,380 A: A pizza with banana. 3423 00:17:40,000 --> 00:17:40,160 A: MIT1A 3424 00:17:40,000 --> 00:17:40,160 A: mit 3425 00:17:40,340 --> 00:17:40,620 A: BANANE1A 3426 00:17:40,340 --> 00:17:40,620 A: ban{ane} 3427 00:17:40,740 --> 00:17:41,000 A: $PROD* 3428 00:17:41,380 --> 00:17:42,180 A: It was weird. 3429 00:17:41,720 --> 00:17:41,900 A: MERKWÜRDIG1 3430 00:17:41,720 --> 00:17:41,900 A: [MG] 3431 00:17:42,180 --> 00:17:44,600 A: I asked them if the pizza was good and they said it was. 3432 00:17:42,380 --> 00:17:42,680 A: OBJEKT1^ 3433 00:17:42,380 --> 00:17:42,680 A: [MG] 3434 00:17:42,920 --> 00:17:43,300 A: $PROD* 3435 00:17:43,340 --> 00:17:43,420 A: ICH2 3436 00:17:43,580 --> 00:17:43,680 A: GUT1 3437 00:17:44,260 --> 00:17:44,440 A: ZUFRIEDEN1* 3438 00:17:44,260 --> 00:17:44,440 A: zufrieden 3439 00:17:44,600 --> 00:17:46,140 A: But they didn't finish it. 3440 00:17:44,920 --> 00:17:45,060 A: REST1A* 3441 00:17:44,920 --> 00:17:45,060 A: rest 3442 00:17:45,280 --> 00:17:45,400 A: SATT1* 3443 00:17:45,280 --> 00:17:45,400 A: [MG] 3444 00:17:45,660 --> 00:17:45,800 A: GENUG3* 3445 00:17:46,140 --> 00:17:49,240 A: Well, that were the things we did and what they saw. 3446 00:17:46,840 --> 00:17:46,960 A: PROBE2* 3447 00:17:46,840 --> 00:17:46,960 A: prob{ieren} 3448 00:17:47,080 --> 00:17:47,300 A: AUSNUTZEN1 3449 00:17:47,080 --> 00:17:47,300 A: ausnutz 3450 00:17:47,360 --> 00:17:47,440 A: ICH2* 3451 00:17:47,520 --> 00:17:47,600 A: GUT1^ 3452 00:17:47,780 --> 00:17:47,940 A: BRINGEN1A^* 3453 00:17:47,780 --> 00:17:47,940 A: vor{stellen} 3454 00:17:47,960 --> 00:17:48,080 A: WAS1A 3455 00:17:47,960 --> 00:17:48,080 A: was 3456 00:17:48,260 --> 00:17:48,600 A: AUFZÄHLEN1A 3457 00:17:48,660 --> 00:17:48,760 A: SO1A* 3458 00:17:48,660 --> 00:17:48,760 A: so 3459 00:17:49,240 --> 00:17:51,420 A: They said they definitely want to visit me again. 3460 00:17:49,740 --> 00:17:49,860 A: GERN1* 3461 00:17:49,740 --> 00:17:49,860 A: gern 3462 00:17:49,960 --> 00:17:50,120 A: DANN1A 3463 00:17:50,300 --> 00:17:50,440 A: NOCHMAL2B 3464 00:17:50,300 --> 00:17:50,440 A: noch mal 3465 00:17:50,540 --> 00:17:50,640 A: BESUCHEN1B* 3466 00:17:50,800 --> 00:17:50,980 A: HERKOMMEN1* 3467 00:17:54,740 --> 00:18:01,360 C: Are there any animals or plants that are special to your home region? 3468 00:18:00,140 --> 00:18:02,720 A: No. 3469 00:18:00,900 --> 00:18:02,640 A: $GEST-NM-KOPFSCHÜTTELN1^ 3470 00:18:00,980 --> 00:18:03,400 B: I live in a village. 3471 00:18:01,360 --> 00:18:01,660 B: KÖRPER3^ 3472 00:18:02,260 --> 00:18:02,500 B: HAUPTSÄCHLICH1 3473 00:18:02,260 --> 00:18:02,500 B: [MG] 3474 00:18:02,880 --> 00:18:03,080 B: DORF3 3475 00:18:02,880 --> 00:18:03,080 B: dorf 3476 00:18:03,400 --> 00:18:10,780 B: There are deer and wild boars in my village and in Siegen as well. 3477 00:18:03,740 --> 00:18:03,880 B: AUCH3A 3478 00:18:03,740 --> 00:18:03,880 B: auch 3479 00:18:04,020 --> 00:18:04,240 B: SIEGEN-STADT1 3480 00:18:04,020 --> 00:18:04,240 B: siegen 3481 00:18:04,360 --> 00:18:04,860 B: BEIDE2A 3482 00:18:04,360 --> 00:18:04,860 B: beide 3483 00:18:05,460 --> 00:18:05,700 B: HAUPTSÄCHLICH1 3484 00:18:05,460 --> 00:18:05,700 B: [MG] 3485 00:18:05,860 --> 00:18:06,120 B: HABEN-EXISTIEREN1 3486 00:18:05,860 --> 00:18:06,120 B: [MG] 3487 00:18:07,860 --> 00:18:09,500 B: hirsch 3488 00:18:07,860 --> 00:18:08,100 B: HIRSCH1* 3489 00:18:08,280 --> 00:18:08,540 B: $GEST^ 3490 00:18:08,800 --> 00:18:09,500 B: $LIST1:1of1d* 3491 00:18:09,620 --> 00:18:09,720 B: $LIST1:2of2d 3492 00:18:10,040 --> 00:18:10,220 B: HÖRNER3A^* 3493 00:18:10,040 --> 00:18:10,220 B: wildschwein 3494 00:18:10,520 --> 00:18:10,620 B: $LIST1:2of2d 3495 00:18:10,780 --> 00:18:15,460 B: I have often driven at night and been startled by deer crossing. 3496 00:18:10,840 --> 00:18:10,940 B: ICH1 3497 00:18:11,160 --> 00:18:11,300 B: OFT1B 3498 00:18:11,160 --> 00:18:11,300 B: oft oft 3499 00:18:11,580 --> 00:18:11,840 B: NACHT2 3500 00:18:11,580 --> 00:18:11,840 B: nacht 3501 00:18:12,020 --> 00:18:12,580 B: $PROD* 3502 00:18:12,760 --> 00:18:14,080 B: [MG] 3503 00:18:12,760 --> 00:18:13,220 B: $GEST-HAND-AUF-BRUST1^* 3504 00:18:13,460 --> 00:18:14,080 B: $PROD* 3505 00:18:14,620 --> 00:18:15,180 B: $GEST-HAND-AUF-BRUST1^* 3506 00:18:14,620 --> 00:18:15,180 B: [MG] 3507 00:18:15,460 --> 00:18:19,000 B: Often rabbits or deer cross the streets. 3508 00:18:15,460 --> 00:18:15,520 B: $INDEX1 3509 00:18:15,780 --> 00:18:15,840 B: HASE1B* 3510 00:18:15,780 --> 00:18:15,840 B: hase 3511 00:18:16,120 --> 00:18:16,400 B: $PROD* 3512 00:18:16,680 --> 00:18:16,840 B: $GEST-OFF^* 3513 00:18:17,040 --> 00:18:17,140 B: WILD5 3514 00:18:17,040 --> 00:18:17,140 B: wild 3515 00:18:17,300 --> 00:18:17,360 B: HASE1B* 3516 00:18:17,300 --> 00:18:17,360 B: hase 3517 00:18:17,560 --> 00:18:17,820 B: $PROD* 3518 00:18:18,580 --> 00:18:18,740 B: HAUPTSÄCHLICH1* 3519 00:18:18,580 --> 00:18:18,740 B: [MG] 3520 00:18:18,860 --> 00:18:18,980 B: OFT2B* 3521 00:18:18,860 --> 00:18:18,980 B: oft 3522 00:18:19,000 --> 00:18:23,200 B: There is also a lot of forest in the region. 3523 00:18:19,280 --> 00:18:19,400 B: AUCH3A 3524 00:18:19,280 --> 00:18:19,400 B: auch 3525 00:18:19,880 --> 00:18:20,320 B: VIEL1A* 3526 00:18:19,880 --> 00:18:20,320 B: viel 3527 00:18:20,920 --> 00:18:22,020 B: wald 3528 00:18:20,920 --> 00:18:21,080 B: SCHÜTTELN3^* 3529 00:18:21,380 --> 00:18:22,020 B: WALD1* 3530 00:18:22,300 --> 00:18:22,560 B: VIEL1A* 3531 00:18:22,300 --> 00:18:22,560 B: viel 3532 00:18:23,200 --> 00:18:25,060 B: And there is nature everywhere. 3533 00:18:23,360 --> 00:18:23,480 B: MEHR1* 3534 00:18:23,360 --> 00:18:23,480 B: mehr 3535 00:18:23,680 --> 00:18:23,840 B: KLAR1A* 3536 00:18:23,680 --> 00:18:23,840 B: klar 3537 00:18:24,000 --> 00:18:24,340 B: BEREICH1A^ 3538 00:18:24,000 --> 00:18:24,340 B: grün 3539 00:18:24,500 --> 00:18:24,940 B: SEHR6 3540 00:18:24,500 --> 00:18:24,940 B: [MG] 3541 00:18:25,060 --> 00:18:31,000 B: You can get from my house to Winterberg very easily. 3542 00:18:25,560 --> 00:18:25,700 B: DANACH1A^ 3543 00:18:25,560 --> 00:18:25,700 B: auch 3544 00:18:26,100 --> 00:18:26,220 B: ICH1 3545 00:18:26,580 --> 00:18:26,840 B: SELBST1A* 3546 00:18:26,580 --> 00:18:26,840 B: selber 3547 00:18:27,300 --> 00:18:27,440 B: HIER1 3548 00:18:27,300 --> 00:18:27,440 B: hier 3549 00:18:27,600 --> 00:18:27,780 B: WOHNUNG5* 3550 00:18:27,600 --> 00:18:27,780 B: wohnen 3551 00:18:28,000 --> 00:18:28,260 B: BIS1 3552 00:18:28,000 --> 00:18:28,260 B: bis 3553 00:18:28,780 --> 00:18:28,960 B: $INDEX1 3554 00:18:28,780 --> 00:18:28,960 B: da 3555 00:18:29,100 --> 00:18:29,660 B: winterberg 3556 00:18:29,100 --> 00:18:29,340 B: WINTER1* 3557 00:18:29,520 --> 00:18:29,660 B: MEHR1^* 3558 00:18:29,780 --> 00:18:29,880 B: ICH2* 3559 00:18:30,060 --> 00:18:30,860 B: FAHREN3* 3560 00:18:30,060 --> 00:18:30,860 B: [MG] 3561 00:18:31,000 --> 00:18:32,080 B: You can ski there. 3562 00:18:31,140 --> 00:18:31,300 B: $INDEX1 3563 00:18:31,300 --> 00:18:31,700 B: $ORAL^ 3564 00:18:31,300 --> 00:18:31,700 B: kann 3565 00:18:31,700 --> 00:18:32,040 B: SKI1 3566 00:18:31,700 --> 00:18:32,040 B: ski 3567 00:18:32,080 --> 00:18:36,060 B: There are only simple downhill courses, but the important thing is that I can ski and I like going there. 3568 00:18:32,400 --> 00:18:32,500 B: $GEST^ 3569 00:18:32,400 --> 00:18:32,500 B: aber 3570 00:18:32,820 --> 00:18:33,220 B: EINFACH1 3571 00:18:32,820 --> 00:18:33,220 B: einfach 3572 00:18:33,540 --> 00:18:33,900 B: SKI1 3573 00:18:33,540 --> 00:18:33,900 B: ski 3574 00:18:34,140 --> 00:18:34,320 B: ICH2^* 3575 00:18:34,140 --> 00:18:34,320 B: aber 3576 00:18:34,580 --> 00:18:34,700 B: HAUPTSACHE1B 3577 00:18:34,580 --> 00:18:34,700 B: haupt{sache} 3578 00:18:34,940 --> 00:18:35,120 B: SKI1 3579 00:18:34,940 --> 00:18:35,120 B: ski 3580 00:18:35,340 --> 00:18:35,520 B: GERN1 3581 00:18:35,340 --> 00:18:35,520 B: gern 3582 00:18:35,700 --> 00:18:36,040 B: FAHREN3* 3583 00:18:35,700 --> 00:18:36,040 B: [MG] 3584 00:18:36,060 --> 00:18:37,340 B: I always go there when it snows. 3585 00:18:36,260 --> 00:18:36,420 B: SCHNEE1* 3586 00:18:36,260 --> 00:18:36,420 B: schnee 3587 00:18:36,500 --> 00:18:36,660 B: IMMER4A* 3588 00:18:36,500 --> 00:18:36,660 B: immer 3589 00:18:36,760 --> 00:18:37,260 B: DA1* 3590 00:18:36,760 --> 00:18:37,260 B: da da 3591 00:18:37,340 --> 00:18:42,920 B: And if it doesn't snow they also have these snow cannons that can produce snow. 3592 00:18:37,640 --> 00:18:37,860 B: WENN1A* 3593 00:18:37,640 --> 00:18:37,860 B: wenn 3594 00:18:38,280 --> 00:18:38,380 B: PLÖTZLICH4 3595 00:18:38,280 --> 00:18:38,380 B: [MG] 3596 00:18:38,920 --> 00:18:39,080 B: SCHNEE3A* 3597 00:18:38,920 --> 00:18:39,080 B: schnee 3598 00:18:39,380 --> 00:18:39,580 B: KEIN8 3599 00:18:39,380 --> 00:18:39,580 B: [MG] 3600 00:18:39,840 --> 00:18:39,980 B: SCHNEE1* 3601 00:18:39,840 --> 00:18:39,980 B: schnee 3602 00:18:40,220 --> 00:18:40,480 B: $PROD* 3603 00:18:40,220 --> 00:18:40,480 B: [MG] 3604 00:18:40,780 --> 00:18:41,160 B: WERFEN1^* 3605 00:18:41,420 --> 00:18:41,820 B: VIERECK2^* 3606 00:18:42,420 --> 00:18:42,780 B: MASS8A^* 3607 00:18:42,920 --> 00:18:44,680 B: I'd like to go there from time to time. 3608 00:18:42,980 --> 00:18:43,060 B: ICH2* 3609 00:18:43,240 --> 00:18:43,320 B: SKI1* 3610 00:18:43,240 --> 00:18:43,320 B: ski 3611 00:18:43,460 --> 00:18:44,360 B: DORTHIN-GEHEN1* 3612 00:18:43,460 --> 00:18:44,360 B: dort dort 3613 00:18:45,140 --> 00:18:50,720 B: Of course skiing in the Alps or in Austria is much better. 3614 00:18:45,620 --> 00:18:45,900 B: GEFÜHL3^* 3615 00:18:45,620 --> 00:18:45,900 B: [MG] 3616 00:18:46,140 --> 00:18:46,320 B: BESSER1* 3617 00:18:46,140 --> 00:18:46,320 B: besser 3618 00:18:46,520 --> 00:18:46,800 B: $INDEX1 3619 00:18:46,520 --> 00:18:46,800 B: da 3620 00:18:47,200 --> 00:18:47,500 B: ÖSTERREICH1 3621 00:18:47,200 --> 00:18:47,500 B: österreich 3622 00:18:47,640 --> 00:18:47,960 B: ODER4B* 3623 00:18:47,640 --> 00:18:47,960 B: oder 3624 00:18:48,120 --> 00:18:48,680 B: BERG3* 3625 00:18:48,120 --> 00:18:48,680 B: alpen 3626 00:18:48,840 --> 00:18:49,060 B: $GEST^ 3627 00:18:49,200 --> 00:18:49,380 B: $INDEX1 3628 00:18:49,200 --> 00:18:49,380 B: hier 3629 00:18:49,520 --> 00:18:49,780 B: SKI1 3630 00:18:49,520 --> 00:18:49,780 B: ski 3631 00:18:50,040 --> 00:18:50,320 B: GUT1* 3632 00:18:50,040 --> 00:18:50,320 B: [MG] 3633 00:18:51,840 --> 00:18:53,520 A: No, we don't really have animals that are special to our region. 3634 00:18:51,940 --> 00:18:52,060 A: $GEST^ 3635 00:18:52,120 --> 00:18:52,200 A: ICH2^ 3636 00:18:52,400 --> 00:18:52,580 A: TIER1A* 3637 00:18:52,400 --> 00:18:52,580 A: tiere 3638 00:18:52,660 --> 00:18:52,720 A: $GEST^ 3639 00:18:52,660 --> 00:18:52,720 A: [MG] 3640 00:18:54,200 --> 00:18:58,000 A: We do have a lot of birds in the trees. 3641 00:18:54,480 --> 00:18:54,580 A: SEHEN1* 3642 00:18:54,700 --> 00:18:54,820 A: MEISTENS1A 3643 00:18:54,700 --> 00:18:54,820 A: meist 3644 00:18:55,040 --> 00:18:55,200 A: VOGEL2 3645 00:18:55,040 --> 00:18:55,200 A: vogel 3646 00:18:55,460 --> 00:18:55,540 A: VIEL1A* 3647 00:18:55,460 --> 00:18:55,540 A: v{iel} 3648 00:18:55,640 --> 00:18:56,360 A: $INDEX1* 3649 00:18:56,560 --> 00:18:56,740 A: BAUM1A* 3650 00:18:56,560 --> 00:18:56,740 A: baum 3651 00:18:56,940 --> 00:18:57,240 A: $INDEX1* 3652 00:18:57,280 --> 00:18:57,420 A: VOGEL2* 3653 00:18:57,280 --> 00:18:57,420 A: vogel 3654 00:18:57,560 --> 00:18:57,760 A: DA1* 3655 00:18:57,560 --> 00:18:57,760 A: da 3656 00:18:58,000 --> 00:19:02,960 A: I saw two or three foxes on the street before. 3657 00:18:58,060 --> 00:18:58,140 A: ICH2 3658 00:18:58,280 --> 00:18:58,380 A: GEWESEN1 3659 00:18:58,280 --> 00:18:58,380 A: gewesen 3660 00:18:58,540 --> 00:18:58,640 A: $NUM-EINER1A:1d 3661 00:18:58,760 --> 00:18:58,880 A: $NUM-EINER1A:2d 3662 00:18:58,960 --> 00:18:59,000 A: $NUM-EINER1A:3d 3663 00:18:59,280 --> 00:18:59,460 A: SEHEN1 3664 00:18:59,280 --> 00:18:59,460 A: sehen 3665 00:18:59,840 --> 00:19:00,060 A: FUCHS1C 3666 00:18:59,840 --> 00:19:00,060 A: fuchs 3667 00:19:00,220 --> 00:19:00,320 A: ENDLICH2A 3668 00:19:00,220 --> 00:19:00,320 A: endlich 3669 00:19:00,560 --> 00:19:01,020 A: $INDEX1 3670 00:19:01,500 --> 00:19:02,200 A: auto 3671 00:19:01,500 --> 00:19:01,540 A: AUTO1* 3672 00:19:01,680 --> 00:19:02,200 A: $PROD* 3673 00:19:02,320 --> 00:19:02,380 A: NAHE1B* 3674 00:19:02,460 --> 00:19:02,640 A: $INDEX1 3675 00:19:02,460 --> 00:19:02,640 A: da 3676 00:19:02,960 --> 00:19:04,200 A: That's when I saw foxes. 3677 00:19:03,160 --> 00:19:03,320 A: FUCHS1C 3678 00:19:03,160 --> 00:19:03,320 A: fuchs 3679 00:19:03,440 --> 00:19:03,580 A: SEHEN1 3680 00:19:03,440 --> 00:19:03,580 A: seh 3681 00:19:03,640 --> 00:19:04,200 A: $GEST^ 3682 00:19:04,200 --> 00:19:05,340 A: Other than that, there are no special animals. 3683 00:19:04,280 --> 00:19:04,460 A: $GEST^ 3684 00:19:04,280 --> 00:19:04,460 A: [MG] 3685 00:19:04,640 --> 00:19:04,760 A: TIER1B* 3686 00:19:04,640 --> 00:19:04,760 A: tier 3687 00:19:04,820 --> 00:19:04,920 A: $GEST^ 3688 00:19:05,340 --> 00:19:09,640 A: There are many ladybugs here, but nothing really special. 3689 00:19:05,740 --> 00:19:06,540 A: KÄFER2* 3690 00:19:05,740 --> 00:19:06,540 A: marienkäfer 3691 00:19:06,740 --> 00:19:06,840 A: $INDEX1* 3692 00:19:06,880 --> 00:19:07,180 A: $INDEX1* 3693 00:19:07,280 --> 00:19:07,760 A: AUFZÄHLEN1C^* 3694 00:19:07,860 --> 00:19:09,920 B: Yeah, we have a lot of foxes. 3695 00:19:08,100 --> 00:19:08,300 A: MERKWÜRDIG1^ 3696 00:19:08,100 --> 00:19:08,300 A: bes{onders} 3697 00:19:08,240 --> 00:19:08,500 B: FUCHS1C 3698 00:19:08,240 --> 00:19:08,500 B: fuchs 3699 00:19:08,400 --> 00:19:08,560 A: $GEST^ 3700 00:19:08,400 --> 00:19:08,560 A: [MG] 3701 00:19:08,520 --> 00:19:08,720 B: ICH2* 3702 00:19:08,660 --> 00:19:09,640 A: $GEST-NM-KOPFSCHÜTTELN1^ 3703 00:19:08,860 --> 00:19:09,280 B: EINIGE1 3704 00:19:08,860 --> 00:19:09,280 B: [MG] 3705 00:19:09,440 --> 00:19:09,600 B: FUCHS1C 3706 00:19:09,440 --> 00:19:09,600 B: fuchs 3707 00:19:09,700 --> 00:19:09,860 B: GEWESEN1 3708 00:19:09,700 --> 00:19:09,860 B: gewesen 3709 00:19:09,920 --> 00:19:11,060 B: And mice. 3710 00:19:10,380 --> 00:19:10,580 B: KLEIN2^ 3711 00:19:10,380 --> 00:19:10,580 B: maus 3712 00:19:10,700 --> 00:19:10,900 B: $GEST-ABWINKEN1^* 3713 00:19:11,060 --> 00:19:12,780 B: As well as really big frogs. 3714 00:19:11,060 --> 00:19:11,840 A: Where you live is a lot of forest around. 3715 00:19:11,080 --> 00:19:11,120 A: $INDEX1 3716 00:19:11,260 --> 00:19:11,380 A: VIEL1A* 3717 00:19:11,260 --> 00:19:11,380 A: viel 3718 00:19:11,440 --> 00:19:11,700 B: FROSCH-$KANDIDAT-KOE21^ 3719 00:19:11,440 --> 00:19:11,700 B: frosch 3720 00:19:11,460 --> 00:19:11,680 A: WALD2B* 3721 00:19:11,460 --> 00:19:11,680 A: wald 3722 00:19:11,780 --> 00:19:11,840 A: $INDEX1 3723 00:19:11,840 --> 00:19:14,060 A: Yeah, you have a lot of forest around. 3724 00:19:11,900 --> 00:19:12,520 B: RUND2^* 3725 00:19:11,900 --> 00:19:12,520 B: große 3726 00:19:12,000 --> 00:19:12,260 A: VIEL1A* 3727 00:19:12,000 --> 00:19:12,260 A: viel 3728 00:19:12,360 --> 00:19:12,540 A: WALD2B* 3729 00:19:12,360 --> 00:19:12,540 A: wald 3730 00:19:12,620 --> 00:19:12,660 A: $INDEX1 3731 00:19:12,760 --> 00:19:12,860 A: VIEL1A* 3732 00:19:12,760 --> 00:19:12,860 A: viel 3733 00:19:12,920 --> 00:19:13,120 A: WALD2B 3734 00:19:12,920 --> 00:19:13,120 A: wald 3735 00:19:13,260 --> 00:19:13,380 A: HAUPTSÄCHLICH1 3736 00:19:13,260 --> 00:19:13,380 A: [MG] 3737 00:19:13,420 --> 00:19:13,520 A: $INDEX1 3738 00:19:14,060 --> 00:19:16,420 A: Sometimes there are almost accidents because of the animals. 3739 00:19:15,020 --> 00:19:15,200 A: NACHT2 3740 00:19:15,020 --> 00:19:15,200 A: nacht 3741 00:19:15,260 --> 00:19:15,340 A: KNAPP1* 3742 00:19:15,260 --> 00:19:15,340 A: knapp 3743 00:19:15,500 --> 00:19:15,680 A: $PROD* 3744 00:19:15,820 --> 00:19:16,000 A: $GEST^ 3745 00:19:15,820 --> 00:19:16,000 A: [MG] 3746 00:19:16,420 --> 00:19:17,880 B: The animals jump across the street. 3747 00:19:16,660 --> 00:19:17,580 B: SPRINGEN1* 3748 00:19:16,660 --> 00:19:17,580 B: [MG] 3749 00:19:17,880 --> 00:19:19,860 B: You are behind the wheel and happy when you don't hit them. 3750 00:19:18,180 --> 00:19:18,520 B: $PROD* 3751 00:19:18,700 --> 00:19:19,280 B: $GEST-HAND-AUF-BRUST1^* 3752 00:19:18,700 --> 00:19:19,280 B: [MG] 3753 00:19:19,860 --> 00:19:21,380 B: Deer as well, yes. 3754 00:19:20,180 --> 00:19:20,360 B: REH1* 3755 00:19:20,180 --> 00:19:20,360 B: reh 3756 00:19:20,420 --> 00:19:20,600 B: AUCH3A 3757 00:19:20,420 --> 00:19:20,600 B: auch 3758 00:19:23,760 --> 00:19:25,700 A: No, we don't have any special animals. 3759 00:19:23,920 --> 00:19:24,020 A: ICH2* 3760 00:19:24,060 --> 00:19:24,220 A: $GEST^ 3761 00:19:24,320 --> 00:19:24,980 A: $GEST-NM-KOPFSCHÜTTELN1^ 3762 00:19:25,040 --> 00:19:25,140 A: KEIN1* 3763 00:19:25,040 --> 00:19:25,140 A: kein 3764 00:19:26,780 --> 00:19:37,960 C: Is there anything else that is special to your home region? Maybe something that can only be found there? Where you would say, this only exists here and nowhere else? 3765 00:19:37,960 --> 00:19:40,820 B: $GEST-NM-KOPFSCHÜTTELN1^ 3766 00:19:37,960 --> 00:19:40,820 B: No. 3767 00:19:40,820 --> 00:19:48,160 A: About two months ago I was going for a walk with my dog. 3768 00:19:41,120 --> 00:19:41,220 A: $GEST^ 3769 00:19:41,300 --> 00:19:41,380 A: ICH1 3770 00:19:41,540 --> 00:19:41,640 A: BEISPIEL1* 3771 00:19:41,540 --> 00:19:41,640 A: zum {beispiel} 3772 00:19:41,860 --> 00:19:41,980 A: WISSEN2B 3773 00:19:41,860 --> 00:19:41,980 A: weiß 3774 00:19:42,100 --> 00:19:42,160 A: ICH1 3775 00:19:42,100 --> 00:19:42,160 A: ich 3776 00:19:42,240 --> 00:19:42,400 A: $GEST^ 3777 00:19:42,840 --> 00:19:43,320 A: WAR1* 3778 00:19:45,500 --> 00:19:45,780 A: $GEST^ 3779 00:19:46,240 --> 00:19:46,660 A: zwei monate 3780 00:19:46,240 --> 00:19:46,440 A: MONAT1* 3781 00:19:46,560 --> 00:19:46,660 A: VERGANGENHEIT1^ 3782 00:19:46,960 --> 00:19:47,160 A: soll 3783 00:19:46,960 --> 00:19:47,060 A: SOLL1 3784 00:19:47,100 --> 00:19:47,160 A: ICH1 3785 00:19:47,300 --> 00:19:47,480 A: HUND3 3786 00:19:47,620 --> 00:19:47,860 A: GASSI-GEHEN1^* 3787 00:19:47,620 --> 00:19:47,860 A: spa{zieren} 3788 00:19:47,940 --> 00:19:48,020 A: ICH1* 3789 00:19:48,160 --> 00:19:53,220 A: I don't know where it was exactly; there were some meadows and a river, maybe the Rhine. 3790 00:19:48,460 --> 00:19:48,580 A: $INDEX1 3791 00:19:48,720 --> 00:19:48,840 A: BESONDERS1A 3792 00:19:48,720 --> 00:19:48,840 A: besonders 3793 00:19:48,940 --> 00:19:49,280 A: stimmt 3794 00:19:48,940 --> 00:19:49,020 A: STIMMT2 3795 00:19:49,140 --> 00:19:49,280 A: $INDEX1 3796 00:19:51,000 --> 00:19:51,260 A: PARALLEL1A^* 3797 00:19:51,000 --> 00:19:51,260 A: fluss 3798 00:19:51,340 --> 00:19:51,440 A: ODER1* 3799 00:19:51,340 --> 00:19:51,440 A: oder 3800 00:19:51,700 --> 00:19:51,880 A: FLUSS1 3801 00:19:51,700 --> 00:19:51,880 A: rhein 3802 00:19:52,020 --> 00:19:52,440 A: UNGEFÄHR1^ 3803 00:19:53,220 --> 00:20:00,060 A: There are meadows and a forest. You can use the bridge to cross the river. That's where I went for a walk. 3804 00:19:53,860 --> 00:19:53,900 A: AUCH3A 3805 00:19:53,860 --> 00:19:53,900 A: au{ch} 3806 00:19:54,080 --> 00:19:54,260 A: RUHE1* 3807 00:19:54,080 --> 00:19:54,260 A: ru{he} 3808 00:19:54,440 --> 00:19:54,520 A: VIEL1A* 3809 00:19:54,440 --> 00:19:54,520 A: viel 3810 00:19:54,660 --> 00:19:54,940 A: $PROD* 3811 00:19:55,200 --> 00:19:55,560 A: WIESE1A 3812 00:19:55,200 --> 00:19:55,560 A: wiese 3813 00:19:55,980 --> 00:19:56,140 A: WALD2A* 3814 00:19:55,980 --> 00:19:56,140 A: wald 3815 00:19:56,540 --> 00:19:56,680 A: $PROD* 3816 00:19:57,060 --> 00:19:57,420 A: FLUSS1^ 3817 00:19:57,060 --> 00:19:57,420 A: wasser 3818 00:19:57,560 --> 00:19:58,340 A: BRÜCKE1A* 3819 00:19:57,560 --> 00:19:58,340 A: brücke 3820 00:19:58,340 --> 00:19:58,860 A: SPAZIEREN1* 3821 00:19:58,340 --> 00:19:58,860 A: spazieren 3822 00:19:58,960 --> 00:19:59,040 A: MEISTENS1A 3823 00:19:58,960 --> 00:19:59,040 A: meist 3824 00:19:59,240 --> 00:19:59,720 A: SPAZIEREN1* 3825 00:19:59,240 --> 00:19:59,720 A: spazieren 3826 00:19:59,800 --> 00:19:59,940 A: $INDEX1 3827 00:20:00,060 --> 00:20:04,840 A: When I got there, there were a lot of people going for walks with their dogs. 3828 00:20:00,220 --> 00:20:00,420 A: ICH1 3829 00:20:00,500 --> 00:20:00,580 A: HUND3* 3830 00:20:00,500 --> 00:20:00,580 A: hund 3831 00:20:00,760 --> 00:20:00,840 A: $INDEX1 3832 00:20:00,940 --> 00:20:01,040 A: ANFANG1A* 3833 00:20:00,940 --> 00:20:01,040 A: anfang 3834 00:20:01,300 --> 00:20:01,440 A: KOMMEN1* 3835 00:20:01,300 --> 00:20:01,440 A: kommen 3836 00:20:01,500 --> 00:20:01,580 A: ICH1 3837 00:20:01,840 --> 00:20:02,080 A: GASSI-GEHEN1 3838 00:20:02,260 --> 00:20:02,680 A: WIMMELN1^ 3839 00:20:02,680 --> 00:20:02,760 A: HUND3* 3840 00:20:02,680 --> 00:20:02,760 A: hund 3841 00:20:02,820 --> 00:20:02,900 A: VIEL1A* 3842 00:20:02,820 --> 00:20:02,900 A: viel 3843 00:20:03,060 --> 00:20:03,160 A: HUND3* 3844 00:20:03,060 --> 00:20:03,160 A: hund 3845 00:20:03,200 --> 00:20:03,400 A: $INDEX1* 3846 00:20:03,540 --> 00:20:04,020 A: TREFFEN1* 3847 00:20:03,540 --> 00:20:04,020 A: treffen 3848 00:20:04,140 --> 00:20:04,680 A: WIMMELN1^* 3849 00:20:04,140 --> 00:20:04,680 A: spielen 3850 00:20:04,840 --> 00:20:08,040 A: I kept going because I didn't want to stand there. 3851 00:20:04,840 --> 00:20:04,920 A: ENDE1^ 3852 00:20:05,100 --> 00:20:05,180 A: ICH2 3853 00:20:05,380 --> 00:20:05,680 A: WEITER1A 3854 00:20:05,380 --> 00:20:05,680 A: weiter 3855 00:20:05,880 --> 00:20:06,020 A: DORTHIN-GEHEN2 3856 00:20:06,180 --> 00:20:06,360 A: BRÜCKE1A* 3857 00:20:06,180 --> 00:20:06,360 A: brü{cke} 3858 00:20:06,640 --> 00:20:06,760 A: STEHEN1 3859 00:20:06,640 --> 00:20:06,760 A: [MG] 3860 00:20:07,020 --> 00:20:07,060 A: NICHT3A 3861 00:20:07,200 --> 00:20:07,260 A: ICH1* 3862 00:20:07,280 --> 00:20:07,400 A: WEITER1A* 3863 00:20:07,540 --> 00:20:07,620 A: ICH1 3864 00:20:07,740 --> 00:20:08,040 A: GASSI-GEHEN1* 3865 00:20:08,040 --> 00:20:11,080 A: I recognized something I haven't seen before. 3866 00:20:08,220 --> 00:20:08,260 A: PLÖTZLICH4* 3867 00:20:08,220 --> 00:20:08,260 A: [MG] 3868 00:20:08,380 --> 00:20:08,520 A: AUFFALLEN1A 3869 00:20:08,380 --> 00:20:08,520 A: auf{fallen} 3870 00:20:08,680 --> 00:20:08,940 A: ICH1 3871 00:20:09,460 --> 00:20:09,600 A: MERKWÜRDIG1 3872 00:20:09,460 --> 00:20:09,600 A: [MG] 3873 00:20:09,720 --> 00:20:09,800 A: ICH2* 3874 00:20:10,020 --> 00:20:10,120 A: $INDEX1 3875 00:20:10,280 --> 00:20:10,440 A: NOCH-NIE2A 3876 00:20:10,280 --> 00:20:10,440 A: noch nie 3877 00:20:10,640 --> 00:20:10,940 A: SEHEN1 3878 00:20:10,640 --> 00:20:10,940 A: gesehen 3879 00:20:11,080 --> 00:20:13,360 A: I never went there before because the walk there is exhausting for me. 3880 00:20:11,260 --> 00:20:11,400 A: ICH1* 3881 00:20:11,480 --> 00:20:11,700 A: VERSCHIEBEN4* 3882 00:20:11,480 --> 00:20:11,700 A: [MG] 3883 00:20:11,760 --> 00:20:11,840 A: ICH1 3884 00:20:11,980 --> 00:20:12,180 A: $INDEX1 3885 00:20:11,980 --> 00:20:12,180 A: oben 3886 00:20:12,380 --> 00:20:12,500 A: SCHWER1B 3887 00:20:12,380 --> 00:20:12,500 A: schwer 3888 00:20:12,640 --> 00:20:12,840 A: GEHEN4* 3889 00:20:12,840 --> 00:20:13,160 A: $INDEX1 3890 00:20:13,360 --> 00:20:15,460 A: Well, I went there and there is/ 3891 00:20:13,540 --> 00:20:13,700 A: SPÄTER6* 3892 00:20:13,540 --> 00:20:13,700 A: später 3893 00:20:13,900 --> 00:20:14,000 A: ICH1 3894 00:20:14,200 --> 00:20:14,280 A: $INDEX1 3895 00:20:14,820 --> 00:20:15,120 A: HOCH2^* 3896 00:20:15,180 --> 00:20:15,380 A: $GEST^ 3897 00:20:15,460 --> 00:20:21,660 A: The mine has elevators and some sorts of escalator. 3898 00:20:15,760 --> 00:20:15,880 A: BEISPIEL1^ 3899 00:20:15,760 --> 00:20:15,880 A: [MG] 3900 00:20:16,180 --> 00:20:16,940 A: kulturzeche 3901 00:20:16,180 --> 00:20:16,480 A: KULTUR1A 3902 00:20:16,620 --> 00:20:16,940 A: $ALPHA1:Z 3903 00:20:17,100 --> 00:20:17,220 A: QUELLE-STRAHLEN1^* 3904 00:20:17,100 --> 00:20:17,220 A: kohle 3905 00:20:17,340 --> 00:20:17,580 A: FRÜHER1* 3906 00:20:17,340 --> 00:20:17,580 A: frü{her} 3907 00:20:18,220 --> 00:20:18,740 A: ||$PROD* 3908 00:20:18,220 --> 00:20:18,740 A: [MG] 3909 00:20:19,480 --> 00:20:19,880 A: HAUS1B^* 3910 00:20:20,080 --> 00:20:20,240 A: IN1* 3911 00:20:20,080 --> 00:20:20,240 A: in 3912 00:20:20,360 --> 00:20:21,020 A: FAHRSTUHL2* 3913 00:20:21,180 --> 00:20:21,300 A: $GEST^ 3914 00:20:21,660 --> 00:20:24,040 A: You can go up there and at the top stands a huge man. 3915 00:20:21,780 --> 00:20:21,840 A: GUT1^ 3916 00:20:21,940 --> 00:20:22,180 A: HAUS1B^* 3917 00:20:22,260 --> 00:20:22,360 A: ABER1* 3918 00:20:22,260 --> 00:20:22,360 A: a{ber} 3919 00:20:22,660 --> 00:20:22,800 A: DAZU1 3920 00:20:22,660 --> 00:20:22,800 A: dazu 3921 00:20:23,100 --> 00:20:23,220 A: MANN1 3922 00:20:23,100 --> 00:20:23,220 A: mann 3923 00:20:24,040 --> 00:20:32,600 A: It's like those bears in Berlin. 3924 00:20:24,580 --> 00:20:24,680 A: WIE3A* 3925 00:20:24,580 --> 00:20:24,680 A: wie 3926 00:20:27,540 --> 00:20:27,720 A: $INDEX2 3927 00:20:27,720 --> 00:20:28,360 A: $GEST-ÜBERLEGEN1^* 3928 00:20:28,680 --> 00:20:28,980 A: BERLIN1B 3929 00:20:28,680 --> 00:20:28,980 A: berlin 3930 00:20:29,160 --> 00:20:29,320 A: $INDEX1 3931 00:20:29,540 --> 00:20:29,660 A: TYPISCH1* 3932 00:20:29,540 --> 00:20:29,660 A: typi{sch} 3933 00:20:30,040 --> 00:20:30,300 A: MASS2B^* 3934 00:20:31,400 --> 00:20:31,540 A: $INDEX1 3935 00:20:31,780 --> 00:20:32,340 A: BÄR2 3936 00:20:31,780 --> 00:20:32,340 A: bär 3937 00:20:32,600 --> 00:20:35,960 A: Like a sculpture. 3938 00:20:32,860 --> 00:20:32,900 A: FORM1A* 3939 00:20:32,960 --> 00:20:33,360 A: wie 3940 00:20:32,960 --> 00:20:33,060 A: WIE3A* 3941 00:20:33,240 --> 00:20:33,360 A: GEFÜHL3^* 3942 00:20:33,540 --> 00:20:33,840 A: SAUBER-MACHEN2A^ 3943 00:20:33,540 --> 00:20:33,840 A: [MG] 3944 00:20:33,980 --> 00:20:34,920 A: $PROD* 3945 00:20:35,060 --> 00:20:37,820 B: Yes, the painted bears. 3946 00:20:35,140 --> 00:20:35,460 A: MASS8A^* 3947 00:20:35,140 --> 00:20:35,460 A: [MG] 3948 00:20:35,200 --> 00:20:35,840 B: MALEN1B* 3949 00:20:35,200 --> 00:20:35,840 B: malen 3950 00:20:36,020 --> 00:20:36,900 B: bär bär 3951 00:20:36,020 --> 00:20:36,160 B: BÄR2* 3952 00:20:36,200 --> 00:20:37,820 A: Yeah, the painted ones. 3953 00:20:36,280 --> 00:20:36,800 A: $INDEX1* 3954 00:20:36,300 --> 00:20:36,900 B: SCHMIEREN2B^* 3955 00:20:37,000 --> 00:20:37,100 A: MALEN1A* 3956 00:20:37,000 --> 00:20:37,100 A: mal 3957 00:20:37,180 --> 00:20:37,220 A: $INDEX1 3958 00:20:37,420 --> 00:20:37,740 A: MASS8A^* 3959 00:20:37,420 --> 00:20:37,740 A: [MG] 3960 00:20:37,820 --> 00:20:41,080 A: A huge man sculpture stood there. 3961 00:20:37,840 --> 00:20:38,060 A: $INDEX1 3962 00:20:38,440 --> 00:20:38,580 A: $INDEX1* 3963 00:20:39,080 --> 00:20:39,660 A: MASS-WINZIG-GRÖSSER1^* 3964 00:20:39,080 --> 00:20:39,660 A: groß 3965 00:20:40,020 --> 00:20:40,220 A: MEHR1* 3966 00:20:40,020 --> 00:20:40,220 A: mehr 3967 00:20:41,080 --> 00:20:49,180 A: Big as a Christmas tree. Christmas will be soon. 3968 00:20:41,620 --> 00:20:41,760 A: ICH2* 3969 00:20:41,780 --> 00:20:41,960 A: $GEST^ 3970 00:20:41,960 --> 00:20:42,060 A: RECHNEN1^* 3971 00:20:41,960 --> 00:20:42,060 A: wie 3972 00:20:42,320 --> 00:20:42,580 A: GROSS5B* 3973 00:20:42,320 --> 00:20:42,580 A: groß 3974 00:20:42,840 --> 00:20:42,940 A: $INDEX1 3975 00:20:43,020 --> 00:20:43,180 A: $GEST^ 3976 00:20:43,580 --> 00:20:43,660 A: WIE3A* 3977 00:20:43,580 --> 00:20:43,660 A: wie 3978 00:20:44,120 --> 00:20:44,300 A: $INDEX1 3979 00:20:44,440 --> 00:20:44,500 A: TYPISCH1* 3980 00:20:44,440 --> 00:20:44,500 A: typisch 3981 00:20:44,760 --> 00:20:45,000 A: BALD1* 3982 00:20:44,760 --> 00:20:45,000 A: [MG] 3983 00:20:45,400 --> 00:20:45,820 A: WEIHNACHTEN4A 3984 00:20:45,400 --> 00:20:45,820 A: weihna{chtsbaum} 3985 00:20:45,880 --> 00:20:45,960 A: SEHEN1* 3986 00:20:46,080 --> 00:20:46,340 A: $INDEX1* 3987 00:20:46,520 --> 00:20:46,700 A: WEIHNACHTEN4A* 3988 00:20:46,520 --> 00:20:46,700 A: weih{nachten} 3989 00:20:46,760 --> 00:20:47,140 A: HOCH1 3990 00:20:46,760 --> 00:20:47,140 A: hoch 3991 00:20:49,180 --> 00:20:53,760 A: It's like when you go for a walk during the holidays and you see the Christmas trees in the city. 3992 00:20:49,360 --> 00:20:49,400 A: TYPISCH1* 3993 00:20:49,360 --> 00:20:49,400 A: typisch 3994 00:20:49,540 --> 00:20:49,760 A: HOCH1* 3995 00:20:49,540 --> 00:20:49,760 A: hoch 3996 00:20:49,880 --> 00:20:50,080 A: GROSS5B 3997 00:20:49,880 --> 00:20:50,080 A: groß 3998 00:20:50,280 --> 00:20:50,460 A: EINMAL1A 3999 00:20:50,280 --> 00:20:50,460 A: einmal 4000 00:20:51,480 --> 00:20:51,600 A: STADT2* 4001 00:20:51,480 --> 00:20:51,600 A: s{tadt} 4002 00:20:51,700 --> 00:20:51,800 A: TYPISCH1* 4003 00:20:51,700 --> 00:20:51,800 A: typisch 4004 00:20:51,940 --> 00:20:52,120 A: SEHEN1* 4005 00:20:52,260 --> 00:20:52,320 A: SEHEN-AUF1^* 4006 00:20:52,360 --> 00:20:52,640 A: NADELBAUM1A^* 4007 00:20:52,920 --> 00:20:53,240 A: GEHEN1A* 4008 00:20:53,760 --> 00:20:54,820 A: So,there stood this man in about this size. 4009 00:20:53,820 --> 00:20:53,900 A: $INDEX1 4010 00:20:54,060 --> 00:20:54,120 A: WIE4A* 4011 00:20:54,060 --> 00:20:54,120 A: wie 4012 00:20:54,300 --> 00:20:54,500 A: HOCH1^* 4013 00:20:54,300 --> 00:20:54,500 A: groß 4014 00:20:54,820 --> 00:20:57,260 A: From afar it looked small, but up close it was a huge figure in the shape of a man. 4015 00:20:55,000 --> 00:20:55,300 A: KLEIN9* 4016 00:20:55,600 --> 00:20:55,740 A: ||UND3* 4017 00:20:55,600 --> 00:20:55,740 A: und 4018 00:20:56,020 --> 00:20:56,240 A: ||GESICHT1^ 4019 00:20:56,420 --> 00:20:57,040 A: $GEST^ 4020 00:20:57,260 --> 00:21:00,880 A: Someone was walking next to me and I asked them, “Look. Do you see that?” 4021 00:20:57,280 --> 00:20:57,300 A: ICH1 4022 00:20:57,700 --> 00:20:57,840 A: $INDEX1 4023 00:20:58,080 --> 00:20:58,180 A: ICH2* 4024 00:20:58,400 --> 00:20:58,480 A: WIRKLICH2* 4025 00:20:58,400 --> 00:20:58,480 A: [MG] 4026 00:20:58,920 --> 00:20:59,000 A: ICH2* 4027 00:20:59,120 --> 00:20:59,300 A: EX1* 4028 00:20:59,120 --> 00:20:59,300 A: exfreundin 4029 00:20:59,580 --> 00:20:59,880 A: ||BESCHEID1A* 4030 00:21:00,000 --> 00:21:00,140 A: SEHEN1* 4031 00:21:00,280 --> 00:21:00,360 A: STIMMT1A 4032 00:21:00,460 --> 00:21:00,740 A: $INDEX1 4033 00:21:00,880 --> 00:21:03,560 A: He looked and I said, “The man that's standing there.” 4034 00:21:02,100 --> 00:21:02,200 A: SCHAUEN1* 4035 00:21:02,100 --> 00:21:02,200 A: schau 4036 00:21:02,420 --> 00:21:02,700 A: mann 4037 00:21:02,420 --> 00:21:02,540 A: MANN1* 4038 00:21:02,620 --> 00:21:02,700 A: WIE-SIEHT-AUS1* 4039 00:21:02,840 --> 00:21:03,080 A: GESICHT1^ 4040 00:21:03,200 --> 00:21:03,380 A: $GEST^ 4041 00:21:03,560 --> 00:21:06,160 A: He thought I meant a person standing there. 4042 00:21:03,680 --> 00:21:03,800 A: DENKEN1B 4043 00:21:04,180 --> 00:21:04,700 A: mensch 4044 00:21:04,180 --> 00:21:04,260 A: MENSCH2* 4045 00:21:04,460 --> 00:21:04,700 A: MENSCH2* 4046 00:21:04,880 --> 00:21:04,960 A: DENKEN1B* 4047 00:21:04,880 --> 00:21:04,960 A: de{nken} 4048 00:21:05,160 --> 00:21:05,420 A: $INDEX1 4049 00:21:05,780 --> 00:21:06,120 A: BEREICH1A^* 4050 00:21:06,160 --> 00:21:08,820 A: I said, “No, no, there is something standing there at the top.” 4051 00:21:06,380 --> 00:21:06,440 A: ICH1* 4052 00:21:06,580 --> 00:21:06,660 A: NEIN2B* 4053 00:21:06,920 --> 00:21:07,120 A: OBEN1 4054 00:21:06,920 --> 00:21:07,120 A: oben 4055 00:21:07,440 --> 00:21:07,660 A: HOCH2^ 4056 00:21:07,440 --> 00:21:07,660 A: oben 4057 00:21:08,040 --> 00:21:08,200 A: STEHEN1* 4058 00:21:08,040 --> 00:21:08,200 A: stehen 4059 00:21:08,820 --> 00:21:10,080 A: Then he saw the sculpture too. 4060 00:21:09,120 --> 00:21:09,260 A: STIMMT1A 4061 00:21:10,080 --> 00:21:12,400 A: It was probably an idea by an artist to put up a sculpture like this. 4062 00:21:10,360 --> 00:21:10,560 A: $GEST^ 4063 00:21:10,880 --> 00:21:11,000 A: IDEE2A 4064 00:21:11,180 --> 00:21:11,500 A: KUNST6B 4065 00:21:11,180 --> 00:21:11,500 A: kunst 4066 00:21:12,040 --> 00:21:12,280 A: STELLEN1* 4067 00:21:12,400 --> 00:21:14,600 A: You can see the sculpture from afar. 4068 00:21:12,420 --> 00:21:12,500 A: KANN1* 4069 00:21:12,420 --> 00:21:12,500 A: kann 4070 00:21:12,520 --> 00:21:12,760 A: $ORAL^ 4071 00:21:12,520 --> 00:21:12,760 A: auf 4072 00:21:12,880 --> 00:21:13,300 A: $PROD* 4073 00:21:13,400 --> 00:21:13,580 A: SEHEN-AUF1* 4074 00:21:13,760 --> 00:21:14,120 A: WEIT1* 4075 00:21:13,760 --> 00:21:14,120 A: weit 4076 00:21:14,320 --> 00:21:14,480 A: $PROD* 4077 00:21:14,600 --> 00:21:16,280 A: I really like that. 4078 00:21:14,740 --> 00:21:14,860 A: ICH1 4079 00:21:15,080 --> 00:21:15,120 A: $INDEX1 4080 00:21:15,220 --> 00:21:15,420 A: TOLL1A^* 4081 00:21:15,220 --> 00:21:15,420 A: [MG] 4082 00:21:15,560 --> 00:21:15,640 A: ICH2* 4083 00:21:15,800 --> 00:21:15,880 A: SCHWER1B 4084 00:21:15,800 --> 00:21:15,880 A: schwer 4085 00:21:16,020 --> 00:21:16,200 A: DORTHIN-GEHEN1 4086 00:21:16,020 --> 00:21:16,200 A: hin 4087 00:21:16,280 --> 00:21:17,940 A: That is something really special. 4088 00:21:16,540 --> 00:21:16,700 A: MERKWÜRDIG1 4089 00:21:16,540 --> 00:21:16,700 A: [MG] 4090 00:21:16,780 --> 00:21:16,860 A: $GEST^ 4091 00:21:18,820 --> 00:21:21,580 B: We don't have anything special like that. 4092 00:21:19,080 --> 00:21:19,200 B: ICH2 4093 00:21:19,460 --> 00:21:19,780 B: BEREICH1A^* 4094 00:21:20,020 --> 00:21:20,180 B: MERKWÜRDIG1* 4095 00:21:20,020 --> 00:21:20,180 B: [MG] 4096 00:21:20,480 --> 00:21:20,620 B: KEIN8* 4097 00:21:20,480 --> 00:21:20,620 B: [MG] 4098 00:21:21,580 --> 00:21:21,740 A: $GEST-OFF^* 4099 00:21:21,580 --> 00:21:21,740 A: Um.