1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:02,500 B: The cat was still not able to do it. 2 00:00:00,540 --> 00:00:00,740 B: GUT1* 3 00:00:00,540 --> 00:00:00,740 B: [MG] 4 00:00:00,920 --> 00:00:01,140 B: DANN1A 5 00:00:01,280 --> 00:00:01,420 B: $INDEX1* 6 00:00:01,720 --> 00:00:02,000 B: KATZE1A* 7 00:00:01,720 --> 00:00:02,000 B: katze 8 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:02,400 B: $GEST-NM-KOPFSCHÜTTELN1^ 9 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:02,400 B: [MG] 10 00:00:02,500 --> 00:00:06,000 B: It gets a big wooden block and puts it down. 11 00:00:02,680 --> 00:00:02,840 B: HOLZ11* 12 00:00:02,680 --> 00:00:02,840 B: holz 13 00:00:03,120 --> 00:00:03,960 B: KASTEN1* 14 00:00:03,120 --> 00:00:03,960 B: [MG] 15 00:00:04,140 --> 00:00:04,220 B: $PROD* 16 00:00:04,500 --> 00:00:05,080 B: $PROD* 17 00:00:05,220 --> 00:00:05,860 B: $PROD* 18 00:00:06,000 --> 00:00:08,080 B: Then the cat leaves and comes back with a wooden board. 19 00:00:06,000 --> 00:00:06,200 B: DANN1A 20 00:00:06,000 --> 00:00:06,200 B: dann 21 00:00:06,380 --> 00:00:06,660 B: DORTHIN-GEHEN1* 22 00:00:06,380 --> 00:00:06,660 B: [MG] 23 00:00:06,740 --> 00:00:07,000 B: HOLEN1A* 24 00:00:06,740 --> 00:00:07,000 B: holen 25 00:00:07,180 --> 00:00:07,300 B: HOLZ6* 26 00:00:07,180 --> 00:00:07,300 B: holz 27 00:00:07,480 --> 00:00:07,940 B: VIERECK3A^* 28 00:00:07,480 --> 00:00:07,940 B: [MG] 29 00:00:08,080 --> 00:00:10,480 B: Which the cat puts on top of the wooden block. 30 00:00:08,460 --> 00:00:08,560 B: $PROD* 31 00:00:08,460 --> 00:00:08,560 B: [MG] 32 00:00:08,740 --> 00:00:09,160 B: $PROD* 33 00:00:09,380 --> 00:00:09,640 B: KLEBEN2B^* 34 00:00:09,920 --> 00:00:10,260 B: KLEBEN2B^* 35 00:00:10,480 --> 00:00:12,640 B: And then the cat gets a weight of 500 lbs. 36 00:00:10,660 --> 00:00:10,920 B: DANN1A 37 00:00:11,040 --> 00:00:11,180 B: $INDEX1* 38 00:00:11,380 --> 00:00:11,540 B: $PROD* 39 00:00:11,680 --> 00:00:12,040 B: $NUM-HUNDERTER1:5 40 00:00:11,680 --> 00:00:12,040 B: fünfhundert 41 00:00:12,080 --> 00:00:12,540 B: $ALPHA1:L-B-S 42 00:00:12,080 --> 00:00:12,540 B: l-b-s 43 00:00:12,640 --> 00:00:14,060 B: I think it is an English or American measuring unit, but I don't know it. 44 00:00:12,740 --> 00:00:12,840 B: $GEST^* 45 00:00:12,740 --> 00:00:12,840 B: [MG] 46 00:00:13,020 --> 00:00:13,280 B: england 47 00:00:13,020 --> 00:00:13,100 B: ENGLAND2* 48 00:00:13,220 --> 00:00:13,280 B: GEHÖREN1* 49 00:00:13,540 --> 00:00:13,660 B: AMERIKA1* 50 00:00:13,540 --> 00:00:13,660 B: amerika 51 00:00:13,840 --> 00:00:13,960 B: BEGREIFEN1^* 52 00:00:13,840 --> 00:00:13,960 B: [MG] 53 00:00:14,000 --> 00:00:14,060 B: ICH2 54 00:00:14,060 --> 00:00:15,180 B: It will probably be 500 kg. 55 00:00:14,240 --> 00:00:14,340 B: GLAUBEN2B 56 00:00:14,240 --> 00:00:14,340 B: glaube 57 00:00:14,420 --> 00:00:14,680 B: KILO1 58 00:00:14,420 --> 00:00:14,680 B: kilo 59 00:00:14,800 --> 00:00:15,080 B: $NUM-HUNDERTER1:5 60 00:00:14,800 --> 00:00:15,080 B: fünfhundert 61 00:00:15,140 --> 00:00:15,180 B: $INDEX1 62 00:00:15,180 --> 00:00:16,220 B: Anyhow, that is what the cat gets. 63 00:00:15,300 --> 00:00:15,420 B: $INDEX1 64 00:00:15,560 --> 00:00:16,080 B: ||$PROD* 65 00:00:15,560 --> 00:00:16,080 B: [MG] 66 00:00:16,220 --> 00:00:17,720 B: With the weight in hand, the cat gets on one side of the board. 67 00:00:16,220 --> 00:00:16,320 B: STEHEN1* 68 00:00:16,520 --> 00:00:16,720 B: STEHEN1* 69 00:00:16,860 --> 00:00:16,980 B: WIE3A* 70 00:00:16,860 --> 00:00:16,980 B: wie 71 00:00:17,260 --> 00:00:17,600 B: STEHEN1* 72 00:00:17,720 --> 00:00:19,900 B: Then the cat throws the weight into the air, and it comes back down and lands on the other side of the board. 73 00:00:17,980 --> 00:00:18,920 B: $PROD* 74 00:00:17,980 --> 00:00:18,920 B: [MG] 75 00:00:19,220 --> 00:00:19,900 B: $PROD* 76 00:00:19,220 --> 00:00:19,900 B: [MG] 77 00:00:19,900 --> 00:00:20,900 B: The cat gets catapulted into the air. 78 00:00:20,060 --> 00:00:20,800 B: $PROD* 79 00:00:20,060 --> 00:00:20,800 B: [MG] 80 00:00:20,900 --> 00:00:21,680 B: And just flys upwards. 81 00:00:21,180 --> 00:00:21,560 B: [MG] 82 00:00:21,180 --> 00:00:21,260 B: $PROD* 83 00:00:21,460 --> 00:00:21,560 B: $PROD* 84 00:00:21,680 --> 00:00:22,560 B: At the top, the bird sits inside the cage. 85 00:00:21,740 --> 00:00:21,800 B: $INDEX1* 86 00:00:21,960 --> 00:00:22,160 B: KÄFIG2* 87 00:00:22,260 --> 00:00:22,420 B: $PROD* 88 00:00:22,540 --> 00:00:22,560 B: $INDEX1* 89 00:00:22,560 --> 00:00:23,800 B: The cat flys past the bird and grabs it easily. 90 00:00:22,840 --> 00:00:23,480 B: FANGEN1* 91 00:00:23,520 --> 00:00:23,680 B: ||SCHAFFEN1B* 92 00:00:23,520 --> 00:00:23,680 B: geschafft 93 00:00:23,800 --> 00:00:25,080 B: Together they both fly down again and land on the board. 94 00:00:24,340 --> 00:00:24,880 B: $PROD* 95 00:00:24,340 --> 00:00:24,880 B: [MG] 96 00:00:25,080 --> 00:00:26,200 B: The cat is thievishly happy about capturing the bird. 97 00:00:25,100 --> 00:00:25,220 B: SPRINGEN2^* 98 00:00:25,360 --> 00:00:25,420 B: $PROD* 99 00:00:25,460 --> 00:00:25,880 B: ||FROH1* 100 00:00:25,460 --> 00:00:25,880 B: freude 101 00:00:26,200 --> 00:00:27,200 B: It runs down the street when suddenly everything comes to an end. 102 00:00:26,220 --> 00:00:26,800 B: $PROD* 103 00:00:26,980 --> 00:00:27,140 B: ||ENTTÄUSCHT5* 104 00:00:26,980 --> 00:00:27,140 B: aus 105 00:00:27,200 --> 00:00:28,260 B: The weight comes falling down and the cat gets flattened. 106 00:00:27,420 --> 00:00:27,780 B: ||$PROD* 107 00:00:27,980 --> 00:00:28,260 B: PLATT1A* 108 00:00:27,980 --> 00:00:28,260 B: [MG] 109 00:00:28,260 --> 00:00:28,980 B: It is as flat as a pancake. 110 00:00:28,260 --> 00:00:28,720 B: RUND14^* 111 00:00:28,260 --> 00:00:28,720 B: [MG] 112 00:00:28,980 --> 00:00:32,360 B: The bird jumps to the side and the cat looks around confused with its flat head. 113 00:00:29,060 --> 00:00:29,640 B: vogel 114 00:00:29,060 --> 00:00:29,160 B: VOGEL1* 115 00:00:29,240 --> 00:00:29,640 B: $PROD* 116 00:00:30,280 --> 00:00:30,440 B: PLATT1A* 117 00:00:30,460 --> 00:00:32,140 B: [MG] 118 00:00:30,460 --> 00:00:30,920 B: KREIS1C^* 119 00:00:31,040 --> 00:00:31,420 B: ||$PROD* 120 00:00:31,620 --> 00:00:32,140 B: RUND14^*