
(5 February 1998)


Organisation / institute
Street / number
Area code, City, Country
Email address


1. Would you like to receive regular information about our Signing Books project?

No. Please do not include my name and address in your mailing list.
Yes. Please send me regular updates on your project.

Please check how you would like to receive this information:
printed, by mail
by email

Is it a problem if we send you the information in written English?
No problem.
Written English is difficult, but we will find someone to translate for us.
It is very important that I receive the information in (please specify the language):

Why are you interested in the Signing Books project?
My main interest is:

as a viewer of sign language videos
as a parent of a deaf child / deaf children
as a teacher of the deaf
as a producer of sign language videos
as a publisher of sign language videos
(Please check as many options as is appropriate, and/or specify your main interest in the box below.)


2. If you or your organisation has been involved in the production or publication of sign language videos (tapes, CD-Roms, or other media), can you please tell us the names of the production(s)? Do you have a brochure or catalogue, or a WWW-site where we can find this information?

Who were these productions intended for (please check as many options as is appropriate)?

Deaf children
Deaf students
Deaf adults
Hearing persons: to teach them about sign language


3. For this project, we will collect examples of video-productions in sign language from all countries of the European Union. Can you suggest names of video-productions in sign language, made in your country, that are important and should be part of our collection?

No, because:

Yes. Please tell us the name of the production(s), the name of the producers/publishers, and why you think these production are important.


Please email this questionnaire to:
or fax to: +31 (0)45 - 523 30 29
or send by mail to:

Signing Books
Slakkenstraat 58
NL - 6431 NJ Hoensbroek

Signing Books Homepage