1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:01,740 B: Yes, I know that, that’s a danger sign. 2 00:00:00,060 --> 00:00:00,860 B: JA2 3 00:00:00,060 --> 00:00:00,860 B: [MG] 4 00:00:01,140 --> 00:00:01,340 B: VORSICHTIG1 5 00:00:01,140 --> 00:00:01,340 B: vorsicht 6 00:00:01,500 --> 00:00:01,660 B: $GEST-ÜBERLEGEN1^ 7 00:00:01,500 --> 00:00:01,660 B: [MG] 8 00:00:01,740 --> 00:00:02,780 B: You know that line on the ground for the safety gap. 9 00:00:01,760 --> 00:00:01,800 B: $INDEX1 10 00:00:01,880 --> 00:00:03,280 A: With trains, right. 11 00:00:01,900 --> 00:00:02,060 B: WISSEN2B||BAHN1* 12 00:00:01,900 --> 00:00:02,060 B: [MG] 13 00:00:02,160 --> 00:00:02,840 A: ZUG2B 14 00:00:02,160 --> 00:00:02,840 A: zug 15 00:00:02,180 --> 00:00:02,340 B: SCHUTZ1A* 16 00:00:02,180 --> 00:00:02,340 B: schutz 17 00:00:02,460 --> 00:00:02,780 B: SCHMAL1B^ 18 00:00:02,460 --> 00:00:02,780 B: [MG] 19 00:00:02,780 --> 00:00:05,500 B: You have to be careful, because when you’re standing too close to the tracks, you can fall into them and get run over by the train. 20 00:00:02,960 --> 00:00:03,280 A: JA2 21 00:00:02,960 --> 00:00:03,280 A: [MG] 22 00:00:03,020 --> 00:00:03,140 B: WEISS1A* 23 00:00:03,220 --> 00:00:03,620 B: $PROD* 24 00:00:03,280 --> 00:00:04,600 A: There’s always that white line. 25 00:00:03,480 --> 00:00:04,260 A: weiß 26 00:00:03,480 --> 00:00:03,680 A: WEISS1A* 27 00:00:03,780 --> 00:00:04,100 B: FALLEN2B* 28 00:00:03,780 --> 00:00:04,100 B: [MG] 29 00:00:04,100 --> 00:00:04,260 A: SCHMAL1B^* 30 00:00:04,500 --> 00:00:04,940 B: $PROD* 31 00:00:04,500 --> 00:00:04,940 B: [MG] 32 00:00:04,600 --> 00:00:07,720 A: With the train going by so fast, it creates an undertow which can pull you with it. 33 00:00:05,100 --> 00:00:05,460 B: JA2 34 00:00:05,100 --> 00:00:05,460 B: [MG] 35 00:00:05,280 --> 00:00:05,480 A: ||$PROD* 36 00:00:05,280 --> 00:00:05,480 A: [MG] 37 00:00:05,500 --> 00:00:07,860 B: Exactly, there’s a white line. 38 00:00:05,620 --> 00:00:05,800 B: WEISS1A 39 00:00:05,620 --> 00:00:05,800 B: weiß 40 00:00:05,720 --> 00:00:06,600 A: $PROD* 41 00:00:05,720 --> 00:00:06,600 A: [MG] 42 00:00:06,020 --> 00:00:06,580 B: SCHMAL1B^ 43 00:00:06,020 --> 00:00:06,580 B: [MG] 44 00:00:06,700 --> 00:00:07,540 B: JA2 45 00:00:06,700 --> 00:00:07,540 B: [MG] 46 00:00:06,720 --> 00:00:07,320 A: $PROD* 47 00:00:06,720 --> 00:00:07,320 A: [MG] 48 00:00:07,880 --> 00:00:08,620 A: Right. 49 00:00:08,160 --> 00:00:08,400 A: JA3B* 50 00:00:08,160 --> 00:00:08,400 A: [MG] 51 00:00:08,660 --> 00:00:09,480 B: Yes, exactly. 52 00:00:08,860 --> 00:00:09,180 B: ||JA2 53 00:00:08,860 --> 00:00:09,180 B: [MG] 54 00:00:11,500 --> 00:00:13,600 B: Those kinds of signs are typical to show that something is very dangerous. 55 00:00:11,580 --> 00:00:11,740 B: $INDEX-MONITOR1 56 00:00:11,580 --> 00:00:11,740 B: [MG] 57 00:00:11,860 --> 00:00:11,980 B: VIERECK2^* 58 00:00:11,860 --> 00:00:11,980 B: schild 59 00:00:12,060 --> 00:00:12,180 B: TYPISCH1* 60 00:00:12,060 --> 00:00:12,180 B: typisch 61 00:00:12,340 --> 00:00:12,660 B: WARNUNG1 62 00:00:12,340 --> 00:00:12,660 B: warnen 63 00:00:12,660 --> 00:00:14,620 A: Yes, exactly, the yellow color is typical, true. 64 00:00:12,920 --> 00:00:13,120 A: JA2 65 00:00:12,940 --> 00:00:13,180 B: HOCH3A 66 00:00:12,940 --> 00:00:13,180 B: hoch 67 00:00:13,240 --> 00:00:13,440 A: RICHTIG1B 68 00:00:13,240 --> 00:00:13,440 A: [MG] 69 00:00:13,260 --> 00:00:13,460 B: $INDEX-MONITOR1 70 00:00:13,260 --> 00:00:13,460 B: [MG] 71 00:00:13,600 --> 00:00:13,840 A: TYPISCH1* 72 00:00:13,600 --> 00:00:13,840 A: typisch 73 00:00:14,000 --> 00:00:14,120 A: GELB5* 74 00:00:14,000 --> 00:00:14,120 A: gelb 75 00:00:14,240 --> 00:00:14,400 A: STIMMT1A 76 00:00:14,240 --> 00:00:14,400 A: stimmt