1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:05,620 B: Shortly after I moved here - well, it was a while ago - the Marta was opened. Do you know it? 2 00:00:01,660 --> 00:00:01,980 B: VOR-KURZEM2* 3 00:00:01,660 --> 00:00:01,980 B: [MG] 4 00:00:02,160 --> 00:00:02,720 B: neu 5 00:00:02,160 --> 00:00:02,260 B: NEU4A 6 00:00:02,440 --> 00:00:02,720 B: UMZIEHEN2* 7 00:00:02,840 --> 00:00:03,180 B: LANG-ZEIT5 8 00:00:02,840 --> 00:00:03,180 B: schon lang 9 00:00:03,540 --> 00:00:04,660 B: $ALPHA1:M-A-R-T-A 10 00:00:03,540 --> 00:00:04,660 B: marta 11 00:00:04,880 --> 00:00:05,260 B: KENNEN1A 12 00:00:05,440 --> 00:00:05,520 B: DU1* 13 00:00:05,620 --> 00:00:08,540 B: The Marta, it’s a museum. 14 00:00:05,720 --> 00:00:06,740 B: $ALPHA1:M-A-R-T-A 15 00:00:05,720 --> 00:00:06,740 B: marta 16 00:00:07,300 --> 00:00:07,540 B: SPIELEN2^* 17 00:00:07,300 --> 00:00:07,540 B: museum 18 00:00:07,680 --> 00:00:08,480 B: $INDEX1 19 00:00:08,540 --> 00:00:09,780 B: The museum. 20 00:00:08,660 --> 00:00:09,760 B: museum 21 00:00:08,660 --> 00:00:09,060 B: MUSEUM1 22 00:00:09,240 --> 00:00:09,760 B: $INDEX1 23 00:00:09,780 --> 00:00:11,380 B: It’s directly next to the central station. 24 00:00:09,780 --> 00:00:11,100 A: No, I don’t know it. 25 00:00:09,900 --> 00:00:10,020 B: DER-DIE-DAS1* 26 00:00:09,900 --> 00:00:10,020 B: da{s} 27 00:00:10,200 --> 00:00:10,400 B: BEISPIEL1* 28 00:00:10,200 --> 00:00:10,400 B: [MG] 29 00:00:10,300 --> 00:00:10,400 A: ||KENNEN1B* 30 00:00:10,300 --> 00:00:10,400 A: [MG] 31 00:00:10,560 --> 00:00:11,320 B: bahnhof 32 00:00:10,560 --> 00:00:10,720 B: MITTE2A^* 33 00:00:10,880 --> 00:00:11,320 B: VON-BIS1 34 00:00:11,100 --> 00:00:13,800 A: With all of those high towers, yes. 35 00:00:11,380 --> 00:00:13,320 B: With those towers and the helicopter on the top. 36 00:00:11,380 --> 00:00:11,440 A: ||$INDEX1 37 00:00:11,460 --> 00:00:12,260 B: $PROD* 38 00:00:11,460 --> 00:00:12,260 B: [MG] 39 00:00:11,560 --> 00:00:11,720 A: ||$GEST-AUFMERKSAMKEIT1^* 40 00:00:12,000 --> 00:00:13,260 A: ||$PROD* 41 00:00:12,440 --> 00:00:13,080 B: HUBSCHRAUBER2* 42 00:00:12,440 --> 00:00:13,080 B: hubschrauber 43 00:00:13,160 --> 00:00:13,320 B: $INDEX1 44 00:00:13,320 --> 00:00:13,900 B: Yes, exactly. 45 00:00:13,460 --> 00:00:13,680 B: SELBST1A* 46 00:00:13,460 --> 00:00:13,680 B: selbst 47 00:00:13,900 --> 00:00:15,380 B: I haven’t been there. 48 00:00:13,900 --> 00:00:14,140 B: ICH1 49 00:00:14,380 --> 00:00:14,540 B: WAR1 50 00:00:14,380 --> 00:00:14,540 B: war 51 00:00:14,720 --> 00:00:15,180 B: noch nie 52 00:00:14,720 --> 00:00:14,960 B: NOCH-NIE2A 53 00:00:14,960 --> 00:00:15,180 B: $INDEX1 54 00:00:15,380 --> 00:00:16,520 B: But I would like to go at some point. 55 00:00:15,860 --> 00:00:16,140 B: IRGENDWANN1* 56 00:00:15,860 --> 00:00:16,140 B: irgendwann 57 00:00:16,140 --> 00:00:16,360 B: WOLLEN5* 58 00:00:16,140 --> 00:00:16,360 B: will 59 00:00:16,520 --> 00:00:17,680 B: But that area doesn’t really interest me for now. 60 00:00:16,560 --> 00:00:16,740 B: ETWAS-SATT-HABEN1 61 00:00:16,560 --> 00:00:16,740 B: [MG] 62 00:00:16,780 --> 00:00:17,340 B: was 63 00:00:16,780 --> 00:00:16,880 B: WAS-BEDEUTET1 64 00:00:17,060 --> 00:00:17,340 B: BEREICH1A* 65 00:00:17,680 --> 00:00:19,120 B: I wonder what you can see there? 66 00:00:17,740 --> 00:00:19,120 C: Can you talk about what it looks like again? 67 00:00:17,740 --> 00:00:17,920 B: $INDEX1* 68 00:00:17,740 --> 00:00:17,920 B: wie 69 00:00:18,160 --> 00:00:18,500 B: INHALT3 70 00:00:19,120 --> 00:00:22,860 B: The Marta-Museum. 71 00:00:19,520 --> 00:00:20,780 B: $ALPHA1:M-A-R-T-A 72 00:00:19,520 --> 00:00:20,780 B: marta 73 00:00:20,900 --> 00:00:21,220 B: MUSEUM1* 74 00:00:20,900 --> 00:00:21,220 B: muse{um} 75 00:00:21,300 --> 00:00:21,800 B: $INDEX1 76 00:00:22,200 --> 00:00:22,660 B: $INDEX1* 77 00:00:22,300 --> 00:00:23,700 A: It’s red, really close by. 78 00:00:22,660 --> 00:00:22,860 A: ||ROT1A 79 00:00:22,660 --> 00:00:22,860 A: rot 80 00:00:23,040 --> 00:00:23,660 A: ||NAHE1A 81 00:00:23,700 --> 00:00:26,280 A: The museum with that huge, wavy roof. 82 00:00:23,780 --> 00:00:23,940 A: $INDEX1* 83 00:00:24,120 --> 00:00:24,360 A: ||$PROD* 84 00:00:24,460 --> 00:00:24,680 A: ||MUSEUM1* 85 00:00:24,460 --> 00:00:24,680 A: museum 86 00:00:24,840 --> 00:00:26,060 A: ||$PROD* 87 00:00:24,840 --> 00:00:26,060 A: [MG] 88 00:00:26,280 --> 00:00:27,760 A: It’s a museum with a couple of exhibitions. 89 00:00:26,620 --> 00:00:27,000 A: ||MUSEUM1* 90 00:00:26,620 --> 00:00:27,000 A: museum 91 00:00:27,160 --> 00:00:27,440 A: ||UNTER1A^ 92 00:00:27,500 --> 00:00:27,740 A: ||SEHEN-AUF4 93 00:00:27,500 --> 00:00:27,740 A: sehen 94 00:00:27,760 --> 00:00:32,240 A: Have you ever visited? 95 00:00:27,840 --> 00:00:27,900 A: ||$INDEX1 96 00:00:27,900 --> 00:00:30,280 C: Is it a museum or an exhibition? 97 00:00:28,020 --> 00:00:28,220 A: ||GEWESEN1 98 00:00:28,020 --> 00:00:28,220 A: gewesen 99 00:00:28,260 --> 00:00:28,280 A: ||$INDEX1 100 00:00:28,420 --> 00:00:28,720 A: ||UNTER1A^ 101 00:00:29,700 --> 00:00:31,280 B: I think it’s an exhibition - or a museum. 102 00:00:30,000 --> 00:00:30,280 B: AUSSTELLUNG1 103 00:00:30,000 --> 00:00:30,280 B: aus{stellung} 104 00:00:30,280 --> 00:00:31,460 A: ||$INDEX1* 105 00:00:30,440 --> 00:00:30,600 B: ODER1* 106 00:00:30,440 --> 00:00:30,600 B: oder 107 00:00:30,600 --> 00:00:30,840 B: MUSEUM1* 108 00:00:30,600 --> 00:00:30,840 B: museum 109 00:00:31,280 --> 00:00:32,140 B: I’m not really sure. 110 00:00:31,300 --> 00:00:31,560 B: $GEST-ICH-WEISS-NICHT1^* 111 00:00:31,300 --> 00:00:31,560 B: weiß nicht 112 00:00:31,600 --> 00:00:31,720 A: ||GEWESEN1 113 00:00:31,600 --> 00:00:31,720 A: gewe{sen} 114 00:00:31,800 --> 00:00:32,140 A: ||DURCH2B 115 00:00:32,240 --> 00:00:33,180 A: Have you ever been inside? 116 00:00:32,260 --> 00:00:32,400 A: ||GEWESEN1 117 00:00:32,260 --> 00:00:32,400 A: ge{wesen} 118 00:00:32,540 --> 00:00:32,780 A: ||DURCH2B 119 00:00:32,540 --> 00:00:32,780 A: da 120 00:00:32,920 --> 00:00:33,100 A: ||DU1* 121 00:00:33,100 --> 00:00:34,920 B: No, but I really want to go see it. 122 00:00:33,180 --> 00:00:34,200 A: Not yet. 123 00:00:33,380 --> 00:00:33,600 B: WILLE6 124 00:00:33,380 --> 00:00:33,600 B: [MG] 125 00:00:33,380 --> 00:00:33,560 A: ||KEIN7 126 00:00:33,560 --> 00:00:33,680 A: ||$GEST-OFF^* 127 00:00:33,720 --> 00:00:33,920 B: WOLLEN5 128 00:00:33,720 --> 00:00:33,920 B: will 129 00:00:34,240 --> 00:00:34,400 B: ETWAS-SATT-HABEN1 130 00:00:34,240 --> 00:00:34,400 B: [MG] 131 00:00:34,640 --> 00:00:34,860 B: ANSCHAUEN1 132 00:00:34,920 --> 00:00:35,620 B: I do. 133 00:00:34,960 --> 00:00:35,100 B: WOLLEN5* 134 00:00:34,960 --> 00:00:35,100 B: will 135 00:00:35,220 --> 00:00:35,420 B: DURCH2A 136 00:00:35,220 --> 00:00:35,420 B: [MG] 137 00:00:35,620 --> 00:00:37,680 B: Or, well, what else is there in Herford? 138 00:00:35,740 --> 00:00:35,960 B: ||$LIST1:2of2d 139 00:00:36,100 --> 00:00:36,700 B: oder 140 00:00:36,100 --> 00:00:36,280 B: ODER1* 141 00:00:36,400 --> 00:00:36,700 B: $LIST1:2of2d 142 00:00:36,900 --> 00:00:37,180 B: ||HERFORD1 143 00:00:36,900 --> 00:00:37,180 B: herford 144 00:00:37,440 --> 00:00:37,620 B: ||$LIST1:2of2d 145 00:00:37,440 --> 00:00:37,620 B: [MG] 146 00:00:37,680 --> 00:00:38,660 B: There was something new just recently/ 147 00:00:37,760 --> 00:00:38,020 B: VOR-KURZEM1* 148 00:00:37,760 --> 00:00:38,020 B: [MG] 149 00:00:37,960 --> 00:00:40,740 A: Did you know that there’s a new Subway? 150 00:00:38,260 --> 00:00:38,580 B: NEU4A* 151 00:00:38,260 --> 00:00:38,580 B: neu 152 00:00:38,280 --> 00:00:38,400 A: ||WISSEN2B 153 00:00:38,560 --> 00:00:38,660 A: ||VOR-KURZEM1* 154 00:00:38,560 --> 00:00:38,660 A: jetzt 155 00:00:38,740 --> 00:00:38,900 A: ||NEU4A 156 00:00:38,740 --> 00:00:38,900 A: neu 157 00:00:39,140 --> 00:00:40,040 A: subway 158 00:00:39,140 --> 00:00:39,520 A: ||SUBWAY-$KANDIDAT-MST09^ 159 00:00:39,760 --> 00:00:40,040 A: ||ORT1A^ 160 00:00:40,520 --> 00:00:42,600 B: Yes, there’s a Subway. 161 00:00:40,740 --> 00:00:43,360 A: There’s a Subway directly by the train station. 162 00:00:40,960 --> 00:00:41,600 B: subway 163 00:00:40,960 --> 00:00:41,000 B: SUBWAY-$KANDIDAT-MST09^* 164 00:00:40,980 --> 00:00:41,180 A: ||ZENTRUM1A* 165 00:00:40,980 --> 00:00:41,180 A: bei 166 00:00:41,440 --> 00:00:41,600 B: ORT1A^ 167 00:00:41,500 --> 00:00:41,600 A: ||BEI1C* 168 00:00:41,500 --> 00:00:41,600 A: [MG] 169 00:00:41,700 --> 00:00:41,780 A: ||$INDEX1* 170 00:00:41,780 --> 00:00:41,860 B: JA2* 171 00:00:41,940 --> 00:00:42,600 A: subway 172 00:00:41,940 --> 00:00:42,120 A: ||SUBWAY-$KANDIDAT-MST09^ 173 00:00:42,080 --> 00:00:42,300 B: ORT1A^ 174 00:00:42,360 --> 00:00:42,600 A: ||ORT1A^ 175 00:00:43,360 --> 00:00:45,980 B: What else is there? 176 00:00:43,580 --> 00:00:44,540 B: oder neu 177 00:00:43,580 --> 00:00:43,760 B: ||$LIST1:2of2d 178 00:00:44,180 --> 00:00:44,540 B: NEU4A 179 00:00:45,060 --> 00:00:45,400 B: FRÜHER1* 180 00:00:45,060 --> 00:00:45,400 B: früher 181 00:00:45,560 --> 00:00:45,900 B: ENTWICKELN1A* 182 00:00:45,560 --> 00:00:45,900 B: [MG] 183 00:00:45,980 --> 00:00:51,240 B: That club, ‘Go Parc’, there’s typically a lot going on there. 184 00:00:46,060 --> 00:00:46,620 B: TYPISCH1* 185 00:00:46,060 --> 00:00:46,620 B: typisch 186 00:00:46,860 --> 00:00:47,020 B: STAMM4A* 187 00:00:46,860 --> 00:00:47,020 B: sta{mm} 188 00:00:47,340 --> 00:00:47,640 B: GROSS3B 189 00:00:47,340 --> 00:00:47,640 B: groß 190 00:00:48,040 --> 00:00:48,600 B: KOMMEN-AUFFORDERN1* 191 00:00:48,040 --> 00:00:48,600 B: komm 192 00:00:48,700 --> 00:00:49,880 B: go-parc-disco 193 00:00:48,700 --> 00:00:48,860 B: $INDEX1 194 00:00:48,980 --> 00:00:49,440 B: $ALPHA1:G 195 00:00:49,640 --> 00:00:49,880 B: DISCO1* 196 00:00:50,020 --> 00:00:51,180 B: go-parc 197 00:00:50,020 --> 00:00:50,380 B: $ALPHA1:G-O 198 00:00:50,460 --> 00:00:51,180 B: $ALPHA1:P-A-R-C 199 00:00:50,720 --> 00:00:53,500 A: Yes, that’s by the train station. 200 00:00:51,240 --> 00:00:52,400 B: There’s so many people coming there all the time. 201 00:00:51,280 --> 00:00:51,660 B: $INDEX1 202 00:00:51,560 --> 00:00:51,940 A: ||$GEST-AUFMERKSAMKEIT1^* 203 00:00:52,020 --> 00:00:52,380 A: ||BEI1C 204 00:00:52,020 --> 00:00:52,360 B: KOMMEN-AUFFORDERN1* 205 00:00:52,020 --> 00:00:52,360 B: [MG] 206 00:00:52,400 --> 00:00:53,600 B: It’s by the train station. 207 00:00:52,460 --> 00:00:52,640 B: BEI1B 208 00:00:52,460 --> 00:00:52,640 B: beim 209 00:00:52,520 --> 00:00:53,100 A: ||MITTE2A^ 210 00:00:52,520 --> 00:00:53,100 A: bahnhof 211 00:00:52,860 --> 00:00:53,220 B: MITTE2A^* 212 00:00:52,860 --> 00:00:53,220 B: bahnhof 213 00:00:53,320 --> 00:00:53,460 B: $INDEX1* 214 00:00:53,320 --> 00:00:53,400 A: ||$INDEX1* 215 00:00:53,500 --> 00:00:54,500 A: Yes. 216 00:00:53,600 --> 00:00:57,320 B: Hearing people usually go there, but deaf people do as well. That’s how it’s done. 217 00:00:53,600 --> 00:00:53,980 A: ||JA2 218 00:00:53,600 --> 00:00:53,680 B: $INDEX1 219 00:00:54,020 --> 00:00:54,200 B: MASSE-PERSON-AKTIV1 220 00:00:54,020 --> 00:00:54,200 B: [MG] 221 00:00:54,360 --> 00:00:54,500 B: HÖREND1A* 222 00:00:54,360 --> 00:00:54,500 B: hör{ende} 223 00:00:54,740 --> 00:00:54,900 B: MASSE-PERSON-AKTIV1* 224 00:00:54,740 --> 00:00:54,900 B: komm 225 00:00:55,100 --> 00:00:55,400 B: HÖREND1A 226 00:00:55,100 --> 00:00:55,400 B: hörende 227 00:00:55,740 --> 00:00:55,780 B: MASSE-PERSON-AKTIV1* 228 00:00:55,920 --> 00:00:56,080 B: TAUB-GEHÖRLOS1A* 229 00:00:55,920 --> 00:00:56,080 B: gehör{lose} 230 00:00:56,440 --> 00:00:56,900 B: KOMMEN1* 231 00:00:56,440 --> 00:00:56,900 B: da komm 232 00:00:57,100 --> 00:00:57,200 B: STAMM4B* 233 00:00:57,100 --> 00:00:57,200 B: stamm 234 00:00:57,320 --> 00:00:59,480 B: You arrange a date and everybody shows up there. 235 00:00:57,420 --> 00:00:57,720 B: TERMIN1A 236 00:00:57,420 --> 00:00:57,720 B: termin 237 00:00:57,900 --> 00:00:58,180 B: ABMACHEN1 238 00:00:57,900 --> 00:00:58,180 B: ausmach 239 00:00:58,520 --> 00:00:58,860 B: MASSE-PERSON-AKTIV1 240 00:00:58,520 --> 00:00:58,860 B: [MG] 241 00:00:59,000 --> 00:00:59,180 B: $INDEX1 242 00:00:59,480 --> 00:00:59,980 B: The second/ 243 00:00:59,840 --> 00:00:59,980 B: ||$LIST1:2of2d 244 00:00:59,840 --> 00:00:59,980 B: da{s} 245 00:00:59,980 --> 00:01:01,260 B: The club is actually really nice. 246 00:01:00,160 --> 00:01:00,300 B: SCHÖN4 247 00:01:00,160 --> 00:01:00,300 B: schön 248 00:01:00,500 --> 00:01:01,020 B: disco 249 00:01:00,500 --> 00:01:00,680 B: DISCO1* 250 00:01:00,680 --> 00:01:04,360 A: I know, wasn’t there - during the World Cup in Germany/ 251 00:01:00,800 --> 00:01:01,020 B: ALLES2* 252 00:01:01,020 --> 00:01:01,120 A: ||WISSEN2B 253 00:01:01,260 --> 00:01:01,440 A: ||LETZTE4 254 00:01:01,660 --> 00:01:01,880 A: ||$INDEX1 255 00:01:01,660 --> 00:01:01,880 A: gewesen 256 00:01:02,080 --> 00:01:02,760 A: deutsch{land} 257 00:01:02,080 --> 00:01:02,280 A: ||DEUTSCH1 258 00:01:02,500 --> 00:01:02,760 A: ||HIER1* 259 00:01:02,800 --> 00:01:08,280 C: What does the club look like? Is it big or small? 260 00:01:03,140 --> 00:01:03,740 A: ||WM1 261 00:01:03,140 --> 00:01:03,740 A: w-m 262 00:01:03,880 --> 00:01:04,100 A: ||$INDEX1 263 00:01:06,760 --> 00:01:08,200 B: It’s really big. 264 00:01:06,980 --> 00:01:09,060 A: That was a huge party. 265 00:01:06,980 --> 00:01:07,900 B: GROSS3B 266 00:01:06,980 --> 00:01:07,900 B: gro{ß} 267 00:01:07,280 --> 00:01:07,780 A: ||GROSS3B 268 00:01:07,280 --> 00:01:07,780 A: groß 269 00:01:08,200 --> 00:01:10,280 B: There’s different areas where different types of music are playing. 270 00:01:08,260 --> 00:01:08,640 A: FEST-FEIER3A* 271 00:01:08,260 --> 00:01:08,640 A: fest 272 00:01:08,300 --> 00:01:08,660 B: $LIST1:2of2d 273 00:01:08,840 --> 00:01:09,400 B: versch{ieden} 274 00:01:08,840 --> 00:01:08,940 B: VERSCHIEDEN1* 275 00:01:09,060 --> 00:01:09,400 B: ORT1A^* 276 00:01:09,760 --> 00:01:10,180 B: musik 277 00:01:09,760 --> 00:01:09,920 B: MUSIK1* 278 00:01:09,920 --> 00:01:11,180 A: When you come inside, there’s a bar. 279 00:01:10,060 --> 00:01:10,180 B: ORT1A 280 00:01:10,140 --> 00:01:10,460 A: ||UNTER1A^ 281 00:01:10,140 --> 00:01:10,460 A: rein 282 00:01:10,280 --> 00:01:11,060 B: It depends on/ 283 00:01:10,420 --> 00:01:10,760 B: ABHÄNGIG4* 284 00:01:10,420 --> 00:01:10,760 B: hängt ab 285 00:01:10,660 --> 00:01:11,060 A: ||$PROD* 286 00:01:10,660 --> 00:01:11,060 A: bar 287 00:01:11,180 --> 00:01:13,000 A: Behind that, there’s another bar in a different room. 288 00:01:11,200 --> 00:01:11,420 A: ||DANN1A* 289 00:01:11,200 --> 00:01:11,420 A: dann 290 00:01:11,520 --> 00:01:11,860 A: ||UNTER1A^ 291 00:01:11,520 --> 00:01:11,860 A: da 292 00:01:12,020 --> 00:01:12,120 A: ||NOCH-EIN1 293 00:01:12,020 --> 00:01:12,120 A: noch 294 00:01:12,140 --> 00:01:12,260 A: ||$NUM-EINER1A:1d 295 00:01:12,140 --> 00:01:12,260 A: ein 296 00:01:12,520 --> 00:01:12,840 A: ||$PROD* 297 00:01:12,520 --> 00:01:12,840 A: bar 298 00:01:13,000 --> 00:01:15,100 A: Around there it’s pretty cozy. 299 00:01:13,040 --> 00:01:13,580 A: $PROD* 300 00:01:13,060 --> 00:01:15,280 B: The music in the different rooms isn’t the same. 301 00:01:13,680 --> 00:01:13,980 B: ABHÄNGIG4* 302 00:01:13,680 --> 00:01:13,980 B: abhäng{ig} 303 00:01:13,920 --> 00:01:14,420 A: ||GEMÜTLICH2* 304 00:01:13,920 --> 00:01:14,420 A: gemütlich 305 00:01:14,220 --> 00:01:14,680 B: MUSIK1* 306 00:01:14,220 --> 00:01:14,680 B: musik 307 00:01:14,800 --> 00:01:15,200 B: ABHÄNGIG4* 308 00:01:14,800 --> 00:01:15,200 B: abhäng{ig} 309 00:01:15,280 --> 00:01:17,760 B: For example, one room is playing R/ Hip Hop. 310 00:01:15,380 --> 00:01:15,480 B: BEISPIEL1* 311 00:01:15,380 --> 00:01:15,480 B: beispie{l} 312 00:01:15,620 --> 00:01:15,900 B: ORT1B^ 313 00:01:16,240 --> 00:01:16,580 B: $ALPHA1:R 314 00:01:16,240 --> 00:01:16,580 B: r 315 00:01:17,300 --> 00:01:17,660 B: HIP-HOP1* 316 00:01:17,300 --> 00:01:17,660 B: hip hop 317 00:01:17,760 --> 00:01:22,000 B: In another one/ The music is really different. 318 00:01:17,920 --> 00:01:18,200 B: ZIEL4^* 319 00:01:17,920 --> 00:01:18,200 B: [MG] 320 00:01:19,220 --> 00:01:23,180 A: There’s different ways to dance to that. 321 00:01:19,500 --> 00:01:20,260 B: verschiedene 322 00:01:19,500 --> 00:01:19,640 B: VERSCHIEDEN1* 323 00:01:19,520 --> 00:01:19,840 A: ||VERSCHIEDEN1 324 00:01:19,520 --> 00:01:19,840 A: versch{iedene} 325 00:01:19,720 --> 00:01:20,260 B: ORT1A^* 326 00:01:20,160 --> 00:01:20,500 A: ||VERSCHIEDEN1 327 00:01:20,160 --> 00:01:20,500 A: verschiedene 328 00:01:20,400 --> 00:01:20,540 B: $INDEX1* 329 00:01:20,580 --> 00:01:21,380 A: ||$GEST-ÜBERLEGEN1^ 330 00:01:21,020 --> 00:01:21,520 B: MUSIK1* 331 00:01:21,020 --> 00:01:21,520 B: musik 332 00:01:21,460 --> 00:01:22,000 A: ||$ALPHA2:A-R-T 333 00:01:21,460 --> 00:01:22,000 A: art 334 00:01:22,120 --> 00:01:22,720 A: ||ORT3* 335 00:01:22,840 --> 00:01:23,100 A: ||TANZEN5 336 00:01:22,840 --> 00:01:23,100 A: tan{zen} 337 00:01:23,180 --> 00:01:24,500 A: The musical styles are separated through the different rooms. 338 00:01:23,260 --> 00:01:23,700 A: ||ABTRENNEN1* 339 00:01:23,860 --> 00:01:24,380 A: ABTRENNEN1* 340 00:01:24,160 --> 00:01:24,840 B: That’s nice. 341 00:01:24,280 --> 00:01:24,680 B: ANGENEHM2 342 00:01:24,280 --> 00:01:24,680 B: angenehm 343 00:01:24,500 --> 00:01:25,280 A: Yes. 344 00:01:24,560 --> 00:01:24,800 A: ||JA2 345 00:01:24,840 --> 00:01:27,080 B: The variety is nice, you can just go to a different room if you don’t like what’s playing. 346 00:01:24,900 --> 00:01:25,040 B: SCHÖN1A* 347 00:01:24,900 --> 00:01:25,040 B: schön 348 00:01:25,280 --> 00:01:25,480 B: VERSCHIEDEN1 349 00:01:25,280 --> 00:01:25,480 B: versch{ieden} 350 00:01:25,620 --> 00:01:25,880 B: MÖGEN4* 351 00:01:25,620 --> 00:01:25,880 B: [MG] 352 00:01:26,000 --> 00:01:26,120 B: WOLLEN8 353 00:01:26,000 --> 00:01:26,120 B: will 354 00:01:26,260 --> 00:01:26,380 B: $INDEX1 355 00:01:26,260 --> 00:01:26,380 B: dann 356 00:01:26,760 --> 00:01:26,980 B: DORTHIN-GEHEN2* 357 00:01:26,760 --> 00:01:26,980 B: [MG] 358 00:01:27,080 --> 00:01:29,940 B: You don’t have to stay in the same spot the entire time, you can switch between the areas. 359 00:01:27,320 --> 00:01:27,440 B: $INDEX1 360 00:01:27,320 --> 00:01:27,440 B: wie 361 00:01:27,560 --> 00:01:27,720 B: DANN5* 362 00:01:27,560 --> 00:01:27,720 B: dann 363 00:01:27,880 --> 00:01:28,100 B: $PROD* 364 00:01:27,880 --> 00:01:28,100 B: will 365 00:01:28,320 --> 00:01:29,340 A: You’ve been there before? 366 00:01:28,400 --> 00:01:29,480 B: $PROD* 367 00:01:28,400 --> 00:01:29,480 B: verschie{dene} 368 00:01:28,520 --> 00:01:28,680 A: ||DU1* 369 00:01:28,520 --> 00:01:28,680 A: da 370 00:01:28,820 --> 00:01:29,260 A: gewesen 371 00:01:28,820 --> 00:01:28,960 A: ||GEWESEN1 372 00:01:29,060 --> 00:01:29,260 A: ||UNTER1A^ 373 00:01:29,340 --> 00:01:31,000 A: I’ve never been there. 374 00:01:29,420 --> 00:01:29,480 A: ||ICH1* 375 00:01:29,420 --> 00:01:29,480 A: ich 376 00:01:29,560 --> 00:01:29,940 A: ||NOCH-NIE1* 377 00:01:29,560 --> 00:01:29,940 A: noch nie 378 00:01:30,080 --> 00:01:30,140 A: ||ICH1 379 00:01:30,080 --> 00:01:30,140 A: ich 380 00:01:30,260 --> 00:01:30,740 A: [MG] 381 00:01:30,260 --> 00:01:30,480 A: ||UNTER1A^ 382 00:01:30,480 --> 00:01:30,740 A: $GEST-OFF^* 383 00:01:30,740 --> 00:01:32,240 B: I really think you should go. 384 00:01:31,000 --> 00:01:33,380 A: Even though I grew up there I’ve never been. 385 00:01:31,100 --> 00:01:31,700 B: empfehle 386 00:01:31,100 --> 00:01:31,280 B: EMPFEHLEN1B 387 00:01:31,300 --> 00:01:32,040 A: aufgewachs 388 00:01:31,300 --> 00:01:31,380 A: ||ICH2 389 00:01:31,420 --> 00:01:31,700 B: LIEBER1 390 00:01:31,460 --> 00:01:31,600 A: ||BEKOMMEN1* 391 00:01:31,780 --> 00:01:32,040 A: ||AUFWACHSEN1A 392 00:01:31,900 --> 00:01:31,940 B: DU1* 393 00:01:32,160 --> 00:01:32,240 A: ||ICH1 394 00:01:32,160 --> 00:01:32,240 A: ich 395 00:01:32,360 --> 00:01:32,440 A: ||$INDEX1* 396 00:01:32,360 --> 00:01:32,440 A: nie 397 00:01:32,560 --> 00:01:34,020 B: I really think you should go there at some point. 398 00:01:32,560 --> 00:01:33,140 A: noch nie 399 00:01:32,560 --> 00:01:32,780 A: ||NOCH-NIE1* 400 00:01:32,920 --> 00:01:33,140 A: ||DURCH2B 401 00:01:33,000 --> 00:01:33,380 B: empfehle 402 00:01:33,000 --> 00:01:33,180 B: EMPFEHLEN1B 403 00:01:33,320 --> 00:01:33,380 B: LIEBER1* 404 00:01:33,380 --> 00:01:35,160 A: The deaf people who have been there just told me about everything. 405 00:01:33,560 --> 00:01:33,620 B: DU1 406 00:01:33,580 --> 00:01:33,800 A: ||TAUB-GEHÖRLOS1A 407 00:01:34,020 --> 00:01:34,200 A: ||KOMMEN1* 408 00:01:34,320 --> 00:01:34,420 A: ||SCHON1A 409 00:01:34,320 --> 00:01:34,420 A: gewese 410 00:01:34,640 --> 00:01:34,800 A: ||BESCHEID1A* 411 00:01:34,960 --> 00:01:35,120 A: ||ERZÄHLEN4* 412 00:01:35,160 --> 00:01:37,000 A: I did find it interesting, yes. 413 00:01:35,200 --> 00:01:35,260 A: ||ICH2 414 00:01:35,400 --> 00:01:35,840 A: ||MERKWÜRDIG1^* 415 00:01:35,400 --> 00:01:35,840 A: [MG] 416 00:01:35,840 --> 00:01:38,740 B: You should really go see it for yourself. 417 00:01:36,320 --> 00:01:36,400 A: ||JA1A* 418 00:01:36,600 --> 00:01:37,120 B: empfehl 419 00:01:36,600 --> 00:01:36,760 B: EMPFEHLEN1B 420 00:01:37,000 --> 00:01:37,120 B: $INDEX1 421 00:01:37,340 --> 00:01:37,460 B: LIEBER1* 422 00:01:37,340 --> 00:01:37,460 B: lieber 423 00:01:38,440 --> 00:01:40,800 A: During the World Cup a lot of deaf people went there as well. 424 00:01:38,740 --> 00:01:38,840 A: ||AUCH1A* 425 00:01:38,740 --> 00:01:38,840 A: auch 426 00:01:39,020 --> 00:01:39,120 A: ||WISSEN2A 427 00:01:39,020 --> 00:01:39,120 A: weißt 428 00:01:39,200 --> 00:01:39,420 A: ||LETZTE5 429 00:01:39,200 --> 00:01:39,420 A: le{tzte} 430 00:01:39,620 --> 00:01:40,120 A: w-m 431 00:01:39,620 --> 00:01:39,880 A: ||WM1 432 00:01:39,960 --> 00:01:40,120 A: ||HIER1 433 00:01:40,340 --> 00:01:40,520 A: ||TAUB-GEHÖRLOS1A 434 00:01:40,700 --> 00:01:40,780 A: ||DER-DIE-DAS1 435 00:01:40,700 --> 00:01:40,780 A: die 436 00:01:40,800 --> 00:01:43,640 A: When it was going on in Germany, a mass of people went there to celebrate. 437 00:01:40,960 --> 00:01:41,080 A: ||DEUTSCH1* 438 00:01:40,960 --> 00:01:41,080 A: deutsch{land} 439 00:01:41,240 --> 00:01:41,380 A: HIER1 440 00:01:41,760 --> 00:01:42,060 A: ||DRAUSSEN1 441 00:01:41,760 --> 00:01:42,060 A: draußen 442 00:01:42,340 --> 00:01:42,740 A: ||MASSE-PERSON-AKTIV2* 443 00:01:42,340 --> 00:01:42,740 A: [MG] 444 00:01:42,860 --> 00:01:43,560 A: ||MASSE-PERSON-AKTIV2* 445 00:01:43,640 --> 00:01:44,800 A: Did you know that? 446 00:01:43,760 --> 00:01:43,860 A: ||WISSEN2B 447 00:01:43,760 --> 00:01:43,860 A: weißt 448 00:01:44,060 --> 00:01:44,200 A: ||DU1* 449 00:01:45,280 --> 00:01:46,180 A: Was that good, with all those people around? 450 00:01:45,560 --> 00:01:45,620 A: ||GUT1* 451 00:01:45,680 --> 00:01:46,120 A: ||MASSE-PERSON-AKTIV2* 452 00:01:46,180 --> 00:01:46,980 A: Were you there? 453 00:01:46,380 --> 00:01:46,500 A: ||GEWESEN2* 454 00:01:46,380 --> 00:01:46,500 A: gewe{sen} 455 00:01:46,600 --> 00:01:46,640 A: ||DU1* 456 00:01:46,640 --> 00:01:49,140 B: The others went, I didn’t go. 457 00:01:46,800 --> 00:01:46,980 B: FRÜHER1* 458 00:01:47,220 --> 00:01:47,720 B: $INDEX1* 459 00:01:47,880 --> 00:01:48,020 B: ICH2 460 00:01:47,880 --> 00:01:48,020 B: war 461 00:01:48,280 --> 00:01:48,640 B: DABEI1A 462 00:01:48,280 --> 00:01:48,640 B: dabei 463 00:01:49,140 --> 00:01:50,320 B: I saw most of it in photos though. 464 00:01:49,280 --> 00:01:49,360 B: MEISTENS1A* 465 00:01:49,280 --> 00:01:49,360 B: meist 466 00:01:49,580 --> 00:01:50,020 B: foto 467 00:01:49,580 --> 00:01:49,700 B: FOTO1* 468 00:01:49,920 --> 00:01:50,020 B: DRUCK1A 469 00:01:50,320 --> 00:01:52,360 B: My brother was in a picture as well. 470 00:01:50,400 --> 00:01:50,760 B: gewe{sen} 471 00:01:50,400 --> 00:01:50,540 B: GEWESEN1 472 00:01:50,600 --> 00:01:50,760 B: LETZTE5 473 00:01:50,880 --> 00:01:51,220 B: BRUDER1A 474 00:01:50,880 --> 00:01:51,220 B: bruder 475 00:01:51,340 --> 00:01:51,920 B: foto 476 00:01:51,340 --> 00:01:51,580 B: FOTO1 477 00:01:51,800 --> 00:01:51,920 B: DRUCK1A 478 00:01:52,200 --> 00:01:53,080 A: So many people went out. 479 00:01:52,360 --> 00:01:54,380 B: He was riding a bike, a flag in his hand. 480 00:01:52,480 --> 00:01:52,760 B: FAHRRAD1* 481 00:01:52,480 --> 00:01:52,760 B: fahrrad 482 00:01:52,560 --> 00:01:52,980 A: ||MASSE-PERSON-AKTIV2* 483 00:01:52,560 --> 00:01:52,980 A: [MG] 484 00:01:52,940 --> 00:01:53,560 B: FAHNE2* 485 00:01:52,940 --> 00:01:53,560 B: [MG] 486 00:01:53,080 --> 00:01:54,820 A: With cars flashing their lights. 487 00:01:53,380 --> 00:01:54,360 A: autos 488 00:01:53,380 --> 00:01:53,660 A: ||AUTO1 489 00:01:53,840 --> 00:01:54,360 A: ||LICHT1* 490 00:01:54,360 --> 00:01:54,800 A: ||MASSE-PERSON-AKTIV2* 491 00:01:54,820 --> 00:01:56,860 A: That was extremely loud, wow. 492 00:01:54,940 --> 00:01:55,080 A: ||HÖREND1A^* 493 00:01:55,160 --> 00:01:55,400 A: ||$PROD* 494 00:01:55,520 --> 00:01:55,620 A: ||STARK1A* 495 00:01:55,520 --> 00:01:55,620 A: stark 496 00:01:56,520 --> 00:01:59,260 B: Or, something that’s also been around for a short time in Herford: the cinema. 497 00:01:56,860 --> 00:01:57,020 B: $LIST1:2of2d 498 00:01:56,860 --> 00:01:57,020 B: oder 499 00:01:57,180 --> 00:01:57,280 B: KOMMA1^ 500 00:01:57,180 --> 00:01:57,280 B: was 501 00:01:57,340 --> 00:01:57,480 B: GEWESEN1 502 00:01:57,340 --> 00:01:57,480 B: noch 503 00:01:57,660 --> 00:01:57,960 B: HERFORD1 504 00:01:57,660 --> 00:01:57,960 B: herford 505 00:01:58,380 --> 00:01:58,500 B: KINO2A* 506 00:01:58,380 --> 00:01:58,500 B: kino 507 00:01:58,660 --> 00:01:59,160 B: VOR-KURZEM2* 508 00:01:58,660 --> 00:01:59,160 B: [MG] 509 00:01:59,260 --> 00:02:01,260 B: There used to be a cinema, but it closed down. 510 00:01:59,400 --> 00:01:59,780 B: WAR1* 511 00:01:59,880 --> 00:02:00,080 B: KINO2A* 512 00:01:59,880 --> 00:02:00,080 B: kino 513 00:02:00,540 --> 00:02:01,140 B: SCHLIESSEN3 514 00:02:00,540 --> 00:02:01,140 B: a{b}geschlosse 515 00:02:01,260 --> 00:02:02,760 B: Just recently, it reopened. 516 00:02:01,400 --> 00:02:01,520 B: VOR-KURZEM1* 517 00:02:01,400 --> 00:02:01,520 B: [MG] 518 00:02:01,780 --> 00:02:02,140 B: ÖFFNEN-SICH1 519 00:02:01,780 --> 00:02:02,140 B: wie{der} auf 520 00:02:02,760 --> 00:02:05,140 B: I’ve been to see a movie there a few times. 521 00:02:02,800 --> 00:02:03,040 B: ERSTENS1A 522 00:02:02,800 --> 00:02:03,040 B: da 523 00:02:03,460 --> 00:02:03,540 B: $INDEX1* 524 00:02:03,800 --> 00:02:04,380 B: kino 525 00:02:03,800 --> 00:02:03,960 B: KINO2A* 526 00:02:03,960 --> 00:02:06,880 A: You can go swimming in the H2O. [public swimming pool] 527 00:02:04,220 --> 00:02:04,380 B: ORT1B* 528 00:02:04,220 --> 00:02:04,360 A: ||$GEST^* 529 00:02:04,560 --> 00:02:05,100 A: ||$ALPHA1:H-2-O 530 00:02:04,560 --> 00:02:05,100 A: h-zwei-o 531 00:02:04,560 --> 00:02:04,680 B: $GEST-OFF^* 532 00:02:05,300 --> 00:02:06,100 A: ||SCHWIMMEN1 533 00:02:05,300 --> 00:02:06,100 A: schwimmen 534 00:02:06,240 --> 00:02:06,360 A: ||$GEST-OFF^* 535 00:02:06,880 --> 00:02:10,260 B: There’s a new additional building with a sauna, that wasn’t there before. 536 00:02:07,360 --> 00:02:07,760 B: DAZU1^* 537 00:02:07,360 --> 00:02:07,760 B: anbau 538 00:02:07,900 --> 00:02:08,040 B: NEU4A 539 00:02:07,900 --> 00:02:08,040 B: neu 540 00:02:08,380 --> 00:02:09,300 B: sauna-anbau 541 00:02:08,380 --> 00:02:08,780 B: SAUNA2 542 00:02:08,780 --> 00:02:09,300 B: DAZU1^* 543 00:02:09,500 --> 00:02:09,620 B: VORHER1 544 00:02:09,500 --> 00:02:09,620 B: vorher 545 00:02:09,840 --> 00:02:10,540 A: No? 546 00:02:09,840 --> 00:02:10,180 B: $PROD* 547 00:02:09,840 --> 00:02:10,180 B: [MG] 548 00:02:10,120 --> 00:02:10,260 A: ||$GEST-OFF^* 549 00:02:10,260 --> 00:02:13,840 B: It was just built. 550 00:02:10,540 --> 00:02:11,740 A: Yes it was, it was there before! 551 00:02:10,540 --> 00:02:11,000 B: ||$PROD* 552 00:02:10,540 --> 00:02:11,000 B: anbau 553 00:02:10,880 --> 00:02:11,440 A: ||FRÜHER1* 554 00:02:10,880 --> 00:02:11,440 A: [MG] 555 00:02:11,740 --> 00:02:12,020 B: VOR-KURZEM2* 556 00:02:11,740 --> 00:02:12,020 B: [MG] 557 00:02:12,460 --> 00:02:12,960 B: ||$PROD* 558 00:02:12,460 --> 00:02:12,960 B: angebaut 559 00:02:13,480 --> 00:02:13,680 B: $GEST-OFF^ 560 00:02:13,840 --> 00:02:14,740 B: That’s nice as well. 561 00:02:14,080 --> 00:02:14,660 B: auch schön 562 00:02:14,080 --> 00:02:14,380 B: SCHÖN1A 563 00:02:14,400 --> 00:02:14,660 B: $GEST-OFF^ 564 00:02:14,740 --> 00:02:16,220 B: What else is there? 565 00:02:14,860 --> 00:02:15,080 B: ||$LIST1:2of2d 566 00:02:14,860 --> 00:02:15,080 B: was 567 00:02:15,340 --> 00:02:15,560 B: ||$LIST1:3of3d 568 00:02:15,340 --> 00:02:15,560 B: sonst 569 00:02:15,580 --> 00:02:16,120 B: $GEST-OFF^* 570 00:02:16,220 --> 00:02:21,260 B: There’s the Bismarckturm. [observation tower] 571 00:02:16,540 --> 00:02:17,560 B: $ALPHA1:B 572 00:02:16,540 --> 00:02:17,560 B: bismarck 573 00:02:17,820 --> 00:02:18,120 B: TURM1* 574 00:02:17,820 --> 00:02:18,120 B: turm 575 00:02:18,280 --> 00:02:20,820 B: $ALPHA1:B-I-S-M-A-R-K-T-U-R-M 576 00:02:18,280 --> 00:02:20,820 B: bismarckturm 577 00:02:21,040 --> 00:02:21,200 B: TURM1 578 00:02:21,260 --> 00:02:23,680 B: From where I live, you have to walk up a hill and there it is. 579 00:02:21,280 --> 00:02:21,460 B: NAHE1A* 580 00:02:21,280 --> 00:02:21,460 B: [MG] 581 00:02:21,520 --> 00:02:21,620 B: ICH1 582 00:02:21,520 --> 00:02:21,620 B: ich 583 00:02:21,760 --> 00:02:21,860 B: WOHNUNG5* 584 00:02:21,760 --> 00:02:21,860 B: wohne 585 00:02:22,280 --> 00:02:22,520 B: ||LAUFEN8* 586 00:02:22,280 --> 00:02:22,520 B: läuft 587 00:02:22,640 --> 00:02:23,200 B: berg 588 00:02:22,640 --> 00:02:22,980 B: ||BERG1A* 589 00:02:23,020 --> 00:02:23,200 B: ||$INDEX1 590 00:02:23,340 --> 00:02:23,520 B: ||TURM1* 591 00:02:23,680 --> 00:02:25,100 B: It’s been around for ages. 592 00:02:23,700 --> 00:02:24,020 B: FRÜHER1* 593 00:02:23,700 --> 00:02:24,020 B: [MG] 594 00:02:24,100 --> 00:02:24,420 B: ENTWICKELN2* 595 00:02:24,100 --> 00:02:24,420 B: [MG] 596 00:02:24,540 --> 00:02:24,740 B: DASSELBE5 597 00:02:24,540 --> 00:02:24,740 B: [MG] 598 00:02:24,860 --> 00:02:25,060 B: TURM1 599 00:02:24,860 --> 00:02:25,060 B: turm 600 00:02:25,100 --> 00:02:25,960 B: It’s some sort of exhibition. 601 00:02:25,200 --> 00:02:25,440 B: WIE6 602 00:02:25,200 --> 00:02:25,440 B: wie 603 00:02:25,620 --> 00:02:25,900 B: AUSSTELLUNG1* 604 00:02:25,620 --> 00:02:25,900 B: aus{stellung} 605 00:02:25,960 --> 00:02:28,000 B: You can walk up the stairs inside, just like in a museum, and look at everything. 606 00:02:26,000 --> 00:02:26,180 B: DASSELBE2A* 607 00:02:26,000 --> 00:02:26,180 B: selbe 608 00:02:26,360 --> 00:02:26,400 B: MUSEUM1*||$INDEX1 609 00:02:26,360 --> 00:02:26,400 B: museum 610 00:02:26,660 --> 00:02:27,000 B: $PROD*||$INDEX1* 611 00:02:26,660 --> 00:02:27,000 B: [MG] 612 00:02:27,080 --> 00:02:27,280 B: KANN1 613 00:02:27,080 --> 00:02:27,280 B: kann 614 00:02:27,460 --> 00:02:27,980 B: schau 615 00:02:27,460 --> 00:02:27,700 B: SCHAUEN1 616 00:02:27,880 --> 00:02:27,980 B: ALLE1A* 617 00:02:28,000 --> 00:02:28,460 B: It’s pretty nice as well. 618 00:02:28,120 --> 00:02:28,360 B: SCHÖN1A 619 00:02:28,120 --> 00:02:28,360 B: schön 620 00:02:28,460 --> 00:02:28,860 B: That would be the third thing. 621 00:02:28,520 --> 00:02:28,720 B: ||$LIST1:2of2d 622 00:02:28,520 --> 00:02:28,720 B: und 623 00:02:28,640 --> 00:02:32,200 A: What does the landscape look like where you live? 624 00:02:29,040 --> 00:02:29,400 A: frage 625 00:02:29,040 --> 00:02:29,220 A: ||FRAGE1 626 00:02:29,320 --> 00:02:29,400 A: ||$INDEX1 627 00:02:29,560 --> 00:02:29,780 A: ||WIE-SIEHT-AUS1 628 00:02:29,560 --> 00:02:29,780 A: wie aussehe 629 00:02:30,060 --> 00:02:30,800 A: ||LANDSCHAFT2 630 00:02:30,060 --> 00:02:30,800 A: landschaft 631 00:02:31,000 --> 00:02:32,060 A: wie ausseh 632 00:02:31,000 --> 00:02:31,340 A: ||WIE-SIEHT-AUS1 633 00:02:31,480 --> 00:02:32,060 A: ||$GEST-OFF^* 634 00:02:32,200 --> 00:02:35,000 A: Are there many factories, or forests? 635 00:02:32,480 --> 00:02:32,580 A: ||DA1* 636 00:02:32,860 --> 00:02:33,100 A: HAUPTSÄCHLICH1 637 00:02:32,860 --> 00:02:33,100 A: [MG] 638 00:02:33,340 --> 00:02:33,740 A: ||FABRIK6 639 00:02:33,340 --> 00:02:33,740 A: fabrik 640 00:02:33,940 --> 00:02:34,200 A: ||ODER1* 641 00:02:33,940 --> 00:02:34,200 A: oder 642 00:02:34,300 --> 00:02:34,440 A: HAUPTSÄCHLICH1 643 00:02:34,300 --> 00:02:34,440 A: [MG] 644 00:02:34,620 --> 00:02:34,920 A: ||WALD1 645 00:02:34,620 --> 00:02:34,920 A: wald 646 00:02:35,000 --> 00:02:36,740 A: What does it look like? 647 00:02:35,060 --> 00:02:35,420 A: ||ODER4B 648 00:02:35,060 --> 00:02:35,420 A: oder 649 00:02:35,580 --> 00:02:35,920 A: wie aus{sehen} 650 00:02:35,580 --> 00:02:35,720 A: ||WIE-SIEHT-AUS1* 651 00:02:35,820 --> 00:02:35,920 A: ||BEDEUTUNG1* 652 00:02:36,040 --> 00:02:36,220 A: ||GEHÖREN1^ 653 00:02:36,040 --> 00:02:36,220 A: dir 654 00:02:38,360 --> 00:02:40,080 B: Good question. 655 00:02:38,500 --> 00:02:38,840 B: $GEST-ICH-WEISS-NICHT1^* 656 00:02:38,500 --> 00:02:38,840 B: [MG] 657 00:02:38,980 --> 00:02:39,020 B: GUT1* 658 00:02:38,980 --> 00:02:39,020 B: gute 659 00:02:39,220 --> 00:02:39,880 B: frage 660 00:02:39,220 --> 00:02:39,440 B: FRAGE1* 661 00:02:39,560 --> 00:02:39,880 B: $GEST-ICH-WEISS-NICHT1^* 662 00:02:40,080 --> 00:02:41,900 B: It’s half and half. 663 00:02:40,280 --> 00:02:40,380 B: $INDEX1* 664 00:02:40,280 --> 00:02:40,380 B: [MG] 665 00:02:40,660 --> 00:02:41,300 B: HALB5* 666 00:02:40,660 --> 00:02:41,300 B: halb halb 667 00:02:41,360 --> 00:02:41,600 B: $GEST-OFF^ 668 00:02:42,640 --> 00:02:43,460 A: Where I’m from there’s mostly/ 669 00:02:42,840 --> 00:02:42,940 A: ||ICH2* 670 00:02:42,840 --> 00:02:42,940 A: ich 671 00:02:43,100 --> 00:02:43,280 A: ||STARK2B* 672 00:02:43,460 --> 00:02:44,480 A: Well, I live in a village. 673 00:02:43,500 --> 00:02:43,600 A: ||ICH2 674 00:02:43,500 --> 00:02:43,600 A: ich 675 00:02:43,760 --> 00:02:44,320 A: dorf 676 00:02:43,760 --> 00:02:43,980 A: ||DORF3 677 00:02:44,080 --> 00:02:44,320 A: ||$GEST-OFF^ 678 00:02:44,480 --> 00:02:46,900 A: There’s mostly woods, water. 679 00:02:44,580 --> 00:02:44,800 A: ||BEREICH1A* 680 00:02:44,580 --> 00:02:44,800 A: wie 681 00:02:45,100 --> 00:02:45,220 A: ||STARK2B* 682 00:02:45,100 --> 00:02:45,220 A: [MG] 683 00:02:45,780 --> 00:02:46,500 A: ||$PROD* 684 00:02:45,780 --> 00:02:46,500 A: wald 685 00:02:46,640 --> 00:02:46,820 A: ||FLUSS2* 686 00:02:46,640 --> 00:02:46,820 A: wasser 687 00:02:46,900 --> 00:02:49,200 A: It’s like that for quite a while, behind there there’s Bielefeld. 688 00:02:46,920 --> 00:02:48,500 A: ||$PROD* 689 00:02:46,920 --> 00:02:48,500 A: dann w{ald} 690 00:02:48,680 --> 00:02:48,800 A: ||GEHÖREN1^* 691 00:02:48,680 --> 00:02:48,800 A: [MG] 692 00:02:48,940 --> 00:02:49,060 A: ||BIELEFELD1A* 693 00:02:48,940 --> 00:02:49,060 A: bielefeld 694 00:02:49,200 --> 00:02:50,760 A: That’s where the border is. 695 00:02:49,340 --> 00:02:50,000 B: Exactly there. 696 00:02:49,340 --> 00:02:49,620 A: ||GRENZE1A* 697 00:02:49,340 --> 00:02:49,620 A: grenze 698 00:02:49,660 --> 00:02:50,360 A: ||BEREICH1A* 699 00:02:49,660 --> 00:02:49,960 B: EBEN-GRUND1 700 00:02:50,000 --> 00:02:56,660 B: Close to Bielefeld, well, before that, isn’t there Humana? 701 00:02:50,160 --> 00:02:50,360 B: $INDEX1* 702 00:02:50,760 --> 00:02:51,660 B: bielefeld 703 00:02:50,760 --> 00:02:51,240 B: BIELEFELD1A 704 00:02:51,520 --> 00:02:51,660 B: ORT1A* 705 00:02:51,840 --> 00:02:52,300 B: ||VOR1A* 706 00:02:51,840 --> 00:02:52,300 B: da 707 00:02:52,460 --> 00:02:52,740 B: ORT1A* 708 00:02:52,460 --> 00:02:52,740 B: ist da 709 00:02:53,540 --> 00:02:56,520 B: humana 710 00:02:53,540 --> 00:02:55,200 B: $ALPHA1:H-U-M-A-N-A* 711 00:02:55,420 --> 00:02:56,520 B: $INDEX1* 712 00:02:56,020 --> 00:02:58,320 A: The milk factory. 713 00:02:56,500 --> 00:02:56,820 A: ||$INDEX1 714 00:02:56,660 --> 00:02:57,040 B: The milk/ 715 00:02:56,780 --> 00:02:57,000 B: MILCH2B* 716 00:02:56,780 --> 00:02:57,000 B: milch 717 00:02:56,900 --> 00:02:58,060 A: melkfabrik 718 00:02:56,900 --> 00:02:57,200 A: ||$GEST-ÜBERLEGEN1^ 719 00:02:57,300 --> 00:02:57,740 A: ||MILCH2D 720 00:02:57,880 --> 00:02:58,060 A: ||FABRIK6* 721 00:02:58,060 --> 00:02:59,340 B: Yes, that factory is so big. 722 00:02:58,320 --> 00:02:59,660 A: Yes, the milk factory. 723 00:02:58,320 --> 00:02:58,580 B: $INDEX1 724 00:02:58,420 --> 00:02:59,000 A: melkfabrik 725 00:02:58,420 --> 00:02:58,720 A: ||MILCH2D 726 00:02:58,700 --> 00:02:59,120 B: GROSS3B 727 00:02:58,700 --> 00:02:59,120 B: groß 728 00:02:58,880 --> 00:02:59,000 A: FABRIK6* 729 00:02:59,340 --> 00:03:01,480 B: What else is there? 730 00:02:59,440 --> 00:02:59,660 B: $GEST-ICH-WEISS-NICHT1^ 731 00:02:59,440 --> 00:02:59,660 B: [MG] 732 00:02:59,880 --> 00:03:00,100 B: ||$LIST1:2of2d 733 00:03:01,180 --> 00:03:01,420 B: MEHR3* 734 00:03:01,180 --> 00:03:01,420 B: [MG] 735 00:03:01,480 --> 00:03:04,140 B: I’ve seen it once, that huge factory. 736 00:03:01,520 --> 00:03:01,740 B: ein{mal} 737 00:03:01,520 --> 00:03:01,600 B: EINMAL1A 738 00:03:01,680 --> 00:03:01,740 B: $INDEX1* 739 00:03:02,040 --> 00:03:02,160 B: SEHEN1* 740 00:03:02,040 --> 00:03:02,160 B: hab 741 00:03:02,220 --> 00:03:02,580 B: GROSS3C 742 00:03:02,220 --> 00:03:02,580 B: groß 743 00:03:02,780 --> 00:03:04,140 B: fabrik 744 00:03:02,780 --> 00:03:02,900 B: $INDEX1* 745 00:03:02,820 --> 00:03:04,320 A: Yes, it really is big. 746 00:03:03,020 --> 00:03:03,160 B: FABRIK2* 747 00:03:03,160 --> 00:03:03,880 A: GROSS3B* 748 00:03:03,160 --> 00:03:03,880 A: groß 749 00:03:03,880 --> 00:03:04,140 B: $GEST-OFF^ 750 00:03:04,140 --> 00:03:05,280 B: That as well. 751 00:03:04,320 --> 00:03:04,460 B: $LIST1:2of2d 752 00:03:04,560 --> 00:03:04,680 B: ||$INDEX1* 753 00:03:05,020 --> 00:03:05,200 B: ENDE1B 754 00:03:05,280 --> 00:03:05,960 B: There’s nothing else there. 755 00:03:05,600 --> 00:03:05,800 B: SONST1* 756 00:03:05,600 --> 00:03:05,800 B: son{st} 757 00:03:05,960 --> 00:03:06,280 B: It’s rather small. 758 00:03:06,000 --> 00:03:06,200 B: KLEIN11* 759 00:03:06,000 --> 00:03:06,200 B: [MG] 760 00:03:06,280 --> 00:03:08,560 B: Lots of forest of course. 761 00:03:06,540 --> 00:03:08,440 A: Sure, Herford is a village. 762 00:03:06,540 --> 00:03:06,740 B: WALD1* 763 00:03:06,540 --> 00:03:06,740 B: wald 764 00:03:06,860 --> 00:03:07,000 A: ||KLAR1A* 765 00:03:06,860 --> 00:03:07,000 A: klar 766 00:03:07,120 --> 00:03:07,380 B: KLAR1A 767 00:03:07,120 --> 00:03:07,380 B: klar 768 00:03:07,140 --> 00:03:07,340 A: ||HERFORD1 769 00:03:07,140 --> 00:03:07,340 A: herford 770 00:03:07,520 --> 00:03:07,740 A: ||DORF3 771 00:03:07,900 --> 00:03:07,940 A: ||$GEST-OFF^* 772 00:03:07,960 --> 00:03:08,080 B: $GEST-ZUSTIMMUNG1^ 773 00:03:07,960 --> 00:03:08,080 B: [MG] 774 00:03:09,540 --> 00:03:11,180 B: What else? 775 00:03:09,840 --> 00:03:10,320 B: ||$LIST1:2of2d 776 00:03:09,840 --> 00:03:10,320 B: was noch 777 00:03:12,980 --> 00:03:14,020 A: There’s a couple of restaurants in the city. 778 00:03:13,260 --> 00:03:13,520 A: ||RESTAURANT1* 779 00:03:13,700 --> 00:03:13,900 A: ||STADT2* 780 00:03:13,700 --> 00:03:13,900 A: stadt 781 00:03:14,020 --> 00:03:15,500 A: Many different shops are in the streets. 782 00:03:14,040 --> 00:03:14,260 A: ||VERSCHIEDENES1* 783 00:03:14,040 --> 00:03:14,260 A: [MG] 784 00:03:14,320 --> 00:03:14,580 A: ||STRASSE1* 785 00:03:14,320 --> 00:03:14,580 A: [MG] 786 00:03:14,760 --> 00:03:14,880 A: ||GESCHÄFT-HANDEL1* 787 00:03:14,760 --> 00:03:14,880 A: geschäfte 788 00:03:15,180 --> 00:03:15,400 A: ||VERSCHIEDEN1 789 00:03:15,180 --> 00:03:15,400 A: verschie{dene} 790 00:03:15,500 --> 00:03:16,460 A: There’s other streets leading away from them. 791 00:03:15,520 --> 00:03:15,780 A: ||STRASSE3* 792 00:03:15,520 --> 00:03:15,780 A: [MG] 793 00:03:15,560 --> 00:03:16,100 B: Good! 794 00:03:15,740 --> 00:03:16,000 B: GUT1* 795 00:03:15,740 --> 00:03:16,000 B: gut 796 00:03:15,840 --> 00:03:15,980 A: $GEST-OFF^ 797 00:03:16,100 --> 00:03:19,960 B: The side streets are being lit up in different colors, especially at night. 798 00:03:16,280 --> 00:03:16,460 B: ||STRASSE1* 799 00:03:16,640 --> 00:03:16,940 B: NACHT2 800 00:03:16,640 --> 00:03:16,940 B: nachts 801 00:03:17,000 --> 00:03:17,120 B: BESONDERS1A 802 00:03:17,000 --> 00:03:17,120 B: besond{ers} 803 00:03:17,260 --> 00:03:17,540 B: NACHT2 804 00:03:17,260 --> 00:03:17,540 B: a{bends} 805 00:03:18,280 --> 00:03:19,420 B: fa{r}be 806 00:03:18,280 --> 00:03:18,400 B: FARBE1A* 807 00:03:18,660 --> 00:03:19,420 B: $PROD* 808 00:03:19,960 --> 00:03:21,080 B: That’s really nice when you’re sitting there. 809 00:03:20,340 --> 00:03:20,500 B: SCHÖN1A 810 00:03:20,340 --> 00:03:20,500 B: schön 811 00:03:20,740 --> 00:03:21,020 B: SITZEN1A* 812 00:03:20,740 --> 00:03:21,020 B: [MG] 813 00:03:21,080 --> 00:03:22,560 B: Especially in spring and summer, when it’s warm. 814 00:03:21,160 --> 00:03:21,260 B: BESONDERS1A 815 00:03:21,160 --> 00:03:21,260 B: [MG] 816 00:03:21,400 --> 00:03:21,700 B: SOMMER3* 817 00:03:21,400 --> 00:03:21,700 B: sommer 818 00:03:21,820 --> 00:03:21,920 B: BESONDERS1B 819 00:03:21,820 --> 00:03:21,920 B: {be}son{ders} 820 00:03:22,140 --> 00:03:22,480 B: WARM1C 821 00:03:22,140 --> 00:03:22,480 B: warm 822 00:03:22,560 --> 00:03:23,600 B: You can sit outside then. 823 00:03:22,640 --> 00:03:22,940 B: DORT1* 824 00:03:22,640 --> 00:03:22,940 B: da 825 00:03:23,040 --> 00:03:23,360 B: SITZEN1A 826 00:03:23,040 --> 00:03:23,360 B: raus 827 00:03:23,600 --> 00:03:27,060 B: There’s soft seating and if it gets cold you can grab a blanket. 828 00:03:23,900 --> 00:03:24,160 B: $PROD* 829 00:03:23,900 --> 00:03:24,160 B: [MG] 830 00:03:24,660 --> 00:03:25,280 B: WEICH1A^ 831 00:03:24,660 --> 00:03:25,280 B: mit 832 00:03:25,300 --> 00:03:25,480 B: $GEST^ 833 00:03:25,300 --> 00:03:25,480 B: sitzen 834 00:03:25,700 --> 00:03:25,820 B: WENN1A* 835 00:03:25,700 --> 00:03:25,820 B: wenn 836 00:03:25,980 --> 00:03:26,160 B: KALT1* 837 00:03:25,980 --> 00:03:26,160 B: kalt 838 00:03:26,340 --> 00:03:26,860 B: DECKE4* 839 00:03:26,340 --> 00:03:26,860 B: decke 840 00:03:27,060 --> 00:03:29,980 B: On one side, further up, you can see the restaurants. 841 00:03:27,780 --> 00:03:28,140 B: $INDEX1* 842 00:03:27,780 --> 00:03:28,140 B: oben 843 00:03:28,320 --> 00:03:28,420 B: $INDEX1* 844 00:03:28,480 --> 00:03:28,740 B: GEHEN4 845 00:03:28,480 --> 00:03:28,740 B: stra{ße} 846 00:03:28,900 --> 00:03:29,440 B: oben 847 00:03:28,900 --> 00:03:29,000 B: $INDEX1* 848 00:03:29,080 --> 00:03:29,440 B: BEREICH1A* 849 00:03:29,740 --> 00:03:29,940 B: RESTAURANT1* 850 00:03:29,740 --> 00:03:29,940 B: restau{rant} 851 00:03:29,980 --> 00:03:31,560 B: On the other side you can eat organic ice cream. 852 00:03:30,060 --> 00:03:30,620 B: oder 853 00:03:30,060 --> 00:03:30,140 B: ODER1* 854 00:03:30,340 --> 00:03:30,620 B: ||RICHTUNG3* 855 00:03:30,760 --> 00:03:31,480 B: bioeis 856 00:03:30,760 --> 00:03:31,100 B: $INDEX1* 857 00:03:31,280 --> 00:03:31,480 B: EIS-ESSEN1B* 858 00:03:31,560 --> 00:03:32,240 B: There’s also a couple of restaurants. 859 00:03:31,580 --> 00:03:31,640 B: $INDEX1* 860 00:03:31,580 --> 00:03:31,640 B: da 861 00:03:31,680 --> 00:03:31,900 B: auch 862 00:03:31,680 --> 00:03:31,720 B: AUCH1A* 863 00:03:31,780 --> 00:03:31,900 B: RESTAURANT1* 864 00:03:32,000 --> 00:03:32,160 B: $INDEX1* 865 00:03:32,000 --> 00:03:32,160 B: da 866 00:03:32,240 --> 00:03:33,260 B: There are so many things. 867 00:03:32,240 --> 00:03:32,360 B: $INDEX1* 868 00:03:32,240 --> 00:03:32,360 B: auch 869 00:03:32,720 --> 00:03:32,820 B: VERSCHIEDEN1* 870 00:03:32,720 --> 00:03:32,820 B: verschie{dene} 871 00:03:32,880 --> 00:03:33,220 B: $PROD* 872 00:03:33,260 --> 00:03:36,280 B: It’s really nice, so quite in the evening. 873 00:03:33,420 --> 00:03:33,720 B: SCHÖN4* 874 00:03:33,420 --> 00:03:33,720 B: schön 875 00:03:33,920 --> 00:03:34,140 B: $GEST-OFF^ 876 00:03:34,320 --> 00:03:34,460 B: $$EXTRA-LING-MAN^ 877 00:03:34,840 --> 00:03:35,040 B: ABEND2* 878 00:03:34,840 --> 00:03:35,040 B: abends 879 00:03:35,460 --> 00:03:35,600 B: RUHE1 880 00:03:35,460 --> 00:03:35,600 B: ruhe 881 00:03:35,760 --> 00:03:35,980 B: ANGENEHM2* 882 00:03:35,760 --> 00:03:35,980 B: angenehm 883 00:03:36,280 --> 00:03:38,920 B: You really have your peace there, not many people come at night. 884 00:03:36,480 --> 00:03:37,140 B: still 885 00:03:36,480 --> 00:03:36,740 B: STILL3* 886 00:03:36,900 --> 00:03:37,140 B: BLEIBEN2* 887 00:03:37,280 --> 00:03:37,780 B: ruhe 888 00:03:37,280 --> 00:03:37,560 B: RUHE1 889 00:03:37,560 --> 00:03:37,780 B: RUHE4* 890 00:03:38,020 --> 00:03:38,180 B: WENIG4* 891 00:03:38,020 --> 00:03:38,180 B: wenig 892 00:03:38,320 --> 00:03:38,660 B: LEUTE2 893 00:03:38,320 --> 00:03:38,660 B: leu{te} 894 00:03:38,920 --> 00:03:43,060 B: What else? 895 00:03:39,980 --> 00:03:40,960 B: $ORAL^ 896 00:03:39,980 --> 00:03:40,960 B: was noch 897 00:03:43,060 --> 00:03:44,940 B: There’s the prison in Herford, right? 898 00:03:43,300 --> 00:03:43,420 B: $GEST^* 899 00:03:43,820 --> 00:03:43,960 B: HERFORD1 900 00:03:43,820 --> 00:03:43,960 B: herfor{d} 901 00:03:43,980 --> 00:03:44,120 B: GEWESEN1 902 00:03:43,980 --> 00:03:44,120 B: gibt 903 00:03:44,260 --> 00:03:44,860 B: gefäng{nis} 904 00:03:44,260 --> 00:03:44,420 B: GEFÄNGNIS2 905 00:03:44,580 --> 00:03:44,860 B: $GEST-OFF^* 906 00:03:44,940 --> 00:03:47,360 B: You know that, right, that there’s a prison? 907 00:03:45,020 --> 00:03:45,200 B: $INDEX1 908 00:03:45,560 --> 00:03:46,880 A: But is a prison important now? 909 00:03:45,560 --> 00:03:45,820 B: WISSEN2A* 910 00:03:45,560 --> 00:03:45,820 B: weißt 911 00:03:45,820 --> 00:03:45,900 A: ||$GEST-OFF^* 912 00:03:45,820 --> 00:03:45,860 B: DU1* 913 00:03:46,060 --> 00:03:46,180 A: ||GEFÄNGNIS2 914 00:03:46,060 --> 00:03:46,180 A: gefäng{nis} 915 00:03:46,120 --> 00:03:46,480 B: gefäng{nis} 916 00:03:46,120 --> 00:03:46,260 B: HERFORD1* 917 00:03:46,380 --> 00:03:46,480 B: GEFÄNGNIS2 918 00:03:46,400 --> 00:03:46,800 A: wichtig 919 00:03:46,400 --> 00:03:46,660 A: ||WICHTIG1 920 00:03:46,680 --> 00:03:47,340 B: $GEST-OFF^* 921 00:03:46,680 --> 00:03:46,800 A: ||$GEST-OFF^* 922 00:03:46,880 --> 00:03:47,640 A: A prison? 923 00:03:47,000 --> 00:03:47,100 A: ||GEFÄNGNIS2 924 00:03:47,200 --> 00:03:47,540 A: ||$GEST-OFF^* 925 00:03:47,360 --> 00:03:50,000 B: There’s a prison there. I think it’s important that it exists. 926 00:03:47,560 --> 00:03:47,700 B: GEFÄNGNIS2 927 00:03:47,560 --> 00:03:47,700 B: gefäng{nis} 928 00:03:47,640 --> 00:03:48,380 A: Is it important? 929 00:03:47,800 --> 00:03:47,960 A: ||WICHTIG1* 930 00:03:48,120 --> 00:03:48,280 A: ||GEFÄNGNIS2 931 00:03:48,200 --> 00:03:48,320 B: ICH2* 932 00:03:48,380 --> 00:03:49,180 A: It’s not. 933 00:03:48,540 --> 00:03:48,700 B: FÜR1* 934 00:03:48,540 --> 00:03:48,700 B: mich 935 00:03:48,660 --> 00:03:48,740 A: ||WICHTIG1* 936 00:03:48,660 --> 00:03:48,740 A: nicht wichtig 937 00:03:48,820 --> 00:03:49,180 B: WICHTIG1* 938 00:03:48,820 --> 00:03:49,180 B: wichtig 939 00:03:49,420 --> 00:03:49,520 B: GEFÄNGNIS2 940 00:03:49,900 --> 00:03:53,040 C: Is it a youth prison? Or for adults? 941 00:03:52,320 --> 00:03:54,060 B: It’s for adults, I think. 942 00:03:52,760 --> 00:03:54,140 A: For adults. 943 00:03:52,840 --> 00:03:53,380 B: erwachse{ne} 944 00:03:52,840 --> 00:03:53,140 B: ERWACHSENE1A* 945 00:03:53,120 --> 00:03:53,500 A: ||ERWACHSENE1A 946 00:03:53,120 --> 00:03:53,500 A: erwachs{ene} 947 00:03:53,260 --> 00:03:53,380 B: GLAUBEN2B* 948 00:03:54,140 --> 00:03:55,100 A: I haven’t seen any adolescents there. 949 00:03:54,480 --> 00:03:54,580 A: ||JUNG1* 950 00:03:54,480 --> 00:03:54,580 A: jugend{liche} 951 00:03:54,720 --> 00:03:54,800 A: ||SELBST1A* 952 00:03:54,720 --> 00:03:54,800 A: nicht 953 00:03:54,920 --> 00:03:55,060 A: ||SEHEN1 954 00:03:54,920 --> 00:03:55,060 A: gesehe 955 00:03:55,100 --> 00:03:56,020 A: They’re all adults. 956 00:03:55,220 --> 00:03:55,420 A: ||ERWACHSENE1A 957 00:03:55,220 --> 00:03:55,420 A: erwachsene 958 00:03:57,940 --> 00:03:58,940 B: Or/ 959 00:03:58,280 --> 00:03:58,420 B: ODER1* 960 00:03:58,280 --> 00:03:58,420 B: oder 961 00:04:01,100 --> 00:04:03,540 B: There’s a theater as well. 962 00:04:01,160 --> 00:04:01,400 B: $GEST-ÜBERLEGEN1^ 963 00:04:01,800 --> 00:04:02,200 B: THEATER1 964 00:04:01,800 --> 00:04:02,200 B: theat{er} 965 00:04:02,300 --> 00:04:02,460 B: ES-GIBT3* 966 00:04:02,300 --> 00:04:02,460 B: gibt 967 00:04:02,540 --> 00:04:02,980 B: auch 968 00:04:02,540 --> 00:04:02,800 B: AUCH1A 969 00:04:02,840 --> 00:04:08,320 A: Yes, theater, cinema, a place to go swim, downtown. 970 00:04:02,840 --> 00:04:02,980 B: ||$LIST1:2of2d* 971 00:04:03,340 --> 00:04:03,740 A: kino 972 00:04:03,340 --> 00:04:03,540 A: ||KINO2A* 973 00:04:03,560 --> 00:04:03,740 A: ||$LIST1:2of2d* 974 00:04:03,980 --> 00:04:04,080 A: ||SCHWIMMEN1* 975 00:04:03,980 --> 00:04:04,080 A: schwimmen 976 00:04:05,300 --> 00:04:05,440 A: ||STADT2* 977 00:04:05,300 --> 00:04:05,440 A: stadt 978 00:04:05,800 --> 00:04:05,980 A: ||$GEST-OFF^ 979 00:04:07,220 --> 00:04:07,500 A: ||$GEST-OFF^ 980 00:04:08,940 --> 00:04:23,940 C: What would you show a visitor in Herford? 981 00:04:20,840 --> 00:04:24,260 A: Well, I don’t get visitors. 982 00:04:21,320 --> 00:04:22,320 A: ||ICH2* 983 00:04:22,500 --> 00:04:23,080 A: ||SELBST1A* 984 00:04:22,500 --> 00:04:23,080 A: selbst 985 00:04:23,320 --> 00:04:23,940 A: FAHREN1^* 986 00:04:24,100 --> 00:04:24,240 A: ||WENIG5* 987 00:04:24,100 --> 00:04:24,240 A: wen{ig} 988 00:04:24,260 --> 00:04:27,120 A: I usually visit other people. 989 00:04:24,300 --> 00:04:24,340 A: ||ICH1 990 00:04:24,380 --> 00:04:24,540 A: ||MEISTENS1A 991 00:04:24,380 --> 00:04:24,540 A: meist{ens} 992 00:04:24,540 --> 00:04:24,620 A: ||ICH1* 993 00:04:24,820 --> 00:04:25,900 A: ||DORTHIN-GEHEN1^* 994 00:04:26,060 --> 00:04:28,860 B: Imagine I have invited a friend and she comes to visit me. 995 00:04:26,060 --> 00:04:26,320 A: ||$GEST-OFF^ 996 00:04:26,420 --> 00:04:26,700 B: VORSTELLUNG3 997 00:04:26,420 --> 00:04:26,700 B: vorstell 998 00:04:27,020 --> 00:04:27,140 B: FREUND7* 999 00:04:27,020 --> 00:04:27,140 B: freund{in} 1000 00:04:27,640 --> 00:04:27,880 B: EINLADEN2 1001 00:04:27,640 --> 00:04:27,880 B: einla{den} 1002 00:04:28,200 --> 00:04:28,640 B: würde 1003 00:04:28,200 --> 00:04:28,420 B: VERGANGENHEIT1^ 1004 00:04:28,500 --> 00:04:28,640 B: ICH2 1005 00:04:28,860 --> 00:04:31,280 B: We’d get up in the morning and go into town to wander around. 1006 00:04:29,000 --> 00:04:29,320 B: MORGEN3* 1007 00:04:29,000 --> 00:04:29,320 B: morg{ens} 1008 00:04:29,580 --> 00:04:30,040 B: AUFSTEHEN1 1009 00:04:29,580 --> 00:04:30,040 B: aufstehen 1010 00:04:30,480 --> 00:04:30,620 B: STADT2 1011 00:04:30,480 --> 00:04:30,620 B: stadt 1012 00:04:30,840 --> 00:04:31,200 B: SEHEN-AUF4* 1013 00:04:30,840 --> 00:04:31,200 B: [MG] 1014 00:04:31,280 --> 00:04:32,960 B: She could stay with me for a week for example. 1015 00:04:31,620 --> 00:04:31,880 B: MEISTENS1A* 1016 00:04:31,620 --> 00:04:31,880 B: eine woche 1017 00:04:31,980 --> 00:04:32,360 B: LASSEN2A^* 1018 00:04:31,980 --> 00:04:32,360 B: [MG] 1019 00:04:32,480 --> 00:04:32,800 B: BEISPIEL1 1020 00:04:32,480 --> 00:04:32,800 B: beisp{iel} 1021 00:04:32,960 --> 00:04:34,380 B: After getting up, we’d take a look around the city. 1022 00:04:33,060 --> 00:04:33,240 B: STADT2* 1023 00:04:33,060 --> 00:04:33,240 B: stadt 1024 00:04:33,340 --> 00:04:33,500 B: AUFSTEHEN1 1025 00:04:33,660 --> 00:04:33,800 B: STADT2 1026 00:04:33,660 --> 00:04:33,800 B: stadt 1027 00:04:33,920 --> 00:04:34,280 B: SEHEN-AUF4 1028 00:04:33,920 --> 00:04:34,280 B: [MG] 1029 00:04:34,380 --> 00:04:35,540 B: I’d show her around. 1030 00:04:34,420 --> 00:04:34,560 B: ZEIGEN1A* 1031 00:04:34,420 --> 00:04:34,560 B: zei{ge} 1032 00:04:34,620 --> 00:04:34,960 B: was 1033 00:04:34,620 --> 00:04:34,700 B: WAS-BEDEUTET1* 1034 00:04:34,800 --> 00:04:34,960 B: ALLE1A^ 1035 00:04:35,000 --> 00:04:35,200 B: STADT2* 1036 00:04:35,000 --> 00:04:35,200 B: stadt 1037 00:04:35,540 --> 00:04:40,140 B: In the evening, we’d take it slow, sit down at a restaurant. I’d show her what you can see where. 1038 00:04:35,620 --> 00:04:35,940 B: DANN1A 1039 00:04:35,620 --> 00:04:35,940 B: dann 1040 00:04:36,340 --> 00:04:36,640 B: ABEND2 1041 00:04:36,340 --> 00:04:36,640 B: ab{ends} 1042 00:04:36,740 --> 00:04:37,060 B: $GEST-RUHIG-BLEIBEN1^* 1043 00:04:36,740 --> 00:04:37,060 B: [MG] 1044 00:04:37,380 --> 00:04:37,560 B: $INDEX1* 1045 00:04:37,780 --> 00:04:38,140 B: RESTAURANT1 1046 00:04:37,780 --> 00:04:38,140 B: restau{rant} 1047 00:04:38,260 --> 00:04:38,540 B: SITZEN1A 1048 00:04:38,260 --> 00:04:38,540 B: sitz 1049 00:04:38,820 --> 00:04:38,980 B: ABEND2 1050 00:04:38,820 --> 00:04:38,980 B: ab{ends} 1051 00:04:39,100 --> 00:04:39,200 B: SEHEN1 1052 00:04:39,340 --> 00:04:39,440 B: ZEIGEN1A* 1053 00:04:39,340 --> 00:04:39,440 B: zei{ge} 1054 00:04:39,540 --> 00:04:39,640 B: WAS-BEDEUTET1* 1055 00:04:39,540 --> 00:04:39,640 B: was 1056 00:04:39,720 --> 00:04:40,020 B: WO1A 1057 00:04:39,720 --> 00:04:40,020 B: wo 1058 00:04:40,140 --> 00:04:41,160 B: Next/ 1059 00:04:40,220 --> 00:04:40,380 B: ||$LIST1:2of2d 1060 00:04:41,160 --> 00:04:44,020 A: You could go to Go Parc, the club. 1061 00:04:41,160 --> 00:04:42,240 B: Then/ 1062 00:04:41,360 --> 00:04:41,740 B: DANN1A 1063 00:04:41,360 --> 00:04:41,740 B: dann 1064 00:04:41,440 --> 00:04:41,560 A: ||$GEST^* 1065 00:04:41,740 --> 00:04:42,620 A: go-parc 1066 00:04:41,740 --> 00:04:42,060 A: ||$ALPHA1:G-O 1067 00:04:42,240 --> 00:04:42,620 A: ||$ALPHA1:P-A-R 1068 00:04:42,740 --> 00:04:43,900 B: Yes, to the club, for example. 1069 00:04:42,740 --> 00:04:43,400 A: disco 1070 00:04:42,740 --> 00:04:43,040 A: ||TANZEN5* 1071 00:04:43,160 --> 00:04:43,400 A: ||BESUCHEN1A* 1072 00:04:43,180 --> 00:04:43,280 B: DISCO1* 1073 00:04:43,180 --> 00:04:43,280 B: disco 1074 00:04:43,520 --> 00:04:43,720 B: BEISPIEL1* 1075 00:04:43,520 --> 00:04:43,720 B: bei{spiel} 1076 00:04:43,540 --> 00:04:43,640 A: ||$GEST^* 1077 00:04:43,900 --> 00:04:44,600 B: We would do that the next day. 1078 00:04:44,080 --> 00:04:44,200 B: NÄCHSTE1 1079 00:04:44,080 --> 00:04:44,200 B: am nächsten 1080 00:04:44,380 --> 00:04:44,540 B: TAG3* 1081 00:04:44,380 --> 00:04:44,540 B: tag 1082 00:04:44,600 --> 00:04:46,560 B: We’d go to the club on Friday or Saturday. 1083 00:04:44,640 --> 00:04:45,080 B: freitag 1084 00:04:44,640 --> 00:04:44,760 B: WENN1A 1085 00:04:44,900 --> 00:04:45,080 B: FREITAG3B* 1086 00:04:45,360 --> 00:04:45,440 B: ODER1* 1087 00:04:45,360 --> 00:04:45,440 B: oder 1088 00:04:45,620 --> 00:04:45,760 B: SAMSTAG1* 1089 00:04:45,620 --> 00:04:45,760 B: sams{tag} 1090 00:04:45,920 --> 00:04:46,520 B: disco 1091 00:04:45,920 --> 00:04:46,080 B: DISCO1* 1092 00:04:46,220 --> 00:04:46,400 B: DORTHIN-GEHEN2 1093 00:04:46,440 --> 00:04:46,520 B: $GEST-OFF^* 1094 00:04:46,560 --> 00:04:47,780 B: Or/ 1095 00:04:46,720 --> 00:04:47,700 B: oder 1096 00:04:46,720 --> 00:04:46,880 B: ||$LIST1:2of2d 1097 00:04:47,040 --> 00:04:47,700 B: ODER1* 1098 00:04:47,780 --> 00:04:48,780 B: Did you hear about that as well? 1099 00:04:47,920 --> 00:04:48,100 B: DU1* 1100 00:04:47,920 --> 00:04:48,100 B: [LM:ähm] 1101 00:04:48,180 --> 00:04:48,320 B: DU1* 1102 00:04:48,180 --> 00:04:48,320 B: auch 1103 00:04:48,540 --> 00:04:48,700 B: HÖREN1||DU1* 1104 00:04:48,780 --> 00:04:52,960 B: There’s a sports club in Herford. 1105 00:04:48,820 --> 00:04:49,200 B: $GEST-ÜBERLEGEN1^ 1106 00:04:49,320 --> 00:04:49,560 B: DORT1 1107 00:04:50,420 --> 00:04:50,740 B: HERFORD1 1108 00:04:50,420 --> 00:04:50,740 B: herford 1109 00:04:50,880 --> 00:04:51,260 B: $GEST-ÜBERLEGEN1^ 1110 00:04:51,440 --> 00:04:51,640 B: SPORT1* 1111 00:04:51,440 --> 00:04:51,640 B: sport 1112 00:04:51,860 --> 00:04:52,900 B: verein 1113 00:04:51,860 --> 00:04:52,100 B: VEREIN2A* 1114 00:04:52,420 --> 00:04:52,900 B: ||ORT1A 1115 00:04:52,960 --> 00:04:55,640 B: The sports center, the gym. 1116 00:04:53,140 --> 00:04:54,300 B: sportzentrum 1117 00:04:53,140 --> 00:04:53,300 B: SPORT1* 1118 00:04:53,520 --> 00:04:53,820 B: ZENTRUM1A 1119 00:04:54,140 --> 00:04:54,300 B: ||$INDEX1* 1120 00:04:54,480 --> 00:04:55,640 B: turnhalle 1121 00:04:54,480 --> 00:04:54,560 B: $NUM-EINER1A:1d* 1122 00:04:54,640 --> 00:04:54,880 B: HALLE2* 1123 00:04:54,880 --> 00:04:55,640 B: ||$INDEX1* 1124 00:04:55,640 --> 00:04:57,320 B: The gym in Herford. 1125 00:04:56,080 --> 00:04:57,600 A: Which gym? 1126 00:04:56,100 --> 00:04:56,660 B: ||ORT1A 1127 00:04:56,100 --> 00:04:56,660 B: sporthalle 1128 00:04:56,480 --> 00:04:56,640 A: WELCHE2* 1129 00:04:56,480 --> 00:04:56,640 A: welche 1130 00:04:56,740 --> 00:04:57,300 A: sporthalle 1131 00:04:56,740 --> 00:04:56,920 A: SPORT1* 1132 00:04:56,900 --> 00:04:57,180 B: HERFORD1* 1133 00:04:56,900 --> 00:04:57,180 B: her{ford} 1134 00:04:57,040 --> 00:04:57,300 A: HALLE2 1135 00:04:57,320 --> 00:05:00,280 B: The old gym. 1136 00:04:57,400 --> 00:04:58,420 B: $INDEX1*||ORT1A 1137 00:04:57,400 --> 00:04:58,420 B: selbst 1138 00:04:58,660 --> 00:04:58,740 B: ICH1* 1139 00:04:58,660 --> 00:04:58,740 B: frü{her} 1140 00:04:58,780 --> 00:04:59,280 B: sporthalle 1141 00:04:58,780 --> 00:04:58,960 B: FEST1B^* 1142 00:04:59,120 --> 00:04:59,280 B: HALLE2* 1143 00:04:59,680 --> 00:05:00,980 A: Ah, right. 1144 00:04:59,800 --> 00:05:00,220 A: $GEST-NM-KOPFNICKEN1^ 1145 00:04:59,800 --> 00:05:00,220 A: ach so ja 1146 00:05:00,980 --> 00:05:02,520 A: There was volleyball there, yes. 1147 00:05:01,000 --> 00:05:05,840 B: Opposite there is a huge park. 1148 00:05:01,140 --> 00:05:01,640 B: $INDEX1* 1149 00:05:01,140 --> 00:05:01,640 A: volleyball 1150 00:05:01,140 --> 00:05:01,260 A: ||VOLLEYBALL1A* 1151 00:05:01,540 --> 00:05:01,640 A: ||$INDEX1* 1152 00:05:01,740 --> 00:05:01,920 A: ||JA2 1153 00:05:01,740 --> 00:05:01,920 A: ja 1154 00:05:02,020 --> 00:05:02,480 B: $INDEX1*||ORT1A 1155 00:05:02,020 --> 00:05:02,480 B: da 1156 00:05:02,620 --> 00:05:02,800 B: GEGENÜBER1* 1157 00:05:02,980 --> 00:05:03,160 B: ORT1A* 1158 00:05:03,420 --> 00:05:03,820 B: GROSS7^* 1159 00:05:03,420 --> 00:05:03,820 B: park 1160 00:05:04,000 --> 00:05:04,340 B: BEREICH1A^* 1161 00:05:04,000 --> 00:05:04,340 B: typisch 1162 00:05:04,480 --> 00:05:05,100 B: $ALPHA1:P-A-R-K 1163 00:05:04,480 --> 00:05:05,100 B: park 1164 00:05:05,300 --> 00:05:05,820 B: PARK1A 1165 00:05:05,300 --> 00:05:05,820 B: park 1166 00:05:05,840 --> 00:05:10,080 B: They built a big volleyball court, with sand. 1167 00:05:05,960 --> 00:05:06,140 B: $INDEX1* 1168 00:05:06,600 --> 00:05:07,000 B: neu 1169 00:05:06,600 --> 00:05:06,780 B: NEU4A* 1170 00:05:06,860 --> 00:05:07,000 B: DA1 1171 00:05:07,220 --> 00:05:08,340 B: volleyball 1172 00:05:07,220 --> 00:05:07,540 B: VOLLEYBALL1B* 1173 00:05:07,760 --> 00:05:08,340 B: FELD4B* 1174 00:05:09,000 --> 00:05:09,160 B: MIT1A* 1175 00:05:09,000 --> 00:05:09,160 B: mit 1176 00:05:09,500 --> 00:05:09,800 B: FLÄCHE1* 1177 00:05:09,500 --> 00:05:09,800 B: sand 1178 00:05:09,800 --> 00:05:10,560 A: I haven’t heard about that. 1179 00:05:10,080 --> 00:05:10,180 A: ||HÖREN1* 1180 00:05:10,280 --> 00:05:11,380 B: It was newly built. 1181 00:05:10,380 --> 00:05:10,520 A: KEIN7 1182 00:05:10,400 --> 00:05:10,540 B: NEU4A 1183 00:05:10,400 --> 00:05:10,540 B: neu 1184 00:05:10,560 --> 00:05:11,360 A: Interesting. 1185 00:05:10,660 --> 00:05:10,860 A: ||MERKWÜRDIG1^* 1186 00:05:10,720 --> 00:05:10,860 B: BAU1* 1187 00:05:10,720 --> 00:05:10,860 B: gebaut 1188 00:05:11,380 --> 00:05:13,040 B: There’s a volleyball net and/ 1189 00:05:11,660 --> 00:05:12,180 B: volleyball 1190 00:05:11,660 --> 00:05:11,780 B: VOLLEYBALL1B* 1191 00:05:11,980 --> 00:05:12,180 B: $INDEX1* 1192 00:05:12,300 --> 00:05:12,460 B: UND2A* 1193 00:05:12,300 --> 00:05:12,460 B: und 1194 00:05:12,560 --> 00:05:12,840 B: $INDEX1* 1195 00:05:13,040 --> 00:05:15,840 B: I think it’s for people who come there to sit down and relax. 1196 00:05:13,100 --> 00:05:13,200 B: FÜR1* 1197 00:05:13,100 --> 00:05:13,200 B: für 1198 00:05:13,280 --> 00:05:13,420 B: GLAUBEN2B* 1199 00:05:13,280 --> 00:05:13,420 B: glaub 1200 00:05:13,580 --> 00:05:13,820 B: FÜR1* 1201 00:05:13,580 --> 00:05:13,820 B: für 1202 00:05:14,160 --> 00:05:14,300 B: PERSON1* 1203 00:05:14,160 --> 00:05:14,300 B: leute 1204 00:05:14,440 --> 00:05:14,780 B: KOMMEN1* 1205 00:05:14,440 --> 00:05:14,780 B: kommen 1206 00:05:14,940 --> 00:05:15,240 B: SITZEN1A 1207 00:05:14,940 --> 00:05:15,240 B: sitz 1208 00:05:15,480 --> 00:05:15,720 B: ABSCHALTEN-KOPF1* 1209 00:05:15,480 --> 00:05:15,720 B: entspann 1210 00:05:15,840 --> 00:05:17,340 B: You can sit there, talk, have some drinks and play volleyball. 1211 00:05:15,920 --> 00:05:16,140 B: GEBÄRDEN1D 1212 00:05:15,920 --> 00:05:16,140 B: [MG] 1213 00:05:16,340 --> 00:05:16,580 B: TRINKEN1 1214 00:05:16,340 --> 00:05:16,580 B: trin{ken} 1215 00:05:17,020 --> 00:05:17,260 B: VOLLEYBALL1B* 1216 00:05:17,020 --> 00:05:17,260 B: volleyba{ll} 1217 00:05:17,340 --> 00:05:18,120 B: That’s really nice. 1218 00:05:17,420 --> 00:05:17,940 B: schön 1219 00:05:17,420 --> 00:05:17,560 B: SCHÖN4 1220 00:05:17,640 --> 00:05:17,940 B: FERTIG4 1221 00:05:18,120 --> 00:05:18,860 B: I’m always there. 1222 00:05:18,220 --> 00:05:18,280 B: ICH2* 1223 00:05:18,220 --> 00:05:18,280 B: ich 1224 00:05:18,440 --> 00:05:18,620 B: DORT1* 1225 00:05:18,440 --> 00:05:18,620 B: immer da 1226 00:05:18,860 --> 00:05:21,100 B: You have to come and check it out. 1227 00:05:18,860 --> 00:05:18,960 B: DU1* 1228 00:05:19,040 --> 00:05:19,280 B: AUCH1A* 1229 00:05:19,040 --> 00:05:19,280 B: auch 1230 00:05:19,560 --> 00:05:19,800 B: KOMMEN1* 1231 00:05:19,560 --> 00:05:19,800 B: kommen 1232 00:05:19,800 --> 00:05:21,100 A: Yes, we’ll see. 1233 00:05:20,180 --> 00:05:20,380 B: SCHAUEN1 1234 00:05:20,180 --> 00:05:20,380 B: schauen 1235 00:05:20,380 --> 00:05:20,600 A: ||PROBE2 1236 00:05:20,380 --> 00:05:20,600 A: ich probier {e}s 1237 00:05:21,100 --> 00:05:21,720 B: That was that. 1238 00:05:21,340 --> 00:05:21,520 B: $LIST1:2of2d 1239 00:05:21,720 --> 00:05:23,500 B: Or, also/ 1240 00:05:22,240 --> 00:05:22,360 B: ||$LIST1:3of3d 1241 00:05:22,240 --> 00:05:22,360 B: oder a{uch} 1242 00:05:23,500 --> 00:05:27,060 B: I would show my friend what’s interesting to me as well. 1243 00:05:23,780 --> 00:05:23,960 B: FREUND7* 1244 00:05:23,780 --> 00:05:23,960 B: freundin 1245 00:05:24,100 --> 00:05:24,240 B: ZEIGEN1A* 1246 00:05:24,100 --> 00:05:24,240 B: auch zei{gen} 1247 00:05:24,460 --> 00:05:24,580 B: $GEST-ABWINKEN1^* 1248 00:05:24,460 --> 00:05:24,580 B: für 1249 00:05:24,620 --> 00:05:24,660 B: ICH1* 1250 00:05:24,620 --> 00:05:24,660 B: ich 1251 00:05:24,780 --> 00:05:24,860 B: ZEIGEN1A* 1252 00:05:24,780 --> 00:05:24,860 B: zei{gen} 1253 00:05:25,020 --> 00:05:25,440 B: $INDEX1* 1254 00:05:25,020 --> 00:05:25,440 B: was was 1255 00:05:25,760 --> 00:05:25,920 B: FÜR1* 1256 00:05:25,760 --> 00:05:25,920 B: für mich 1257 00:05:26,080 --> 00:05:26,420 B: INTERESSE1A 1258 00:05:26,080 --> 00:05:26,420 B: inter{essant} 1259 00:05:26,820 --> 00:05:26,900 B: ICH1* 1260 00:05:26,900 --> 00:05:30,380 A: You could go wherever you like to go, for example. 1261 00:05:27,060 --> 00:05:29,460 B: Nothing boring. 1262 00:05:27,120 --> 00:05:27,260 A: ||$GEST^* 1263 00:05:27,180 --> 00:05:27,480 B: LANGEWEILE1* 1264 00:05:27,180 --> 00:05:27,480 B: langweil{ig} 1265 00:05:27,480 --> 00:05:27,620 A: ||KANN2B 1266 00:05:27,660 --> 00:05:27,780 B: FÜR1* 1267 00:05:27,660 --> 00:05:27,780 B: für 1268 00:05:27,780 --> 00:05:27,880 A: ||$GEST^* 1269 00:05:28,000 --> 00:05:28,120 B: LANGEWEILE1* 1270 00:05:28,000 --> 00:05:28,120 B: lang{weilig} 1271 00:05:28,040 --> 00:05:28,400 A: ||BEISPIEL1 1272 00:05:28,040 --> 00:05:28,400 A: beispiel 1273 00:05:28,220 --> 00:05:28,860 B: wenn 1274 00:05:28,220 --> 00:05:28,340 B: ICH2* 1275 00:05:28,460 --> 00:05:28,860 B: $GEST-OFF^* 1276 00:05:28,480 --> 00:05:28,660 A: ||$GEST^* 1277 00:05:28,860 --> 00:05:28,980 A: ||$GEST-ABWINKEN1^* 1278 00:05:29,240 --> 00:05:29,680 A: magst 1279 00:05:29,240 --> 00:05:29,400 A: ||GEFALLEN1* 1280 00:05:29,560 --> 00:05:29,680 A: ||DU1* 1281 00:05:29,820 --> 00:05:29,900 A: ||BEISPIEL1* 1282 00:05:30,220 --> 00:05:30,340 A: ||MÖGEN2* 1283 00:05:30,220 --> 00:05:30,340 A: [MG] 1284 00:05:30,380 --> 00:05:35,780 A: To get manicures, or have your make-up done, go to the hairdressers. 1285 00:05:30,540 --> 00:05:30,920 A: ||PINSEL2^ 1286 00:05:31,140 --> 00:05:31,300 A: ||KANN2A* 1287 00:05:31,380 --> 00:05:31,480 A: ||$GEST^* 1288 00:05:31,740 --> 00:05:32,040 A: ||$PROD* 1289 00:05:32,140 --> 00:05:32,240 A: ||$GEST-OFF^ 1290 00:05:32,380 --> 00:05:32,680 A: ||SCHMINKEN1* 1291 00:05:32,380 --> 00:05:32,680 A: schmink 1292 00:05:32,800 --> 00:05:33,360 A: ||FRISEUR1* 1293 00:05:32,800 --> 00:05:33,360 A: friseur 1294 00:05:33,600 --> 00:05:33,740 A: ||$GEST^* 1295 00:05:33,820 --> 00:05:34,960 B: For example. 1296 00:05:33,820 --> 00:05:34,420 A: ||$GEST-HÄNDE-FALTEN1^ 1297 00:05:34,080 --> 00:05:34,480 B: beispiel 1298 00:05:34,080 --> 00:05:34,180 B: BEISPIEL1* 1299 00:05:34,280 --> 00:05:34,480 B: $GEST^* 1300 00:05:34,620 --> 00:05:34,940 A: ||BEISPIEL1* 1301 00:05:34,620 --> 00:05:34,940 A: beispiel 1302 00:05:35,780 --> 00:05:37,280 B: Or/ 1303 00:05:36,620 --> 00:05:36,920 B: oder 1304 00:05:36,620 --> 00:05:36,700 B: ODER1* 1305 00:05:36,780 --> 00:05:36,920 B: $GEST-OFF^ 1306 00:05:37,280 --> 00:05:39,040 B: There are so many options. 1307 00:05:37,860 --> 00:05:37,980 B: VIEL5* 1308 00:05:37,860 --> 00:05:37,980 B: viele 1309 00:05:37,960 --> 00:05:42,180 C: Asks what people traditionally eat and drink in Herford. 1310 00:05:38,140 --> 00:05:38,360 B: MÖGLICH1* 1311 00:05:38,140 --> 00:05:38,360 B: möglichkeit 1312 00:05:43,860 --> 00:05:44,320 A: Beer. 1313 00:05:44,080 --> 00:05:44,100 A: ||BIER3* 1314 00:05:44,080 --> 00:05:44,100 A: bier 1315 00:05:44,320 --> 00:05:49,360 A: The Herforder Bier, that’s famous. [Herford beer] 1316 00:05:44,420 --> 00:05:45,060 A: herford 1317 00:05:44,420 --> 00:05:44,600 A: ||HERFORD1 1318 00:05:44,900 --> 00:05:45,060 A: ||TITEL-ÜBERSCHRIFT1^ 1319 00:05:45,300 --> 00:05:45,460 A: ||BERÜHMT1A* 1320 00:05:45,300 --> 00:05:45,460 A: berühmt 1321 00:05:46,780 --> 00:05:46,960 A: ||JA2 1322 00:05:46,780 --> 00:05:46,960 A: ja 1323 00:05:47,100 --> 00:05:48,000 A: herforder 1324 00:05:47,100 --> 00:05:47,420 A: ||HERFORD1 1325 00:05:47,760 --> 00:05:48,000 A: ||TITEL-ÜBERSCHRIFT1^ 1326 00:05:48,140 --> 00:05:48,280 A: ||BIER4 1327 00:05:48,140 --> 00:05:48,280 A: bier 1328 00:05:48,420 --> 00:05:48,660 A: ||BERÜHMT1A* 1329 00:05:48,420 --> 00:05:48,660 A: berühmt 1330 00:05:49,360 --> 00:05:50,360 A: True. 1331 00:05:49,480 --> 00:05:49,620 A: ||STIMMT1A* 1332 00:05:49,480 --> 00:05:49,620 A: stimmt 1333 00:05:55,420 --> 00:05:57,200 A: Have you tried that beer before? 1334 00:05:55,700 --> 00:05:55,880 A: ||GEWESEN1* 1335 00:05:55,700 --> 00:05:55,880 A: gewe{sen} 1336 00:05:56,020 --> 00:05:56,540 A: probiert 1337 00:05:56,020 --> 00:05:56,240 A: ||PROBE2* 1338 00:05:56,380 --> 00:05:56,540 A: ||TRINKEN1 1339 00:05:56,660 --> 00:05:56,740 A: ||DU1* 1340 00:05:59,280 --> 00:06:04,120 C: Says that she doesn’t know the Herforder Bier. 1341 00:06:04,120 --> 00:06:05,680 A: Have you tried it? 1342 00:06:04,360 --> 00:06:04,500 A: ||GEWESEN1 1343 00:06:04,360 --> 00:06:04,500 A: gewe{sen} 1344 00:06:04,620 --> 00:06:04,820 A: ||PROBE2* 1345 00:06:04,620 --> 00:06:04,820 A: probe 1346 00:06:04,960 --> 00:06:05,340 A: bier 1347 00:06:04,960 --> 00:06:05,060 A: ||BIER4 1348 00:06:05,220 --> 00:06:05,340 A: ||DU1* 1349 00:06:05,680 --> 00:06:06,680 B: Not yet. 1350 00:06:06,220 --> 00:06:06,500 B: KEIN7* 1351 00:06:06,340 --> 00:06:07,140 A: I’ve tried it. 1352 00:06:06,640 --> 00:06:06,760 A: TRINKEN1 1353 00:06:06,640 --> 00:06:06,760 A: [MG] 1354 00:06:06,920 --> 00:06:07,040 A: ||PROBE2* 1355 00:06:06,920 --> 00:06:07,040 A: [MG] 1356 00:06:07,140 --> 00:06:07,860 A: Oh well. 1357 00:06:07,160 --> 00:06:07,340 A: ||$GEST-OFF^* 1358 00:06:08,060 --> 00:06:12,220 C: Asks about typical meals. 1359 00:06:12,220 --> 00:06:13,440 A: There’s different things. 1360 00:06:12,360 --> 00:06:12,480 A: ||$GEST-ICH-WEISS-NICHT1^* 1361 00:06:12,360 --> 00:06:12,480 A: [MG] 1362 00:06:12,700 --> 00:06:13,360 A: verschiedenes 1363 00:06:12,700 --> 00:06:13,060 A: ||VERSCHIEDEN1 1364 00:06:13,220 --> 00:06:13,360 A: ||$GEST-OFF^ 1365 00:06:13,440 --> 00:06:16,020 A: There’s Italian pizza, Turkish kebab. 1366 00:06:13,520 --> 00:06:13,880 A: italienisch 1367 00:06:13,520 --> 00:06:13,720 A: ||ITALIEN1* 1368 00:06:13,800 --> 00:06:13,880 A: ||$INDEX1* 1369 00:06:14,100 --> 00:06:14,640 A: pizza 1370 00:06:14,100 --> 00:06:14,280 A: ||PIZZA1* 1371 00:06:14,560 --> 00:06:14,640 A: ||$LIST1:2of2d 1372 00:06:14,720 --> 00:06:14,840 A: ||$INDEX1* 1373 00:06:15,000 --> 00:06:15,240 A: ||TÜRKEI1 1374 00:06:15,000 --> 00:06:15,240 A: türkisch 1375 00:06:15,360 --> 00:06:15,940 A: döner 1376 00:06:15,360 --> 00:06:15,720 A: ||DÖNER1* 1377 00:06:15,720 --> 00:06:15,940 A: ||$GEST-OFF^ 1378 00:06:16,020 --> 00:06:17,200 A: There are so many different things. 1379 00:06:16,140 --> 00:06:17,000 A: versch{iedenes} 1380 00:06:16,140 --> 00:06:16,580 A: ||VERSCHIEDEN1 1381 00:06:16,660 --> 00:06:17,000 A: $INDEX1* 1382 00:06:17,200 --> 00:06:18,940 A: I don’t even know what’s typical. 1383 00:06:17,400 --> 00:06:17,580 A: ||TYPISCH1* 1384 00:06:17,400 --> 00:06:17,580 A: typisch 1385 00:06:17,800 --> 00:06:18,240 A: [MG] 1386 00:06:17,800 --> 00:06:17,900 A: ||ICH2 1387 00:06:17,900 --> 00:06:18,240 A: ||$GEST-ICH-WEISS-NICHT1^* 1388 00:06:21,140 --> 00:06:22,940 A: That’s just what I eat. 1389 00:06:21,280 --> 00:06:21,440 A: ||$GEST-ICH-WEISS-NICHT1^* 1390 00:06:21,280 --> 00:06:21,440 A: [MG] 1391 00:06:21,600 --> 00:06:21,680 A: ||ICH1 1392 00:06:21,600 --> 00:06:21,680 A: ich 1393 00:06:21,780 --> 00:06:21,860 A: ||SELBST1A* 1394 00:06:21,780 --> 00:06:21,860 A: selb{st} 1395 00:06:22,040 --> 00:06:22,640 A: ||SO1A* 1396 00:06:22,040 --> 00:06:22,640 A: [MG] 1397 00:06:22,640 --> 00:06:28,920 B: Sometimes there’s cream sauce, potatoes and mushrooms. 1398 00:06:22,900 --> 00:06:23,040 B: $GEST-OFF^* 1399 00:06:23,620 --> 00:06:23,820 B: ORT1A^ 1400 00:06:23,620 --> 00:06:23,820 B: es gibt manchmal 1401 00:06:24,300 --> 00:06:24,400 B: $INDEX1* 1402 00:06:24,740 --> 00:06:25,220 B: GIESSEN1A^ 1403 00:06:24,740 --> 00:06:25,220 B: cremesoße 1404 00:06:25,600 --> 00:06:25,760 B: ORT1A^ 1405 00:06:25,600 --> 00:06:25,760 B: und 1406 00:06:25,980 --> 00:06:26,960 B: kartoffel 1407 00:06:25,980 --> 00:06:26,300 B: KARTOFFEL2* 1408 00:06:26,540 --> 00:06:26,960 B: $PROD* 1409 00:06:27,780 --> 00:06:28,720 B: pilze 1410 00:06:27,780 --> 00:06:28,100 B: PILZ2B* 1411 00:06:28,380 --> 00:06:28,720 B: FLACH1^ 1412 00:06:28,920 --> 00:06:30,920 B: That’s typical I guess. 1413 00:06:29,100 --> 00:06:29,380 B: TYPISCH1* 1414 00:06:29,100 --> 00:06:29,380 B: typisch 1415 00:06:29,860 --> 00:06:30,020 B: DENKEN1B* 1416 00:06:29,860 --> 00:06:30,020 B: denke 1417 00:06:30,260 --> 00:06:30,460 B: $GEST-OFF^* 1418 00:06:30,260 --> 00:06:30,460 B: mal 1419 00:06:30,620 --> 00:06:32,740 A: Mushrooms and potatoes are the same everywhere. 1420 00:06:30,920 --> 00:06:31,160 A: ||PILZ1A 1421 00:06:30,920 --> 00:06:31,160 A: pilze 1422 00:06:31,500 --> 00:06:31,760 A: ||$PROD* 1423 00:06:31,500 --> 00:06:31,760 A: kartoff{eln} 1424 00:06:31,840 --> 00:06:32,120 A: ||DASSELBE2A* 1425 00:06:31,840 --> 00:06:32,120 A: selbe 1426 00:06:32,740 --> 00:06:34,780 A: Just like you can get kebab everywhere. 1427 00:06:32,840 --> 00:06:33,080 A: DÖNER1* 1428 00:06:32,840 --> 00:06:33,080 A: döner 1429 00:06:33,200 --> 00:06:33,460 A: ||DASSELBE2A* 1430 00:06:33,200 --> 00:06:33,460 A: selbe 1431 00:06:33,520 --> 00:06:33,900 A: ||$GEST-OFF^* 1432 00:06:36,160 --> 00:06:37,200 A: Us two, we should know this. 1433 00:06:36,340 --> 00:06:36,460 A: ||MUSS1 1434 00:06:36,340 --> 00:06:36,460 A: muss 1435 00:06:36,600 --> 00:06:37,100 A: kennen 1436 00:06:36,600 --> 00:06:36,760 A: ||KENNEN1A* 1437 00:06:36,900 --> 00:06:37,100 A: ||WIR2* 1438 00:06:37,200 --> 00:06:39,200 A: We’re from Herford. 1439 00:06:37,220 --> 00:06:37,260 A: ||DU1* 1440 00:06:37,220 --> 00:06:37,260 A: du 1441 00:06:37,360 --> 00:06:37,440 A: ||KENNEN1A* 1442 00:06:37,360 --> 00:06:37,440 A: ke{nnst} 1443 00:06:37,680 --> 00:06:38,480 A: herford 1444 00:06:37,680 --> 00:06:38,080 A: ||HERFORD1 1445 00:06:38,300 --> 00:06:38,480 A: ||TYPISCH2 1446 00:06:39,200 --> 00:06:41,620 A: It’s pretty embarrassing. 1447 00:06:39,980 --> 00:06:40,080 A: ||SO4* 1448 00:06:39,980 --> 00:06:40,080 A: so 1449 00:06:40,400 --> 00:06:40,880 A: ||PEINLICH1 1450 00:06:40,400 --> 00:06:40,880 A: [MG] 1451 00:06:42,280 --> 00:06:47,920 C: Asks about factories in Herford. 1452 00:06:46,000 --> 00:06:47,920 A: The milk factory is the biggest one. 1453 00:06:46,340 --> 00:06:46,900 A: milchfab{rik} 1454 00:06:46,340 --> 00:06:46,600 A: ||MILCH2A* 1455 00:06:46,760 --> 00:06:46,900 A: ||FABRIK6* 1456 00:06:47,120 --> 00:06:47,920 A: ||HAUPTSÄCHLICH1^* 1457 00:06:47,120 --> 00:06:47,920 A: [MG] 1458 00:06:47,920 --> 00:06:49,120 C: A milk factory? 1459 00:06:47,920 --> 00:06:48,380 A: The milk fa/ 1460 00:06:48,040 --> 00:06:48,360 A: ||MILCH2A* 1461 00:06:48,040 --> 00:06:48,360 A: milchfab{rik} 1462 00:06:48,380 --> 00:06:50,000 A: Humana, it’s what she said earlier. 1463 00:06:48,500 --> 00:06:49,480 A: humana 1464 00:06:48,500 --> 00:06:49,280 A: ||$ALPHA1:H-U-M-A 1465 00:06:49,380 --> 00:06:49,480 A: ||EBEN-ZEIT2* 1466 00:06:49,600 --> 00:06:49,740 A: ||GEBÄRDEN1A 1467 00:06:49,600 --> 00:06:49,740 A: [MG] 1468 00:06:49,820 --> 00:06:49,920 A: ||$INDEX1 1469 00:06:50,000 --> 00:06:51,160 A: Humana, yes, a big factory. 1470 00:06:50,120 --> 00:06:50,460 A: ||$ALPHA1:H-U-M 1471 00:06:50,120 --> 00:06:50,460 A: humana 1472 00:06:50,940 --> 00:06:51,120 A: HAUPTSÄCHLICH1^* 1473 00:06:50,940 --> 00:06:51,120 A: [MG] 1474 00:06:51,160 --> 00:06:52,920 A: But there aren’t any other factories, just this one. 1475 00:06:51,220 --> 00:06:52,080 A: ||MEHR2* 1476 00:06:51,220 --> 00:06:52,080 A: mehr [MG] 1477 00:06:51,720 --> 00:06:53,500 B: The beer. Herforder. 1478 00:06:52,160 --> 00:06:52,440 B: BIER3* 1479 00:06:52,160 --> 00:06:52,440 B: bier 1480 00:06:52,320 --> 00:06:52,420 A: ||NUR2B* 1481 00:06:52,320 --> 00:06:52,420 A: nur 1482 00:06:52,520 --> 00:06:52,860 A: ||$NUM-EINER1A:1d 1483 00:06:52,520 --> 00:06:52,860 A: eine 1484 00:06:52,680 --> 00:06:53,500 B: herforder 1485 00:06:52,680 --> 00:06:53,060 B: HERFORD1* 1486 00:06:52,920 --> 00:06:55,700 A: Yes, the Herforder Bier as well. 1487 00:06:52,940 --> 00:06:53,020 A: ||DER-DIE-DAS1* 1488 00:06:52,940 --> 00:06:53,020 A: da{s} 1489 00:06:53,160 --> 00:06:53,420 A: ||BIER4 1490 00:06:53,160 --> 00:06:53,420 A: bier 1491 00:06:53,200 --> 00:06:53,500 B: $GEST-OFF^* 1492 00:06:53,580 --> 00:06:53,720 A: ||$GEST-ABWINKEN1^* 1493 00:06:53,900 --> 00:06:54,300 A: ||$GEST^* 1494 00:06:54,580 --> 00:06:55,580 A: $LIST1:2of2d 1495 00:06:55,700 --> 00:06:56,380 A: The Herforder. 1496 00:06:55,960 --> 00:06:56,260 A: herforder 1497 00:06:55,960 --> 00:06:56,120 A: $GEST-ABWINKEN1^* 1498 00:06:56,140 --> 00:06:56,260 A: $GEST-OFF^* 1499 00:06:56,380 --> 00:06:59,140 A: But there’s nothing else. 1500 00:06:56,420 --> 00:06:57,500 A: $LIST1:3of3d 1501 00:06:56,420 --> 00:06:57,500 A: [MG] 1502 00:06:58,940 --> 00:07:00,840 B: Oh well, the club is famous as well. 1503 00:06:59,140 --> 00:06:59,500 B: aber 1504 00:06:59,140 --> 00:06:59,280 B: $GEST^* 1505 00:06:59,380 --> 00:06:59,500 B: $GEST-OFF^* 1506 00:06:59,740 --> 00:07:00,100 B: DISCO1 1507 00:06:59,740 --> 00:07:00,100 B: disco 1508 00:07:00,240 --> 00:07:00,760 B: berühm{t} 1509 00:07:00,240 --> 00:07:00,460 B: BERÜHMT1A 1510 00:07:00,580 --> 00:07:00,760 B: $INDEX1* 1511 00:07:00,840 --> 00:07:02,900 B: The Go Parc is famous. 1512 00:07:00,920 --> 00:07:01,760 B: go-parc 1513 00:07:00,920 --> 00:07:01,240 B: $ALPHA1:G 1514 00:07:01,540 --> 00:07:01,760 B: $LIST1:3of3d 1515 00:07:01,940 --> 00:07:02,400 B: go-parc 1516 00:07:01,940 --> 00:07:02,080 B: $ALPHA1:G* 1517 00:07:02,080 --> 00:07:02,400 B: $ORAL^ 1518 00:07:02,400 --> 00:07:02,900 B: berühmt 1519 00:07:02,400 --> 00:07:02,580 B: BERÜHMT1A 1520 00:07:02,480 --> 00:07:04,760 A: Especially because it’s so close to the train station, that’s why it’s important. 1521 00:07:02,740 --> 00:07:02,900 B: ||$LIST1:3of3d 1522 00:07:02,780 --> 00:07:02,980 A: HAUPTSÄCHLICH1 1523 00:07:02,780 --> 00:07:02,980 A: [MG] 1524 00:07:03,160 --> 00:07:03,400 A: ||GRUND4B 1525 00:07:03,160 --> 00:07:03,400 A: grund 1526 00:07:03,600 --> 00:07:03,700 A: ||MITTE2A^* 1527 00:07:03,600 --> 00:07:03,700 A: bei 1528 00:07:03,920 --> 00:07:04,140 A: ||BEI1C* 1529 00:07:03,920 --> 00:07:04,140 A: wie 1530 00:07:04,400 --> 00:07:04,640 A: HAUPTSÄCHLICH1 1531 00:07:04,400 --> 00:07:04,640 A: [MG] 1532 00:07:04,760 --> 00:07:05,260 A: A lot of people go there. 1533 00:07:04,940 --> 00:07:05,180 A: ||MASSE-PERSON-AKTIV2 1534 00:07:05,260 --> 00:07:06,220 A: The club is famous. 1535 00:07:05,340 --> 00:07:05,820 A: berühmt 1536 00:07:05,340 --> 00:07:05,540 A: ||BERÜHMT1A 1537 00:07:05,640 --> 00:07:05,820 A: ||$INDEX1 1538 00:07:06,000 --> 00:07:06,140 A: ||HANDLUNG1B* 1539 00:07:06,220 --> 00:07:06,960 A: Yes, exactly. 1540 00:07:06,300 --> 00:07:06,420 A: ||JA1A 1541 00:07:06,300 --> 00:07:06,420 A: ja 1542 00:07:08,180 --> 00:07:17,700 C: Asks about sights in the surrounding areas. 1543 00:07:17,280 --> 00:07:19,280 B: I’ve heard something about Bünde. 1544 00:07:17,660 --> 00:07:17,700 B: ICH1* 1545 00:07:17,660 --> 00:07:17,700 B: [MG] 1546 00:07:17,960 --> 00:07:18,160 B: HÖREN1 1547 00:07:17,960 --> 00:07:18,160 B: gehör{t} 1548 00:07:18,680 --> 00:07:19,280 B: bünde 1549 00:07:18,680 --> 00:07:18,960 B: ZIGARRE1^ 1550 00:07:19,200 --> 00:07:19,280 B: $INDEX1* 1551 00:07:19,280 --> 00:07:22,480 B: There used to be cigars there. 1552 00:07:20,220 --> 00:07:20,600 B: FRÜHER1* 1553 00:07:20,220 --> 00:07:20,600 B: früher 1554 00:07:21,380 --> 00:07:22,400 B: ZIGARRE1 1555 00:07:21,380 --> 00:07:22,400 B: zigarren 1556 00:07:22,480 --> 00:07:24,740 B: I’ve heard about that, but I don’t know if they sold cigars there. 1557 00:07:22,800 --> 00:07:22,960 B: HÖREN1 1558 00:07:22,800 --> 00:07:22,960 B: hab gehör{t} 1559 00:07:23,120 --> 00:07:23,280 B: $GEST-ICH-WEISS-NICHT1^ 1560 00:07:23,120 --> 00:07:23,280 B: weiß ob 1561 00:07:23,660 --> 00:07:23,860 B: ZIGARRE1 1562 00:07:23,660 --> 00:07:23,860 B: zigarre 1563 00:07:24,180 --> 00:07:24,340 B: ||VERKAUFEN1 1564 00:07:24,180 --> 00:07:24,340 B: [MG] 1565 00:07:24,740 --> 00:07:25,440 B: It’s supposed to be typical. 1566 00:07:25,000 --> 00:07:25,380 B: TYPISCH1* 1567 00:07:25,000 --> 00:07:25,380 B: ty{pisch} 1568 00:07:25,440 --> 00:07:27,060 B: That’s why the sign for Bünde looks like a cigar. 1569 00:07:25,580 --> 00:07:25,940 B: DESWEGEN1 1570 00:07:25,580 --> 00:07:25,940 B: deswe{gen} 1571 00:07:26,100 --> 00:07:26,280 B: GEBÄRDEN1A* 1572 00:07:26,620 --> 00:07:26,860 B: ZIGARRE1 1573 00:07:26,620 --> 00:07:26,860 B: [MG] 1574 00:07:27,060 --> 00:07:27,780 B: Well, I think so. 1575 00:07:27,260 --> 00:07:27,560 B: glaub 1576 00:07:27,260 --> 00:07:27,360 B: GLAUBEN2A 1577 00:07:27,500 --> 00:07:27,560 B: ICH2* 1578 00:07:27,780 --> 00:07:28,300 B: I’ve been told. 1579 00:07:27,800 --> 00:07:27,960 B: FRÜHER1* 1580 00:07:28,100 --> 00:07:28,200 B: HÖREN1* 1581 00:07:28,100 --> 00:07:28,200 B: [MG] 1582 00:07:28,300 --> 00:07:29,740 B: It used to be something special there, but they don’t do it anymore. 1583 00:07:28,600 --> 00:07:28,720 B: MERKWÜRDIG1 1584 00:07:28,600 --> 00:07:28,720 B: [MG] 1585 00:07:29,020 --> 00:07:29,300 B: $GEST-ABWINKEN1^* 1586 00:07:29,020 --> 00:07:29,300 B: [MG] 1587 00:07:29,420 --> 00:07:29,720 B: ENTWICKELN2 1588 00:07:29,740 --> 00:07:35,160 B: I think you could get cigars there, the thick ones. 1589 00:07:30,020 --> 00:07:30,240 B: glaube 1590 00:07:30,020 --> 00:07:30,160 B: GLAUBEN2A* 1591 00:07:30,200 --> 00:07:30,240 B: $INDEX1* 1592 00:07:30,500 --> 00:07:30,680 B: HAUPTSÄCHLICH1 1593 00:07:30,500 --> 00:07:30,680 B: [MG] 1594 00:07:31,240 --> 00:07:31,420 B: $GEST-ÜBERLEGEN1^ 1595 00:07:31,860 --> 00:07:32,140 B: ZIGARRE1 1596 00:07:32,520 --> 00:07:32,920 B: $GEST-ÜBERLEGEN1^ 1597 00:07:33,380 --> 00:07:33,680 B: ZIGARRE1 1598 00:07:33,380 --> 00:07:33,680 B: zigarren 1599 00:07:34,260 --> 00:07:34,620 B: ZIGARRE1 1600 00:07:34,260 --> 00:07:34,620 B: [MG] 1601 00:07:35,160 --> 00:07:36,240 B: But I’m not sure. 1602 00:07:35,280 --> 00:07:35,400 B: GLAUBEN2B* 1603 00:07:35,280 --> 00:07:35,400 B: glaub 1604 00:07:35,600 --> 00:07:35,820 B: $GEST-OFF^* 1605 00:07:36,240 --> 00:07:39,080 B: There were cigars, I think. 1606 00:07:36,600 --> 00:07:37,580 B: $ALPHA1:Z-I-G-A-R-R-E-N 1607 00:07:36,600 --> 00:07:37,580 B: zigarren 1608 00:07:37,860 --> 00:07:38,000 B: GLAUBEN2A* 1609 00:07:37,860 --> 00:07:38,000 B: glaub 1610 00:07:39,540 --> 00:07:41,260 A: I don’t know anything about that. 1611 00:07:39,940 --> 00:07:40,120 A: ||WISSEN-NICHT2* 1612 00:07:39,940 --> 00:07:40,120 A: weiß nicht 1613 00:07:40,280 --> 00:07:40,340 A: ||ICH1 1614 00:07:40,680 --> 00:07:40,800 A: $INDEX1 1615 00:07:40,680 --> 00:07:40,800 A: [MG] 1616 00:07:44,380 --> 00:07:46,480 B: What is there to see in Elverdissen? 1617 00:07:44,660 --> 00:07:44,720 B: $GEST^* 1618 00:07:44,840 --> 00:07:45,060 B: ELVERDISSEN-$KANDIDAT-MST13^ 1619 00:07:44,840 --> 00:07:45,060 B: elverdissen 1620 00:07:45,460 --> 00:07:45,940 B: BEREICH1A^ 1621 00:07:45,460 --> 00:07:45,940 B: [MG] 1622 00:07:46,120 --> 00:07:47,900 A: It’s a village, there isn’t a lot. 1623 00:07:46,480 --> 00:07:46,940 A: dorf 1624 00:07:46,480 --> 00:07:46,620 A: ||DORF3 1625 00:07:46,740 --> 00:07:46,940 A: ||$GEST-OFF^ 1626 00:07:47,320 --> 00:07:47,420 A: ||WENIG8* 1627 00:07:47,320 --> 00:07:47,420 A: wenig 1628 00:07:47,900 --> 00:07:49,180 A: It’s mainly/ 1629 00:07:48,080 --> 00:07:48,240 A: ||HAUPTSÄCHLICH1 1630 00:07:48,080 --> 00:07:48,240 A: [MG] 1631 00:07:48,280 --> 00:07:48,480 A: ||$GEST-OFF^ 1632 00:07:48,480 --> 00:07:50,840 C: Asks if Elverdissen is a city district. 1633 00:07:49,840 --> 00:07:52,500 A: It’s a village. 1634 00:07:50,120 --> 00:07:50,240 A: ||JA2 1635 00:07:50,120 --> 00:07:50,240 A: ja 1636 00:07:50,440 --> 00:07:51,360 A: ||DORF3 1637 00:07:50,440 --> 00:07:51,360 A: dorf 1638 00:07:50,840 --> 00:07:51,720 C: Ah, a village. 1639 00:07:52,020 --> 00:07:52,220 A: ||DORF3 1640 00:07:52,020 --> 00:07:52,220 A: dorf 1641 00:07:52,100 --> 00:07:53,640 C: A district or a village? 1642 00:07:53,640 --> 00:07:57,200 A: It’s a village. 1643 00:07:53,780 --> 00:07:54,080 A: ||DORF3 1644 00:07:53,780 --> 00:07:54,080 A: dorf 1645 00:07:54,200 --> 00:07:54,980 C: A village then. 1646 00:07:54,680 --> 00:07:57,140 A: ||DORF3 1647 00:07:54,680 --> 00:07:57,140 A: dorf 1648 00:07:55,220 --> 00:07:57,480 C: Are there any companies there? 1649 00:07:57,200 --> 00:07:59,000 A: There’s barely anything. 1650 00:07:57,480 --> 00:07:59,000 C: No? 1651 00:07:57,480 --> 00:07:58,140 A: ||KAUM1 1652 00:07:57,480 --> 00:07:58,140 A: kaum 1653 00:07:58,140 --> 00:07:59,000 A: ||LEER1^ 1654 00:07:58,140 --> 00:07:59,000 A: [MG] 1655 00:07:59,000 --> 00:08:01,360 A: A couple of houses. 1656 00:07:59,000 --> 00:07:59,260 C: But/ 1657 00:07:59,300 --> 00:07:59,700 A: ||HAUS1A* 1658 00:07:59,300 --> 00:07:59,700 A: haus haus 1659 00:07:59,860 --> 00:07:59,960 A: ||KLEIN6 1660 00:07:59,860 --> 00:07:59,960 A: klei{n} 1661 00:08:00,080 --> 00:08:03,980 C: … neither any factories; so it‘s sort of isolated. 1662 00:08:00,080 --> 00:08:00,720 A: ||HAUS1A* 1663 00:08:00,080 --> 00:08:00,720 A: haus haus 1664 00:08:01,360 --> 00:08:03,200 A: There’s nothing. 1665 00:08:01,740 --> 00:08:04,800 B: Isn’t there that one yellow building? 1666 00:08:02,180 --> 00:08:02,640 B: $GEST-AUFMERKSAMKEIT1^ 1667 00:08:02,180 --> 00:08:02,640 B: [MG] 1668 00:08:02,240 --> 00:08:02,380 A: ||NICHTS1A* 1669 00:08:02,240 --> 00:08:02,380 A: null 1670 00:08:02,800 --> 00:08:02,840 B: $INDEX1* 1671 00:08:02,800 --> 00:08:02,840 B: da 1672 00:08:03,240 --> 00:08:03,980 B: $PROD* 1673 00:08:04,320 --> 00:08:04,760 B: ||$PROD* 1674 00:08:04,800 --> 00:08:08,460 B: You live just opposite of it. 1675 00:08:04,880 --> 00:08:04,960 B: ICH2^ 1676 00:08:04,880 --> 00:08:04,960 B: wenn 1677 00:08:05,340 --> 00:08:05,500 B: DU1* 1678 00:08:05,340 --> 00:08:05,500 B: du 1679 00:08:05,820 --> 00:08:06,760 B: du 1680 00:08:05,820 --> 00:08:06,540 B: DORTHIN-GEHEN2* 1681 00:08:06,480 --> 00:08:08,280 A: That’s Ahlers. [Store name] 1682 00:08:06,660 --> 00:08:06,760 B: DU1* 1683 00:08:06,960 --> 00:08:07,020 A: ||$GEST^* 1684 00:08:07,060 --> 00:08:07,400 B: ORT1A^* 1685 00:08:07,060 --> 00:08:07,400 B: und 1686 00:08:07,180 --> 00:08:07,360 A: ||$INDEX1* 1687 00:08:07,460 --> 00:08:07,720 B: ORT1A^* 1688 00:08:07,520 --> 00:08:07,840 A: ||KRANK1^ 1689 00:08:07,520 --> 00:08:07,840 A: ahlers 1690 00:08:08,060 --> 00:08:08,200 A: ||FABRIK6* 1691 00:08:08,060 --> 00:08:08,200 A: fabrik 1692 00:08:08,280 --> 00:08:09,820 A: They make workwear. 1693 00:08:08,340 --> 00:08:08,460 A: ||DER-DIE-DAS1 1694 00:08:08,340 --> 00:08:08,460 A: die 1695 00:08:08,600 --> 00:08:08,680 A: ||FÜR1 1696 00:08:08,600 --> 00:08:08,680 A: für 1697 00:08:08,780 --> 00:08:09,060 A: ||ARBEITEN1 1698 00:08:08,780 --> 00:08:09,060 A: arbeit 1699 00:08:09,260 --> 00:08:09,720 A: NÄHMASCHINE1 1700 00:08:09,260 --> 00:08:09,720 A: {näh}maschine 1701 00:08:09,820 --> 00:08:11,520 A: Ahlers, no. 1702 00:08:09,880 --> 00:08:09,980 A: ||SEIN-IHR1 1703 00:08:09,880 --> 00:08:09,980 A: [MG] 1704 00:08:10,160 --> 00:08:11,300 A: ahlers 1705 00:08:10,160 --> 00:08:10,460 A: ||KRANK1^* 1706 00:08:10,760 --> 00:08:11,300 A: ||NEIN1A 1707 00:08:11,520 --> 00:08:13,600 A: It’s not really a big company. 1708 00:08:11,840 --> 00:08:12,080 A: ||FABRIK6* 1709 00:08:11,840 --> 00:08:12,080 A: fab{rik} 1710 00:08:12,220 --> 00:08:12,380 A: ||GROSS3B 1711 00:08:12,220 --> 00:08:12,380 A: groß 1712 00:08:12,440 --> 00:08:12,520 A: ||$INDEX1* 1713 00:08:12,680 --> 00:08:13,180 A: NEIN1A 1714 00:08:13,600 --> 00:08:16,040 C: Is it an industrial area? 1715 00:08:14,280 --> 00:08:16,620 A: Yes, sort of. 1716 00:08:15,020 --> 00:08:15,240 A: ||ANFÜHRUNGSZEICHEN1* 1717 00:08:15,520 --> 00:08:16,040 A: industrie 1718 00:08:15,520 --> 00:08:15,720 A: ||INDUSTRIE4* 1719 00:08:15,900 --> 00:08:16,040 A: ||SEIN-IHR1 1720 00:08:16,080 --> 00:08:16,320 A: ||ANFÜHRUNGSZEICHEN1* 1721 00:08:16,620 --> 00:08:20,320 A: It’s Ahlers, they mainly produce clothes. 1722 00:08:16,700 --> 00:08:17,140 A: ||KRANK1^ 1723 00:08:16,700 --> 00:08:17,140 A: ahlers 1724 00:08:17,340 --> 00:08:17,400 A: ||WIE4A* 1725 00:08:17,340 --> 00:08:17,400 A: wie 1726 00:08:17,480 --> 00:08:18,140 A: ||NÄHMASCHINE1* 1727 00:08:17,480 --> 00:08:18,140 A: nähmaschinen 1728 00:08:18,320 --> 00:08:18,440 A: ||BEREICH1D 1729 00:08:18,580 --> 00:08:18,720 A: ||HAUPTSÄCHLICH1 1730 00:08:18,580 --> 00:08:18,720 A: [MG] 1731 00:08:18,900 --> 00:08:19,080 A: ||BEREICH1D 1732 00:08:19,140 --> 00:08:19,220 A: ||$INDEX1* 1733 00:08:19,140 --> 00:08:19,220 A: da 1734 00:08:19,360 --> 00:08:19,700 A: ||KLEIDUNG5A 1735 00:08:19,360 --> 00:08:19,700 A: klamo{tten} 1736 00:08:19,840 --> 00:08:20,000 A: ||HAUPTSÄCHLICH1 1737 00:08:19,840 --> 00:08:20,000 A: [MG] 1738 00:08:20,160 --> 00:08:20,260 A: ||GEHÖREN1^ 1739 00:08:20,320 --> 00:08:20,700 A: But that’s it. 1740 00:08:20,400 --> 00:08:20,520 A: ||ENDE1B 1741 00:08:20,580 --> 00:08:20,680 A: ||$GEST-OFF^ 1742 00:08:20,700 --> 00:08:22,260 A: That’s the only place. 1743 00:08:20,820 --> 00:08:20,940 A: ||$NUM-EINER1A:1d 1744 00:08:20,820 --> 00:08:20,940 A: ein 1745 00:08:21,220 --> 00:08:21,440 A: ||ORT1A 1746 00:08:21,600 --> 00:08:21,700 A: ||$GEST-OFF^* 1747 00:08:22,260 --> 00:08:24,960 A: Around that there’s just a few small houses. 1748 00:08:22,440 --> 00:08:23,220 A: ||UMGEBUNG1A 1749 00:08:22,440 --> 00:08:23,220 A: sonst 1750 00:08:23,460 --> 00:08:24,500 A: ||HAUS2* 1751 00:08:23,460 --> 00:08:24,500 A: [MG] 1752 00:08:24,580 --> 00:08:24,880 A: ||$GEST-OFF^ 1753 00:08:24,960 --> 00:08:28,140 B: I also really like the outdoor pool. 1754 00:08:24,960 --> 00:08:27,080 A: There’s a lot of forest. 1755 00:08:25,160 --> 00:08:25,280 A: ||$INDEX1* 1756 00:08:25,160 --> 00:08:25,280 A: vie{l} 1757 00:08:25,360 --> 00:08:25,520 B: AUCH1A 1758 00:08:25,360 --> 00:08:25,520 B: auch 1759 00:08:25,460 --> 00:08:25,600 A: ||WALD9* 1760 00:08:25,460 --> 00:08:25,600 A: wald 1761 00:08:25,860 --> 00:08:26,000 A: ||HAUPTSÄCHLICH1* 1762 00:08:25,860 --> 00:08:26,000 A: [MG] 1763 00:08:26,060 --> 00:08:26,660 B: elverdissen 1764 00:08:26,060 --> 00:08:26,180 B: ELVERDISSEN-$KANDIDAT-MST13^ 1765 00:08:26,140 --> 00:08:26,760 A: ||UMGEBUNG1A* 1766 00:08:26,600 --> 00:08:26,660 B: $INDEX1 1767 00:08:26,980 --> 00:08:27,080 B: GUT1* 1768 00:08:26,980 --> 00:08:27,080 B: gutes 1769 00:08:27,380 --> 00:08:28,080 B: freibad 1770 00:08:27,380 --> 00:08:27,720 B: SCHWIMMEN1^* 1771 00:08:27,880 --> 00:08:28,080 B: $INDEX1* 1772 00:08:28,140 --> 00:08:29,660 B: The outdoor pool is great. 1773 00:08:28,280 --> 00:08:28,700 B: schön 1774 00:08:28,280 --> 00:08:28,420 B: SCHÖN4 1775 00:08:28,560 --> 00:08:28,700 B: $INDEX1 1776 00:08:28,860 --> 00:08:31,300 A: True, it’s outside. 1777 00:08:28,980 --> 00:08:29,180 B: SCHWIMMEN1^* 1778 00:08:28,980 --> 00:08:29,180 B: freibad 1779 00:08:29,180 --> 00:08:29,440 A: ||STIMMT1A* 1780 00:08:29,180 --> 00:08:29,440 A: stimmt 1781 00:08:29,660 --> 00:08:30,040 A: ||DRAUSSEN1 1782 00:08:29,660 --> 00:08:30,040 A: drauß 1783 00:08:30,040 --> 00:08:33,360 C: So there are possibilities for getaways. 1784 00:08:30,220 --> 00:08:30,720 A: ||$GEST-OFF^* 1785 00:08:31,300 --> 00:08:32,900 A: Not in my village. 1786 00:08:31,980 --> 00:08:32,360 A: dorf 1787 00:08:31,980 --> 00:08:32,080 A: ||ICH1 1788 00:08:32,200 --> 00:08:32,360 A: ||DORF3 1789 00:08:32,500 --> 00:08:32,600 A: ||NICHT3A 1790 00:08:32,600 --> 00:08:33,680 B: Sure there are. 1791 00:08:32,900 --> 00:08:32,960 B: DU1 1792 00:08:33,040 --> 00:08:33,360 B: doch 1793 00:08:33,040 --> 00:08:33,180 B: DA1 1794 00:08:33,280 --> 00:08:33,360 B: DU1 1795 00:08:33,360 --> 00:08:36,360 C: But your village belongs to Herford. 1796 00:08:36,160 --> 00:08:39,680 A: Yes, you can go to the cinema or the park. 1797 00:08:36,360 --> 00:08:38,040 C: Your license plate also says HF. 1798 00:08:36,500 --> 00:08:36,860 A: ||$PROD* 1799 00:08:36,500 --> 00:08:36,860 A: [MG] 1800 00:08:36,920 --> 00:08:37,220 A: ||$GEST-OFF^* 1801 00:08:37,520 --> 00:08:37,680 A: ||KINO2A* 1802 00:08:37,520 --> 00:08:37,680 A: kino 1803 00:08:37,800 --> 00:08:38,080 A: ||DORTHIN-GEHEN2* 1804 00:08:37,800 --> 00:08:38,080 A: [MG] 1805 00:08:38,500 --> 00:08:38,900 A: ||PARK1A 1806 00:08:38,500 --> 00:08:38,900 A: park 1807 00:08:39,100 --> 00:08:39,540 A: kann 1808 00:08:39,100 --> 00:08:39,280 A: ||KANN1 1809 00:08:39,280 --> 00:08:43,800 B: The outdoor pool in Elverdissen is nice as well. 1810 00:08:39,420 --> 00:08:39,540 A: ||$GEST-OFF^ 1811 00:08:39,540 --> 00:08:39,580 B: $INDEX1 1812 00:08:39,680 --> 00:08:41,480 A: You can outside, take a walk. 1813 00:08:39,820 --> 00:08:39,980 A: ||SPAZIEREN1* 1814 00:08:39,820 --> 00:08:39,980 A: [MG] 1815 00:08:39,920 --> 00:08:40,380 B: $GEST-ÜBERLEGEN1^* 1816 00:08:39,920 --> 00:08:40,380 B: sch{wimmen} 1817 00:08:40,160 --> 00:08:40,240 A: ||LUFT1* 1818 00:08:40,160 --> 00:08:40,240 A: luft 1819 00:08:40,480 --> 00:08:40,680 B: $INDEX1 1820 00:08:40,520 --> 00:08:40,920 A: ||SPAZIEREN1* 1821 00:08:40,520 --> 00:08:40,920 A: spaz{ieren} 1822 00:08:40,960 --> 00:08:41,580 B: freibad 1823 00:08:40,960 --> 00:08:41,140 B: BEREICH1A* 1824 00:08:41,260 --> 00:08:41,320 B: $INDEX1* 1825 00:08:41,440 --> 00:08:41,580 B: $GEST-OFF^* 1826 00:08:41,700 --> 00:08:42,080 B: auch schön 1827 00:08:41,700 --> 00:08:41,820 B: SCHÖN4* 1828 00:08:41,980 --> 00:08:42,080 B: $INDEX1 1829 00:08:42,240 --> 00:08:42,820 B: elverdissen 1830 00:08:42,240 --> 00:08:42,540 B: ELVERDISSEN-$KANDIDAT-MST13^ 1831 00:08:42,700 --> 00:08:42,820 B: ||$LIST1:2of2d 1832 00:08:43,020 --> 00:08:43,520 B: $GEST-ÜBERLEGEN1^* 1833 00:08:43,800 --> 00:08:44,980 B: You can ride your bike. 1834 00:08:43,940 --> 00:08:44,140 B: KANN1 1835 00:08:43,940 --> 00:08:44,140 B: kann 1836 00:08:44,340 --> 00:08:44,720 B: FAHRRAD1* 1837 00:08:44,340 --> 00:08:44,720 B: fahrrad 1838 00:08:44,980 --> 00:08:51,260 B: There’s a bike path leading all the way around. 1839 00:08:45,340 --> 00:08:45,460 B: BEDEUTUNG1* 1840 00:08:45,700 --> 00:08:45,940 B: ES-GIBT3* 1841 00:08:45,700 --> 00:08:45,940 B: gibt 1842 00:08:46,120 --> 00:08:46,200 B: $NUM-EINER1A:1d* 1843 00:08:46,120 --> 00:08:46,200 B: eine 1844 00:08:46,460 --> 00:08:46,680 B: STRASSE1 1845 00:08:46,460 --> 00:08:46,680 B: stra{ße} 1846 00:08:46,840 --> 00:08:46,920 B: FÜR1 1847 00:08:46,840 --> 00:08:46,920 B: für 1848 00:08:47,020 --> 00:08:48,320 B: fahrrad 1849 00:08:47,020 --> 00:08:47,100 B: FAHRRAD1* 1850 00:08:47,400 --> 00:08:48,320 B: DREHEN2B^* 1851 00:08:48,560 --> 00:08:48,740 B: RUND12^* 1852 00:08:49,200 --> 00:08:50,000 B: $INDEX1* 1853 00:08:49,200 --> 00:08:50,000 B: ?? 1854 00:08:49,620 --> 00:08:52,300 A: You can ride it in the park as well. 1855 00:08:49,980 --> 00:08:50,060 A: ||$INDEX1 1856 00:08:49,980 --> 00:08:50,060 A: oder 1857 00:08:50,280 --> 00:08:50,600 A: ||PARK1A 1858 00:08:50,280 --> 00:08:50,600 A: park 1859 00:08:50,500 --> 00:08:50,840 B: $INDEX1* 1860 00:08:50,640 --> 00:08:50,680 A: ||$INDEX1 1861 00:08:50,800 --> 00:08:50,900 A: ||KANN1* 1862 00:08:50,800 --> 00:08:50,900 A: kann auch 1863 00:08:51,040 --> 00:08:51,260 A: ||$PROD* 1864 00:08:51,040 --> 00:08:51,260 A: [MG] 1865 00:08:52,300 --> 00:08:52,960 A: Bless you. 1866 00:08:52,440 --> 00:08:52,820 A: ||GESUND4A* 1867 00:08:52,440 --> 00:08:52,820 A: gesundheit 1868 00:08:52,960 --> 00:08:54,680 A: You can ride your bike around the park. 1869 00:08:53,120 --> 00:08:53,280 A: ||$INDEX1 1870 00:08:53,540 --> 00:08:53,880 A: ||PARK1A 1871 00:08:53,540 --> 00:08:53,880 A: park 1872 00:08:54,020 --> 00:08:54,160 A: ||AUCH1A* 1873 00:08:54,020 --> 00:08:54,160 A: auch 1874 00:08:54,260 --> 00:08:54,520 A: ||FAHRRAD1* 1875 00:08:54,260 --> 00:08:54,520 A: fahrrad 1876 00:08:54,680 --> 00:08:56,800 A: You can go on long bike trips as well. 1877 00:08:54,860 --> 00:08:55,380 A: ||REISE1B^ 1878 00:08:54,860 --> 00:08:55,380 A: tour 1879 00:08:55,560 --> 00:08:55,660 A: ||KANN2B 1880 00:08:55,560 --> 00:08:55,660 A: kann 1881 00:08:55,800 --> 00:08:55,920 A: ||AUCH1A* 1882 00:08:55,800 --> 00:08:55,920 A: auch 1883 00:08:59,200 --> 00:09:00,100 B: There’s also Bad Salzuflen. 1884 00:08:59,660 --> 00:08:59,980 B: bad salzuflen 1885 00:08:59,660 --> 00:08:59,760 B: PULVER1A^ 1886 00:08:59,820 --> 00:08:59,980 B: $INDEX1 1887 00:09:00,100 --> 00:09:01,820 B: Bad Salzuflen. 1888 00:09:00,120 --> 00:09:01,620 B: bad salzuflen 1889 00:09:00,120 --> 00:09:00,500 B: PULVER1A^ 1890 00:09:00,560 --> 00:09:00,680 B: $INDEX1* 1891 00:09:01,000 --> 00:09:01,620 B: ||$LIST1:2of2d* 1892 00:09:01,820 --> 00:09:04,820 B: Is that still Herford? 1893 00:09:01,840 --> 00:09:02,040 B: $ORAL^ 1894 00:09:01,840 --> 00:09:02,040 B: aber 1895 00:09:02,260 --> 00:09:02,420 B: ZUSAMMENHANG1A^* 1896 00:09:02,260 --> 00:09:02,420 B: gehört 1897 00:09:02,600 --> 00:09:02,900 B: HERFORD1* 1898 00:09:02,600 --> 00:09:02,900 B: herford 1899 00:09:03,040 --> 00:09:03,340 B: $GEST-OFF^* 1900 00:09:03,680 --> 00:09:04,480 B: ZUSAMMENHANG1A 1901 00:09:04,820 --> 00:09:07,480 B: Or doesn’t that belong to it? 1902 00:09:04,840 --> 00:09:07,020 C: No, it belongs to Lippe. 1903 00:09:06,540 --> 00:09:06,760 B: NEIN3B^* 1904 00:09:08,280 --> 00:09:09,140 A: It belongs there, doesn’t it? 1905 00:09:08,520 --> 00:09:08,740 A: ||$PROD* 1906 00:09:08,520 --> 00:09:08,740 A: dazu 1907 00:09:09,140 --> 00:09:10,400 B: Then that was it. 1908 00:09:09,480 --> 00:09:09,680 B: ENDE1A* 1909 00:09:09,860 --> 00:09:10,400 B: $ORAL^ 1910 00:09:09,860 --> 00:09:10,400 B: das wars 1911 00:09:10,480 --> 00:09:13,280 C: Are there options to go on trips with your children? 1912 00:09:12,660 --> 00:09:13,800 A: Not in my village. 1913 00:09:13,040 --> 00:09:13,100 A: ||ICH2 1914 00:09:13,040 --> 00:09:13,100 A: ich 1915 00:09:13,220 --> 00:09:13,360 A: ||DORF3 1916 00:09:13,220 --> 00:09:13,360 A: dorf 1917 00:09:13,520 --> 00:09:13,620 A: ||NICHT3A 1918 00:09:13,800 --> 00:09:15,600 A: But you can definitely go to Herford. 1919 00:09:13,960 --> 00:09:14,780 A: herford 1920 00:09:13,960 --> 00:09:14,160 A: ||HERFORD1 1921 00:09:14,260 --> 00:09:14,780 A: ||BEREICH1A 1922 00:09:14,780 --> 00:09:21,340 B: The Marta, for example. 1923 00:09:14,920 --> 00:09:14,960 A: ||$GEST-OFF^ 1924 00:09:15,020 --> 00:09:15,200 B: $GEST-OFF^* 1925 00:09:15,120 --> 00:09:15,300 A: KANN1* 1926 00:09:15,120 --> 00:09:15,300 A: okay 1927 00:09:15,500 --> 00:09:15,600 B: ||$LIST1:2of2d 1928 00:09:15,600 --> 00:09:16,740 A: Or around Herford. 1929 00:09:15,960 --> 00:09:16,460 B: $GEST-ÜBERLEGEN1^ 1930 00:09:16,180 --> 00:09:16,540 A: ||BEREICH1A 1931 00:09:16,180 --> 00:09:16,540 A: herford 1932 00:09:17,120 --> 00:09:17,460 B: BEISPIEL1* 1933 00:09:17,120 --> 00:09:17,460 B: beispiel 1934 00:09:18,100 --> 00:09:20,300 B: $ALPHA1:M-A-R-T-A 1935 00:09:18,100 --> 00:09:20,300 B: marta 1936 00:09:20,740 --> 00:09:20,980 B: $INDEX1* 1937 00:09:20,740 --> 00:09:20,980 B: marta 1938 00:09:20,980 --> 00:09:21,860 A: But that’s a museum. 1939 00:09:21,320 --> 00:09:21,800 A: ||MUSEUM1 1940 00:09:21,320 --> 00:09:21,800 A: museum 1941 00:09:21,860 --> 00:09:23,280 A: For children? 1942 00:09:21,940 --> 00:09:24,080 B: There are things for children to look at inside the museum. 1943 00:09:21,940 --> 00:09:22,020 A: ||FÜR1 1944 00:09:21,940 --> 00:09:22,020 A: für 1945 00:09:22,100 --> 00:09:22,480 B: MUSEUM1* 1946 00:09:22,100 --> 00:09:22,480 B: museum 1947 00:09:22,200 --> 00:09:22,880 A: ||KIND2* 1948 00:09:22,200 --> 00:09:22,880 A: kinder 1949 00:09:22,640 --> 00:09:22,720 B: JA2* 1950 00:09:22,640 --> 00:09:22,720 B: [MG] 1951 00:09:23,100 --> 00:09:23,440 B: SEHEN1* 1952 00:09:23,100 --> 00:09:23,440 B: [MG] 1953 00:09:23,540 --> 00:09:23,720 B: ES-GIBT1 1954 00:09:23,540 --> 00:09:23,720 B: es gibt 1955 00:09:23,780 --> 00:09:24,040 B: KIND2* 1956 00:09:23,780 --> 00:09:24,040 B: kinder 1957 00:09:24,080 --> 00:09:25,640 A: With their school, yes. 1958 00:09:24,080 --> 00:09:24,760 B: Or, also/ 1959 00:09:24,200 --> 00:09:24,340 B: ||$LIST1:2of2d 1960 00:09:24,200 --> 00:09:24,340 B: oder auch 1961 00:09:24,480 --> 00:09:25,180 A: schule 1962 00:09:24,480 --> 00:09:24,760 A: ||ZUSAMMENHANG1A 1963 00:09:24,900 --> 00:09:25,180 A: ||SCHULE1A 1964 00:09:25,280 --> 00:09:25,540 A: ||JA1A 1965 00:09:25,280 --> 00:09:25,540 A: ja 1966 00:09:25,640 --> 00:09:28,340 A: But I don’t know if children could go there with their parents? 1967 00:09:25,960 --> 00:09:26,480 A: eltern 1968 00:09:25,960 --> 00:09:26,100 A: ||ELTERN1A* 1969 00:09:26,300 --> 00:09:28,280 B: You can also go swimming. 1970 00:09:26,300 --> 00:09:26,480 A: ||ZUSAMMEN1A* 1971 00:09:26,580 --> 00:09:27,660 A: ||$GEST-ICH-WEISS-NICHT1^ 1972 00:09:26,580 --> 00:09:27,660 A: [MG] 1973 00:09:26,620 --> 00:09:26,760 B: ||$LIST1:2of2d* 1974 00:09:27,360 --> 00:09:27,900 B: schwimmen 1975 00:09:27,360 --> 00:09:27,420 B: ||$LIST1:2of2d* 1976 00:09:27,480 --> 00:09:27,580 B: SCHWIMMEN1 1977 00:09:27,820 --> 00:09:27,900 B: $INDEX1* 1978 00:09:28,340 --> 00:09:30,360 A: Yes, swimming. 1979 00:09:28,520 --> 00:09:28,920 A: ||SCHWIMMEN1* 1980 00:09:28,520 --> 00:09:28,920 A: schwimmen 1981 00:09:29,000 --> 00:09:29,300 A: ja 1982 00:09:29,000 --> 00:09:29,080 A: ||JA1A* 1983 00:09:29,160 --> 00:09:29,300 A: ||$GEST-OFF^ 1984 00:09:29,440 --> 00:09:30,020 A: schwimmen 1985 00:09:29,440 --> 00:09:29,660 A: ||SCHWIMMEN1* 1986 00:09:29,520 --> 00:09:31,740 B: Riding around on your bikes. 1987 00:09:29,720 --> 00:09:29,920 B: FAHRRAD1* 1988 00:09:29,720 --> 00:09:29,920 B: fahrrad 1989 00:09:29,840 --> 00:09:30,020 A: ||$GEST-OFF^ 1990 00:09:30,200 --> 00:09:30,340 B: ||$LIST1:3of3d 1991 00:09:31,020 --> 00:09:31,620 B: $GEST-ÜBERLEGEN1^* 1992 00:09:31,740 --> 00:09:36,920 B: You can go ice skating in winter. 1993 00:09:31,900 --> 00:09:32,080 B: WINTER1* 1994 00:09:31,900 --> 00:09:32,080 B: winter 1995 00:09:32,380 --> 00:09:35,400 B: SCHLITTSCHUH1A* 1996 00:09:32,380 --> 00:09:35,400 B: eislauf eislauf 1997 00:09:33,560 --> 00:09:35,400 A: Yes, that’s true. 1998 00:09:33,720 --> 00:09:34,260 A: ||SCHLITTSCHUH1A* 1999 00:09:33,720 --> 00:09:34,260 A: ja eislaufen 2000 00:09:34,520 --> 00:09:34,900 A: SCHLITTSCHUH1A* 2001 00:09:34,520 --> 00:09:34,900 A: eis{laufen} 2002 00:09:36,300 --> 00:09:36,380 B: $INDEX1* 2003 00:09:36,380 --> 00:09:38,360 A: Exactly, ice skating. 2004 00:09:36,680 --> 00:09:37,300 A: ||SCHLITTSCHUH1A 2005 00:09:36,680 --> 00:09:37,300 A: [MG] 2006 00:09:37,680 --> 00:09:37,820 A: ||STIMMT1A* 2007 00:09:37,680 --> 00:09:37,820 A: [MG] 2008 00:09:39,180 --> 00:09:42,100 A: There’s an outdoor pool in Herford, isn’t there? 2009 00:09:39,600 --> 00:09:39,760 A: ||$INDEX1* 2010 00:09:39,760 --> 00:09:40,380 A: ||$GEST-ÜBERLEGEN1^* 2011 00:09:40,660 --> 00:09:40,860 A: ||HERFORD1 2012 00:09:40,660 --> 00:09:40,860 A: herford 2013 00:09:41,060 --> 00:09:41,120 A: ||$INDEX1* 2014 00:09:41,060 --> 00:09:41,120 A: gibt 2015 00:09:41,280 --> 00:09:41,520 A: ||SCHWIMMEN1* 2016 00:09:41,280 --> 00:09:41,520 A: schwi{mm} 2017 00:09:41,620 --> 00:09:42,020 A: freibad 2018 00:09:41,620 --> 00:09:41,760 A: ||FREI1 2019 00:09:41,840 --> 00:09:42,020 A: ||SCHWIMMEN1 2020 00:09:42,100 --> 00:09:45,180 A: There is one in Herford. 2021 00:09:42,120 --> 00:09:42,520 A: es gibt 2022 00:09:42,120 --> 00:09:42,280 A: ||ES-GIBT3* 2023 00:09:42,500 --> 00:09:42,520 A: ||ER-SIE-ES2* 2024 00:09:42,840 --> 00:09:43,000 A: ||HERFORD1 2025 00:09:42,840 --> 00:09:43,000 A: herford 2026 00:09:43,240 --> 00:09:43,560 A: ||BESITZEN1 2027 00:09:43,240 --> 00:09:43,560 A: [MG] 2028 00:09:43,920 --> 00:09:44,920 A: $GEST-NM-KOPFNICKEN1^ 2029 00:09:43,920 --> 00:09:44,920 A: doch 2030 00:09:44,920 --> 00:09:46,720 B: Isn’t it by the ice rink? 2031 00:09:45,180 --> 00:09:45,640 B: selbst 2032 00:09:45,180 --> 00:09:45,220 B: SELBST2* 2033 00:09:45,340 --> 00:09:45,640 B: $INDEX1* 2034 00:09:45,800 --> 00:09:46,000 B: SCHLITTSCHUH1A* 2035 00:09:45,800 --> 00:09:46,000 B: eislauf{bahn} 2036 00:09:46,280 --> 00:09:46,640 B: $INDEX1||$INDEX1 2037 00:09:46,720 --> 00:09:48,340 B: What’s it called again? 2038 00:09:46,900 --> 00:09:48,200 A: Exactly, right there. 2039 00:09:46,900 --> 00:09:47,220 B: HEISSEN1B* 2040 00:09:46,900 --> 00:09:47,220 B: wie heiß noch mal 2041 00:09:47,240 --> 00:09:47,360 A: ||$INDEX1* 2042 00:09:47,420 --> 00:09:48,020 A: selbst 2043 00:09:47,420 --> 00:09:47,680 A: ||SELBST1A* 2044 00:09:47,860 --> 00:09:48,300 B: HEISSEN1B* 2045 00:09:47,860 --> 00:09:48,300 B: wie heißt noch mal 2046 00:09:47,860 --> 00:09:48,020 A: ||$INDEX1 2047 00:09:48,200 --> 00:09:48,620 A: Yes. 2048 00:09:48,260 --> 00:09:48,520 A: ||JA2 2049 00:09:48,340 --> 00:09:49,380 B: The small field. 2050 00:09:48,440 --> 00:09:48,580 B: KLEIN3 2051 00:09:48,440 --> 00:09:48,580 B: klein 2052 00:09:48,620 --> 00:09:50,080 A: By the Otternb/ 2053 00:09:48,660 --> 00:09:48,740 A: ||$GEST^* 2054 00:09:48,660 --> 00:09:48,740 A: das 2055 00:09:48,740 --> 00:09:49,200 B: felde 2056 00:09:48,740 --> 00:09:48,920 B: KLEIN11 2057 00:09:48,980 --> 00:09:49,820 A: otternb{usch} 2058 00:09:48,980 --> 00:09:49,380 A: ||$ALPHA1:O 2059 00:09:49,020 --> 00:09:49,200 B: FELD3 2060 00:09:49,380 --> 00:09:50,740 B: Im kleinen Felde. [In the small field, street name] 2061 00:09:49,460 --> 00:09:49,600 B: JA1A^* 2062 00:09:49,460 --> 00:09:49,600 B: im 2063 00:09:49,740 --> 00:09:49,820 A: ||$INDEX1* 2064 00:09:49,820 --> 00:09:50,080 B: FELD3 2065 00:09:49,820 --> 00:09:50,080 B: kleinen felde 2066 00:09:49,880 --> 00:09:50,040 A: ||$GEST-ÜBERLEGEN1^* 2067 00:09:50,080 --> 00:09:52,280 A: The Otternbuschstraße [street name] is next to it. 2068 00:09:50,200 --> 00:09:50,460 A: ||BEI1C 2069 00:09:50,740 --> 00:09:51,900 B: Im kleinen Felde. 2070 00:09:50,740 --> 00:09:51,260 A: ||STRASSE1* 2071 00:09:50,860 --> 00:09:50,960 B: JA1A^ 2072 00:09:50,860 --> 00:09:50,960 B: im 2073 00:09:51,200 --> 00:09:51,440 B: FELD3* 2074 00:09:51,200 --> 00:09:51,440 B: kleinen fe{lde} 2075 00:09:51,460 --> 00:09:52,160 A: otternbuschstraße 2076 00:09:51,460 --> 00:09:51,660 A: ||$ALPHA1:O 2077 00:09:51,900 --> 00:09:52,160 A: ||STRASSE1 2078 00:09:52,280 --> 00:09:53,360 A: It’s next to it, by the swimming pool. 2079 00:09:52,440 --> 00:09:52,900 A: ||$INDEX1* 2080 00:09:53,040 --> 00:09:53,280 A: ||SCHWIMMEN1* 2081 00:09:53,040 --> 00:09:53,280 A: schwimme 2082 00:09:53,360 --> 00:09:55,160 A: Directly next to the ice rink. 2083 00:09:53,420 --> 00:09:53,500 A: ||$INDEX1 2084 00:09:53,420 --> 00:09:53,500 A: da 2085 00:09:53,600 --> 00:09:53,880 A: ||BEI1C 2086 00:09:53,600 --> 00:09:53,880 A: [MG] 2087 00:09:54,120 --> 00:09:54,280 A: ||$GEST-ÜBERLEGEN1^* 2088 00:09:54,460 --> 00:09:55,100 A: eislauf{bahn} 2089 00:09:54,460 --> 00:09:54,620 A: ||SCHLITTSCHUH1A* 2090 00:09:54,800 --> 00:09:55,100 A: ||NEBEN1B 2091 00:09:55,160 --> 00:09:57,060 A: No, you can play ice hockey there as well. 2092 00:09:55,440 --> 00:09:55,620 A: ||HOCKEY1 2093 00:09:55,440 --> 00:09:55,620 A: eishockey 2094 00:09:55,820 --> 00:09:55,980 A: ||NICHT3A 2095 00:09:55,820 --> 00:09:55,980 A: nicht 2096 00:09:56,260 --> 00:09:56,920 A: eishockey 2097 00:09:56,260 --> 00:09:56,480 A: ||HOCKEY1 2098 00:09:56,480 --> 00:09:58,820 B: But you can go ice skating as well. 2099 00:09:56,720 --> 00:09:56,920 A: ||ACHTUNG1A^* 2100 00:09:56,760 --> 00:09:56,920 B: AUCH1A 2101 00:09:56,760 --> 00:09:56,920 B: auch 2102 00:09:57,060 --> 00:09:57,540 B: SCHLITTSCHUH1A* 2103 00:09:57,060 --> 00:09:57,540 B: ei{slaufen} 2104 00:09:57,660 --> 00:09:58,100 B: auch 2105 00:09:57,660 --> 00:09:57,780 B: AUCH1A* 2106 00:09:57,800 --> 00:09:58,100 B: SCHLITTSCHUH1A* 2107 00:09:58,200 --> 00:09:58,360 B: AUCH1A* 2108 00:09:58,200 --> 00:09:58,360 B: auch 2109 00:09:58,820 --> 00:10:00,340 B: And play ice hockey. 2110 00:09:59,020 --> 00:09:59,180 B: HOCKEY1* 2111 00:09:59,020 --> 00:09:59,180 B: eishockey 2112 00:09:59,240 --> 00:09:59,380 B: AUCH1A* 2113 00:09:59,240 --> 00:09:59,380 B: auch 2114 00:10:00,820 --> 00:10:01,640 A: Ice hockey, yes, true. 2115 00:10:00,940 --> 00:10:01,060 A: ||HOCKEY1* 2116 00:10:00,940 --> 00:10:01,060 A: eishock{ey} 2117 00:10:01,060 --> 00:10:01,640 B: What else is there? 2118 00:10:01,160 --> 00:10:01,280 B: $PROD* 2119 00:10:01,160 --> 00:10:01,280 B: noch 2120 00:10:01,280 --> 00:10:01,360 A: ||STIMMT1A* 2121 00:10:01,280 --> 00:10:01,360 A: stimmt 2122 00:10:03,780 --> 00:10:05,580 A: I would add ice hockey to our list, true. 2123 00:10:03,900 --> 00:10:04,160 A: ||HOCKEY1 2124 00:10:03,900 --> 00:10:04,160 A: eishock{ey} 2125 00:10:04,400 --> 00:10:04,760 A: auch 2126 00:10:04,400 --> 00:10:04,560 A: ||AUCH1A 2127 00:10:04,640 --> 00:10:04,760 A: ||DAZU1 2128 00:10:04,880 --> 00:10:04,920 A: ||ICH1 2129 00:10:05,020 --> 00:10:05,060 A: ||SAGEN1 2130 00:10:05,140 --> 00:10:05,280 A: STIMMT1A 2131 00:10:05,140 --> 00:10:05,280 A: stimmt 2132 00:10:10,280 --> 00:10:13,120 C: Asks about sports opportunities. 2133 00:10:13,120 --> 00:10:14,220 A: I just know about what it’s like for deaf people. 2134 00:10:13,520 --> 00:10:13,580 A: ||ICH1 2135 00:10:13,740 --> 00:10:14,040 A: ||TAUB-GEHÖRLOS1A 2136 00:10:13,740 --> 00:10:14,040 A: gehörlose 2137 00:10:14,100 --> 00:10:14,200 A: ||$GEST-OFF^* 2138 00:10:14,220 --> 00:10:16,160 A: I don’t know what options the hearing people have. 2139 00:10:14,300 --> 00:10:14,620 A: hörend 2140 00:10:14,300 --> 00:10:14,420 A: ||HÖREND1A* 2141 00:10:14,520 --> 00:10:14,620 A: ||DA1 2142 00:10:14,720 --> 00:10:15,540 A: ||ICH2 2143 00:10:14,720 --> 00:10:15,540 A: [MG] 2144 00:10:16,160 --> 00:10:19,280 B: You can play tennis. 2145 00:10:16,500 --> 00:10:16,860 B: TENNIS2* 2146 00:10:16,500 --> 00:10:16,860 B: tennis 2147 00:10:16,940 --> 00:10:17,020 B: $GEST^* 2148 00:10:17,220 --> 00:10:17,320 B: ||$LIST1:2of2d 2149 00:10:17,560 --> 00:10:18,400 B: $GEST-OFF^* 2150 00:10:18,400 --> 00:10:19,180 B: $GEST-ÜBERLEGEN1^ 2151 00:10:19,280 --> 00:10:20,240 B: And soccer of course. 2152 00:10:19,500 --> 00:10:19,660 B: FUSSBALL2 2153 00:10:19,500 --> 00:10:19,660 B: fußba{ll} 2154 00:10:19,800 --> 00:10:21,400 A: You can go swimming as well. 2155 00:10:19,880 --> 00:10:20,140 B: KLAR1A* 2156 00:10:19,880 --> 00:10:20,140 B: klar 2157 00:10:20,140 --> 00:10:20,460 A: schwimmen 2158 00:10:20,140 --> 00:10:20,240 A: ||SCHWIMMEN1 2159 00:10:20,240 --> 00:10:23,280 B: Soccer, on the oval field. 2160 00:10:20,320 --> 00:10:20,460 A: ||$GEST-OFF^ 2161 00:10:20,400 --> 00:10:20,920 B: fußball 2162 00:10:20,400 --> 00:10:20,720 B: FUSSBALL2* 2163 00:10:20,740 --> 00:10:20,920 B: KLAR1A* 2164 00:10:21,420 --> 00:10:22,900 B: fußballfeld 2165 00:10:21,420 --> 00:10:22,060 B: VIERECK1^* 2166 00:10:22,220 --> 00:10:22,900 B: $GEST-OFF^ 2167 00:10:22,480 --> 00:10:23,920 A: But Herford isn’t known for that. 2168 00:10:22,880 --> 00:10:23,020 A: ||BEKANNT4* 2169 00:10:22,880 --> 00:10:23,020 A: bekann{t} 2170 00:10:23,400 --> 00:10:23,680 A: ||BEKANNT3B 2171 00:10:23,400 --> 00:10:23,680 A: gro{ß} 2172 00:10:23,920 --> 00:10:29,280 A: Herford is more of a small town. 2173 00:10:23,980 --> 00:10:24,360 A: herford 2174 00:10:23,980 --> 00:10:24,120 A: ||GEBIET1* 2175 00:10:24,260 --> 00:10:24,360 A: ||HERFORD1* 2176 00:10:24,500 --> 00:10:24,640 A: ||NICHT2 2177 00:10:24,500 --> 00:10:24,640 A: nicht 2178 00:10:28,620 --> 00:10:34,040 C: Asks about the female and male soccer teams. 2179 00:10:33,020 --> 00:10:34,040 A: The youth, I think. 2180 00:10:33,480 --> 00:10:33,680 A: ||JUNG1 2181 00:10:33,480 --> 00:10:33,680 A: juge{nd} 2182 00:10:33,820 --> 00:10:33,920 A: ||GLAUBEN2B* 2183 00:10:33,820 --> 00:10:33,920 A: glaub 2184 00:10:34,040 --> 00:10:35,940 A: I think there’s a youth team. 2185 00:10:34,140 --> 00:10:34,280 A: ||MANNSCHAFT1 2186 00:10:34,140 --> 00:10:34,280 A: mannschaft 2187 00:10:34,440 --> 00:10:35,540 A: ||JUNG1* 2188 00:10:34,440 --> 00:10:35,540 A: jugend 2189 00:10:35,860 --> 00:10:35,920 A: ||$INDEX1 2190 00:10:35,940 --> 00:10:36,920 A: So I’ve heard. 2191 00:10:36,120 --> 00:10:36,240 A: ||HÖREN2* 2192 00:10:36,120 --> 00:10:36,240 A: gehört 2193 00:10:37,540 --> 00:10:39,280 B: I’m not really interested in soccer. 2194 00:10:37,800 --> 00:10:38,020 B: INTERESSE-NICHT1* 2195 00:10:37,800 --> 00:10:38,020 B: [MG] 2196 00:10:38,120 --> 00:10:38,540 B: fußball 2197 00:10:38,120 --> 00:10:38,240 B: FUSSBALL2 2198 00:10:38,480 --> 00:10:38,540 B: ICH2* 2199 00:10:39,280 --> 00:10:40,600 A: Interesting, well. 2200 00:10:39,480 --> 00:10:39,560 A: ||INTERESSE1A* 2201 00:10:39,700 --> 00:10:39,800 A: ||$GEST-OFF^* 2202 00:10:41,640 --> 00:10:44,440 C: Are there a lot of tourists? 2203 00:10:44,440 --> 00:10:47,680 A: No, I don’t think so. 2204 00:10:46,200 --> 00:10:47,680 C: Why? 2205 00:10:46,280 --> 00:10:46,360 A: ||ICH2* 2206 00:10:46,280 --> 00:10:46,360 A: nein 2207 00:10:46,440 --> 00:10:46,680 A: ||GEFÜHL3* 2208 00:10:46,440 --> 00:10:46,680 A: denk 2209 00:10:47,680 --> 00:10:50,080 A: Well, Herford is a small town. 2210 00:10:47,740 --> 00:10:47,900 A: ||$GEST-OFF^ 2211 00:10:48,260 --> 00:10:48,420 A: ||HERFORD1 2212 00:10:48,260 --> 00:10:48,420 A: herfor{d} 2213 00:10:48,680 --> 00:10:48,840 A: ||KLEIN11 2214 00:10:48,680 --> 00:10:48,840 A: klei{ne} 2215 00:10:49,000 --> 00:10:49,480 A: stadt 2216 00:10:49,000 --> 00:10:49,120 A: ||STADT2 2217 00:10:49,280 --> 00:10:49,480 A: ||$GEST-OFF^ 2218 00:10:50,080 --> 00:10:51,280 A: It’s tiny. 2219 00:10:50,360 --> 00:10:50,460 A: ||KLEIN12* 2220 00:10:50,360 --> 00:10:50,460 A: [MG] 2221 00:10:50,580 --> 00:10:55,240 C: Asks how many people live in Herford. 2222 00:10:53,660 --> 00:11:00,580 A: I don’t know that, sorry. 2223 00:10:57,420 --> 00:10:57,520 A: ||WISSEN2B 2224 00:10:57,420 --> 00:10:57,520 A: weiß 2225 00:10:57,680 --> 00:10:57,820 A: ||NICHT3A 2226 00:10:57,680 --> 00:10:57,820 A: nicht 2227 00:10:58,800 --> 00:10:59,060 A: ||LEIDER2* 2228 00:10:58,800 --> 00:10:59,060 A: leider 2229 00:11:01,260 --> 00:11:05,920 B: I would say, half the population of Bielefeld. 2230 00:11:01,700 --> 00:11:01,760 B: SAGEN1* 2231 00:11:01,700 --> 00:11:01,760 B: sa{gen} 2232 00:11:01,980 --> 00:11:02,520 B: HALB3* 2233 00:11:01,980 --> 00:11:02,520 B: hälfte 2234 00:11:02,700 --> 00:11:02,880 B: UNGEFÄHR1* 2235 00:11:02,700 --> 00:11:02,880 B: von 2236 00:11:03,120 --> 00:11:03,700 B: $INDEX1* 2237 00:11:03,900 --> 00:11:04,480 B: bielefeld 2238 00:11:03,900 --> 00:11:04,300 B: BIELEFELD1A* 2239 00:11:04,360 --> 00:11:04,480 B: $GEST-OFF^* 2240 00:11:05,280 --> 00:11:05,680 B: HALB3* 2241 00:11:05,280 --> 00:11:05,680 B: hälfte 2242 00:11:05,920 --> 00:11:07,060 B: Two, three/ 2243 00:11:06,100 --> 00:11:06,380 B: $NUM-EINER1A:2d 2244 00:11:06,100 --> 00:11:06,380 B: zwei 2245 00:11:06,540 --> 00:11:06,660 B: $NUM-EINER1A:3d 2246 00:11:07,060 --> 00:11:09,840 B: Well, a little less than half. 2247 00:11:07,580 --> 00:11:07,700 B: WIE6* 2248 00:11:07,580 --> 00:11:07,700 B: wie 2249 00:11:07,840 --> 00:11:08,280 B: HALB1A 2250 00:11:07,840 --> 00:11:08,280 B: hälfte 2251 00:11:08,460 --> 00:11:08,860 B: $PROD* 2252 00:11:08,460 --> 00:11:08,860 B: bisschen 2253 00:11:09,560 --> 00:11:11,900 A: Around 50,000 inhabitants. 2254 00:11:09,840 --> 00:11:10,740 A: fünfzigtause{nd} 2255 00:11:09,840 --> 00:11:10,020 A: ||$NUM-ZEHNER2A:5* 2256 00:11:10,140 --> 00:11:10,360 A: ||$NUM-TAUSENDER1:1 2257 00:11:10,600 --> 00:11:10,740 A: ||UNGEFÄHR1* 2258 00:11:10,860 --> 00:11:11,060 A: ||UNGEFÄHR1* 2259 00:11:10,860 --> 00:11:11,060 A: ungefähr 2260 00:11:14,420 --> 00:11:16,280 C: 40,000? 2261 00:11:15,420 --> 00:11:17,900 A: I said fifty. 2262 00:11:15,700 --> 00:11:16,220 A: ||$NUM-ZEHNER2A:5* 2263 00:11:15,700 --> 00:11:16,220 A: fünfzig 2264 00:11:16,260 --> 00:11:16,940 A: ||$PROD* 2265 00:11:16,260 --> 00:11:16,940 A: habe gesagt 2266 00:11:16,280 --> 00:11:17,260 C: 50,000. 2267 00:11:17,900 --> 00:11:19,740 A: I don’t know. 2268 00:11:18,020 --> 00:11:18,420 A: ||$PROD* 2269 00:11:18,020 --> 00:11:18,420 A: weiß nicht 2270 00:11:19,740 --> 00:11:20,920 A: Less. 2271 00:11:19,880 --> 00:11:20,220 A: ||WENIGER-WERDEN4* 2272 00:11:19,880 --> 00:11:20,220 A: weniger 2273 00:11:22,040 --> 00:11:27,220 C: Asks about typical clothes from Herford. 2274 00:11:27,220 --> 00:11:30,660 A: Older people usually wear older clothes. 2275 00:11:28,040 --> 00:11:28,260 A: ||ALT5A 2276 00:11:28,040 --> 00:11:28,260 A: alt 2277 00:11:28,520 --> 00:11:28,560 A: ||$GEST-AUFMERKSAMKEIT1^* 2278 00:11:28,920 --> 00:11:29,060 A: ||ALT5A 2279 00:11:28,920 --> 00:11:29,060 A: alt 2280 00:11:29,180 --> 00:11:29,260 A: ||PERSON1 2281 00:11:29,180 --> 00:11:29,260 A: leu{te} 2282 00:11:29,420 --> 00:11:29,580 A: ||TYPISCH2 2283 00:11:29,420 --> 00:11:29,580 A: typ{isch} 2284 00:11:29,780 --> 00:11:29,960 A: ||ALT5A 2285 00:11:29,780 --> 00:11:29,960 A: alte 2286 00:11:30,060 --> 00:11:30,580 A: klamotte 2287 00:11:30,060 --> 00:11:30,320 A: ||KLEIDUNG5A* 2288 00:11:30,460 --> 00:11:30,580 A: ||$GEST-OFF^* 2289 00:11:30,660 --> 00:11:33,580 A: The younger people dress more modern. 2290 00:11:30,840 --> 00:11:30,980 A: ||JUNG1* 2291 00:11:30,840 --> 00:11:30,980 A: juge{ndliche} 2292 00:11:31,120 --> 00:11:31,280 A: ||MEHR1 2293 00:11:31,120 --> 00:11:31,280 A: mehr 2294 00:11:31,420 --> 00:11:32,420 A: modern 2295 00:11:31,420 --> 00:11:31,740 A: ||MODERN1A 2296 00:11:31,840 --> 00:11:32,420 A: ||ANZIEHEN-OBERKÖRPER1A* 2297 00:11:32,520 --> 00:11:32,680 A: ||$GEST-OFF^* 2298 00:11:33,640 --> 00:11:35,700 B: There’s people walking around in very modern clothing as well. 2299 00:11:33,860 --> 00:11:33,920 B: $INDEX1* 2300 00:11:34,200 --> 00:11:34,420 B: ES-GIBT1 2301 00:11:34,200 --> 00:11:34,420 B: auch 2302 00:11:34,640 --> 00:11:35,520 B: MODERN1A 2303 00:11:34,640 --> 00:11:35,520 B: [MG] 2304 00:11:35,700 --> 00:11:38,700 B: Expensive stuff. 2305 00:11:35,800 --> 00:11:36,220 B: ANZIEHEN-OBERKÖRPER1A* 2306 00:11:36,320 --> 00:11:37,280 A: That’s what I said. 2307 00:11:36,320 --> 00:11:36,900 B: TEUER1 2308 00:11:36,320 --> 00:11:36,900 B: [MG] 2309 00:11:36,700 --> 00:11:37,000 A: ich gesagt 2310 00:11:36,700 --> 00:11:36,780 A: ||SAGEN1 2311 00:11:36,820 --> 00:11:37,000 A: ||$GEST-OFF^* 2312 00:11:37,280 --> 00:11:38,700 A: They’re dressed in modern clothing. 2313 00:11:37,280 --> 00:11:37,580 B: $$EXTRA-LING-MAN^ 2314 00:11:37,700 --> 00:11:37,980 A: ||MODERN1A 2315 00:11:37,700 --> 00:11:37,980 A: [MG] 2316 00:11:37,760 --> 00:11:38,060 B: TEUER1 2317 00:11:37,760 --> 00:11:38,060 B: [MG] 2318 00:11:38,060 --> 00:11:38,300 A: ||ANZIEHEN-OBERKÖRPER1A* 2319 00:11:38,400 --> 00:11:38,700 B: ANZIEHEN-OBERKÖRPER1A* 2320 00:11:38,420 --> 00:11:38,520 A: ||$GEST-OFF^ 2321 00:11:38,700 --> 00:11:40,320 B: They dress well. 2322 00:11:38,900 --> 00:11:39,020 B: $INDEX1* 2323 00:11:38,900 --> 00:11:39,020 B: auch 2324 00:11:39,220 --> 00:11:39,300 B: GUT3* 2325 00:11:39,220 --> 00:11:39,300 B: gut 2326 00:11:39,380 --> 00:11:40,080 B: ANZIEHEN-OBERKÖRPER1A* 2327 00:11:39,380 --> 00:11:40,080 B: [MG] 2328 00:11:40,320 --> 00:11:44,240 B: From Klingenthal [clothes store] for example. 2329 00:11:40,360 --> 00:11:41,040 B: beispiel 2330 00:11:40,360 --> 00:11:40,600 B: BEISPIEL1* 2331 00:11:40,800 --> 00:11:41,040 B: $INDEX1 2332 00:11:41,620 --> 00:11:42,240 B: $GEST-ÜBERLEGEN1^* 2333 00:11:42,520 --> 00:11:42,760 B: $$EXTRA-LING-MAN^ 2334 00:11:43,020 --> 00:11:43,680 B: DRÜCKEN-MIT-DAUMEN3^* 2335 00:11:43,020 --> 00:11:43,680 B: klingenthal 2336 00:11:43,880 --> 00:11:43,940 B: $INDEX1* 2337 00:11:44,240 --> 00:11:45,200 B: That’s expensive. 2338 00:11:44,580 --> 00:11:44,960 B: TEUER1* 2339 00:11:44,580 --> 00:11:44,960 B: teuer 2340 00:11:45,200 --> 00:11:48,060 B: You can buy a lot of brands there. 2341 00:11:45,340 --> 00:11:45,540 B: MARKE2* 2342 00:11:45,340 --> 00:11:45,540 B: marke 2343 00:11:45,900 --> 00:11:46,080 B: DORT1* 2344 00:11:45,900 --> 00:11:46,080 B: dort 2345 00:11:46,180 --> 00:11:46,300 B: MEISTENS1A 2346 00:11:46,180 --> 00:11:46,300 B: meist{ens} 2347 00:11:46,400 --> 00:11:46,440 B: $INDEX1* 2348 00:11:46,660 --> 00:11:47,020 B: MASSE-PERSON-AKTIV2* 2349 00:11:46,660 --> 00:11:47,020 B: [MG] 2350 00:11:47,240 --> 00:11:47,440 B: $GEST-OFF^* 2351 00:11:48,940 --> 00:11:50,660 B: Trendwerk is new as well. 2352 00:11:49,360 --> 00:11:49,920 B: trendwer{k} auch 2353 00:11:49,360 --> 00:11:49,580 B: $ALPHA1:T 2354 00:11:49,840 --> 00:11:49,920 B: $ALPHA1:K 2355 00:11:50,060 --> 00:11:50,500 B: neu 2356 00:11:50,060 --> 00:11:50,120 B: NEU4A* 2357 00:11:50,260 --> 00:11:50,500 B: STELLEN1 2358 00:11:50,660 --> 00:11:52,220 B: There’s only few of those. 2359 00:11:50,740 --> 00:11:50,880 B: ES-GIBT1 2360 00:11:50,740 --> 00:11:50,880 B: es gibt 2361 00:11:51,020 --> 00:11:51,160 B: NUR2B 2362 00:11:51,020 --> 00:11:51,160 B: nur 2363 00:11:51,900 --> 00:11:52,160 B: WENIG4* 2364 00:11:51,900 --> 00:11:52,160 B: wenig 2365 00:11:52,220 --> 00:11:53,860 B: Trendwerk. 2366 00:11:52,300 --> 00:11:53,640 B: $ALPHA1:T-R-E-N-D-W 2367 00:11:52,300 --> 00:11:53,640 B: trendwerk 2368 00:11:53,860 --> 00:11:56,860 B: Trendwerk, there’s a couple of labels being sold together in the same store. 2369 00:11:53,880 --> 00:11:54,560 B: trendwerk 2370 00:11:53,880 --> 00:11:54,260 B: PFLEGE2^ 2371 00:11:54,440 --> 00:11:54,560 B: $ALPHA1:T 2372 00:11:54,660 --> 00:11:54,900 B: PFLEGE2^* 2373 00:11:55,180 --> 00:11:55,380 B: ZUSAMMEN1A 2374 00:11:55,780 --> 00:11:56,540 B: geschäft 2375 00:11:55,780 --> 00:11:55,980 B: GESCHÄFT-HANDEL1* 2376 00:11:56,180 --> 00:11:56,540 B: INNEN3* 2377 00:11:56,860 --> 00:11:58,040 B: It’s for younger people. 2378 00:11:56,960 --> 00:11:56,980 B: FÜR1* 2379 00:11:56,960 --> 00:11:56,980 B: für 2380 00:11:57,140 --> 00:11:57,440 B: JUNG2 2381 00:11:57,140 --> 00:11:57,440 B: juge{ndliche} 2382 00:11:57,600 --> 00:11:58,000 B: ALLES1A* 2383 00:11:58,040 --> 00:12:01,700 B: It only exists three or four times in Germany, that’s it. 2384 00:11:58,120 --> 00:11:58,360 B: $INDEX1* 2385 00:11:58,820 --> 00:11:58,980 B: $PROD* 2386 00:11:58,820 --> 00:11:58,980 B: gibt 2387 00:11:59,200 --> 00:11:59,300 B: NUR2B 2388 00:11:59,200 --> 00:11:59,300 B: nur 2389 00:11:59,420 --> 00:11:59,660 B: BEREICH1A* 2390 00:11:59,420 --> 00:11:59,660 B: deutsch{land} 2391 00:11:59,740 --> 00:11:59,860 B: GLAUBEN2B 2392 00:11:59,740 --> 00:11:59,860 B: glaub 2393 00:12:00,000 --> 00:12:00,160 B: $NUM-EINER1A:3d 2394 00:12:00,000 --> 00:12:00,160 B: drei 2395 00:12:00,300 --> 00:12:00,500 B: $NUM-EINER1A:4d 2396 00:12:00,300 --> 00:12:00,500 B: vier 2397 00:12:00,620 --> 00:12:00,760 B: $NUM-EINER1A:3d 2398 00:12:00,620 --> 00:12:00,760 B: drei 2399 00:12:00,900 --> 00:12:01,560 B: ENDE1A* 2400 00:12:00,900 --> 00:12:01,560 B: [MG] 2401 00:12:01,700 --> 00:12:03,280 B: And in Herford of all places. 2402 00:12:02,020 --> 00:12:02,120 B: FÜR1 2403 00:12:02,020 --> 00:12:02,120 B: aus{gerechnet} 2404 00:12:02,240 --> 00:12:03,180 B: herford 2405 00:12:02,240 --> 00:12:02,400 B: HERFORD1* 2406 00:12:02,580 --> 00:12:02,720 B: MITTE2B* 2407 00:12:02,860 --> 00:12:03,180 B: $GEST-OFF^ 2408 00:12:03,280 --> 00:12:05,800 B: It only exists in some other places, not everywhere. 2409 00:12:03,520 --> 00:12:03,900 B: $INDEX1* 2410 00:12:03,520 --> 00:12:03,900 B: [MG] 2411 00:12:04,080 --> 00:12:04,180 B: ENDE1A 2412 00:12:04,620 --> 00:12:04,960 B: ÜBERALL1* 2413 00:12:04,620 --> 00:12:04,960 B: {über}all 2414 00:12:05,120 --> 00:12:05,300 B: ENDE1B 2415 00:12:05,160 --> 00:12:06,200 A: What exactly do they sell? 2416 00:12:05,420 --> 00:12:05,600 B: $GEST-OFF^ 2417 00:12:05,420 --> 00:12:05,600 B: [MG] 2418 00:12:05,480 --> 00:12:05,640 A: ||INHALT3* 2419 00:12:05,480 --> 00:12:05,640 A: in 2420 00:12:05,800 --> 00:12:05,900 A: ||WAS-BEDEUTET1* 2421 00:12:05,800 --> 00:12:05,900 A: was 2422 00:12:06,160 --> 00:12:06,720 B: Clothes. 2423 00:12:06,320 --> 00:12:06,660 B: KLEIDUNG5A* 2424 00:12:06,720 --> 00:12:08,820 B: Different brands, like Mango. 2425 00:12:06,820 --> 00:12:07,040 B: MARKE1* 2426 00:12:06,820 --> 00:12:07,040 B: mar{ke} 2427 00:12:07,200 --> 00:12:07,880 B: beispiel 2428 00:12:07,200 --> 00:12:07,520 B: BEISPIEL1 2429 00:12:07,760 --> 00:12:07,880 B: $INDEX1* 2430 00:12:08,040 --> 00:12:08,480 B: mango 2431 00:12:08,040 --> 00:12:08,140 B: $ALPHA1:M* 2432 00:12:08,300 --> 00:12:08,480 B: $INDEX1* 2433 00:12:08,820 --> 00:12:10,760 B: It’s for young people, like us. 2434 00:12:08,860 --> 00:12:08,940 B: ICH2^* 2435 00:12:08,860 --> 00:12:08,940 B: für 2436 00:12:09,020 --> 00:12:09,780 B: für junge 2437 00:12:09,020 --> 00:12:09,300 B: FÜR1* 2438 00:12:09,480 --> 00:12:09,780 B: LEUTE2* 2439 00:12:10,060 --> 00:12:10,720 B: WIR1B 2440 00:12:10,060 --> 00:12:10,720 B: wir 2441 00:12:10,660 --> 00:12:12,020 A: Where in Herford is that exactly? 2442 00:12:10,760 --> 00:12:11,440 B: Everyday clothes. 2443 00:12:10,840 --> 00:12:10,920 A: ||WO1A* 2444 00:12:10,840 --> 00:12:10,920 A: wo 2445 00:12:10,900 --> 00:12:11,320 B: allta{g} 2446 00:12:10,900 --> 00:12:11,100 B: ALLTAG2B* 2447 00:12:11,020 --> 00:12:11,440 A: herford 2448 00:12:11,020 --> 00:12:11,180 A: ||HERFORD1* 2449 00:12:11,240 --> 00:12:11,320 B: $INDEX1* 2450 00:12:11,360 --> 00:12:11,440 A: ||ORT1A 2451 00:12:11,440 --> 00:12:14,980 B: It’s in Herford, in the lower level of the store Klingenthal. 2452 00:12:11,500 --> 00:12:11,660 B: HERFORD1* 2453 00:12:11,500 --> 00:12:11,660 B: her{ford} 2454 00:12:11,520 --> 00:12:11,560 A: ||$INDEX1* 2455 00:12:11,520 --> 00:12:11,560 A: wo 2456 00:12:12,020 --> 00:12:13,620 B: klingenthal unten 2457 00:12:12,020 --> 00:12:12,340 B: $NUM-EINER1A:1d* 2458 00:12:12,520 --> 00:12:13,620 B: UNTER1A^* 2459 00:12:13,180 --> 00:12:14,980 A: I see, in the lower level. 2460 00:12:14,140 --> 00:12:14,420 A: ||UNTEN1 2461 00:12:14,140 --> 00:12:14,420 A: unten 2462 00:12:15,540 --> 00:12:16,480 B: They have some pretty stuff. 2463 00:12:15,880 --> 00:12:16,260 B: schön 2464 00:12:15,880 --> 00:12:16,000 B: SCHÖN4 2465 00:12:16,140 --> 00:12:16,260 B: $GEST-ABWINKEN1^* 2466 00:12:20,460 --> 00:12:25,740 C: Asks about events in Herford. 2467 00:12:25,740 --> 00:12:26,640 A: I don’t know about any hearing events. 2468 00:12:26,080 --> 00:12:26,140 A: ||ICH2 2469 00:12:26,280 --> 00:12:26,340 A: ||HÖREND1A* 2470 00:12:26,280 --> 00:12:26,340 A: hör{end} 2471 00:12:26,440 --> 00:12:26,500 A: ||SEIN-IHR1* 2472 00:12:26,440 --> 00:12:26,500 A: [MG] 2473 00:12:26,640 --> 00:12:28,480 A: I know that there’s a marksmen’s festival for deaf people. 2474 00:12:26,680 --> 00:12:26,740 A: ||ICH2 2475 00:12:26,940 --> 00:12:27,180 A: ||TAUB-GEHÖRLOS1A 2476 00:12:27,300 --> 00:12:27,380 A: ||WISSEN2B* 2477 00:12:27,560 --> 00:12:27,700 A: ||ICH2* 2478 00:12:27,840 --> 00:12:28,300 A: schützenfest 2479 00:12:27,840 --> 00:12:27,900 A: ||SCHÜTZE3* 2480 00:12:28,100 --> 00:12:28,300 A: ||FEST-FEIER1A 2481 00:12:28,480 --> 00:12:29,520 A: The Oktoberfest. [smaller, local version of the big festivity in Munich] 2482 00:12:28,660 --> 00:12:29,280 A: oktob{er}fest 2483 00:12:28,660 --> 00:12:28,880 A: ||OKTOBER2* 2484 00:12:29,040 --> 00:12:29,280 A: ||FEST-FEIER1A 2485 00:12:29,520 --> 00:12:30,780 A: The strawberry festival. 2486 00:12:29,620 --> 00:12:30,500 A: erdbeerfest 2487 00:12:29,620 --> 00:12:29,840 A: ||BEERE1 2488 00:12:29,980 --> 00:12:30,260 A: ||FEST-FEIER1A 2489 00:12:30,380 --> 00:12:30,500 A: ||$GEST-OFF^* 2490 00:12:30,780 --> 00:12:32,060 A: But the hearing people? 2491 00:12:31,000 --> 00:12:31,260 A: ||HÖREND1A 2492 00:12:31,000 --> 00:12:31,260 A: hörend 2493 00:12:31,500 --> 00:12:31,840 A: ||BEREICH1A* 2494 00:12:31,940 --> 00:12:33,280 B: They also have a marksmen’s festival. 2495 00:12:31,940 --> 00:12:32,020 A: ||$GEST-OFF^* 2496 00:12:32,060 --> 00:12:35,380 A: Well, that’s how it is in my deaf club. 2497 00:12:32,120 --> 00:12:32,440 A: ||TAUB-GEHÖRLOS1A 2498 00:12:32,180 --> 00:12:32,820 B: schützenfest 2499 00:12:32,180 --> 00:12:32,240 B: $GEST^* 2500 00:12:32,360 --> 00:12:32,540 B: SCHÜTZE3* 2501 00:12:32,600 --> 00:12:32,840 A: ||MEIN1* 2502 00:12:32,760 --> 00:12:32,820 B: $GEST^* 2503 00:12:33,060 --> 00:12:33,380 A: ||VEREIN2A 2504 00:12:33,060 --> 00:12:33,380 A: verein 2505 00:12:33,580 --> 00:12:35,260 A: ||MEIN1* 2506 00:12:35,380 --> 00:12:39,780 A: The strawberry festival, the Oktoberfest, what else is there? 2507 00:12:35,460 --> 00:12:35,560 A: ||$LIST1:1of1* 2508 00:12:35,720 --> 00:12:36,360 A: erdbeerfest 2509 00:12:35,720 --> 00:12:35,860 A: ||BEERE1* 2510 00:12:36,000 --> 00:12:36,360 A: ||FEST-FEIER1A* 2511 00:12:36,640 --> 00:12:36,800 A: ||$LIST1:2of2d 2512 00:12:37,120 --> 00:12:37,860 A: oktoberfest 2513 00:12:37,120 --> 00:12:37,540 A: ||OKTOBER2* 2514 00:12:37,680 --> 00:12:37,860 A: ||FEST-FEIER1A* 2515 00:12:38,220 --> 00:12:38,880 A: ||$LIST1:3of3d* 2516 00:12:39,040 --> 00:12:39,300 A: ||UNGEFÄHR3A^* 2517 00:12:39,040 --> 00:12:39,300 A: was noch 2518 00:12:39,440 --> 00:12:39,740 A: ||$LIST1:3of3d 2519 00:12:39,780 --> 00:12:42,980 A: The marksmen’s festival, the summer festival. 2520 00:12:39,940 --> 00:12:40,580 A: schützenfest 2521 00:12:39,940 --> 00:12:40,200 A: ||SCHÜTZE3 2522 00:12:40,400 --> 00:12:40,580 A: ||FEST-FEIER1A* 2523 00:12:40,780 --> 00:12:41,480 A: sommerfest 2524 00:12:40,780 --> 00:12:40,880 A: ||AUFZÄHLEN1A* 2525 00:12:41,020 --> 00:12:41,220 A: ||SOMMER3* 2526 00:12:41,300 --> 00:12:41,480 A: ||FEST-FEIER1A 2527 00:12:41,640 --> 00:12:41,740 A: ||$GEST^* 2528 00:12:42,980 --> 00:12:44,480 B: Easter. 2529 00:12:43,200 --> 00:12:43,800 B: os{tern} 2530 00:12:43,200 --> 00:12:43,280 B: $INDEX1* 2531 00:12:43,460 --> 00:12:43,800 B: OSTERN1D* 2532 00:12:44,140 --> 00:12:45,100 A: We also celebrate carnival. 2533 00:12:44,480 --> 00:12:44,980 A: karneval 2534 00:12:44,480 --> 00:12:44,740 A: ||KARNEVAL2* 2535 00:12:44,880 --> 00:12:44,980 A: ||FEIERN1* 2536 00:12:45,100 --> 00:12:46,040 A: Carnival. 2537 00:12:45,160 --> 00:12:45,840 A: karneval 2538 00:12:45,160 --> 00:12:45,660 A: ||KARNEVAL2* 2539 00:12:45,620 --> 00:12:47,040 B: There’s something going on at Easter. 2540 00:12:45,740 --> 00:12:45,840 A: ||$GEST-OFF^ 2541 00:12:46,040 --> 00:12:46,380 B: OSTERN1D* 2542 00:12:46,040 --> 00:12:46,380 B: os{tern} 2543 00:12:46,460 --> 00:12:46,640 B: AUCH1A 2544 00:12:46,460 --> 00:12:46,640 B: auch 2545 00:12:47,480 --> 00:12:48,480 A: The Easter bonfire? 2546 00:12:47,800 --> 00:12:48,400 A: osterfeuer 2547 00:12:47,800 --> 00:12:47,980 A: OSTERN1D* 2548 00:12:48,080 --> 00:12:48,400 A: ||FEUER1A 2549 00:12:48,480 --> 00:12:50,620 A: No, that’s somewhere else. 2550 00:12:48,700 --> 00:12:48,960 A: ||DORTHIN-GEHEN2 2551 00:12:49,200 --> 00:12:49,580 A: ||ANFÜHRUNGSZEICHEN1* 2552 00:12:49,200 --> 00:12:49,580 A: wie 2553 00:12:49,960 --> 00:12:50,340 A: ||UMZIEHEN1* 2554 00:12:50,540 --> 00:12:50,600 A: ||NEIN1A* 2555 00:12:50,620 --> 00:12:51,380 A: Not in Bünde. 2556 00:12:50,820 --> 00:12:50,920 A: ||ZIGARRE1^ 2557 00:12:50,820 --> 00:12:50,920 A: bünde 2558 00:12:51,060 --> 00:12:51,140 A: ||NEIN1A* 2559 00:12:54,080 --> 00:12:55,680 C: Asks about celebrations of hearing people. 2560 00:12:56,280 --> 00:12:59,360 A: I don’t have any connection to hearing people. 2561 00:12:56,440 --> 00:12:56,520 A: ||$GEST-OFF^ 2562 00:12:56,720 --> 00:12:56,820 A: ||ICH2 2563 00:12:56,720 --> 00:12:56,820 A: ich 2564 00:12:57,020 --> 00:12:57,180 A: ||ZUSAMMENHANG1A 2565 00:12:57,420 --> 00:12:57,520 A: ||HÖREND1A* 2566 00:12:57,420 --> 00:12:57,520 A: hör{end} 2567 00:12:57,660 --> 00:12:57,700 A: ||ICH2 2568 00:12:57,940 --> 00:12:58,280 A: ||UNABHÄNGIG1 2569 00:12:57,940 --> 00:12:58,280 A: [MG] 2570 00:12:58,600 --> 00:12:58,880 A: ||$GEST-OFF^ 2571 00:12:59,180 --> 00:13:01,280 B: The marksmen’s festival of course. 2572 00:12:59,360 --> 00:12:59,480 B: $GEST-OFF^* 2573 00:12:59,360 --> 00:12:59,480 B: auch 2574 00:13:00,040 --> 00:13:00,800 B: schützenfest 2575 00:13:00,040 --> 00:13:00,260 B: SCHÜTZE3* 2576 00:13:00,580 --> 00:13:00,800 B: SPORT2^* 2577 00:13:00,800 --> 00:13:01,080 B: KLAR1A* 2578 00:13:00,800 --> 00:13:01,080 B: klar 2579 00:13:01,280 --> 00:13:03,060 B: The hearing people have a marksmen’s festival as well. 2580 00:13:01,440 --> 00:13:01,560 B: NUR2B* 2581 00:13:01,440 --> 00:13:01,560 B: auch 2582 00:13:01,720 --> 00:13:01,860 B: ES-GIBT1 2583 00:13:01,720 --> 00:13:01,860 B: gibt 2584 00:13:01,880 --> 00:13:02,280 B: auch 2585 00:13:01,880 --> 00:13:02,000 B: AUCH1A* 2586 00:13:02,100 --> 00:13:02,280 B: $GEST-OFF^* 2587 00:13:02,440 --> 00:13:02,960 B: schützenfest 2588 00:13:02,440 --> 00:13:02,600 B: SCHÜTZE3* 2589 00:13:02,800 --> 00:13:02,960 B: $GEST^* 2590 00:13:03,060 --> 00:13:05,720 B: The hearing people also celebrate carnival of course. 2591 00:13:03,220 --> 00:13:03,480 B: KARNEVAL2* 2592 00:13:03,220 --> 00:13:03,480 B: karneval 2593 00:13:03,720 --> 00:13:03,940 B: KLAR1A 2594 00:13:03,720 --> 00:13:03,940 B: klar 2595 00:13:04,240 --> 00:13:04,360 B: HÖREND1A* 2596 00:13:04,460 --> 00:13:04,620 B: AUCH1A 2597 00:13:04,780 --> 00:13:04,920 B: ||$LIST1:2of2d 2598 00:13:04,780 --> 00:13:04,920 B: auch 2599 00:13:05,160 --> 00:13:05,480 B: $GEST-ÜBERLEGEN1^* 2600 00:13:05,720 --> 00:13:07,640 B: The Oktoberfest as well. 2601 00:13:06,040 --> 00:13:06,900 B: oktoberfest 2602 00:13:06,040 --> 00:13:06,720 B: OKTOBER2 2603 00:13:06,820 --> 00:13:06,900 B: $INDEX1* 2604 00:13:06,980 --> 00:13:07,140 B: AUCH1A* 2605 00:13:06,980 --> 00:13:07,140 B: auch 2606 00:13:07,640 --> 00:13:11,280 B: In Herford there’s the old market where you can get Crêpes and visit stands. 2607 00:13:07,800 --> 00:13:08,140 B: HERFORD1* 2608 00:13:07,800 --> 00:13:08,140 B: herford 2609 00:13:08,540 --> 00:13:09,720 B: alter markt 2610 00:13:08,540 --> 00:13:09,160 B: BEREICH1C 2611 00:13:09,340 --> 00:13:09,720 B: $GEST-ÜBERLEGEN1^* 2612 00:13:10,120 --> 00:13:10,440 B: GIESSEN1A^* 2613 00:13:10,120 --> 00:13:10,440 B: crêpes 2614 00:13:10,680 --> 00:13:10,840 B: ORT1A^* 2615 00:13:11,060 --> 00:13:11,220 B: GESCHÄFT-ORT1* 2616 00:13:11,060 --> 00:13:11,220 B: [MG] 2617 00:13:11,280 --> 00:13:12,920 B: So there’s that as well. 2618 00:13:11,320 --> 00:13:11,700 B: auch 2619 00:13:11,320 --> 00:13:11,480 B: AUCH1A* 2620 00:13:11,600 --> 00:13:11,700 B: $LIST1:2of2d 2621 00:13:13,640 --> 00:13:16,280 B: Everybody goes to some of the festivities or events. 2622 00:13:13,960 --> 00:13:14,180 B: BESTIMMT1 2623 00:13:13,960 --> 00:13:14,180 B: bestimmte 2624 00:13:14,420 --> 00:13:14,620 B: FEST-FEIER1A 2625 00:13:14,420 --> 00:13:14,620 B: feste 2626 00:13:14,940 --> 00:13:15,060 B: ODER1* 2627 00:13:14,940 --> 00:13:15,060 B: oder 2628 00:13:15,200 --> 00:13:15,440 B: $INDEX1* 2629 00:13:15,200 --> 00:13:15,440 B: veranst{alt}ung 2630 00:13:15,840 --> 00:13:16,280 B: MASSE-PERSON-AKTIV1* 2631 00:13:16,280 --> 00:13:19,340 B: They have Crêpe stands for the celebrations. 2632 00:13:16,580 --> 00:13:16,840 B: GIESSEN1A^* 2633 00:13:16,580 --> 00:13:16,840 B: crêpes 2634 00:13:17,040 --> 00:13:17,200 B: GESCHÄFT-ORT1* 2635 00:13:17,340 --> 00:13:17,380 B: FÜR1* 2636 00:13:17,340 --> 00:13:17,380 B: für 2637 00:13:17,500 --> 00:13:17,720 B: FEST-FEIER1A 2638 00:13:17,500 --> 00:13:17,720 B: fest 2639 00:13:17,960 --> 00:13:18,360 B: $GEST-OFF^* 2640 00:13:18,740 --> 00:13:19,060 B: war da 2641 00:13:18,740 --> 00:13:18,860 B: DA1* 2642 00:13:19,000 --> 00:13:19,060 B: $GEST-OFF^* 2643 00:13:19,280 --> 00:13:23,280 C: Asks where the Oktoberfest takes place. 2644 00:13:21,040 --> 00:13:24,580 B: I think it’s in the city center, or a bit further out. 2645 00:13:21,540 --> 00:13:22,100 B: GLAUBEN2A* 2646 00:13:21,540 --> 00:13:22,100 B: glau{be} 2647 00:13:22,320 --> 00:13:22,720 B: JA2* 2648 00:13:22,320 --> 00:13:22,720 B: ja 2649 00:13:22,860 --> 00:13:22,980 B: GLAUBEN2A* 2650 00:13:22,860 --> 00:13:22,980 B: glaub 2651 00:13:23,060 --> 00:13:23,200 B: MITTEL2B* 2652 00:13:23,060 --> 00:13:23,200 B: mitte 2653 00:13:23,320 --> 00:13:23,420 B: ODER1* 2654 00:13:23,320 --> 00:13:23,420 B: oder 2655 00:13:23,560 --> 00:13:24,220 B: außerhalb 2656 00:13:23,560 --> 00:13:24,020 B: ||AUSSERHALB1* 2657 00:13:24,140 --> 00:13:24,220 B: $INDEX1* 2658 00:13:24,360 --> 00:13:24,420 B: $GEST-ÜBERLEGEN1^* 2659 00:13:24,360 --> 00:13:24,420 B: [MG] 2660 00:13:24,580 --> 00:13:25,560 B: I don’t know. 2661 00:13:24,680 --> 00:13:24,860 B: $GEST-ICH-WEISS-NICHT1^* 2662 00:13:24,680 --> 00:13:24,860 B: weiß nicht 2663 00:13:27,640 --> 00:13:32,660 C: Asks about the weather in Herford. 2664 00:13:31,880 --> 00:13:34,320 A: It’s just like in the rest of Germany. 2665 00:13:32,060 --> 00:13:32,140 A: ||$GEST-OFF^ 2666 00:13:32,360 --> 00:13:32,680 A: ||DASSELBE2A 2667 00:13:32,780 --> 00:13:32,840 A: ||$GEST-OFF^* 2668 00:13:33,120 --> 00:13:33,520 A: $INDEX1*||ÜBERALL1 2669 00:13:33,120 --> 00:13:33,520 A: überall 2670 00:13:33,700 --> 00:13:33,800 A: ||DEUTSCH1* 2671 00:13:33,700 --> 00:13:33,800 A: deutschland 2672 00:13:34,000 --> 00:13:34,260 A: DASSELBE2A 2673 00:13:34,000 --> 00:13:34,260 A: selbe 2674 00:13:34,320 --> 00:13:34,880 A: It changes. 2675 00:13:34,340 --> 00:13:34,400 A: ||$INDEX1* 2676 00:13:34,540 --> 00:13:34,820 A: ||VERSCHIEDEN1* 2677 00:13:34,540 --> 00:13:34,820 A: ver{schieden} 2678 00:13:34,880 --> 00:13:35,820 A: Sometimes the sun is shining, sometimes it rains. 2679 00:13:35,060 --> 00:13:35,240 A: ||SONNE1A 2680 00:13:35,060 --> 00:13:35,240 A: [MG] 2681 00:13:35,500 --> 00:13:35,700 A: ||REGEN3 2682 00:13:35,500 --> 00:13:35,700 A: regen 2683 00:13:35,820 --> 00:13:36,460 A: It’s the same everywhere. 2684 00:13:35,840 --> 00:13:36,200 A: ||DASSELBE2A 2685 00:13:36,020 --> 00:13:37,500 B: For me/ 2686 00:13:36,280 --> 00:13:38,280 C: Is it the same for northern and southern Germany? 2687 00:13:36,460 --> 00:13:36,620 B: FÜR1* 2688 00:13:36,460 --> 00:13:36,620 B: für mich 2689 00:13:37,760 --> 00:13:42,480 A: It’s different everywhere, I mean the weather front passes over Germany. 2690 00:13:38,100 --> 00:13:38,640 A: verschied 2691 00:13:38,100 --> 00:13:38,220 A: ||VERSCHIEDEN1 2692 00:13:38,340 --> 00:13:38,640 A: ||ORT1A* 2693 00:13:39,180 --> 00:13:40,640 A: [MG] 2694 00:13:39,180 --> 00:13:39,400 A: ||ÜBERTRAGEN1A^* 2695 00:13:39,520 --> 00:13:40,640 A: ||$PROD* 2696 00:13:40,760 --> 00:13:42,440 A: ||DASSELBE2A* 2697 00:13:41,460 --> 00:13:44,220 B: I think that it rains less here. 2698 00:13:41,760 --> 00:13:41,860 B: $GEST-AUFMERKSAMKEIT1^* 2699 00:13:42,060 --> 00:13:42,180 B: FÜR1* 2700 00:13:42,060 --> 00:13:42,180 B: für mich 2701 00:13:42,480 --> 00:13:42,620 B: MANCHMAL1* 2702 00:13:42,480 --> 00:13:42,620 B: ma{nchmal} 2703 00:13:43,040 --> 00:13:43,820 B: weniger 2704 00:13:43,040 --> 00:13:43,240 B: WENIGER-WERDEN3A* 2705 00:13:43,340 --> 00:13:43,820 B: REGEN1A* 2706 00:13:44,220 --> 00:13:46,520 B: Usually, the sun is shining and it’s warm. 2707 00:13:44,240 --> 00:13:44,400 B: MEISTENS1A 2708 00:13:44,240 --> 00:13:44,400 B: meist{ens} 2709 00:13:44,560 --> 00:13:44,720 B: SONNE1A* 2710 00:13:44,560 --> 00:13:44,720 B: sonne 2711 00:13:44,960 --> 00:13:45,240 B: WARM1C 2712 00:13:44,960 --> 00:13:45,240 B: warm 2713 00:13:45,440 --> 00:13:45,960 B: GEHÖREN1^* 2714 00:13:45,440 --> 00:13:45,960 B: [MG] 2715 00:13:46,520 --> 00:13:47,960 B: We do get snow in the winter. 2716 00:13:46,740 --> 00:13:46,960 B: WINTER1* 2717 00:13:46,740 --> 00:13:46,960 B: winter 2718 00:13:47,120 --> 00:13:47,560 B: SCHNEE4* 2719 00:13:47,120 --> 00:13:47,560 B: schnee 2720 00:13:47,580 --> 00:13:47,880 B: $GEST-ABWINKEN1^* 2721 00:13:47,580 --> 00:13:47,880 B: ja 2722 00:13:47,960 --> 00:13:50,920 B: A lot of snow. 2723 00:13:48,100 --> 00:13:48,440 B: WINTER1* 2724 00:13:48,100 --> 00:13:48,440 B: winter 2725 00:13:48,460 --> 00:13:48,580 B: HAUPT1A^ 2726 00:13:48,460 --> 00:13:48,580 B: [MG] 2727 00:13:48,660 --> 00:13:48,980 B: SCHNEE4* 2728 00:13:48,660 --> 00:13:48,980 B: schnee 2729 00:13:48,980 --> 00:13:54,840 A: But it changes, always depending on the months. 2730 00:13:49,240 --> 00:13:49,340 B: VIEL3 2731 00:13:49,240 --> 00:13:49,340 B: viel 2732 00:13:49,320 --> 00:13:49,460 A: ||BISSCHEN3 2733 00:13:49,320 --> 00:13:49,460 A: bis{schen} 2734 00:13:49,500 --> 00:13:50,300 B: schnee 2735 00:13:49,500 --> 00:13:49,800 B: SCHNEE4* 2736 00:13:49,780 --> 00:13:50,280 A: ||$PROD* 2737 00:13:49,780 --> 00:13:50,280 A: [MG] 2738 00:13:49,960 --> 00:13:50,300 B: $LIST1:1of1* 2739 00:13:50,400 --> 00:13:50,520 A: ||$INDEX1* 2740 00:13:50,760 --> 00:13:51,280 A: ||ABHÄNGIG3 2741 00:13:50,760 --> 00:13:51,280 A: abhäng{ig} 2742 00:13:50,920 --> 00:13:53,000 B: It’s warm in the summer. 2743 00:13:51,060 --> 00:13:51,320 B: SOMMER12* 2744 00:13:51,060 --> 00:13:51,320 B: sommer 2745 00:13:51,520 --> 00:13:51,980 B: warm 2746 00:13:51,520 --> 00:13:51,780 B: WARM1C 2747 00:13:51,700 --> 00:13:51,840 A: ||MONAT1* 2748 00:13:51,700 --> 00:13:51,840 A: monat 2749 00:13:51,840 --> 00:13:51,980 B: $GEST-OFF^* 2750 00:13:52,280 --> 00:13:52,780 A: ||$PROD* 2751 00:13:52,280 --> 00:13:52,780 A: [MG] 2752 00:13:53,000 --> 00:13:53,160 A: ||ABHÄNGIG3* 2753 00:13:53,000 --> 00:13:53,160 A: ab{hängig} 2754 00:13:53,380 --> 00:13:53,500 A: ||MONAT1* 2755 00:13:53,380 --> 00:13:53,500 A: monat 2756 00:13:53,740 --> 00:13:54,280 A: ||$PROD* 2757 00:13:53,740 --> 00:13:54,280 A: [MG] 2758 00:13:55,500 --> 00:13:57,680 B: It’s just like everywhere else. 2759 00:13:56,220 --> 00:13:56,540 B: DASSELBE2A 2760 00:13:56,220 --> 00:13:56,540 B: selbe 2761 00:13:56,800 --> 00:13:57,200 B: ÜBERALL1* 2762 00:13:57,340 --> 00:13:57,640 B: $GEST-OFF^* 2763 00:13:57,520 --> 00:13:59,120 A: That’s what I said. 2764 00:13:57,680 --> 00:13:59,120 B: The weather changes there as well. 2765 00:13:57,680 --> 00:13:57,760 A: ||$GEST-OFF^ 2766 00:13:57,940 --> 00:13:58,300 B: da 2767 00:13:57,940 --> 00:13:58,040 B: $INDEX1* 2768 00:13:57,940 --> 00:13:58,020 A: ||ICH1 2769 00:13:57,940 --> 00:13:58,020 A: hab 2770 00:13:58,160 --> 00:13:58,300 B: WECHSELN3A* 2771 00:13:58,200 --> 00:13:58,700 A: gesagt 2772 00:13:58,200 --> 00:13:58,340 A: ||SAGEN1* 2773 00:13:58,460 --> 00:13:58,700 A: ||$GEST-OFF^* 2774 00:14:01,260 --> 00:14:05,280 C: Is the landscape flat everywhere? 2775 00:14:04,040 --> 00:14:05,400 A: I live in a village. 2776 00:14:04,340 --> 00:14:04,400 A: ||ICH2 2777 00:14:04,500 --> 00:14:04,940 A: dorf 2778 00:14:04,500 --> 00:14:04,720 A: ||DORF3* 2779 00:14:04,820 --> 00:14:04,940 A: ||$GEST-OFF^ 2780 00:14:05,400 --> 00:14:09,880 A: I’ve already said that there’s a lot of forest there. 2781 00:14:05,700 --> 00:14:05,780 A: ||ICH2 2782 00:14:05,700 --> 00:14:05,780 A: ich habe 2783 00:14:05,960 --> 00:14:06,020 A: ||SAGEN2B* 2784 00:14:05,960 --> 00:14:06,020 A: {ge}sa{gt} 2785 00:14:06,140 --> 00:14:06,460 A: viel 2786 00:14:06,140 --> 00:14:06,180 A: ||$INDEX1* 2787 00:14:06,400 --> 00:14:06,460 A: ||VIEL1A* 2788 00:14:06,540 --> 00:14:06,820 A: ||WALD1* 2789 00:14:06,540 --> 00:14:06,820 A: wald 2790 00:14:06,820 --> 00:14:07,620 A: ||WALD1* 2791 00:14:06,820 --> 00:14:07,620 A: wald wald 2792 00:14:06,920 --> 00:14:08,480 C: Or is it hilly? 2793 00:14:07,720 --> 00:14:07,780 A: ||ICH1* 2794 00:14:07,720 --> 00:14:07,780 A: ich 2795 00:14:07,820 --> 00:14:07,900 A: ||SAGEN2B* 2796 00:14:07,820 --> 00:14:07,900 A: gesa{gt} 2797 00:14:07,920 --> 00:14:07,980 A: ||VIEL1A* 2798 00:14:07,920 --> 00:14:07,980 A: viel 2799 00:14:08,260 --> 00:14:08,700 A: ||WALD1* 2800 00:14:08,260 --> 00:14:08,700 A: wald 2801 00:14:08,480 --> 00:14:11,140 C: Mainly forest. 2802 00:14:09,020 --> 00:14:09,660 A: ||BEREICH1A* 2803 00:14:09,880 --> 00:14:12,940 A: There’s a graveyard as well. 2804 00:14:10,060 --> 00:14:10,420 A: ||GEBIET1* 2805 00:14:10,580 --> 00:14:12,240 A: friedhof [MG] 2806 00:14:10,580 --> 00:14:10,720 A: ||FRIEDHOF1 2807 00:14:10,840 --> 00:14:12,240 A: ||$PROD* 2808 00:14:12,320 --> 00:14:12,560 A: ||$GEST-OFF^ 2809 00:14:12,940 --> 00:14:15,140 A: Well, I live in a village. 2810 00:14:13,160 --> 00:14:13,240 A: ||ICH2* 2811 00:14:13,160 --> 00:14:13,240 A: [MG] 2812 00:14:13,300 --> 00:14:16,280 B: There’s one bigger hill in Herford. 2813 00:14:13,360 --> 00:14:14,120 A: dorf 2814 00:14:13,360 --> 00:14:13,440 A: ||DORF3 2815 00:14:13,520 --> 00:14:14,120 A: ||BEREICH1A 2816 00:14:13,560 --> 00:14:13,620 B: ICH2 2817 00:14:13,840 --> 00:14:14,000 B: HERFORD1* 2818 00:14:13,840 --> 00:14:14,000 B: herford 2819 00:14:14,160 --> 00:14:15,140 B: BERG1A* 2820 00:14:14,160 --> 00:14:15,140 B: [MG] berg 2821 00:14:14,280 --> 00:14:14,340 A: ||ICH2* 2822 00:14:17,600 --> 00:14:19,420 A: But do you live/ 2823 00:14:17,940 --> 00:14:18,020 A: ||DU1 2824 00:14:18,180 --> 00:14:18,320 A: ||WOHNUNG1A* 2825 00:14:18,180 --> 00:14:18,320 A: wohn 2826 00:14:18,280 --> 00:14:21,240 C: Asks about the name of the hill. 2827 00:14:18,500 --> 00:14:18,560 A: ||DU1* 2828 00:14:28,820 --> 00:14:32,280 A: I feel like, because of all of the questions we’re being asked, as though I didn’t even know Herford. 2829 00:14:29,080 --> 00:14:29,160 A: ||ICH2 2830 00:14:29,260 --> 00:14:29,360 A: ||SEHEN1* 2831 00:14:29,480 --> 00:14:29,680 A: ||$GEST-AUFMERKSAMKEIT1^* 2832 00:14:29,820 --> 00:14:29,940 A: ||LERNEN1^* 2833 00:14:30,080 --> 00:14:30,440 A: ||FRAGE1* 2834 00:14:30,080 --> 00:14:30,440 A: fra{ge} fra{ge} 2835 00:14:30,520 --> 00:14:30,600 A: ||ICH2 2836 00:14:30,700 --> 00:14:30,780 A: ||EMPFINDUNG1* 2837 00:14:31,040 --> 00:14:31,360 A: herford 2838 00:14:31,040 --> 00:14:31,100 A: ||ICH1* 2839 00:14:31,200 --> 00:14:31,360 A: ||HERFORD1 2840 00:14:31,580 --> 00:14:31,680 A: ||KENNEN1A* 2841 00:14:31,580 --> 00:14:31,680 A: kenne 2842 00:14:31,800 --> 00:14:31,900 A: ||WENIG4* 2843 00:14:31,800 --> 00:14:31,900 A: wenig 2844 00:14:32,060 --> 00:14:33,160 B: That’s embarrassing! 2845 00:14:32,300 --> 00:14:32,740 B: PEINLICH1 2846 00:14:32,300 --> 00:14:32,740 B: peinlich 2847 00:14:33,060 --> 00:14:34,820 A: I just sit around at home. 2848 00:14:33,380 --> 00:14:33,860 A: haus{e} nur 2849 00:14:33,380 --> 00:14:33,440 A: ||ICH1 2850 00:14:33,660 --> 00:14:33,860 A: ||ZUHAUSE2 2851 00:14:34,820 --> 00:14:35,920 A: Embarrassing. 2852 00:14:35,100 --> 00:14:35,500 A: ||PEINLICH1* 2853 00:14:35,100 --> 00:14:35,500 A: peinlich 2854 00:14:36,340 --> 00:14:41,360 C: Asks about the Marta museum. 2855 00:14:39,260 --> 00:14:41,020 A: It’s just the Marta. 2856 00:14:39,620 --> 00:14:40,260 A: marta 2857 00:14:39,620 --> 00:14:39,900 A: ||$ALPHA1:M 2858 00:14:40,080 --> 00:14:40,260 A: ||FERTIG1A* 2859 00:14:40,220 --> 00:14:42,500 B: Yes, the Marta. 2860 00:14:40,280 --> 00:14:40,420 A: ||$GEST-OFF^* 2861 00:14:40,420 --> 00:14:40,580 B: $GEST^* 2862 00:14:40,420 --> 00:14:40,580 B: ja 2863 00:14:41,020 --> 00:14:41,800 B: marta 2864 00:14:41,020 --> 00:14:41,320 B: $ALPHA1:M 2865 00:14:41,580 --> 00:14:41,800 B: $PROD* 2866 00:14:41,880 --> 00:14:42,000 B: $INDEX1* 2867 00:14:42,160 --> 00:14:43,380 A: The sign for Marta is funny. 2868 00:14:42,500 --> 00:14:43,420 B: Exactly, that’s it. 2869 00:14:42,620 --> 00:14:42,840 A: ||$PROD* 2870 00:14:42,780 --> 00:14:43,040 B: selb{st} 2871 00:14:42,780 --> 00:14:42,860 B: SELBST1A* 2872 00:14:42,920 --> 00:14:43,040 B: $INDEX1* 2873 00:14:43,800 --> 00:14:47,600 C: What else can you look at? 2874 00:14:48,620 --> 00:14:50,180 B: There’s only that. 2875 00:14:48,880 --> 00:14:48,920 B: $INDEX1* 2876 00:14:48,880 --> 00:14:48,920 B: gibt auch 2877 00:14:49,140 --> 00:14:49,240 B: $NUM-EINER1A:1d 2878 00:14:49,140 --> 00:14:49,240 B: nur 2879 00:14:49,380 --> 00:14:49,520 B: $INDEX1* 2880 00:14:49,380 --> 00:14:49,520 B: ein 2881 00:14:54,280 --> 00:14:59,280 C: Asks about bike paths. 2882 00:14:58,960 --> 00:15:00,020 B: Yes. 2883 00:14:59,160 --> 00:14:59,380 B: JA2* 2884 00:14:59,160 --> 00:14:59,380 B: ja 2885 00:14:59,380 --> 00:15:01,200 A: True, there’s a lot of bikes at the train station. 2886 00:14:59,720 --> 00:15:00,020 A: ||MITTE2A^ 2887 00:14:59,720 --> 00:15:00,020 A: bahnhof 2888 00:15:00,200 --> 00:15:00,500 A: viele 2889 00:15:00,200 --> 00:15:00,300 A: ||JA2* 2890 00:15:00,400 --> 00:15:00,500 A: ||$INDEX1* 2891 00:15:00,600 --> 00:15:00,800 A: ||VIEL1B 2892 00:15:00,600 --> 00:15:00,800 A: viel 2893 00:15:00,940 --> 00:15:01,140 A: ||FAHRRAD1* 2894 00:15:00,940 --> 00:15:01,140 A: fahrrad 2895 00:15:01,200 --> 00:15:02,500 A: They’re parked behind it, you can lock them there. 2896 00:15:01,320 --> 00:15:01,640 A: ||HINTER1* 2897 00:15:01,740 --> 00:15:01,900 A: ||$INDEX1* 2898 00:15:02,080 --> 00:15:02,460 A: ||SCHLIESSEN3* 2899 00:15:02,080 --> 00:15:02,460 A: [MG] 2900 00:15:02,500 --> 00:15:03,280 A: Yes. 2901 00:15:02,640 --> 00:15:02,820 A: ||JA1A 2902 00:15:02,800 --> 00:15:06,640 C: I mean bike paths. 2903 00:15:03,900 --> 00:15:04,840 A: What? 2904 00:15:04,220 --> 00:15:04,820 A: $GEST^ 2905 00:15:04,220 --> 00:15:04,820 A: was fahrrad 2906 00:15:04,840 --> 00:15:06,300 A: Oh right, bike paths. 2907 00:15:05,040 --> 00:15:05,740 A: fahrradweg 2908 00:15:05,040 --> 00:15:05,100 A: ||FAHRRAD1* 2909 00:15:05,440 --> 00:15:05,740 A: ||WEG2A* 2910 00:15:06,300 --> 00:15:07,960 A: Yes, we have those as well. 2911 00:15:06,920 --> 00:15:07,300 A: ||IRGENDWO1* 2912 00:15:06,920 --> 00:15:07,300 A: [MG] 2913 00:15:07,000 --> 00:15:08,340 B: Yes. 2914 00:15:07,520 --> 00:15:07,700 A: ||JA1A* 2915 00:15:07,520 --> 00:15:07,700 A: ja 2916 00:15:07,620 --> 00:15:08,040 B: JA1A* 2917 00:15:07,780 --> 00:15:07,860 A: ||AUCH1A 2918 00:15:07,780 --> 00:15:07,860 A: auch 2919 00:15:07,960 --> 00:15:08,620 A: I like that. 2920 00:15:08,040 --> 00:15:08,300 A: ||GEFALLEN1 2921 00:15:08,040 --> 00:15:08,300 A: gef{ällt} 2922 00:15:08,340 --> 00:15:10,140 B: Exactly, the/ 2923 00:15:08,620 --> 00:15:08,800 B: KLAR1A* 2924 00:15:08,620 --> 00:15:08,800 B: klar 2925 00:15:09,040 --> 00:15:10,440 C: Is there any industry? 2926 00:15:09,160 --> 00:15:09,540 B: DER-DIE-DAS1* 2927 00:15:09,160 --> 00:15:09,540 B: die 2928 00:15:09,840 --> 00:15:11,420 A: I only thought about bikes. 2929 00:15:10,080 --> 00:15:10,120 A: ||ICH2 2930 00:15:10,300 --> 00:15:10,380 A: ||DENKEN1B 2931 00:15:10,300 --> 00:15:10,380 A: {ge}dach{t} 2932 00:15:10,500 --> 00:15:10,640 A: ||FAHRRAD1* 2933 00:15:10,500 --> 00:15:10,640 A: fahrrad 2934 00:15:10,900 --> 00:15:11,020 A: ||KONZENTRIEREN1* 2935 00:15:11,140 --> 00:15:11,200 A: ||ICH2* 2936 00:15:11,320 --> 00:15:11,400 A: ||$GEST-ABWINKEN1^* 2937 00:15:11,420 --> 00:15:12,200 A: Doesn’t matter. 2938 00:15:11,440 --> 00:15:11,640 A: ||EGAL3* 2939 00:15:11,440 --> 00:15:11,640 A: [MG] 2940 00:15:11,840 --> 00:15:14,300 C: Is there a skiing area? 2941 00:15:13,320 --> 00:15:15,860 A: No, I’ve never seen that. 2942 00:15:13,380 --> 00:15:14,020 A: $GEST-NM-KOPFSCHÜTTELN1^ 2943 00:15:14,180 --> 00:15:14,260 A: ||SKI1* 2944 00:15:14,180 --> 00:15:14,260 A: [MG] 2945 00:15:14,360 --> 00:15:14,440 A: ||ICH1 2946 00:15:14,360 --> 00:15:14,440 A: ich 2947 00:15:14,520 --> 00:15:15,000 A: noch nicht gesehen 2948 00:15:14,520 --> 00:15:14,720 A: ||$PROD* 2949 00:15:14,820 --> 00:15:16,280 B: No. 2950 00:15:14,820 --> 00:15:15,000 A: ||SEHEN1* 2951 00:15:14,900 --> 00:15:15,860 B: $GEST-NM-KOPFSCHÜTTELN1^ 2952 00:15:14,900 --> 00:15:15,860 B: nein nein